
A Confident Start for the Westlake Girls Cheer Team

As the current National High School Cheerleading Champions, Westlake Girls has begun its season on a successful note winning Silver and Bronze medals leading up to the 2021 New Zealand Super Nationals in November.

The WGHS Cheer Team, made up of Year 9 students Hayley Le, Madi Gardiner, Tasmin Ginger, Evangeline McHardy, Reese Lim and Brea Hedges, performed superbly in the High School division of Cheersbrandz, Eutopia and Dance Cheer in July, to win silver.  A month later, on 14 -15 August, the team produced another electric performance to win bronze at the Olympic Cheer in Auckland.

With eyes on the prize, their next stop is the Spring Carnival, which will be rescheduled from September to October due to Covid-19 lock down in Auckland.  However, the ultimate event on every Cheerleader’s calendar is the 2021 New Zealand Super Nationals which is a “Virtual” extravagance that beams in Cheer teams from around New Zealand and Australia and the WGHS team will be doing all they can to retain their High School crown at North Shore Event Centre on 13-14 November.


Prefects join forces to encourage Auckland students

Our Head Prefect, Grace Chen, and Deputy Head Prefect, Charis Allison, have taken part in two videos recently, encouraging and supporting students from high schools in Auckland during lockdown.

And our Enviro Prefects have also been creative with their own video!

Check out all three below!



Business challenges hone leadership skills

By Jacqueline Ramos and Isabelle Lee


We recently participated in Entrepreneurs in Action (EIA), a four-day annual activity run by the Young Enterprise Scheme. In this year’s EIA, we had the opportunity to meet 76 other business-minded secondary students from all across New Zealand. Over the course of four days, we were presented with two business challenges for which we needed to propose a solution. 


The first challenge was to come up with a solution to create a more sustainable and circular economy and the second challenge was to find a way to grow the Māori economy in a way that would ensure intergenerational success for iwi. We were expected to submit a two-page business case for both challenges and then pitch our proposed solution to a panel of judges.


We were all split into different smaller teams. Working as part of a small team meant that we had to learn to listen and be open to each other’s ideas, which we did really well and supported each other through the challenges. This was a great opportunity to gain leadership experience as everyone took turns leading different discussions and helped develop our public speaking skills as we presented our pitch to a large audience.


Overall, EIA was a very good experience that enabled us to delve deeper and learn more about the business and/or corporate world. EIA was an experience one for the books!


Enviro Group keeps inspiring during lockdown

By Lily Winchester
Enviro Group

All the Year 9s worked super hard over the past term to collect and recycle loads of bread tags and pens. As a group they collected over 10,000 bread tags and almost 900 pens. These will be sent off to be recycled and turned into wheelchairs!

Congratulations to the winning class 9OMT (pictured above with their pizza lunch prize) who saved over 2,000 bread tags just themselves!

While our Carbon Cleanse Week was cut short by lockdown, the start to the week was amazing. Our Enviro Group was a success.

We learnt about carbon emissions and how to lower them. We even learnt how to calculate our average carbon emissions and how many Earths we would need to continue to live the way we are.

Our upcycling for the zenlake garden went well too. It was nice to make some progress on the garden.

Check out our virtual enviro group video HERE to see what you can get up to during lockdown to be a clean green enviro queen!


Links and contacts for support during Lockdown

We came across this handy list of contacts for support and assistance during lockdown, and thought we’d pass it on!

COVID-19 info & advice translated into different languages

COVID-19 Welfare Contact Cards in English and 9 Pacific languages. Contains contact info for health, housing, accommodation, food, financial support.

  1. Cook Island Māori
  2. Fijian
  3. Kiribati
  4. Niuean
  5. Rotuman
  6. Samoan
  7. Tokelauan
  8. Tongan
  9. Tuvaluan
  10. English

COVID-19 Advice for Māori

Information for whānau, hapū, and iwi Māori

Information for Pacific Peoples

Information for disabled people

Support your community

Pasifika Futures

If you need a Whānau Ora Family Support Package, please call this number 0800 890 110, or click on the following link to connect with one of our partners – CLICK HERE


Golden Rules for Level 4 – videos in several languages 

Punjabi  Arabic Cantonese Mandarin Spanish Hindi

Tagalog Portuguese Urdu Farsi

Agencies which  offer assistance

Support services that remain open:

Women’s Refuge 0800REFUGE or 0800 733 843
Shine 0508 744 633
Alcohol and Drug Helpline 0800 787 797
Oranga Tamariki call centre 0508FAMILY
CADS 0800 367 222
Narcotics Anonymous 0800 628 632
Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 229 6757
Lifeline 0800 543 354 or free text 4357
Youthline 0800 376 633 or free text 234
Samaritans 0800 726 666
Outline (LGBT) 0800 688 5463
Depression Helpline 0800 111 757
Suicide Prevention Helpline 0508 828 865
The Fono West (Social Services) 09 837 1780
Counselling Free Call or Text 1737
Healthline for COVID-19 health advice: 0800 358 5453

