From the Principal

From the Principal

Kia ora parents and caregivers,

With four weeks of term under our belt, the school is starting to find its natural rhythm, and our new students are settling into life as Westlakers. Those first-day nerves are being replaced with new friendships, new experiences and an excitement for the academic, extra-curricular and social opportunities that are opening up before them.

On Monday 20th February we held our full-school Academic Assembly where we recognised our top performing students of 2022 and presented our 2023 Prefects and Tuakana with their badges. It was a special occasion to be together for our first full school assembly in two years and to celebrate the achievements of so many students. We are delighted with our 2022 provisional NCEA results and proud of everyone who has worked so hard to achieve this success, which included the achievement of 52 NZQA scholarships over 19 subjects.

Last week we had our first House Assemblies for the year and our Swimming Sports event at AUT Millennium. Unfortunately the rain today has meant we have had to cancel our planned Athletics Sports today and we will let you know when we have a new date.

On Wednesday 22nd February we welcomed our new Year 9 parent whānau to the school with an information evening, it was great to see so many attend. One of the key messages for new students is to get involved in activities outside the classroom. Next Tuesday 28th February we will hold our Club’s Expo at lunchtime on the covered courts. This is great opportunity for students to have a look at the extracurricular clubs and activities on offer, ask questions and sign up to get involved.

Below is a list of upcoming key events, and you will receive further communication about these.

Have a lovely weekend.

Jane Stanley


Events in the coming weeks:

Tuesday 28 February – Clubs Expo

Wednesday 1 March – Year 9 Tabloid Sports Day

Wednesday 1 March – Whānau Hui

Tuesday 7 March – Athletics Day (students entered in Championship events only)

Wednesday 15 March – Pasifika Fono Evening

Tuesday 21 March – Tertiary night

Thursday 30 March – Report Evening #1

Tuesday 4 April – Report Evening #2

Thursday 6 April – last day of Term 1

Friday 7 April – Good Friday


Students honoured at Academic Assembly

We held our yearly full-school Academic Assembly on Monday 20th February, to present our 2023 Prefects and Tuakana with their badges, our 2022 Level 1 and 2 NCEA Excellence endorsement achievers with their badges, and our 2022 Scholarship winners with flowers.

Westlake Girl’s High School obtained a total of 52 Scholarships in 19 Subjects in 2022.

Four Outstanding Scholarships were awarded to Wilhelmina Li – Media Studies, Ella Wilson and Elsa Ajish – Biology, and Y12 Student Farwa Khan – Chemistry. The Scholarships were obtained by 35 students, 6 of whom were Y12 students in 2022. The best performing subject was Biology with 9 Scholarships.

Students receiving multiple scholarships were:

4 Scholarships each:

  • Sybil Carba – Art History, Classical Studies, English and History
  • Raeanne Leow – Biology, Chemistry, Economics, and Statistics

3 Scholarships each:

  • Shijia Zeng – Biology, English, and Health and Physical Education
  • Ivy Mitchell – English, History, and Media Studies
  • Ayane Kondo – Art History, Geography and Japanese
  • Kirsten Abustan (Y12) – English, History, and Media Studies

View the Photo gallery here.



Charlotte Graham selected for the U18s New Zealand Junior White Sox

Congratulations to our  Akoranga Tuakana, Charlotte Graham, who had just found out that she has been selected for the U18s New Zealand Junior White Sox Softball team.  Charlotte will be going on a tour with the team to America in June.

Arts & Culture

Club Expo - Tuesday 28 February

WGHS offers a huge variety of clubs and extracurricular activities with something for everyone.

Click here to see all the 2023 Clubs on offer

Come and check out our Club Expo next Tuesday 28 February at lunchtime on the covered courts.

You might find a new passion like Astronomy, Chess, Bollywood dance or Kapa Haka.

Clubs and activities are a great way to get involved and make new connections.

See you there!



Onewa fires up at Swimming Sports

The AUT Millennium National Aquatic Centre hosted 300 students for the annual Westlake Girls Swimming Sports last week. Featuring a mixture of Championship competitiveness and fun House events, students played their part in accumulating as many House points they could to win the overall Swimming House Trophy.

In the racing pool, the school’s silver medal winning national team took turns in winning the various disciplines with 2022 Sportswoman of the Year, Zoe Crawford dominating the freestyle races, Lena Hamblyn-Ough owning the breaststroke and Savannah Eve Martin claiming both butterfly and backstroke.  However, Crawford came back to win the 100m Individual Medley which consists of all four.

In the Intermediate grade, Year 11 student Kaira Wohlfarth, went swimmingly well to win every discipline on the day and the tussle between Year 9 students between Brooke Humphries and Eva-Makarova Paton kept the overall Junior Champion Award alive but the honours eventually went to Humphries.

