From the Principal

Kia ora everyone,

You will notice that our newsletter has moved to a more user-friendly format. Thank you for being patient while we completed the technical checks before publishing it. Our next newsletter will return to the normal schedule and will be published on Friday, 16 August.

As we move into Week Three of Term Three, the school is alive with activity. The classrooms, sports complex, and creative spaces are all bustling with energy and enthusiasm. This newsletter is filled with many student successes you’ll enjoy reading about, from academic achievements to extra-curricular triumphs.

The Olympics are in full swing, and watching athletes from around the world showcase their talents and dedication is truly inspiring. It’s a reminder of the heights that can be reached through hard work, determination, and teamwork. We were especially thrilled to see former Westlake Girls student Jo Aleh proudly holding the NZ flag alongside Aaron Gate during the Opening Ceremony. Her journey from our school corridors to the global stage is a testament to the incredible potential within each of our students.

The hard work and perseverance of these Olympians reflect the values we instil in our students here at Westlake: pursuing passions, striving for excellence, and supporting each other. These are not just words but principles we see in action every day, whether it’s in a science project, a sports match, or a music performance.

Term Three is a pivotal time in our school calendar. The foundation work of the first couple of terms starts to come into its own, and we begin building on that momentum as we push toward the end of the year. This is when the groundwork laid in earlier terms truly begins to pay off, and we see our students making significant strides in their learning and development.

As we move forward, let’s keep the Olympic spirit alive in our school community. Let’s encourage our students to aim high, work hard, and support each other. Just as Olympians train, compete, and celebrate together, we can foster an environment where everyone’s efforts are recognised, and everyone’s achievements are celebrated. This collective spirit of striving for greatness and lifting each other up is what makes our school such a special place.

Here’s to a fantastic term ahead. Let’s make the most of the opportunities before us and continue to nurture the talents and aspirations of all our students. I hope you have a fantastic week.

Jane Stanley




In-school teacher training

If you are a recent graduate or looking for a career change, teaching might be for you. We have places available on our in-school teacher training courses offered through ASTTP (Waikato University) and The Teachers Institute

Have a look at the following websites School-Based Training org and  Teachers’ Institute Org

Why choose Westlake?

  • Inspiring Environment: Empower young women.
  • Quality Training: Hands-on experience with supportive mentors.
  • Strong Community: Join our vibrant, diverse school.

For more info: Email Sarah Hooper

Career Bites

Growth Mindset - Accounting

A Growth Mindset in the Accounting World

Get out of your comfort zone! This was one of the key messages from our Career Bites speaker last week, Shailesh Prasad.

He shared lots of interesting information about his journey in the finance and accounting worlds, from high school in Fiji to his current role as Group Financial Controller at Westcon Group NZ, a global IT company.

Shailesh strongly advocated the importance of a growth mindset and lifelong learning. He encouraged students to keep adding value with study and qualifications and think about the ‘soft’ skills that will help them thrive in the industry. Finally, Shailesh recommended taking opportunities to develop leadership skills, be well-organised, and be a great communicator and listener.

We learned a lot about the profession’s structure, the different qualifications students could undertake, and the organisations they could join in their future career pathways.

Most of all, we were inspired to dream big!

By Siobhan McKimmey


Adventure racing

In a thrilling display of skill and teamwork, the Westlake Junior Adventure Racing team participated in the Auckland Get2Go competition this Wednesday, securing their place at the National Championships.

The dynamic team, comprising Kaylan Nasmith, Astyn Nasmith, Grace Swanson, Brooke Day, and four Westlake Boys, embarked on three-hour races, challenging 14 other Auckland teams.

The competition kicked off at Western Springs with a high-speed orienteering course. The team persevered despite a few minor setbacks that required some strategic backtracking. The water challenge at Onehunga Lagoon was next, where they completed laps of the lagoon in racing kayaks and a stand-up paddleboard.

As the day waned, the team faced the Mountain Bike challenge at Grey Lynn Park. With only two riders allowed at any time, they demonstrated exceptional collaboration to win this challenge. Their collective effort propelled them to an impressive second-place finish overall, earning a spot at the national event in late Term Four at the Hillary Outdoors Centre in Tongariro National Park. This marks a significant milestone for Westlake Adventure Racing as both Senior and Junior teams have qualified for nationals in the same year – a testament to their dedication and spirit.