Foodbank Support Auckland

North Auckland

Central Auckland

West Auckland

East Auckland

South Auckland 

Access to food or essential items.pdf

For people with disabilities or autism and their support people

The Explore 0800 000421 phone service available to provide advice or support. This includes advice or support around challenging behaviours. To access this service, you don’t need a referral and it doesn’t matter whether you’re new to Explore, currently on their waitlist or you’ve worked with them previously. The service is available Monday to Friday 9am–5pm. When you phone the 0800 number you will be connected with an administrator who will then book you an appointment with one of the specialists.


Westlake Girls Inaugural Snowsports Camp is a Winner

A rapid growth in recent years and the Snowboarding team’s title win at the Auckland Champs earlier this year, led to the Westlake Girls Snowsports inaugural trip to Wanaka to take it to the next level.

Blessed with bluebird days, the team hankered down for a gruelling week of training at the Cardrona Ski Field during the holidays in preparation for the North Island Secondary Schools Ski and Snowboarding Championships.  Thanks to Peter Legnavsky, Manager of the Parks Squad, the skiers were blessed with great coaches in Skier Sam Lynch and Snowboarders Nick Clapperton-Rees and Cam Graham.

Students rose at 6am each morning, loaded into vehicles and gradually woke up on the drive up the Crown Range. Blessed with excellent conditions, they were grateful for their coaches who allowed them to by-pass the queues of many thousands. Across the course of the week, the 10 skiers and 8 snowboarders were pushed and challenged to take it to the next level from 8.30am – 12.30pm, they worked on improving their technique before being put through their paces with race training.  A busy morning was always followed by lunch then a freestyling afternoon on the mountain.

By mid-week many students with sore bodies were begging for a later start on bleaker days, but the promise of newly packed snow overnight forced them into the van as per usual. Well-supported by parents, these enthusiastic students learnt a great deal during seven days and were looking forward to applying it at the North Island Secondary School Championships.

A week later, Harriet Gowing, Coco Mauger and Claudia Pilkington looked impressive at Snowplanet’s 365 Challenger Event, where they helped Westlake Girls to win both Year 9+ Ski and Snowboarding titles. Gowing and Mauger finished 1st and 2nd respectively, in the snowboarding events while Claudia Pilkington finished 2nd in the ski event. Sadly, Covid 19 Level 4 lockdown, has just cancelled the North Island Secondary Schools Ski Champs scheduled from 20 -22 September at Whakapapa and the Snowboarding Champs at Turoa a week later. Cardrona was a blessing😊


Lockdown Legends

Here’s the latest batch of Westlake’s Lockdown Legends – rocking it remotely!

Ms Maureen Mitchley

Ms Mitchley has been using her downtime wisely! “My latest project is a 1.6 m square blanket started just before lockdown.

The pattern comes from Deidre Uys her website is ‘Look at what I made’ and the project is Charlotte Cal 2021 which is a crochet along over a period of 12 weeks.”

Mr Graham Atkinson

Mr Atkinson has been training his cats to socially distance with some success, the mask wearing however, he has given up on!

Mrs Rico Sugiyama

Maths is fun when you’re in a  Zoom lesson with Mrs Sugiyama!













Westlake student wins Bronze at the ASS Stroke Play Golf Championship

At the 2021Auckland Secondary Schools 36-hole Strokeplay Golf Championship hosted by College Sport, Westlake Girls Year 10 student Connie Jarm (pictured above left) won bronze in the Girls net competition.

Connie competed with senior golfer Naomi Yacyshen (pictured above right) in the 2-day event which began at Pupuke Golf Club on 24 May, with Day Two delayed until 16 August.

In round 1, Connie scored 86 off the stick and with a handicap of 9, finished on 77.  Yacyshen, on a course handicap of 5, scored 84 gross and 79 net.

Day 2 was played at Maungakiekie Golf Club, but the wet weather conditions made it too challenging for competitors, and the competition was postponed after 9-holes.  Rescheduled to 16 August at the Howick Golf Club, golfers enjoyed a picturesque blue-sky day, and the seascape setting, delivered some excellent performances.

Connie won Bronze with a final round of net 70.  Naomi, also scored a gross 78 but with a course handicap of 4, she finished with 74 net.  Pinehurst’s Nicole Choi won the Overall Girls’ Strokeplay Championship with a gross 67.


