From the Principal

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

There has been some coverage over the past month or so in the media regarding the changes to Level 1 NCEA for 2024 and beyond. I wanted to use this opportunity to clarify our position and what we are planning to implement going forward.

The conversation around Level 1 started in 2019 when the changes were first signalled. We started by surveying our Year 12 and 13 students to ascertain their feelings around maintaining the full Level 1 qualification. Their overall response was to keep some Level 1 assessment, and a few of the reasons they provided are below:

  • Most students experienced success and gained confidence with NCEA.
  • They valued the opportunity to experience the NCEA external examination environment.
  • Many students made simple errors when completing assessment tasks in Year 11, such as poor time management, inadequate application of study skills, omitting pieces of work, and not reading the question thoroughly, as well as being confronted with language they had not seen before.
  • They felt that through the experience of Level 1, they gained valuable knowledge to take into Level 2.

An overarching theme from the feedback was that students felt there was too much assessment in Level 1, which created stress at busy times when they were managing multiple assessments. Since this feedback was collected, we have been actively reducing the number of assessments in our Year 11 courses with a focus on quality learning.

Over the past two years we have designed Year 9 to 11 courses to reflect curriculum changes and to ensure courses contain essential knowledge and skills in all subject areas. From 2024, NCEA assessments will fit where they are appropriate rather than being the driver of course design. This could mean that Level 1 assessments may be included in some Year 10 courses, and Level 2 assessments in some Year 11 courses. We expect that there will be a variety of scenarios across different subject areas.

Some of our students may attain the Level 1 qualification in Year 11, however our focus will be on ensuring this cohort of students have gained the Literacy and Numeracy requirements for NCEA and preparing our students for their transition to tertiary education, vocational training, or the world of work. We must ensure that when each of our students walks out of the school gate for the last time they have the skills, knowledge, and quality of qualification to continue on a successful pathway.

Ngā mihi
David Burton
Acting Principal


Westlake Girls dominates Auckland Secondary Schools Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship

With a proud history of successful rhythmic gymnasts, Westlake Girls presence at the Auckland Secondary Schools Gymsport Championship on Thursday 15 June was strong.  The 2021 New Zealand Junior International Rhythmic Gymnast Champion, Mary Malkova won the Auckland Senior title while the current 2023 New Zealand Junior International Champion, Athena Li won the Auckland Junior title.  Year 9 student, Ria Ahn, was the second best junior.  Li is also a member of the New Zealand Junior team who will now compete at the World Junior Championship in Cluj-Napoca, Romania from 7 – 9 July.

The 10 strong Westlake team competing in the Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics event at Bruce Pulman Arena had more to celebrate including another gold medal to Shalinee Bajwa who won the Level 8 Rhythmic competition and a bronze medal to Year 9 Onewa student, Sophie Ovshtein who won the Level 6 Rhythmic competition.

Photo Left to Right: Ria Ahn, Mary Malkova, Shalinee Bajwa and Athena Li


Westlake Girls Snowboarding 3-peat victory on the Slopes

The Westlake Girls snowboarding team made it three in a row at the 2023 Auckland Secondary Schools Snowboarding Championship last week.  For the last three years the well drilled team has been the top Girls Snowboarding team in Auckland.  Led by Onewa Sports Prefect, Harriet Gowing, they won the overall Slopestyle and Race categories to win overall school championship once again.

Gowing finished as the fastest racer on the slope winning the Senior Girls Race Championship and Year 11 Meadow Mauger collected the bronze medal for the school.  Ella Gregory, impressed in the Junior Race category, winning the Junior championship for the first time.  The Year 10 student’s performance cemented the overall title for Westlake Girls in the Slopestyle event of jumps and turns, Naomi Nishida won bronze in the Senior category, then Harriet Gowing and Meadow Mauger joined her on the podium to win overall Slopestyle gold medal for Westlake Girls.

The Snowboarding team’s impressive medal haul reflects their commitment to training over the last 5 years.  In their first-year season together, they finished 5th at the 2019 Auckland champs, and over the past 4 years they have won 3 consecutive titles.  The team is now focused on the North Island Secondary Schools Championship at Mt Ruapehu in September, however, due the uncertainly of the mountain’s fields opening at the moment, the more challenging South Island Secondary Schools Championship may be a more reliable option as a pseudo New Zealand Secondary Schools Championship.