Congratulations to all team members on this remarkable achievement!


Golf fundraiser - already selling fast!

Half the time, double the fun!

Join us at Pupuke Golf Club for our first-ever Nine-Hole Golf Tournament Fundraiser.

Enjoy a great day out while supporting our community. Funds raised will benefit our Empowerment Fund, providing opportunities for Westlake students and creating sculptural artwork for the Whare Wānanga.

We have several Golf Day Partnerships available from teams to individual players and more.

Don’t miss out. They’re flying out the door.

For more information, contact Dean Flyger

From the Board

WGHS Board update

As we settle into Term Three and the cold and wet weather, Term Two was very busy for both students and staff.

Staff, students and members of the community joined us to bless the ground (turning of the soil) where the amazing Whare Wānanga is going to be built. Although it was a cold early morning start, the Board is appreciative of the support provided by all involved in getting this project started and to kaumātua Jerry Norman for conducting the blessing.  A massive well done to the students and staff from both Westlake schools who were involved in Pasifika night, which was held at our school. It was a huge success, with hundreds of family and friends enjoying a colourful night of traditional dance, entertainment and of course, outstanding food!

This coming Thursday (8 August), we will be celebrating our first-ever Indian Night, which promises to be just as good. There are still tickets available which can be purchased via this link Westlake Indian Night or at the door on the night, with the entertainment commencing at 6.30 pm and traditional Indian food available before, during and after the event.

Our students have continued to excel in the sporting arena, especially our Basketball Team who finished 3rd in the Secondary Schools World Championships in China, which was a huge achievement and was the best-ever finish by a New Zealand school. Congratulations and well done, you should all be very proud of yourselves. We also had great success at the ‘Big Sing’ regional secondary schools choral festival, where our choral groups were multiple winners and produced fantastic performances. Both of these successful teams and their achievements were well led by: Liz O’Leary and April Leremia (Basketball); and, Fiona Wilson, Rachel Carson and Gnesyer Gomez (Music Department).

Other staff successes were:

Dan Benadie – For outstanding work in the AV/IT space. N4L (faster safer internet for NZ schools) has requested to use our school as an example of network success and we will be used in their Communications and Marketing material. This is a direct reflection of the quality of work and the relationships that Dan has built with outside providers. They regard the quality of our Network as the best in the country.

Alex Van der Loos – For being awarded outstanding  Global Action Research Collaborative (GARC) scholar at the graduation of Alex’s cohort at the recent International Coalition of Girls Schools in Baltimore, USA.

 Congratulations and well done to you both.

Please keep those school donations coming in. The board can not underestimate the importance of these funds, as they are needed to enable our students to fulfil their potential and succeed at our school.

Ngā Mihi

Sunny Patel

Deputy Presiding Member


Congratulations to Athena Li in Y11

Congratulations to Athena Li in Y11, who recently returned from a major gymnastics competition in Spain, the IV International Tournament Grand Premium, 2024.

In Rhythmic Gymnastics in the Junior International Category, she made the top eight finalists in both Hoop and Clubs. She ranked 10th overall in the Junior International category and was the winner of two special awards: Miss Tournament and Miss Grace.

Competing was very challenging, as Spain was experiencing extremely high temperatures. We’re very proud of you, Athena, what a great effort!

Arts & Culture

New international students

On Monday, 22 July, Westlake Girls High School welcomed 43 international students from Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Germany, and Indonesia.

The students participated in a one-day orientation programme to familiarise them with the school’s daily routine and layout.

The programme included an introduction to school expectations, a lesson on how to read a school timetable, and a fun NZ quiz.

Riley McPherson, a Year 13 domestic student, made beautiful NZ-themed cupcakes for the students to enjoy.

It was heartwarming to see new friendships being established during the day.

Ex-Students' Successes

Ex-student Olympic flag bearer!

We are incredibly proud of former WGHS student Jo Aleh. At the Paris Olympics, she and track cyclist Aaron Gate were named Ngā Pou Hapai (flag bearers) for the New Zealand team!