2021 New Zealand Economics Competition

Recently some of our students participated in the 2021 New Zealand Economics Competition.

This is a prestigious event that showcases the exceptional talent that New Zealand secondary students have in economics. The competition tests students’ knowledge of economic theory and current economic issues.

Congratulations to the following students:

Pictured above from left:
Jenny Howe, Maggie Zhou, Raeanne Leow and Sofia Angelova-Bray


Sofia Angelova-Bray – Distinction (top 11-15%)
Maggie Zhou – Distinction (top 11-15%)
Kathy Li – Credit
Yvonne Liew – Credit
Isabelle Lee – Credit
Yejin Bong – Credit
Abbie Clements – Participation
Jacqueline Ramos – Participation
Aine Maloney – Participation
Chaeyeon Angela Kim – Participation

Year 12/11

Raeanne Leow – High Distinction (top 10%)
Jenny Howe – Distinction (top 11-15%)
Sophia Lee – Credit
Megan Meng – Credit
Felicia Chen – Credit


Helpful free webinars to support your teen

Join NZ’s leading cyber safety experts, Linewize by Family Zone, for a webinar series to help families with the pressures of learning from home in lockdown.

Here are the upcoming webinars, and links to register.

Assessments and Attention: Tuesday 7 September @ 7 pm

For Students, Parents and Whānau

Learn ways to keep focused and safe while studying for exams during home learning.


Health & Hauora: Thursday 9 September @ 7 pm

For Parents and Whānau

Learn about the wellbeing challenges for young people while learning at home and how to help address those challenges.


Arts & Culture

Night of Glam brings choir together

When Cantare choir should have been enjoying their first night in Christchurch at The Big Sing, they got together via Zoom for a Quiz Night instead.

The glamorous dress-up affair featured Jono Howan as the humerous, tuxedo-wearing Quizmaster. However, the most impressive outfit went to the singer who wore her mum’s beautiful wedding dress!

Close to 50 people participated, including staff, broken into teams based on their sections -Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto 1 and Alto 2.

The quiz involved 8 categories, split over two nights – the second night was less formal, with PJs the required attire.

The Music Department staff, pictured left, started strong but didn’t come away with the win. That honour went to the Alto 1 team won both nights, making them ultimate winners.







Here’s a sample question below – do you know the answer?


Te Reo o Te Roto captures the essence of Westlake

Welcome to the first edition of Te Reo o Te Roto: The Language of the Lake!

The name change for our school newsletter comes at the instigation of our seven top Prefects – Grace Chen, Charis Allison, Ti’a Armstrong, Abbie Clements, Jumana Maash, Paige Blake and Aine Maloney (all pictured above from left). Earlier this year they launched a project to rename the newsletter from The Voice – which although has a long history is quite generic – to something that better captured the essence of our school.

They asked for name suggestions from staff and students, and a huge amount of people jumped in with creative and sometimes astonishing ideas. On the list were some very strong contenders (Cygneture came a close second), and some that will forever remain unmentioned in the bottom drawer.

Te Reo o Te Roto: The Language of the Lake was chosen by the seven Prefects because it reflects our multi-cultural community. Te Reo represents communication and sharing, and Te Roto draws its significance from our school name.

The name was a collective effort, starting with Shella Dabbach’s suggestion of ‘Reo Rua’ and evolving from there.

The name was then approved by Senior Management and with a tick from Matua Eddie Hudson, plans were underway to incorporate it into our newsletter template.

We’re proud to present it to you today, and hope you love it as much as we do.


Premier Lacrosse Team wins Bronze

Congratulations to our Premier Lacrosse team who came away with Bronze at the recent Auckland Championships tournament playing in Division 1.

This is the first time Westlake has ever had a podium finish and this is testament to the players and team management. This team is a combination of players from Year 9 – Year 13 with both new and experienced players. The team is coached by former students Holly Patrick and Chloe Keenan, Managed by Lizzie Beaumont and Captained by Leah Patrick (Year 13) who has been in the team since Year 9.

Below is an excerpt from Leah Patrick about her time playing Lacrosse at Westlake.

With two older siblings who already played, joining the Lacrosse team when I started at Westlake back in 2017 as a Year 9 was inevitable. But for many players who join the team, their first experience seeing or hearing about Lacrosse comes from movies and TV shows – ‘Teen Wolf’, ‘Wild Child’ and ‘To All the Boys I Loved Before’, just to name a few.

Each year, the team is a mix of all playing capabilities – from beginners all the way to experienced players. Because of this mix of capabilities, mentoring is a large part of Lacrosse, and throughout the years, many ex-Westlake students have returned to coach.

