From the Principal

From the Principal

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to our new-look newsletter!

It’s been one of our more challenging weeks here at Westlake, with the news that the parent of one of our students was diagnosed with Coronavirus. Understandably this caused concern amongst our parent community. Please be assured that the health of our students and staff is paramount. We have liaised closely with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health over the situation, and continue to act according to their advice and direction.

As this newsletter goes to ‘print’, the student concerned is still fit and well, and showing no signs of the virus. We continue to offer this family support, as valued members of our Westlake whānau.

In line with Westlake Boys High School, we have cancelled assemblies next week, and are taking extra precaution to sanitise the school. If our students feel more comfortable wearing face masks, they are welcome to do so.

I want to thank our parent community for your support over the past couple of days. We know it’s been a worrying time and we appreciate your calmness as we have navigated this path together.  Our advice remains the same – if you have any specific concerns around the health needs of your daughter, yourself or your family, call the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 call centre on 0800 358 5453. In the meantime, we will advise you of any changes or updates in our situation.

Last week you will have received an email from me outlying the Government’s recently announced NCEA change package. This includes changes to Level 1 subjects the Ministry proposes to support so it becomes a broader, foundational qualification that allows students to keep their pathway options open, while Level 2 and 3 promote greater specialisation.

Public engagement on the subject list is open until Monday 20 April and we invite our parent community to provide feedback here.  We will keep you informed on any updates to these important NCEA changes.



By Natalija Hayes
Host sister

On 8 February, 20 French students from La Roche-sur-Yon arrived to a friendly welcome by their Westlake Boys and Girls’ host families. Glad to be in a warm climate, the French students spent the next two weeks integrating into New Zealand life.

In the first week, the French students engaged in a range of activities inside and outside of school. They were officially welcomed into our school in a Powhiri and settled quickly at school, attending classes with us in the first few days and attending a Te Reo Maori Workshop. They also experienced the thrilling Haka performances at the WBHS Annual Haka Competition.

Wednesday saw all the students visit Devonport to learn about its heritage and explore the beautiful beaches. Friday was a long hot walk up Rangitoto which gave the French students a unique perspective of Auckland from the Hauraki Gulf. The second week involved excursions to the Auckland Museum  and Mount Eden. Their last weekday, Friday, was spent hiking on the west coast at Bethells Beach.

Weekends were spent with host families, doing touristic activities such as climbing up the Sky Tower, visiting the Hobbiton, strolling along the beaches near the Matakana market and going for a scenic drive in the Waiheke Islands- only to name a few.

My exchange student, Chloé, commented on the beauty of our city and the intense heat in February – unlike anything she’d experienced in France! 

This exchange definitely made me appreciate where we live a lot more as I saw it through the lens of a French teenager. We, Westlake students, are excited to return to our lovely exchange brother and sister in France to experience their life.




Teeming rocks bring biology to life

The Biology Department and some 250 Year 12 Biology students went to Waiake in Torbay to collect data by counting organisms for their internal assessment on 19 February.

The rocks were teeming with life in different zones, from columnar barnacles and black nerite in the high tide zone, plicate barnacles, top shells, oysters and predatory oyster borers in the mid tide zone and cat’s eyes in pools or in the low tide zone. We saw crabs and cucumbers too, hiding in rockpools.

Neptune’s necklace and coralline turf was strewn across the intertidal zone like lost jewellery. The day was hot and the packed lunches were tasty before our bus ride back to school.


This month on SchoolTV - Happiness and Gratitude

Happiness is a term that captures a huge variety of positive emotions such as humour, serenity, optimism, joy, pride, inspiration, love and hope. Happiness means different things, to different people and is essential to your understanding of emotional literacy. Throughout history, philosophers, religious writers and poets have pondered on the meaning of happiness and how it might be achieved. In the last few decades, scientists and psychologists have researched this further by studying a field of science called positive psychology.