On a more colourful note, student creativity was vibrant in the Synchronised Swimming, Manu (bombing) and Inflatable relay events. The day long displays of passionate, entertaining, and unexpected athleticism resulted in the Red House, Onewa, winning the overall House Trophy for the first time in many years, followed by Akoranga and then Wairu. Can they make it their year by winning Athletics Day too?

A notable performance came from the Staff Synchronised Swimming Team of Renae Dodds, Ashley Mckenzie, Gail Pocock and Holly Pearson, who outshone the student winners from Wairau with their dynamic turns and masterful grace before adding the Premier hockey coach, Will Lacey, to their ranks and impressing in the team’s relay against the students.

Swimming Champions:

Junior Champion

1st – Brooke Humphries – Wairau, 2nd – Eva Makarova-Paton – Onewa, 3rd – Tannah Strombeck – Hauraki

Intermediate Champion

1st – Kaira Wohlfarth – Akoranga, 2nd – Annebel van Wyk – Onewa, 3rd – Cayleigh Blackburn – Pupuke

Senior Champion

1st – Zoe Crawford – Hauraki, 2nd – Lena Hamblyn- Ough – Wairau, 3rd – Savannah-Eve Martin – Onewa

House Championship

1st – Onewa – 173, 2nd – Akoranga -142, 3rd – Wairau – 133, 4th – Hauraki – 129, 5th – Pupuke – 83



Orientation days to welcome our new International students

Orientation programmes were held in January and February to welcome our new International students. We have 60 new short and long term students who have joined us from Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, India, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Taiwan, and Vietnam.

The Orientation days provide a great opportunity for our new students to get to know each other and to help settle them into school life at WGHS.

Students had 1 to 1 assistance on choosing subjects, reading a timetable, dealing with homesickness, culture shock, finding their way around our school, cyber safety and water safety.

Welcome to the Westlake whānau!



Girls Need Trusted Adults – new podcast well worth listening to!

In a day and age when social media seems to be the go-to resource for advice, we know in our hearts that girls of every age need at least one trusted adult in whom they can confide, an adult in addition to their parents who can offer an unbiased listening ear or unhurried wise counsel in a problem-solving moment. Yet, as unbelievable as this sounds, research shows that only 40% of students say they can name a trusted adult outside their home. Just what does it take to show up as a “trusted adult” in a girl’s life, and what difference might it make to a girl if we did so? And do our daughters know how to ensure they have a trusted adult at the ready when they most need one?

Listen in as hosted Trudy Hall spends time with Brooklyn Raney, the author of ‘One Trusted Adult: How to Build Strong Connections and Healthy Boundaries with Young People’.



Have you got your copy of the 2022 Yearbook?

The 2022 Yearbook is  available from the Payments office (Office open 8.15am – 3pm daily).

If you have paid the 2022 School donation, there is no cost for the Yearbook. If the School donation has not been paid the cost of the Yearbook is $20.00.


Westlake Wellness - Basic Food Facts

There is so much information available around food, how it impacts our health, when, where and what we should eat. Some information is relevant and truthful but much of the information available is loosely based on fact or an individual’s interpretation of facts. 

Here are some facts:

Eggs are really nutritious – they are a great for a quick snack or meal

Sugary drinks provide high levels of energy, contributing to obesity and the risk of diabetes – avoid them, they also contribute to dental decay. Fruit juice is almost as bad, so drink water

Carbohydrates do not make you fat, they are our bodies preferred energy source, wholegrain versions provide fibre and nutrients such as B group vitamins. They are the staple food in many cultures, are usually very cheap, versatile and easy to prepare.

Vegetables and fruit are like medicine, they provide the vitamins and minerals required for many processes in the body.  Without them you are more susceptible to illness, you feel lethargic and meals are more boring. Tinned or frozen they still provide high levels of good nutrition, aiming for low salt/sugar. Alternatively you only need a very small space to grow vegetables, try perpetual spinach (you just pick off what you need) to add to meals and smoothies.

You will not “starve” if you do not eat for 2-3 hours, in fact it is quite good to feel hungry between meals as it is a natural body response to remind you to refuel. Take your time to think about what you actually want to eat, try to eat at appropriate times and appreciate what you have.

Health encompasses mental health, spiritual health, physical health and social health. Focus on maintaining all areas of your health, not just one small aspect.

Be careful of health claims on foods, if a food manufacturer is having to make a claim, check it. Use the nutrition information panel and the ingredient list. Can the company prove the claim? Is it really going to make a huge difference to your wellbeing? Or are you spending money for little benefit?

Avoid highly processed foods, they look nice due to the colours added and taste great because of all the flavouring added, often there is very little real nutrition left.

Nutrition and activity guidelines for New Zealanders

Elizabeth Beaumont- Food Technology