As a Year 9, the Year 12s and 13s played a significant part in helping me to understand not only the rules of the game, but also understanding the unique sportsmanship that makes up Lacrosse. At the end of each game, the teams do more than just shake hands and say good game. The teams stand and face each other, and each captain thanks the other team for playing them and congratulates the opposition on their team’s strengths. Throughout the years, this has been an integral part in building relationships not only within the Westlake lacrosse team, but also building relationships within the Lacrosse community as a whole. 

From my experience as a Year 9 through to a Year 12, despite the team’s best efforts, we never quite made it into the medal positions. Most years, we finished in 4th place, just shy of the podium. Over the past five years, I have made countless friendships and memories with the team, and this year, the team achieved a bronze medal after a fantastic effort in the final.

To finally win a medal after 5 years of playing was the icing on the cake for me. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this team, and to have had the opportunity to be their captain. I wish them all the best for their future seasons!


Netball Student Coach Workshop

Our Netball programme runs successfully due to the help we get from our Student Coaches.

This year we had 42 fantastic coaches from Year 11-13 coaching our Year 9 teams on Monday evenings and our Year 10 and Senior teams on Saturday mornings.

All our coaches successfully completed our student coach workshop which was run by Michele Wallace from Netball North Harbour. The workshop combines learning in a classroom setting and practical drills on the covered courts that the student coaches then taught their own teams.

We also had some of our netball players (listed below) who were selected to work alongside Michele Wallace at the Netball North Harbour holiday programmes in the April and July school holidays.

It was great to see so many Westlake students giving back to the local community.

Georgia Smith
Jordyn Taljard
Lani Onesemo
Demi Onesemo
Belle Onesemo
Karla Stevenson
Azaria Paselio
Holly Williams
Mackenzie Chatfield
Talia Chatfield
Candese Hellesoe
Tausala Tanimo
Lily Fotu


Arts & Culture

Year 10 designer wins place at NZ Fashion Week

One of our amazing young Fabric Technology students, Nicky Zaayman, has had an outfit she made chosen for New Zealand Fashion Week – but sadly Lockdown has stymied the opportunity.

Never-the-less, this is still an awesome achievement for the Year 10 designer. Nicky says her Fabric Technology teacher showed the class a poster for the I Am Fab competition, where students could win the chance to have their outfit modelled at NZ Fashion Week. Nicky decided to go for it.

“My outfit is a stylish two-piece with a corset top and a simple shorts bottom made of sequins,” she says. “The sequins were very hard to work  and I snapped 10 machine needles! The back skirt was relatively easy to make it is not connected to the shorts, but it does clip on to it at the sides just to keep it on nicely.

“I am very proud of this outfit because I have been drawing the same half skirt on dresses and pantsuits and every outfit I could think of since I was eight – so when the opportunity presented itself, I thought I would finally try to make the outfit.”

Nicky says she found out she’d won via email. “I was so excited the whole bus must have known I got happy news! I immediately called my mom and grandma – I woke up my gran because it was 2am in South Africa!

“I was going to be backstage at NZFW at the beginning of the show, and then I would have been able to watch a little after my model was done. Plus there was going to be a get-together after the show.”

The self-proclaimed “science nerd” says she is keen on designing but thinks her career will lie in the medical profession  – preferably paediatrics.

Here’s hoping this talented young designer gets another chance to have her work modelled.


We've got your back!

Our Social Sciences TICs livened up their Zoom meeting recently by showing their favourite backdrops! Do you have a favourite?


Important changes to NCEA for 2021

Because being in COVID-19 lockdown has affected learning and assessment, changes have been made to NCEA, NZ Scholarship and University Entrance. These changes help give students a fair opportunity to gain the qualification they are aiming for.

These changes affect Westlake Girls High School students because we will be at Alert Level 3 or 4 for a total of 20 or more school days this year.

What does this mean for students?

The more credits you achieve the more you are entitled to.

  • For every 5 credits you achieve through internal or external assessment, you are entitled to 1 extra credit. These extra credits are called Learning Recognition Credits (LRCs)
    • Up to 10 of your LRC’s earned this year can be used towards the 80 you need for NCEA Level 1.
    • Up to 8 LRC’s earned this year can be used towards the 60 you need at Level 2 and Level 3.

Endorsements are still achievable.

  • To get a certificate endorsement you will need 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level, instead of the usual 50.
  • To get a course endorsement you will need 12 credits at Achieved or Merit or Excellence level in a course, rather than 14. You still need to achieve at least 3 credits in externals and 3 in internals.
  • Your LRCs don’t come with Merit or Excellence, so they can’t count towards an endorsement.

University Entrance has been adjusted.

You’ve got more time to study.

  • Most portfolio due dates and exams for NCEA and Scholarship have been moved later, to give more time for students to learn and prepare.