Molecular Methods Day

On Friday, 9 June, Year 13 biology students Dania Al-Naime and Ruby McNamee participated in “Molecular Methods” at Massey University’s Albany campus. Students used the advanced equipment in Massey’s biology department to get hands on experience in modern DNA manipulation techniques. They ‘spliced’ DNA using restriction enzymes and separated sections of DNA using gel electrophoresis. Dania and Ruby were fortunate to have this experience so early in their biology careers, as this high-tech equipment is normally only available to biology students enrolled at University.

Arts & Culture

Lucy Li dances her way to the top!

Year 11 student, Lucy Li has had a successful time at the 2023 New Zealand Open One Dance Championships, winning 1st place in the Youth Open Viennese Waltz, Youth Open Quickstep, Adult Open Carousel, Adult Open La Bomba, Adult Open Quickstep, Adult Open Viennese Waltz, Youth A Grade Viennese Waltz and Youth A Grade Twilight Waltz.

She also won the 2023 FATD NZ One Dance Championships Lady of Elegance.


Westlake Wellness - Planning for success

To achieve in life, you need a plan and a plan that will lead you to success! We plan our day around school or work, then plan for sports, meals and socialising, so it makes sense to have a plan for achieving in school.

Just writing a plan helps your subconscious mind develop strategies to achieve.
There are a range of ways you can go about this:

  • Write a list at the end of the day of the things you want to achieve the next day
  • Keep good records of assessment tasks, identify what is required and when
  • Keep a journal of what you have completed as you go, use your device for reminders and keeping records
  • Discuss with your teachers any goals you could set yourself (daily, weekly, termly)
  • Set aside a quiet time each week to go over any incomplete work or areas you are struggling with, this will help you stay up to date
  • Ask for help with aspects you do not understand and get support early. Discuss your school work with your family and friends
  • Plan to start work and have a completion date for a draft, this allows for extra time to refine work before it is due to be submitted
  • Use your time in class effectively
  • Be prepared, bring your device and support material to class – arrive in time

There are a range of planning tools online:
Best Time management apps

Printable Planners for students

Arts & Culture

Westlake Choirs Concert and Concert Tour Day

On Tuesday 6 June, all six of the Westlake Girls and Boys choirs performed to a full audience of supporters in the Westlake Girls Event Centre. The choirs have been working towards presenting a bracket of three pieces at Auckland Regional of The Big Sing Festival, coming up in week 9.  An important part of preparation is to perform in front of audiences and all the choirs gave confident and successful performances of the pieces they will present on the Auckland Town Hall stage in a week’s time.

On Friday 9 June , singers from Cantare and Cigno Voce choirs enjoyed a Concert Tour Day around our local community. The choirs performed at Northcross Intermediate, Settler’s Lodge Retirement Village and Northbridge Retirement Village. It is wonderful to see the joy that our young singers bring to others, particularly the elderly generation.

Well done to all the singers, directors, vocal tutors, and instrumentalists who put in the work and effort needed to make our choral program so vibrant and successful. We wish them all the best for The Big Sing Festival!

Nota Bella Junior Choir (Director Elise Bradley)

Cigno Voce Senior Choir (Director Rachel Carson)






Cantare (Director Fiona Wilson)

Choralation (Director Fiona Wilson)

Arts & Culture

Westlake Schools 2023 Productions

Get your tickets before the clock strikes midnight!

“Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor,” says Cinderella’s Mother in Into the Woods. So, get your tickets from today, and don’t be late for the ball! Journey Into the Woods with the cast from Westlake Boys & Girls High Schools from July 18 to 22, and find out what happens after the happily ever after…


All the world’s a stage…

The stage is set. The players are ready. Prepare for a comedy of Shakespearian proportions!

As You Like It hits the stage from 25 to 29 July at Westlake Girls. So, don’t delay – snap up those tickets today.In the words of The Bard, “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”
Tickets are available from



STEAMing ahead in the International arena

The STEAM programme at Westlake Girls has been selected to be part of the Organisation forEconomic Cooperation and Development (OECD) first comparative international study on
“Career Preparation in a Rapidly Changing World” ewa across 10 OECD countries, including New Zealand.

The OECD’s work on education helps individuals and nations to identify and develop the knowledge and skills that drive better jobs and better lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion. The study is being led by an American analyst, Dr. Paul Herdman, who visited Westlake Girls and conducted interviews with current and former STEAM students. During Dr. Paul Herdman’s visit to Westlake Girls High School, he conducted interviews with current and former STEAM students. They highlighted the positive impact of the programme, specifically noting the following features: curriculum integration, project-based learning, and engagement with real-world problems through community projects.

