Arts & Culture

Sweeping the dancing world off its feet!

Congratulations to Year 10 student Lucy Li for her success in the recent NZST Auckland Twin Coast Championships 2022.

She gained 1st place in the Adult C Grade New Vogue, Adult B Grade New Vogue, Adult B Grade Latin, Adult C Grade Latin, Adult C Grade Ballroom; and 2nd in the Adult Open Grade Latin.

Lucy performs with her dance partner, Ryan Yan. Well done on these tremendous performances.


Kaitiaki safeguard the land

Our wonderful prefects have launched a new initiative this year, working alongside Auckland Council.  Westlake Girls has essentially ‘adopted’ Smith’s Bush, next to Netball North Harbour and Onewa Domain. Started by the Environmental Prefects, under the leadership of Anja Filip, more than 60 students have signed up to come kaitiaki (guardians) of the land.

Here Anja outlines the first field trip to Smith’s Bush.

On Wednesday 1 June, Westlake Kaitiaki held its first trip to Smith’s Bush. This was the start of our Adopt A Park project (in the field).

We met with Anna, the Auckland Council Park ranger we are working with on the project. The trip was our introductory visit, an opportunity to learn about the history, biodiversity and threats posed to Smith’s Bush. Westlake Kaitiaki were able to see the bush we are protecting and where we will be carrying out our conservation work. We are excited to continue to protect the natural environment and expand our knowledge on environmental issues and how we can help through practical conservation.

Recently we also had the group’s first education session inside the classroom. The group was presented with a background on Aotearoa’s biodiversity history, the threats of mammalian predators to the land and how we are going to help. We learnt about the biodiversity of Smith’s Bush and its relationship with possums, stoats, rats etc. This was a great opportunity for students to receive some environmental education around pest monitoring and control, before we soon start this ourselves. 

As a group, around 60 students, Westlake Kaitiaki, will be soon starting pest monitoring. Going into term 3 we will be commencing pest control, freshwater testing/monitoring, removal of invasive plants and more. 

Here are some comments from members of Westlake Kaitiaki who attended out first trip to Smith’s Bush:

“Despite the wet and slippery conditions, we really enjoyed being introduced to Smith’s Bush and all the amazing flora and fauna inside. Anna, the Park Ranger, was very lovely and taught us how to distinguish between the many different plants that reside within the bush, such as the kawakawa and the puriri. We thoroughly enjoyed this and look forward to preserving it in the future.” 

  • Yan Qi Lok, Adriana Tobin and Ishani Soni


“The first trip to Smith’s Bush was amazing. I got to learn new plants I’ve never heard of, and walking through the bush was refreshing.”

  • Cassandra Atalan


“Prior to joining the Westlake Kaitiaki, we’ve never been as involved in environmental conservation groups, especially around our community so we’ve been really keen to take this opportunity. Alongside this, it was great to be around a group of like-minded people, providing a sense of sisterhood and a shared appreciation for the beauty of Smith’s Bush. Despite having visited once, we’ve learned so much about the native ecosystem and the ways we can help, whether big or small. The experience inspired us to be more protective of our community, promote biodiversity and be aware of how our actions now can positively impact the future.”

  • Yasmeen and Natasha 


“Our trip to Smith’s Bush was definitely an experience to remember. It was a very calming experience mindfully walking through the bush and we also got to learn so much more about our local bush, its history, its threats, and what we could do to preserve it. There were so many amazing, native trees, their beautiful green fingers stretching up toward the sky; the gentle sound of birds flying overhead, while water gently flowed beneath us. My peers and I are definitely looking forward to getting started on our work to ensure the generations to come can enjoy the richness of the bush, just as we did!”