What do I need to do?

Keep working to make sure that you achieve as many standards as you can. Your teachers will help you to track your progress.

You don’t need to do anything else to get your LRCs. NZQA will do the calculations before you get your results.

Make sure that you know when your portfolios are due, and double check the new exam timetable.

If you need any more information, talk to your Deans or ring NZQA on 0800 697 296.


Westlake Girls win bronze at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Squash Championship

Fresh from their Auckland Secondary Schools Championship win, the Westlake Girls Premier Squash team arrived at the National Tournament in Tauranga in August as #1 seeds.  The New Zealand Secondary Schools attracts the country’s best players however, this year’s event was the toughest in recent years.

Westlake Girls started well with a 4 –1 win against Kati Kati College in their first outing.  But they later met familiar foe, Takapuna Grammar and it went down to the wire in the semi-final.  With just points in it throughout the match, the scores were poised at 2-2 before Takapuna slipped ahead and secured a spot in the final.  Led by captain, Lucy Cadness-Aspinall, Westlake Girls won the bronze medal match against Havelock North High School.  Otumoetai College won the championship.

Year 10 students, Cadness-Aspinall and Aishah Lofty won further honours after being named in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Tournament Team and New Zealand Junior Squash Team.  The students are looking forward to new years championship which will be held at the North Shore Squash Centre in Takapuna.


Zoe named U17 Sportswoman of the Year

Congratulations to Zoe Crawford for winning U17 Sportswoman of the Year at the Surf Lifesaving Northern region Awards of Excellence.

Two other Westlake students were voted as nominees in their category:

  • Michaela Pocock nominated for U15 Sportwoman of the Year
  • Chloe Dowson nominated for Rookie of the Year

Congratulations to all three students!


Important Things to Note - 3 September 2021

How to contact our Counsellors and Deans

The best way to reach our counsellors during lockdown is to text them to make an appointment for a phone conversation. Here are their details:

Mrs Linda Clouston          027 381 8379
Mrs Fleur Piper                 027 380 4578
Mrs Barbara Mackay      021 0254 7431

Will Anderton: [email protected]
Katie Pearson: [email protected]

Louise Clouston: [email protected]
Lucy Robinson: [email protected]

Maggie Cogger-Orr: [email protected]
Kate Lawrence: [email protected]

Nicola Ov: [email protected]
Rachel Carson: [email protected] 

Ella Wilson: [email protected]
Ashley Longstaff: [email protected] 

NCEA Exams

NCEA exams have been postponed by two weeks. They will now begin on Monday 22 November and finish on Tuesday 14 December. This will allow two more weeks of classroom/teaching time. Due dates for portfolio submissions will also be pushed back by two weeks.

The NCEA Level 1 Mathematics Common Assessment Task (MCAT) has also been delayed for two weeks – to 28 or 30 September. At this stage, the dates for DigiCATs remain 20 Sept – 1 October and 18 – 27 October.

The postponement of exams will mean a later finishing date for our Senior students, and we will have more information on that nearer the time.


If you haven’t checked out TaxGift yet, please do! It’s such a simple way to donate to help us reach our goal of being debt-free on our new Event Centre. It might only be a few dollars for you, but it could make the world of difference for us. All the information you need is HERE and then it’s just a couple of clicks to sign up, and TaxGift will do the rest.

Anticipated Term 4 Key Dates (subject to change)

Monday 18 October: Term 4 begins
Tuesday 19 – Thursday 21 October: Senior Subject Counselling
Monday 25 October: Labour Day (school closed)
Wednesday 27 October: Dance Showcase
Thursday 28 October: Sports Awards Evening NB: May be moved to 4 November – TBC
Friday 29 – Saturday 30 October: Ahurea Festival
Tuesday 2 November: Music Dinner and Awards Evening
Thursday 11 November: Senior Academic Prize-Giving (evening)
Thursday 11 November: Senior Reports issued
Friday 12 November: Special Awards Ceremony (morning)
Monday 15 November: Junior School study day
Tuesday 16 – Friday 19 November: Junior Exams
Monday 22 November: NCEA Exams begin
Monday 13 December: Year 10 Stage Spectacular
Tuesday 14 December: NCEA Exams conclude
Tuesday 14 December: Junior Reports issued
Tuesday 14 December: Junior Prize-Giving
Tuesday 14 December: Last day of Term for Junior school


Happy Father's Day!

We know it’s going to be a bit strange spending Father’s Day in Lockdown, but we still wanted to honour all the amazing papas out there. Here’s our top seven Prefects talking about why they love their dad!