The result of this research suggests there is a strong correlation between gratitude and greater happiness. Practising gratitude helps you shift your focus to positive memories or experiences, noticing the good in your life. Over time, this will re-wire your brain to create new neural pathways, increasing your state of happiness and overall wellbeing.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents and caregivers can learn how to achieve happiness and the benefits of practising gratitude.

Here is the link to this month’s edition


Softball team wins Auckland College champs

Congratulations to Westlake Girls High School Softball Team –  Auckland Softball College Champions after five years as 2nd place winners to One Tree Hill!

Gm 1 v Mt Albert 4-4

Gm 2 v Rangitoto 12-1

Gm3 v One Tree Hill 9-0 (Grand Final)

Maddison Gerbes was the Winning Pitcher – 3 innings 9 strikeouts. Jayah Lee got a  Home Run Auckland Champions

Nationals here we come …


Gardeners bring life to Westlake

By Cara Clark-Howard
Gardening Guru

The Westlake Girls Gardening Club was started at the start of Term 1. It is a small group of six students and two teachers who oversee the gardeners and help us. We are currently growing broccoli, lettuce, silverbeet and carrots that we plan to give back to the community and our Food Technology Department.

We also have some bright flowers – the cherry on top of our garden! The garden is located behind the science classrooms in three wooden boxes. We are grateful for the rain at the moment and are excited for our seeding to start growing, but right now it feels as if were are just waiting for the grass to grow. It’s a good lesson in patience! 



An important message about NZQA assessments

By Merryl Hamling
Assistant Principal


In light of recent developments this week, we wanted to clarify the process for NZQA assessments. Our school is open for business, which means that all NZQA assessments will run as normal.

In response to the situation, we have made minor adjustments to our policy.

If a student absents themselves from an internal assessment towards an NZQA qualification, our policy document requires the student to provide evidence-based authentication of their reason for absence. These will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

The student will need to follow the following steps

  1. Contact their Dean as soon as possible and obtain the ‘Request for extension/rescheduling for NZQA internal assessment’ form.
  2. Complete the form and supply authentic evidence-based reasons, documentation is needed although sometimes evidence may already be in the school pastoral system.
  3. The Deans will then consult with the Principals Nominee and a decision will be reached.
  4. The student and department will be informed of the decision.

Finally: Westlake Girls High School is functioning as normal. If you have a serious evidence-based issue – communication at the earliest opportunity is crucial.


Internships and work experience help define career pathways

GirlBoss advantage programme

Three of our students STEAM students, Ariana George (Y12, pictured left), Neve Cusens and Yasmin Darwish (both Y11) were successful at securing a place at the very competitive GirlBoss NZ Advantage programme which took place during the summer break becoming the highlight of their holidays.

They were part of a group of 28 girls selected from over 250 applications to complete an internship at Fletchers Nz. Here are the highlights of the event which reinforce the importance of forging connections with industry.

“ I feel so lucky to have met and learnt so much from inspiring young women who have positive attitudes towards their future careers and their own personal passions and innovations. We learnt the value of public speaking, networking with business people, connecting with companies, and group work. I have learnt the value of working hard in the workplace and the fact that you can always start reaching your goals young.” Neve Cusens

“ I had the incredible opportunity to be apart of the Girboss Advantage programme powered by Fletchers. Through this program, we participated in workshops that helped find my core values, strengths, and challenges and how to effectively manage these. At the end of this program, I was offered a paid internship with Fletchers which is another incredible opportunity. In conclusion, this program was nothing but a positive experience, I met so many amazing people who care about the professionals of tomorrow and I gained so much more self-confidence, acceptance, connections. I became so much more confident that I even went on a podcast later that week! This programme kickstarted my journey into the professional world!’ Ariana George

Pictured top are Neve Cusens, Ariana George, Susana Tomaz, Yasmin Darwish and Alexia Hilbertidou.


We'd love you to join our Homestay family!