  • Diya Kansara



Academic Achievement recognised

At our Year 12 assembly on Thursday 23 June, the following students were recognised for gaining an Excellence Subject Endorsement in all six subjects they took in Year 11. Congratulations to:

Lina Amer
Felicia Sihui Chen
Frederika Clements
Ivy Doak
Ruby Eaton
Lena Hamblyn-Ough
Maia Holland
Jessica Huang
Lauren Jackson
Debbie Lee (also the Top Level 1 student from Y11 2021 – received the Anna Buchly Cup)
Dora Lin
Dinithi Thiwanjana Liyanage
Yan Qi Lok
Bella Morris
Eileen Na
Yeeun Amy Seo
Michelle Shen
Zara Shreyoshi
Cheryl Siahaan
Claudia Song
Adriana Tobin
Ruby Waller


Come along to our Quiz Night


Position Available - Music Administrator

Our award-winning Music Department is looking for a Music Administrator to join its vibrant and dynamic team.

Some general knowledge of music would be helpful but not fully necessary. Applicants must be Google literate. Responsibilities include supporting staff with admin, payments, admin for trips and tours, event organisation, managing uniforms and the music library, photocopying, handling instrument repair or hire, etc).

This job is 30 hours per week (plus some overtime), Monday to Friday, term-time only.

Applications close Thursday 30 June 2022. Please email our Director of Music, Fiona Wilson if you need more information ([email protected]) or Marie McKerrow if you wish to apply ([email protected]) including your CV and cover letter.


Warming up winter for those in need

By Ariana Aminian and Diya Shah
Rotary Interact Group, WGHS

This year, WGHS is conducting its annual Auckland City Mission Winter Appeal, following our first blanket drive in our inauguration year of Rotary Interact at Westlake Girls in 2021. Our club is a student lead action group that follows the values of Rotary international, with a centre focus on “service above self”.

For this project, we are once again teaming up with Auckland City Mission, which is an incredible organisation doing all it can to help and support Aucklanders in need – however, they need our help. While last year our group was solely focused on blanket donations, this year we are opening this initiative up to winter clothes – this includes any winter jackets, gloves, beanies and/or other warm clothing that students have at home (in addition to any spare blankets), to support the homeless in preparation for the cold winter months to come.

Students will be informed about this project through mediums such as Form Class/Assembly visits and the Daily Notices, and are encouraged to donate any warm winter gear in good condition to this cause.

Our students will have the opportunity to drop their blankets and winter clothes off at A34 over Week 8-10 (until the end of Term 2), while Rotary members will be stationed there during Form Times to aid with collection.

Friends, family, and members of the public are also encouraged to get involved as they did last year, and drop off their spare warm winter clothing or blankets at the school office, where their donations will be collected with those from the rest of the students and dropped off to Auckland City Mission.



Cricket players chosen for National Tournament

Over Queens birthday weekend, students from WGHS took to the court for a Regional Indoor Cricket Tournament.

The following players were selected to represent North Harbour:

Harbour U22
Emily Watton
Erina Brown
Samantha Coleman

Harbour Open Women
Leah Watton
Brooke James
Nelita Pistorius

The U22 girls came second and the Open Women were knocked out in semi finals. Brooke James (pictured right) also won Tournament MVP for the Harbour Women’s Team.

From this tournament teams were selected for National Tournament in July.  Congrats to the following players:

Auckland U17
Emily Watton
Leah Watton

Auckland U22
Leah Watton
Nelita Pistorius

Northern Districts Open Women
Brooke James



Westlake Wellness - Food and Sport

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Food is a fantastic fuel for sport, it provides the energy to perform exercise for the duration of a game and the nutrients for repair and growth of muscle, transportation of oxygen and numerous other body processes.

Choosing the right foods can make a difference in performance as well as contribute to developing great habits around food for long term health.

Exercise causes the body temperature to rise and water is lost through sweating. Water is essential in regulating body temperature, preventing overheating and can help to prevent cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Water is the best way to hydrate and there is no need for sports drinks unless participating in long durations of exercise training or multiple games. Water is easy to access at most events and is extremely cheap with no negative impact on the individual.

Food consumed 2-3 hours before competition and the night before, should contain a range of nutrients. Carbohydrates provide sustained energy, but they require a range of other complimentary nutrients to fully utilise the energy. Consume sufficient energy to have good glycogen stores in the muscles, ready for release as required (you can store about 90 mins of glycogen) so for most athletes participating in school games they should have sufficient stores. If you do not feel hungry before a game try a drink of orange juice or some fruit, plan your eating times to fit around games to avoid running out of energy.