Grace Chen (Head Prefect)








Dad’s Name:
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. He is hilarious. We have the same sense of humour and can laugh at each other doing silly things for hours whilst Mum just stands and shakes her head at us. As an only child, it’s nice to have what feels like another sibling in the house!
  2. He is insanely intelligent. Whenever I’m bored during quarantine I can trust my Dad to come up with an interesting conversation topic. We’ve previously had heated debates on purchasing stocks, the Auckland housing crisis, climate change and who gets to use the quiet study room in our house. I think I won all of these arguments but if you ask my Dad he might say otherwise.
  3. He is a great chef! Meals are something I can always look forward to at home and it has been especially rewarding during lockdown as we get to eat the food he makes 24/7 (although I do miss fast food a little…)

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
One key thing my Dad has taught me is the importance of hard work and resilience. When my parents immigrated here 20 years ago, they arrived with next to nothing. As young Chinese university students, they had to navigate their way through the unfamiliar country of Aotearoa speaking only a little English. However, through long days of working hard and studying at university, they have grown to thrive here. This was due to their persistence and strength when times were tough. I’m so fortunate to live the life I do today because of their mana, and I strive to have the same amount of willpower that my Dad has.

Charis Allison (Deputy Head Prefect)







Dad’s Name: Neil
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. Always willing to have a good chat or answer my many random questions.
  2. He has always put me and the family before himself.
  3. His taste in music (and the subsequent years at Festival One).

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
“Make your plans and hold them loosely”
Essentially, he taught me to be resilient and to roll with the punches. To not get too hung up on the little things and not stress out if the outcome doesn’t match the original plan. Leave a margin for error and more importantly, room for God to move in my life.


Paige Blake (Akoranga House Captain)









Dad’s Name: Callum
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. That he can always make me smile.
  2. How he has always supported me in everything.
  3. How selfless he is – he always puts my brother and me before himself.

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
The most important thing my Dad has taught me is the importance of hard work. My Dad has always helped me see that with hard work and desire you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Especially in sport, I feel like the dreams that I have are actually attainable because he has helped me realise that if I put everything into my training even when no one is watching, then I can achieve these dreams, no matter how big they are.

Jumana Maash (Hauraki House Captain)






Dad’s Name: Sameer
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. I love that he lets me put together all of the big furniture myself because he knows I love to do it. But he of course comes in at the end to tighten all of the screws for me.
  2. I love how much effort he puts into trying to make us laugh. His jokes aren’t always funny but you can always count on him to pull out an awful celebrity impression that he’s so proud of.
  3. I love how affectionate he is because it’s quite an uncommon trait among men, especially Middle-Eastern men, but my dad probably hugs me at least once a day (or at least he tries to – I’m the less affectionate one I’m sorry to say).

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
I love how affectionate he is because it’s quite an uncommon trait among men, especially Middle-Eastern men, but my dad probably hugs me at least once a day (or at least he tries to – I’m the less affectionate one I’m sorry to say).

Ti’a Armstrong (Onewa House Captain)









Dad’s Name: Mark
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. I love my dad’s sarcasm as he always makes me laugh.
  2. I love my dad’s attitude towards life as he lives on a boat and is very relaxed.
  3. I love my dad because he is always there for me 24/7.

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
He has always taught me to keep true to my heart, To be true to who I am and stay grounded in everything I do in life.

Abbie Clements (Pupuke House Captain)








Dad’s Name: Russell
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. His friendly nature: My dad is the kind of person who will have a long conversation with someone he hasn’t seen in 30 years after randomly bumping into them. He is always meeting new people and making connections, something I truly admire.
  2. How supportive my Dad is: Dad has always been very supportive of my sisters and I, both in a family and community way (by being involved with our projects or being on our schools’ BoTs).
  3. His work ethic: Dad is the hardest working person I know, he’s constantly on the move doing something, yet never complains! This is something I really admire and I hope I can be like him one day.

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
Growing up I have always looked up to my Dad as a role model. He has taught me the importance of working hard and striving for personal excellence. I have learned from my Dad that perseverance and respect are crucial skills to help you succeed in life, and each day I hope to make him proud!

Aine Maloney (Wairau House Captain)









Dad’s Name: Colm
Tell us the top 3 things you love about your dad: 

  1. His passion for his work, alongside his ability to train/inspire others.
  2. The ultimate best sense of humour and best music taste out of everyone I know.
  3. He is an amazing listener, which is something that I am incredibly grateful for. He knows me best.

Tell us one key thing he has taught you:
He has taught me that in order to achieve great things I must work for it – that nothing worthwhile in life is easy.


Meet our 2022 BoT Student Rep candidates

The role of Student Representative on our Board of Trustees is a wonderful opportunity to represent the student voice around the table.

We have seven awesome candidates to be Student Representative in 2022.  Here are their profiles, in alphabetical order by last name. Elections will resume once we are back at school – more details to come.