The students noted how the ESTEAM program at Senior school, which incorporated Entrepreneurship and Enterprising skills continues to build on this foundation by providing rich opportunities to immerse themselves in the world of work, understand the rapidly expanding career pathways (including emerging careers), and develop the skills and capabilities required to successfully navigate and enter the workforce.

We are very proud of our success in developing opportunities for students to acquire the skills and capabilities needed for the world of work specifically in the STEM/STEAM fields. We provide students with opportunities to immerse themselves in the world of work and understand the rapidly expanding career pathways, including emerging careers.

Our STEAM Coordinator, Susana Tomaz was invited to present at the Asia Pacific Summit for Girls Education this month and showcase the programme. Her presentation highlighted the programme’s success in empowering girls through STEAM pedagogy, collaboration, and community engagement. In particular, how it develops competencies for the future and engagement in pursuing STEAM career pathways.”


Girls With Hi-Vis Event

On Monday, 12 June, a group of students interested in construction careers attended an inspiring and hands on “Girls With Hi Vis” event at Fletcher Living’s Whenuapai housing development. Jasmin Lawrence, a finalist in this years National Women in Construction Awards, is the housing development’s site manager and organiser of the event. She planned a day jam packed with construction experiences and apprenticeship information. Students learnt what roles apprentices can enter from the ground up – from concrete laying, carpentry, joinery, engineering, electrical, house design, plastering, painting, brick laying; as well as account management and project management.

Students were informed of the limitless pathways in construction for women, and owners of electrical, painting and carpentry companies explained the benefits of having women in their teams; a particular aspect they value is the attention to detail a woman tends to bring to these roles.

A special part of the Whenuapai housing development is that it will feature a remarkable new home – one that will be planned, designed, built, marketed, and sold entirely by a team of more than 40 women.










Inspiring future STEM careers at Health and Science experience day

We took 18 students in Year 12 and 13 to Massey’s Auckland and Manawatū campuses for the annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and Health Experience Day on 1 June.

This was to inspire students to consider careers in Health and STEM subjects which has been identified as an important commitment towards helping solve future problems for New Zealand and the world. The answers to future problems come from exploring topics such as climate change, food production security, house for new cities, preparing for natural disasters, caring for our planet and it’s animals, cybersecurity management, developing new technologies and sustainable nursing.

After being formally welcomed onto each campus with a mihi, the students got to attend two interactive workshops in the subjects of their choosing. The sessions included Engineering, Computer Science, Speech and Language Therapy, Zoology, Construction, Nursing, Food Technology, Psychology and Biology and Genetics.









The STEM and Health Day at Massey University presented us with various workshops, ranging from the complexities of Psychology to the world of Zoology.

With pipettes in hand, we carefully extracted DNA strands from our own cheek cells, marvelling at the intricate molecular structure. After that, we dove into the world of coding, as we challenged ourselves to write simple programs to produce an interactive game. The day left us feeling refreshed, as we not only gained a deeper understanding of the building blocks of life but also honed our problem-solving skills through coding, nurturing both our scientific curiosity and our physical well-being. Angeline Lulu, Year 13 and ex-STEAM student






Showcasing WGHS to Japan Delegation

WGHS International Department had the privilege of hosting a delegation of teachers and education agents from Japan previewing our school for partnership in an overseas study programme for Japanese students, organised through Study Auckland and Education NZ. Our Kapa Haka welcomed the group by performing a medley of songs and our new school haka which the visitors were very impressed with.  The group was taken on a school tour highlighting the wide variety of academic and extra-curricular activities students can participate in.  Our Japanese students and international prefects shared their experiences of studying at Westlake Girls High School and living in Auckland.

This was a great opportunity to showcase our school.



Join us for our next Westlake Girls Pasifika Fono

Talofa Lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakalofa Atu, Mālō ni, Bula!
We would like to invite all Pasifika students and their families to our second Fono evening for 2023.

Date: Wednesday 21 June 2023
Time: 6.30-8:00pm
Location: Staffroom (Level 2 Admin Block)

This evening is an opportunity for you to meet your daughter’s Pasifika mentor, to see some snippets of the Pasifika Performance groups preparing for the Pasifika Fia Fia night next term and hear from current and alumni students about their perspectives on Cultural Identity as Pacific students at WGHS.  It is also an opportunity to connect to other Pasifika families in our Westlake Community and meet the newly established Pasefika Parent Komiti.

We will finish the evening by sharing some supper, so please complete the google form below by Monday 19 June to RSVP with how many of your whānau will be coming. All are welcome.