During games and physical activity, consuming large amounts of food for fuel is simply not an option. Muscles are competing with the digestive system and unless the food is easily digested can lead to cramps. During the game at half time or when subbed off, opt for simple carbohydrate foods such as banana, orange wedges and soft glucose sweets. Sports drinks are not recommended for games of less than 1 hour or if the exercise is not prolonged, water is the best option.

Eating post game is an opportunity to consume carbohydrate rich foods to replace lost glycogen stores as well as provide energy for normal growth and repair. Food choices should be nutritious, low fat, low sugar, low salt and remember to consume plenty of fluids. Consuming very fatty foods such as pizza and hot chips will provide energy but at the expense of other valuable nutrients.

Below are a list of organisations which provide specific nutrition advice to their sporting code:

Sports Nutrition New Zealand

The New Zealand Nutrition Foundation







A little love note from WGHS

By Sophia Santayana
Rotary Interact Group, WGHS

‘Random Acts of Kindness’ was an initiative and focus of Westlake Girls High School’s very own Rotary Interact Group.

Among the various acts of kindness our Rotary group has organised this year — such as the newly installed sanitary dispensers in the Westlake toilets and our upcoming winter appeal drive – for the first 8 weeks of Term 2 we have been giving back to the community, showing love and kindness through our cards and letters.

Our Rotary Interact group has been busy each week with decorating cards and writing letters to give out to the community. We have been sending out these cards made-with-love to the children staying with Starship, the elderly under the care of Hospice, and the elderly in Rest homes.

Rotary Interact at WGHS wants to make a positive difference in our community, we thought, why not start with the simple things — things such as showing people that we care about them, that they are loved, giving them words of encouragement to help them throughout their day, giving people cards to make their day even just a bit better, giving people a reason to smile.

We want to make a positive difference in people’s everyday life — this is the reason we have been making cards for this past term. Our Rotary Interact group wanted to show people, from children to the elderly, that we do care. After all, everyone deserves to be loved.

Stay strong and keep smiling!
– Love, WGHS Rotary Interact Group

Pictured above: Year 12 students Michelle Shen hands over completed cards and letters to Delphine Pearson from Hospice North Shore. 

Arts & Culture

Music students all receive accolades!

Our Year 12 and 13 music students achieved great success in the New Zealand Choral Federation SOUNZ Choral Competition again this year.

Under the tutelage of composition tutor David Hamilton, every student who entered a choral piece in the competition, was awarded some recognition by the adjudicator Anthony Ritchie.

Matilda Faamausili – 2nd place for her piece ‘After the Winter’
Emilie Murphy – Highly Commended for her piece ‘Hope is the Thing with Feathers’
Sophia Zhang – Highly Commended for their piece ‘Annabel Lee’
Stephanie Zhou – Commended for her piece ‘Silence’

SOUNZ NZCF Te Reo Māori Choral Composition
Bella Allan-Moetaua – 2nd place for her piece ‘Mā Te Ra’

Congratulations to all of our successful students!

Pictured top from back left: Matilda Faamausili, Emilie Murphy, Bella Allan-Moetaua
Front left: Sophia Zhang, Stephanie Zhou

Arts & Culture

Brilliant performances by Chamber Music students

Audrey Guo (piano) and Claire Xu (cello) both competed in the Auckland Regionals of the New Zealand Chamber Music Competition in their respective chamber groups recently.

Both students performed well on the day and Audrey’s two chamber groups are through to the next round. ‘Lake Minedrio’ (with WBHS students Michael Peng and Newton Yuan) will be performing the Shostakovich Piano Trio No. 1.

‘Gedalge Trio’ (with Macleans College and St Paul’s Collegiate students Lorna Zhang and Matthew Chanwai) will be performing the Ravel Piano Trio.

We wish Audrey the best of luck at the Northern Regional Finals on Saturday 2 July.