Shivani Arivuchelan

Last year was the beginning of a new chapter in my life – high school. It was only a year ago, yet the memories of walking into the sisterhood with the bold crimson red blazer and forming new chains of opportunities have become vivid in my heart and mind. However, throughout these two years, I have learnt two primary lessons. Lesson 1:  our modern world has no set definition for what teenage is, and similar to that, Lesson 2; there is no set definition of what change is and should reflect.

Over these two incredible years at Westlake Girls, we have accomplished much together, from recently welcoming our grand Event Centre, to fostering united diversity in bringing school trousers into the uniform system. I was sure that I wanted to contribute and work as a team to grow such change. However, I realised that yes, I have ideas, but in my belief, this role of BoT student rep is not about I; it is about “us” and what we will do as a team.

Through my schooling journey, service activities in House student and service councils, Rotary Interact, Amnesty Leader and 40hr-Famine Committee, alongside sporting opportunities in badminton and swimming, have been tremendous pillars in my development as a team player and leader. It enlightened me to recognise the significance of hard work while encouraging, inspiring, and motivating my teammates to strive to their best. We all, as individuals, have an essential role that can enhance our whanau, our team.

There is more to this role than leadership, it is the strength of our communities’ collaboration, and our vision helps our Westlake whānau grow in our unity and succeed towards impactful change. The lessons from past leaders have genuinely shared the idea that leadership can translate vision into reality. So our visions as a whanau should be simple; Ma tīni, ma mano, ke rapa te whai– Many hands make light work, unity is strength.

I cannot make promises to be the perfect representative; however, I can promise that I can be a supportive friend who has her arms open for comfort and an open mindset for all ideas that can boost our journey here at Westlake Girls. A vote for me is a vote for you, and all our votes will foster our unity and, most of all, strengthen our change.

Check out Shivani’s video HERE

Sydney Brandolino

Hi, my name is Sydney Brandolino. I am a Year 11 student from Wairau House and I am passionate about change, student voice, and being involved in the WGHS community.

I lead/participate in extracurriculars such as Diversity Club, Philosophy Club, Parallax, Buddy Reading, Debating, and Student Librarians. My goal is to provide a starting place for change. Let’s create change today for a better tomorrow!

Check out Sydney’s video HERE

Jappan Kaur

Hi, my name is Jappan Kaur.

I have been involved in many extracurriculars, sports and academic achievements at Westlake (list below).  I am determined to make a change in our school. Change is something we all want but we don’t really know how to achieve it. We all have our problems with the school facilities like expensive tuck shop prices, not enough cultural appreciation, short morning teas and so on. But all we end up doing is ranting to our friends about those problems. I’m sorry to tell you but that isn’t going to make any difference nor progress.

So, I’m here to tell you the one step easy way to make a change and that is voting for the right person for the job of Student Representative. The Board of Trustees are the ones who can actually make a change. I will take your problems to the Board so real change can happen.  I am ready to make a change, are you? If so, tick the box near my name. Don’t let your voice and vote go to waste. A vote for Jappan, is a vote for Change. Hope that you choose wisely!

Extracurriculars, Sports and Academic Achievements:

Model United Nations 2021 Pupuke Service Committee 2020 Language Week Participant 2020
Junior Open Debating 2021 Pupuke Student Council 2020 WaiCare Water Testing 2020
Tennis North Harbour Term 1 2020 STEAM Makers Club 2021 Neuroscience Club 2021
Tennis North Harbour Term 4 2020 Peace Week Committee 2021 2020 BoT Nominee
Inter-Class Table Tennis 2020 Amnesty International 2021 CYGNET 2020/2021
Enviro Group 2020/2021 40-Hour Famine 2020/2021 Swimming Sports 2020
Chess Club 2020 Maths Enrichment 2021 Parallax Submission 2020
Rubik’s Club 2020 English Enrichment 2021 French Club 2020
Spotlight Speeches 2021 Social Studies Enrichment 2021 Astronomy 2020
Senior Tennis Team Term 1 2021 Science Enrichment 2021 Citizenship Award 2020
Academic Excellence 2020 Student Librarian 2021 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh 2021

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this 🙂

Check out Jappan’s video HERE

Damindi Lathmini

Hola! My name is Damindi and I am applying for the position of Student Representative on the Board of Trustees.

One of the most important parts of this role is being able to ensure that all of your voices are heard. I believe that I am very capable of doing this as I am part of many different groups and areas within our school, I am in a school choir by the name of Nota Bella, I also do sports in school and out of school- Netball, Badminton, Tennis, Swimming. I Go regularly to Sunday School which is like A Buddhist religion school every Sunday, It’s basically like going to church. I love lending a helping hand and helping out someone or doing something in the community that would benefit everyone.