Sailing athlete Jo Aleh is a two-time Olympic medalist, winning gold at the London 2012 Olympics and silver at the Rio 2016 Olympics alongside her crewmate Polly Powrie. Since then, Aleh has partnered with Rio silver medalist Molly Meech, and together, they are set to compete in the 49er FX event at the Paris Games.

See more here:

RNZ story on Jo Aleh


World Schools Basketball Champs

Westlake Girls’ historic win at the ISF World Schools Basketball Championship in Macau, China, produced the best result by a New Zealand School at an ISF championship.

Surpassing St Peters, Cambridge’s fourth and Rosmini’s fifth place finish in 2019, Westlake Girls beat the Hong Kong school, 64-36, to win the bronze medal and solidify Westlake Girls’ position on the international stage.

Successfully defending their 2023 New Zealand Secondary School Basketball Championship in Palmerston North,  the Premier team won the right to represent New Zealand at the prestigious biannual event in June 2024. That was fantastic, but they faced a mighty challenge – raising $85,000 to compete.

It took six months of intense fundraising from students and parents, coupled with the generous support of sponsors, Precise Homes, Dils Funeral Services, the Asia NZ Foundation, Volvo Cars North Shore and Shakespeare Orthodontics, but they did it! 

Our ten-person Westlake team arrived in Macau after 23 hours on the road, then stepped onto the court at the five-storey Mong-Ha Stadium the following morning for the first game against Chile 2. Still jet-lagged and with fewer than 12 hours in the country, Westlake blew out the cobwebs with an impressive 100-26 win over the South Americans.

The young team was led by Year 13 student Kodee Williams-Sefo and well-supported by senior members Emma Schroeder, Lily Fotu and Elin Vincent. They won six out of seven games at the event. The impressive athleticism and height of Year 10 Imani Rasmussen drew a lot of attention, while the determination and robustness of Westlake’s top rower, Charlotte Mawston, impressed under the basket. 

The team overcame their pool play opponents. However, overzealous referees in the Hong Kong match penalised Westlake continuously, forcing the team to dig very deep for that victory. 

The quarterfinal round paired the New Zealand School against Bulgaria on the top court, where the Eastern Europeans put up a spectacular effort before losing 22-67. Still unbeaten, Westlake met the French school in the semifinal and were buoyed by the fact the French had struggled against Bulgaria in pool play. The first half of the France-New Zealand semifinal was a competitive encounter, with France narrowly leading by just three points at the end of the first and second quarters, 30-27. However, a French surge early in the third quarter continued to undo Westlake’s defence, which inevitably ended the Kiwis’ chance of making the gold medal final. France won 64 – 40.

With confidence, commitment, determination and grit, Westlake Girls again met Hong Kong in the bronze medal game after they had lost to China the day before. Eager not to repeat the tactical nightmare of their last encounter, Westlake led from the start offering fast breaks, insightful passes, and unparalleled defence. They won 64-35 and earned their place on the podium, producing the best finish of a New Zealand school at the World Schools Championship.

The team’s great experiences in Macau were sweetened by the delightful local sights, which were a magical blend of Chinese and Portuguese culture. From the A-Ma Temple, the Lotus Gardens, Panda Land and Portuguese churches to the modern cityscapes and burgeoning international friendships, it was the icing on the cake for the Kiwis.

The next stage for the Premier team is preparing their defense of the New Zealand Secondary School Championship title in Palmerston North next term.  The team will be reinforced with the return of Zee Stowers, who was called into the New Zealand Under 18 basketball team for the Asia cup in June, and co-captain  Amy Pateman, who is returning from a serious knee injury sustained at the last National champs.  Head coach Bronwen Davidson and assistant coach Nela Fotu will the relish their return but will be mindful of potential talent they will need to develop over the next two years if they are to qualify for the next World Schools Basketball Championship in 2026.


Y11 student in BLAKE Inspire

BLAKE Inspire is an environmental education and leadership development programme in Auckland that brings together students from all over Aotearoa keen to develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues. Below is Y11 student Emilia Ball’s account of her experience.

I was accepted into the Blake Inspire programme for young environmental leaders in the July holidays. The programme took place in the second week of the holidays in the Waikato region. The topics we covered during the week included agriculture, sustainability, marine and freshwater science, and environmental policy.