Arts & Culture

12 Drama Class Production - The Trial

By Mackenzie Wills
Year 12

On Wednesday 1 June, the Year 12 Drama class performed the play ‘The Trial’ by Ben Hales (adapted from Kafka’s novel of the same name) for their AS2.6 performance achievement standard. 

Josef K gets arrested one morning without having done anything wrong. The play follows the character as he tries to figure out why he has been arrested. He finds no answers and is executed by the government, still with no idea of what he has done wrong. The role of Josef was played by Erina Brown of 12HMG, who sustained Josef’s befuddlement and righteousness across a number of demanding scenes.

The play highlights the flaws in the justice system through a chorus of clerks. Representing the mindless masses who acquiesce to the pressures of a cold and sinister government, the clerks move and speak in unison, singing “they tell me when they tell me how I never question why, I believe what I hear I trust what I read why would our leaders lie”.

The cast was very disciplined and had to switch rapidly and smoothly between roles, performing as both clerks and other named roles, including Surveillance Officers, a flirty mistress, and a corrupt warder. Students worked on the play for six weeks, learning lines, taking direction and negotiating around Covid-related absences and the various demands of working in a group.

It was a great learning experience and the students were pleased to be able to perform in front of an audience of friends and family again after being held back by many restrictions due to Covid-19. 



Gearing up for the 40-Hour-Famine!

Last week, Westlake’s 40-Hour-Famine Committee held a lunchtime event.

They designed a simulation game, where groups of students were given tokens that represented different essential items needed to survive, like water, water containers, shoes, medicine, etc. Participants learnt about how unjust this world can be, where some people die because they don’t have access to these necessities. Students also competed in a quiz.

If you would like to help provide safe water to children and communities around the world, please donate to:


Lauren's riding high!

Westlake Girls has an outstanding Equestrian Team, as you will have read about recently in previous editions of Te Reo of Te Roto.

One of our talented riders who is part of the team, and represented Westlake when she was in Years 9 and 10, is 17-year-0ld Lauren Mitchell. Lauren has recently won three Series Titles, which is an extraordinary achievement.

Lauren (pictured above with Mahatchi Gold Rosado KF) started riding when she was 3-years-old. “I got into riding as mum and dad got me a horse,” she says “Mum used to ride when she was young, so it’s in the family.

Winning three series titles was something of a journey for Lauren. “A series runs from August to April, and at each show you can gain points by winning or placing in ‘series classes’,” says Lauren. “These are basically sponsored classes that are run nationally throughout the session. What determined me as a winner is that out of each series round I participated in, my top 12 rounds added up to 72 points – which is the maximum amount of points that someone can achieve in each series.”

Lauren says she gained points throughout the season from August 2021 – April 2022. “At the last show of the season – Series Final in Masterton during April – I completed my last rounds which added to my total score. Doing this I managed to win the Aniwell Category C High Points Series and place second in the ESNZ Pony Rider Equitation on my pony Mahatchi Gold Rosado KF.

“Then I won the Sport Horse Junior High Points Series on Sonny Bill and lastly won the ESNZ Junior Equitation Series on Criaghaven Black Heart. Alongside this, I have another horse Marokopa CJ who also placed in each series he was entered in.”

Lauren (pictured left with Marokopa CJ) says she was shocked when she realised she’d won three series. “The most important thing to me is that my horses stay happy and the wins were just the icing on the cake,” she says. “I have worked so hard in winning my first ever series (I came .5% away from winning a series last season), so it only made me more determined and passionate this year. Winning more than one series was always a dream, but winning them on three different horses is insane because each of my horses is very different. I am so proud of what I have accomplished this season.”

While she’s now too old to compete on her Pony, Mahatchi Gold Rosado KF, Lauren feels a strong bond with each of her horses.  “I definitely bond with each one. I am very unique with how I ride each horse and it comes through within my rounds. Each horse is so different and therefore needs a different riding style.

“I love the bond you create with your horse. It isn’t easy to create that bond as they don’t speak and are over 500kg heavier than we are, so I love the time spent with them, the bad moments and the good moments. I love seeing myself and my horses improve both inside of the ring and outside of the ring,” she says.