Westlake Girls High School wants to invite more families to partner with us and support our international students by becoming Homestay families.

 As a Homestay family you will help students have a memorable experience while studying in New Zealand. 


You’ll provide a warm, welcoming and supportive home environment for students to thrive, support them in all aspects of their lives and provide them with a safe place to call home during their time in Auckland. 


With an additional family member, you’ll have the opportunity to embrace a new culture and language and learn about different customs.  As your homestay student becomes accustomed to Kiwi culture, they will help connect you with other parts of the world.   Becoming a Homestay family is a fantastic opportunity to forge lifelong relationships with students from around the world, for either a short or long term stay.


For more information or to discuss becoming a Homestay family further, please contact or Homestay Co-ordinator, Zara Skelton, on 489 4169 etx 756.


Mufti Day raises money for House charities

It was a mufti day at school on Wednesday 4 March, with a gold coin donation going to our House Charities.

This year the charities are:

Akoranga – Pet Refuge
Hauraki – Shine Women’s Refuge
Onewa – Child’s Autism Foundation
Pupuke – Youthline
Wairau – Pillars

Pictured top is Onewa Junior House Prefect Elle Bultitude collecting donations, and above is Onewa House Captain Anya Powell speaking at assembly.


kidsLink offers great range of advice and services

KidsLink is an organisation that links parents and schools to a range of services specialising in kids and teens’ educational, physical and emotional needs. You can find local services for a range of issues. Their website is well worth checking out:

Arts & Culture

Cantare fundraiser on tonight

Tonight is our Cantare fundraising concert to raise money for next month’s concert tour to the US and Canada.

Enjoy our brilliant choir – and have a great night out!


School with Attitude!

On Thursday 27 February, the Year 9 cohort experienced their first Attitude Talk. The topic covered by Jannah from Attitude (the youth arm of The Parenting Place) was Hauora.

Students were introduced to the concept of holistic wellbeing, covering the four main aspects of this: Physical, Mental and Emotional, Spiritual and Social. They learnt about the role each dimension has on their lives, and how they can look after one another.  Students listened to key content and discussed key questions with their peers.



Westlake students part of national champion team

Michaela Pocock, Emily Glackin and Lena Hamblyn-Ough (all Year 10) were part of the Mairangi Bay Surf Life Saving Club team which took out the National Title for the Grand Cameron at the NZ Junior Surg Life Saving National Championships recently.

Held from 27 February to 1 March, there were 830 participants from 47 clubs competing. The Grand Cameron race consists of six team members – three females and three males – who either run, swim or paddle-board in a relay-style race. Lena was the swimmer, Emily the paddle-boarder and Michaela the runner.


Take some time to be Mindful in March

With Autumn here and life in full swing, March is the perfect time to actively be mindful, and to take time to do things that are good for your soul. Use this Action Calendar to be mindful this month. Your body will thank you for it!


Workshop highlights medicinal choices

Year 13 Health students have started off their year with a focus on Breast Cancer, linking in with our first assessment: 3.3 Evaluate Health Practices currently used in New Zealand.

Through this they have looked into western scientific medicine, traditional and cultural medicine, and complementary and alternative medicine. To assist with understanding some of the many treatments that fall under the complementary and alternative medicine health practice, students were involved in a half day workshop on Thursday 27 February. At this workshop, students experienced four different treatments that can be used alongside other Breast Cancer treatments, these included Reiki, Yoga, Naturopathy and Reflexology. Many of these treatments our students had no prior knowledge of, so this experience has been highly valuable and memorable.


Coaching clinic proves popular

By April Ieremia
Netball Coach

On Sunday 23 February, 20 WGHS netballers hosted more than 180 Year 1 – 8 students from neighbouring primary and intermediate schools in two energic 3-hour coaching sessions.

Our coaches guided 100 young players aged 5 – 12 years old through various skills, drills and fitness routines during the morning session, adjusting their lesson plans to accommodate the varying ability of each year group.