It was an incredible opportunity to meet so many passionate and like-minded people who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment. The staff from Blake New Zealand and the Ministry for the Environment were very knowledgeable and supportive, and the guest speakers we had the privilege of learning from came from a range of professional backgrounds.

Throughout the week, we engaged in hands-on activities and collaborative projects with scientists, farmers, and other professionals in the sustainable sector. This ensured we were thoroughly informed about the latest practices and innovations relating to our environment. We explored sustainable agricultural practices, learnt a lot about the complexities of marine and freshwater ecosystems, and discussed the importance of environmental policies to drive change. We visited farms implementing cutting-edge sustainable techniques, participated in water quality testing in local rivers, and had the chance to test rivers for macroinvertebrates with NIWA. A particularly memorable experience was testing water quality and dissolved oxygen in a local river. These activities provided a hands-on understanding of the health of our waterways and the vital role they play in our ecosystems.

The Blake Inspire programme was an unforgettable experience. It was inspiring to connect with other young people who share the same commitment to sustainability and to learn from experts who are making a real difference in the field.

By Emelia Ball


Y9 in U15 rep ice hockey team

Caitlin Foley (Year 9) made it to the Auckland U15 Rep Ice Hockey team. They played Round One in Dunedin during the holidays and played six games over four days.

They won four of their six games. In the second game, Caitlin was hit in the head and ended up in Dunedin Hospital. Fortunately, she was cleared for a concussion but had another big hit at the end of the third game.

Despite this, the team did extremely well, coming second, which puts them in an excellent position for Round Two in the next holidays. 



House Points Update

The House points update for the – end of week One, Term Three.

Congratulations, Onewa House!

Arts & Culture

NZ Brass Band Championships

Tutored by the world-class musician Harmen Vanhoorne, Emily Sullivan (13 HFR) made waves at the NZ Brass Band Championships recently:

  • 1st in New Zealand Junior Slow Melody (a prestigious win among all under-19 brass soloists)
  • 1st in New Zealand Junior Horn & top-ranked Junior Flugel Horn
  • 2nd in New Zealand Junior Champion of Champions (competing against all under-19 class winners).

What remarkable achievements, Emily! Congratulations!

Arts & Culture

World Choir Games

From 10-20 July, New Zealand hosted the World Choir Games, the world’s largest choral competition and festival for the first time. More than 11,000 singers from 40 countries were involved in this prestigious event, including our premier mixed-voice choir, Choralation.

The students had an exciting week of music-making. Their schedule included interactive workshops facilitated by internationally acclaimed choral clinicians such as Cristian Grases, shared ‘Friendship Concerts’ with international choirs, and performances in stunning venues such as St-Matthew-in-the-City, the Auckland Town Hall, and the New Zealand Maritime Museum.

Competing in two Champion Competition Categories—Youth Choirs and Sacred Choral Music A Cappella—Choralation presented their recitals to a diverse panel of adjudicators. We are thrilled to announce that Choralation earned GOLD medals for both their competitive recitals at the World Choir Games. This achievement is particularly significant for Choralation as it was their first time competing in the World Choir Games.

Choralation was also one of eight invited New Zealand choirs who performed in the World Choir Games’ concert, ‘Matariki He Kahui Reo’ This groundbreaking concert, celebrating the nine stars of the Matariki cluster, was performed entirely in Te Reo Maori, and was a powerful musical and cultural experience for audiences.

The World Choir Games was a special time for Choralation. The students made global friendships (particularly with singers from Australia, the United States, the Philippines, and Indonesia), enhanced their musicianship, gained valuable performance experience, and broadened their musical horizons.


WGHS stylish umbrella

Sick of the rain?

Get yourself a Westlake Blunt umbrella and keep dry! Sporting sleek, modern lines and the subtle WGHS logo, these umbrellas were crafted in Wellington to withstand the fiercest winds, ensuring they remain virtually indestructible.

Why wait? Grab yours today.

Choose from two sizes: Classic (120cm) at $115 or Executive (138cm) at $135. All prices include GST. Once your order is ready for pickup, you’ll receive an email with details for collection from the School Payment Office.

Click here to order online.