“With Show Hunter, I love the precision and the aim is to go and make it look as pretty as possible. I strive for perfection each round. I love the fact that I have such an amazing support network behind me that are so supportive throughout each round and show.”

Lauren says one of her goals is to ride overseas. “This is a big dream for me as I would get to see how they ride and how their routines differ from mine. This means that I would be able to travel the world and be coached and overseen by some of the biggest names in the world. I see a career in my riding, however I am fully aware that it comes with a big price tag. As much as I would love to ride full-time I would also love to get a degree while continuing to ride at a top-level. It takes a lot of time effort and supports to get to this level and it would be a shame to throw it away.”

Well done from all of us here at Westlake on a brilliant season Lauren.


Matariki traditions to start with your family

By Elizabeth Beaumont (recipe sourced from Stuff)
TIC Food Technology

With the introduction of a day for recognising and celebrating Matariki for the whole country, I am looking forward to some time with family and friends.

I also thought it would be a great time to start some Matariki traditions that we can share and build on, one of these will be a family lunch.

Below is a delicious recipe for a Hāngi Kono (oven Hāngi), we do this with the students by preparing all the ingredients the day before and wrapping the parcels up, then I put them in the oven when I get to school so they are ready for lunch – they are delicious and so easy.

Tip from experience – the stuffing really does make it so tasty, I just sprinkle it over the food before sealing the parcels.

These kono (food baskets) are simply meat, root vegetables and stuffing steamed inside cabbage leaf parcels. You can use any cuts of meat, but pork and lamb are hāngi favourites. Make sure the meat is well seasoned with salt.

Preparation time: 30 minutes         Cooking time: 3 hours            Serves 3 as a main


3x150g pork chops, well salted
3x150g lamb chops, well salted
1 large kūmara (200-300g)
3 potatoes (300g)
¼ of a pumpkin (400g) (Vegetables peeled and chopped into 3cm chunks, other root vegetables can be used too)
3- 5 large green cabbage leaves
½ cup of water


6 slices of bread
1 onion, diced
2tbsp mixed herbs
2tsp salt
75g butter, melted


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. Prepare stuffing: Break bread into small chunks by hand, or in food processor. Combine all stuffing ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Line a large roasting dish with two layers of cabbage leaves (smaller inner leaves).
  4. Using four large cabbage leaves as “baskets”, fill each with meat, 6 to 8 vegetable pieces, and top with stuffing.
  5. Place each cabbage basket into a roasting dish, season with salt, and cover each with two large cabbage leaves.
  6. Pour the water over the whole dish and cover snugly with two layers of tinfoil.
  7. Cook in the oven at 200C for one hour, and at 160C for a further two hours.
  8. Remove from the oven and serve immediately, using a spatula to place each kono on plates for everyone to open and enjoy.
Arts & Culture

Come and celebrate Chinese Night with us

Chinese Night is a very special celebration on Westlake’s annual calendar. This year we are very pleased to offer you the chance to join in the festivities, being held on Friday 8 July in the Event Centre at Westlake Girls High School.

This annual event celebrates Chinese culture within Westlake and its wider community. It is run by the Westlake Chinese Night Committee. This committee consists of students from both Westlake schools. They plan and organise the event with the support of teachers from both schools.

A portion of the proceeds of the night will go to a charity chosen by the committee.

The performances involve both traditional and modern Chinese acts which strive to develop understanding and appreciation for Chinese culture in the school and wider community. The entertaining performances will be interspersed with our entertaining MCs, as well as an interval when there will be Chinese Food for sale.

You can purchase tickets using the link below.


Arts & Culture

Be in quick to secure your tickets!

Our two very exciting school productions start their season next week.

A cast from WGHS is performing Antigone, a tragedy by Sophocles.  This is a play about the struggle between the desire for public order and personal compassion in the city of Thebes.  Antigone defies her uncle, King Creon’s new law and dares to give funeral rites for the body of her brother, the leader of a defeated invading party.  Creon’s response to Antigone’s so-called “crime” lead his entire family further into tragedy.