Click this google link to confirm attendance and allow us to cater appropriately:


2023 Korean Night

Korean Night is an annual event dedicated to sharing Korean culture throughout our community through a diverse range of traditional and modern performances. Some of our traditional performances include Doll Dance, Fan Dance, Mask Dance, Samulnori, Taekwondo, Nanta, and our modern performances include Band, K-POP dance/singing, and rap.

This year, Korean Night was held in the Westlake Boys Auditorium on the 2nd of June. It was very successful with over 1500 audiences who filled the auditorium with energy.

Haka started off the night with their performance, followed by our cute traditional couple dance – Doll Dance. The rest of the night carried on with a sequence of exciting performances to engage the audience. Taekwondo, Samulnori and Nanta left a strong impression on the audience with their remarkable and powerful performances. Fan Dance showed off their sophisticated choreography, with the Korean traditional fan ‘buchae’ and dress ‘hanbok’. Our Mask Dance filled the stage with their high spirit, along with other K-POP dances, singing and bands to conclude the night with their impressive performances.

This year, we have also donated $2023 to Red Cross in support of the victims of the floods which hit us at the start of the year.

Korean Night is an amazing opportunity to immerse yourself and experience fascinating Korean culture. Don’t worry if you have missed out on this year’s event as there is always next year.

We would like to personally thank all teachers, prefects, and students who came to help us on the night. Thank you to all our performers and leaders who have done so much work to bring out such high-quality, stunning performances. Thank you to everyone who came and supported us on behalf of the 2023 Korean Night Committee.

2023 Korean Night Committee Amy Seo 





We would like





We would like





We would like





We would like






Photos by Alison Fan, Y13 student


Pat Buckley passes on wisdom to Y13 Health students

On Wednesday 14 June 2023, Pat Buckley (from Amped4Life) spoke to the Y13 Health students about Methamphetamine in support of their learning for their current Health internal – Analysing a New Zealand Health issue. 

His hour long presentation was informative, raw and real. Pat begun Amped4Life back in 2002 with the objective to ‘educate, equip and empower young people with the tools and skills they need to make healthy and informed choices for life’.  He adds in his personal experience around Drug use, impacts of others drug use on his life as well as adding in work stories from being a volunteer worker for St John Ambulance. 

“I liked hearing what he had to say, it was full on but good” – Student A

“The stories were interesting, and I was surprised to hear the locations of where the call outs were too. I knew those places!” – Student B

Arts & Culture

Gloriana Coronation Concert

On Saturday 3 June, our premier mixed choir Choralation collaborated with the Auckland Chamber Choir and University of Auckland Orchestra in a concert titled ‘Gloriana’. The concert program included works that are traditionally performed for the Coronation such as ‘Zadok the Priest’ by Handel and ‘I was Glad’ by Parry. The Auckland Chamber Choir and University Orchestra is directed by Jono Palmer (past maths teacher at WGHS) and many of the current members are previous Westlake music students. Choralation, directed by HOD Fiona Wilson, also performed a piece by Gibbons independently, and enjoyed singing in the beautiful acoustic of St Matthews in the City.


Important Things to Note

Term dates 2023

Term 2: Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June

Wednesday 21 June Pasifika Fono
Thursday 22 June Report Evening
Friday 14 July Matariki Celebration Day (in the school holidays)


Term 3: Monday 17 July to Friday 22 September

Tuesday 18 July Open Evening


Term 4: Monday 9 October to Monday 11 December

Monday 23 October Labour Day (school closed)


Arts & Culture

Nota Bella Tour

On Friday, 19 May, Nota Bella junior choir embarked on a mini concert tour for the morning. After performing at WGHS Year 9 assembly, they walked across to road to sing for the residents at ‘The Poynton Retirement Village’. The choir then continued to Milford Primary School to perform for the whole school, who were dressed up in pink for Pink Shirt Day. The Milford Primary Choir and Chinese choir sang for Nota Bella at the end of the concert, creating a wonderful collaborative space for choral music to be shared.

These were the choir’s first public concerts for the year and singers found it useful preparation towards The Big Sing Auckland Regional Festival coming up in June.

Nota Bella performed a 30 minute program incorporating a wide range of repertoire, transporting their audiences around the world. The choir enjoy learning music from different cultures and in various languages including: Laudamus Te (Vivaldi), A Dragon is in my Computer (David Hamilton – NZ Composter), Toia Mai (Trad. Samoan) and El Barquito (Trad. Venezuela).

All Westlake choirs are performing in The Big Sing in Week 9 of this term.