What I would like to do to this school is make the school’s reputation stronger than ever. It’s not that it isn’t strong but I want our school to be the best and the one that stands out in the crowd. I want the people of the public to recognise our school and remember it as the school which puts a stop to bullying.

The most important thing I got out of Westlake is that all of us are a big family, we stand together, No matter what. We might be different fish , but at this school we swim together. Because – for school we unite In virtue and pride, Striving onward ever, With truth and right our guide!

So if you vote for me to be BoT tudent representative for next year. It would be my greatest pleasure to make sure this school stands out, is environmentally friendly, and is the right place for you to stay. Because this school Welcomes Everyone.

I am here for you and I am going to do what is right, not what is easy. May your voice be heard…

Video to come.

Kate Liu

Hello, Kia Ora,  你好Ni Hao

My name is Kate Liu, I’m a Year 11 Wairau student.

My goal for the student representative on the BoT for 2022 is to hear everyone’s voices.

To think holistically about our mistakes and therefore get the most out of them for our students’ future.


Check out Kate’s video HERE

Renee Martin

My name is Renee Martin, I’m a Year 9 Pupuke student.

I am a goal driven, self-motivated team player who’s not afraid to stand up for the things I believe in as well as listen to the voices from those around me to help make this school better for everyone.

I have a passion to make a difference in this world in whichever manner I can.

Family and friends are very important to me, as is learning about my family history and heritage from my grandparents.

In my spare time I enjoy being outdoors, walking my dog and playing a variety of sports.  I also love cooking food and going out shopping.

Check out Renee’s video HERE

Mackenzie Wills


I’m Mackenzie Wills a Year 11 student and I want to be your student representative for 2022.

I am involved in many music and theatre groups around the school such as Cantare choir and the school production, my passion for the performing arts is what has made my time at Westlake so memorable.

As your student representative, I want your passions and thoughts to be appreciated. I want to create a school environment that you feel safe and can enjoy.

As your student representative I will listen to you and what you want, because it is up to you what you think is important and as your representative, it would be up to me to make it happen. It would be my goal to be available and accessible to you to make sure all of your voices are heard.

Check out Mackenzie’s video HERE

Arts & Culture

Excellent performances bring home the rewards

The KBB Music Festival is the largest event on the school music calendar for the Westlake instrumentalists and all our musicians have been working hard to present their best work for the competition.

First established in 1983, the KBB Festival runs from Monday to Saturday in the Holy Trinity Cathedral and adjoining St Mary’s Chapel in Parnell. There are four categories of ensemble: orchestras, concert bands, jazz bands and chamber orchestras, with approximately 4,500 students participating over the week.

Each ensemble is required to present a programme of contrasting pieces (30 minutes maximum) and the standard of works performed can be very high and complex.

Trevor Thwaites (chairperson)  comments that “the skills required to perform in ensembles of this nature require personal dedication and time as well as a developing musical understanding and social responsibility through listening to and working with other musicians and musical directors”.

Westlake Girls High School musicians from our development and premier ensembles presented excellent performances that they and their conductors can be very proud of. Festival awards are given as Participation, Commended, Bronze, Silver & Gold plus four special overall awards in each category. The results were:

Westlake Concert Band (conductor Warwick Robinson, WGHS & WBHS): Gold Award + Best Performance of a pre-1950s Work.

Westlake Symphony Orchestra (conductor David Squire, WGHS & WBHS): Gold Award + Best Performance of a Romantic Era Work.

Westlake Big Band (conductor Hayley Barker, WGHS & WBHS): Silver Award.

Westlake Chamber Orchestra (conductor Miranda Adams, WGHS & WBHS): Silver Award.

Taharoto Orchestra (conductor Fleur Knowles, WGHS): Bronze Award.

Westlake Girls Symphonic Band (conductor Jono Howan, WGHS): Commended Award.

Rachel An (viola), Alice Hirst (harp) and Jenny Howe (trumpet) were successful in their applications for the KBB Honours Orchestra and Jazz Band. These ensembles were made up from the top instrumentalists across the Auckland schools, who participated in an afternoon workshop with conductors and Festival adjudicators Beth Cohen and Roger Fox, later performing an impressive concert to their parents just a few hours later.

We are all very grateful that the KBB Music Festival could go ahead this year and give our instrumentalists a chance to demonstrate their hard work and skill.

Auditions are coming up in Term 4 for ensembles for 2022. If you are interested in joining a group or to start learning a new instrument, please come and chat to a music staff member.


Rachel An, below left, with her award.  And in the right-hand photo Claire Xu (left) and Elaine Zhou.