A cast from WBHS is performing the comedy The Government Inspector, by Gogol.  This is a story of small-town corruption, as the people of a Russian village mistake a small-time conman for a visiting government official.

The season is:

June 29 – July 9: 7.30pm
July 3: 4pm
July 9: 2.30pm

Both shows will be held in the WBHS auditorium. Ticket prices are adults $25, students $20, family of four $70.


Arts & Culture

You are warmly invited!

Arts & Culture

Juniors enjoy a day in Hamilton

On Saturday 18 June our Nota Bella Junior Choir travelled down to Hamilton to perform in the Hamilton Civic Choir’s concert ‘Dance the Light’.

Elise Bradley is the Musical Director of both choirs. Nota Bella performed the two pieces they won the Junior Award with at the Auckland Regional Big Sing a few days earlier. They then joined with Tron Songsters Children’s Choir to sing ‘Dance Song to the Creator’ and ‘Canticles of Light’ with HCC.

During their downtime, the choir enjoyed visiting Hamilton Gardens and the Hamilton Museum before sharing a choir dinner together before the evening concert. Nota Bella is now working towards performing ‘Carmina Burna’ with the National Choirs of New Zealand in the last week of the July holidays.

Elise is pictured below with Note Bella at the Big Sing.


A Champion Effort

Congratulations to the Westlake Girls Snowboarding Team, the 2022 Auckland Secondary Schools Snowboarding Champion.

Nervous about repeating last year’s inaugural win at the snowboarding event, the five student team of Harriet Gowing, Coco and Meadow Mauger, Jorgina Mackenzie and Naobi Nishida, dominated the Auckland Champs, winning 11 medals, including 6 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze medals and the overall title.

Year 12 Harriet Gowing started the medal haul by racing away with both the Senior Girls Race and Dual Race Championships before Year 10 Meadow Mauger won the Junior Girls Race title.

After dominating the action on the race course, the focus moved to the ‘Park’ and freestyling, where students performed on-air and ground tricks in the Slopestyle event. Jorgina, Meadow and Naobi combined strongly to win three more medals plus the overall Girls Slopestyle title.

Westlake Girls won the overall championship with 122 points, ahead of Rangitoto on 64 and Elim on 81 and the team agreed that their impressive effort was a direct result of the expert tuition they received from the Cardrona Parks Team last July at the Westlake Snowsports Camp in Wanaka.

Full list of medals:

Event: Race

◦ Gold – Overall Girls Race Champion
◦ Gold – Harriet Gowing – Senior Race Champion
◦ Bronze – Coco Mauger – Senior Race
◦ Gold – Meadow Mauger – Junior Race Champion
◦ Silver – Jorgina Mackenzie – Junior Race
◦ Gold – Harriet Gowing – Dual Race Champion

Event: Slopestyle 

◦ Gold – Overall Girls Slopestyle Champion
◦ Bronze- Naobi Nishida – Senior Slopestyle
◦ Silver – Jorgina Mackenzie – Junior Slopestyle
◦ Bronze – Meadow Mauger – Junior Slopestyle

◦ Gold – Overall Girls School Champion


Finding a way through family conflict

Once again our fabulous counsellors have discovered a fantastic resource that you might find helpful.

This article is from Greater Good magazine produced by the Greater Good Science Centre which is based in the Berkeley University of California. It deals with the issue of family conflict, how it’s normal and how to strengthen the family fabric.

Greater Good online magazine is filled with articles and videos for parents and families to help them foster qualities like gratitude, forgiveness, resilience, understanding, and generosity in themselves and their children.


Arts & Culture

Outstanding performances bring home the rewards

On 15 and 16 June, our Westlake choirs Cantare, Choralation, Cigno Voce and Nota Bella all competed at the NZCF Auckland Regionals of The Big Sing. It was a joyous event after so many weeks of disruption to rehearsals and the Auckland Town Hall was filled with excited secondary students for three days. The Auckland region has the largest number of choirs over the country, with 56 entries of Mixed, Female and Male voice choirs performing for adjudicator Dr Andrew Withington. The Westlake choirs shone during their recitals and were awarded numerous awards on the final Gala concert evening.