Undeterred by the hot weather, players finished each session with games which the WGHS coaches played alongside them.  The coaching clinic is a fundraiser for the WGHS Netball Tour to Australia during the April school holidays.


Kilikiti team takes to the field

After a three year absence, Westlake Girls fielded a team of 18 players at the Auckland Kilikiti Tournament held at Auckland Domain.

The students performed with great spirit and enthusiasm against some fiercely talented schools.  Samoan Cricket is a popular game played without padding and in brilliantly coloured lava lavas.

There is no limit to the number of players in a team and each player tends to be an all-rounder.  After 5 x 50 minute games – Aorere College were named champion of both Girls and Boys Tournaments.


Things to note

Paying through the Parent Portal:

With recent changes to our website, we have become aware that school payments are made more frequently through our bank account than through the Parent Portal. Paying through the Parent Portal means you can quickly and easily see what payments are needed, and those you have already paid.

Access to the Parent Portal can be found on the home page (the last red button on the right) or through “Menu/Starting at Westlake/Online Payments” or simply type Here’s the link to make it easy: Online Payments

Assessment calendars now online:

Knowing when your daughter has assessments due can be really helpful in terms of support and encouraging good time management. Here’s how you can keep track.

We have Google Calendars on our website which show the approximate dates for all assessment of NCEA internally-assessed Standards during 2019. Confirmation of the dates will be given to students by the subject teacher and students will be informed if there are any changes to the dates published.

Year 11
Year 12
Year 13

Tips for using Google Calendar:

  • Google Calendars can be exported as an iCal file via the settings if you wish to view it through another application.
  • The calendar can be printed on a term-by-term basis by selecting relevant start and end dates. This will be helpful for supporting time management.
  • The search function will help you to locate assessments specifically in the courses your daughter is enrolled in.  Assessments are entered using the course code that appears on your daughter’s timetable.

Absence procedures:

We have had a few students signing out incorrectly viat Attendance and the Health Nurse recently. Here’s a refresher on the procedure to follow if your daughter is absent from school, or needs to leave early.

Absence: It is a Ministry requirement to have a written or emailed explanation of a student’s absence in order for the correct attendance code to be assigned. Parents or caregivers should contact the school in the morning either by emailing [email protected] AND your daughter’s Form Teacher, remembering to give the reason for the absence. Alternatively you can call 489 4169 to talk to the Attendance Officer or press 1 to leave a message. A message must be followed up with an email or note to your daughter’s Form Teacher within three days of returning to school. For parents or caregivers unable to email, a written note on the student’s return to school is expected. Medical certificates are required for extended periods of absence, or if a student is unable to sit an NCEA internal assessment or examination.

Lateness: Students must bring an explanatory note and give it to the Attendance Officer upon arrival in the main reception at the Gernhoefer Admin Centre. Alternatively email the Attendance Officer and Form Teacher.

Exiting during the day: Students needing to leave school for appointments need to collect a form from the Attendance Officer at reception before signing out.

Going away on holiday: If there is a planned family holiday during term time, or your daughter needs to take time off school, she must see her House Dean with a letter from a parent/caregiver to get a Leave Form. That form must then be filled out by all her teachers, signed by a parent/caregiver and then returned to her Dean before the leave date.

Sickness: If your daughter becomes sick at school, she will be sent to the School Health Centre and you will be notified if she needs to be sent home. It’s important your daughter sees the Nurse at the Health Centre before she calls you for collection.


Congratulations to Pupuke House

Congratulations to Pupuke House – victorious at our recent Athletics Day for the third year in a row! More students than ever competed for House points, and Onewa picked up honours in the House Chant competition.

Wairau took a clean sweep, with three individual champions:

Junior Champion – Kate Borton
Intermediate Champion – Kalei Morgan-Tafea
Senior Champion – Ava Pritchard