Nota Bella Junior Choir: Musical Director Elise Bradley
Runners up: Best Performance in the Choral Art Composition Category
Winners of Best Festival Program by a Junior Choir

Choralation: Musical Director Rowan Johnston
Runners up: Best A Capella Performance in Any Genre
Winners: Best Festival Program by a Mixed Choir

Cantare: Musical Director Fiona Wilson
Winners: Best Festival Program by a Female Choir
Winners: Best A Capella Performance in Any Genre
Winners: Adjudicators Award for Excellent Performance of a Single Work

Westlake Boys High School’s Voicemale choir were also awarded Best Festival Programme by a Male Choir, which means the Westlake premier choirs took a clean sweep of Auckland awards for the second year in a row.

The selection for the National Finale Competition (top 24 choirs in New Zealand) and Cadenza Festival (next 12 choirs in Upper North Island) were announced earlier this week.

Cantare, Choralation and Voicemale have been selected to compete in the Finale and will be travelling to Christchurch at the end of August. Cigno Voce Senior Choir (Musical Director Rachel Carson) have been selected for the first time to compete at Cadenza, held in Rotorua just before Finale.

Pictured top are: Back left, Rowan Johnston, Fiona Wilson, David Squire, Cameron Price, William Squire, Tessa Rouse, James Harrison
Front left: Stella Ranginui, Madi Jagger, Nikka Caraig, Molly Mahan, Alexander Wilson, Gemma May










Top spots go to Westlake students

Congratulations to Year 12 students Isabella Drummond (pictured above left) and Kirsten Abustan (above right) who participated in the Auckland finals of The Lions Club Young Speechmakers’ Competition on 11 June. Isabella and Kirsten placed First and Second respectively.

Isabella spoke on leadership from a Māori and Pakeha point of view and Kirsten on corruption in a country and to keep ourselves aware in this country.

The National Finals will take place in Palmerston North on Saturday 13 August 2022. Hillcrest Lions Club was proud to sponsor our students.

Isabella (second from right) and Kirsten (right) are pictured with finalists from other schools.



Learning from one of the best!

Morgan Klyn who is an ex-Fabric Technology student came to speak to our current Fabric Technology and Fashion & Design students last week. Morgan graduated from AUT in 2019 as the top student and is currently working for Carpenter’s Daughter.

Morgan talked about her time at AUT studying Fashion Design and her experiences in the Fashion Industry. The students were able to ask lots of questions about the AUT course. Currently we have three Year 13 Fabric students considering the option of studying Fashion Design at AUT next year.

Students are pictured above with Morgan (in yellow) and TIC Fabric Technology Kate Luisetti.

Arts & Culture

Gala concert - save the date!

Our fabulous annual Gala Concert will be held on Friday 5 August. Keep the date free – tickets will go on sale shortly, so watch this space!


Sports Shorts


Congratulations to Savannah-Eve Martin and Doyoun Kim, both Year 12, who recently competed in the North Island Secondary Schools Swimming Championship. Both athletes achieved personal bests with the following results:


2x Gold in 50 Back and 100 Back
1 x Silver in 50 Butterfly
4th in 50 Free and 100 Free
7th in 100 Butterfly and 9th in 100 IM


1 x Silver in 100 Back
5th in 50 Back,
6th in 100 fly and 100 IM
7th in 100 Free and 8th in 50 Free

A huge congratulations also goes to Zoe Crawford who has been named in the 23-swimmer strong team for the 2022 Junior Pan Pacific Games in Honolulu, Hawaii from 24-27 August. In the previous edition of Te Roto we announced that Zoe had also been named in the NZ Surf Lifesaving World Champs Youth Team (Black Fins) who will compete in Italy during September. Amazing effort Zoe.

Zoe’s whānau has started a Give-a-Little page to help support her fundraising for these trips, and there will also be a fundraising evening. We’ll share more details when we have them.


Congratulations to Year 12 footballer Alexis Cook who has been selected to attend the New Zealand Women’s Under-17 training camp, being held in Auckland from 18-24 July.

Alexis, who plays for the Norther Rovers Football Club, is one of 28 athletes selected from around the country to attend the camp.



Important Things to Note - 23 June 2022

School closed tomorrow

WGHS will be closed tomorrow for Matariki. This includes the Second-Hand Uniform Shop. We hope you have a lovely time celebrating with your whānau!

Change of bell times and early finish on Tuesday 5 July

Our annual Open Night for students interested in attending WGHS in 2023, is being held on Tuesday 5 July. In order to set up for the event, there will be an early finish for current students. Please note that bus timetables will run to their usual schedules. The library will be open for students who need to wait for buses. The following bell times apply for Tuesday 5 July only:

There will be no form time. Each teaching period is about 5min shorter and lunchtime is 10min shorter.

8.45am            Period 1 warning bell
8.50am            Start of Period 1
9.45am            End of Period 1, start of Period 2
10.40am          End of Period 2, start of interval
11.00am          End of interval warning bell
11.05am           Start of Period 3
11.55am           End of Period 3, start of lunchtime
12.30pm          End of lunchtime warning bell
12.35pm           Start of Period 4
1.25pm             End of Period 4, start of Period 5
2.20pm            End of Period 5

Process for unwell students leaving school

Please remember that if your daughter becomes unwell at school, she must visit the nurse in order to be released from school. She shouldn’t be ringing you directly to be collected. The nurse will contact you, and your daughter will need to sign out at reception upon your arrival. We appreciate your assistance with this as we have had a run of students calling their parents and signing themselves out.

Board Elections

If you are interested in nominating yourself to join our Board at the 2022 elections, you are warmly invited to our next meeting on Thursday 7 July at 6pm in the Conference Room, Gernhoefer Admin Centre, WGHS. You can find out more information on our website HERE.

Pasifika Fono

If you haven’t RSVPed for our Pasifika Fono on Tuesday, you still have time! We’d love for you to join us for this very special evening. This is an opportunity to meet the Pasifika Mentors and understand a little more about how they help your daughter with school life, academia and scholarship opportunities for Year 13 students.

For more information or to register, please email April Ieremia at [email protected]

School holidays

Please note that our school office will be shut during the school holidays, from Monday 11 to Friday 22 July inclusive. If you need to get hold of someone at the school during the holidays, please email [email protected] but please note their could be a delay in response.

Clothes Swap

There is a clothes swap happening at WGHS in Term 3, organised by our awesome Enviro Prefects. We are needing clothes! If you’ve got anything in your wardrobe that you no longer wear, please give it to your daughter to bring in for the swap. For every item you donate, your daughter will be able to choose something new for you. If you trust her enough to choose your clothes, we’d love you to be a part of this. Any clothes that don’t find a loving new home at the end of the swap will be donated to charity.

Uniform Shop

Here are the opening days and times for the Uniform Shop, Unit 10, 54 View Road.

Term 3: 25 July – 29 September

Monday: 2.30 – 5.30pm
Tuesday -Thursday: 2.30 – 5pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed except for 6 August, 27 August, 24 September: 10am – 2pm

Term 2 Key Dates
Friday 24 June Matariki (school closed)
Tuesday 28 June Pasifika Fono
Wednesday 29 June – Saturday 9 July School Production Season
Tuesday 5 July Open Night for Year 9, 2023
Friday 8 July Chinese Night
Friday 8 July End of Term 2
Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 25 July Start of Term 3
Thursday 28 July (3pm) Junior mid-year reports issued via the Parent Portal
Saturday 30 July Year 13 Ball
Thursday 4 August (3pm) Senior mid-year reports issued via the Parent Portal
Friday 5 August Gala Concert
Thursday 11 August Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 17 August Whānau Evening
Thursday 25 August Media Studies Oscar Night
Friday 30 September End of Term 3
Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 17 October Start of Term 4
Monday 24 October Labour Day (school closed)
Monday 7 November NCEA exams begin
Friday 2 December NCEA exams finish. End of school for Years 11-13
Friday 9 December End of Term for Years 9 and 10