
Hockey goes from strength to strength

The 1st XI Hockey girls qualified for the Harbour Final in utterly dominant fashion.  Starting the season 16-0 and 14-0 wins over St Mary’s 2nd XI and Long Bay respectively.

Our 2nd XI provided a sterner test, before we finished the round with 9-1 and 9-0 wins against Mahurangi and Kristin. This firmly cemented our place in the final against Rangitoto on Thursday.

The 1st XI team has played 5 games. With 5 wins, 54 goals scored and only 2 against, we are in scintillating form ahead of the final and the upcoming intercity championship.

The 2nd XI Hockey team has dug deep to qualify for the Auckland Super City Competition.  With a team full of up and coming players, the young talented team has surprised opponents in the round robin games with wins over Long Bay 1st XI, Mahurangi 1st XI, and St Mary’s 2nd XI in the North Harbour Grade 1 competition.

Both the 1st XI and 2nd XI Hockey teams now move on to play in the Super City Competition which commences on Thursday 13 August.

The Junior A team has also had a great start to the season. They only have two other teams in their pool who they play twice. They had a win and a draw against a strong Westlake 3rd team and a solid 5-0 win against Northcote 1st. They are currently leading the pool with a game in hand against Northcote. A win next week will see them promoted to the 1A grade in the second round.


The Ultimate Game has started at Westlake!

By Tessa Watson
Year 12

Last Sunday, a group of eight juniors and seniors attended the Ultimate Frisbee AKSS Senior Indoor Tournament in Papakura. Until now, Ultimate Frisbee was not a sport at Westlake Girls. Groups of us would walk up to Westlake Boys on Fridays and play with our friends in their social teams. I don’t think any of us started for the frisbee, it was a way to get out and meet up with friends, but it slowly became more than that. Although, if you ask us we might brush it off, Ultimate Frisbee is now a passion of ours.

After Ms Page found out about us, she pulled together all Westlake Girls students playing for the Westlake Boys’ team and made a team of our own. We still play with the boys, except now we can manage, train and play how we like. Shortly after our coming-together, we were offered to participate in the Ultimate Frisbee AKSS Senior Indoor Tournament. Of course, we said yes, but little did we know we were put in the First Division and versing teams who have played together for years.

We played five games against the top female Ultimate Frisbee teams in Auckland, winning three, just losing to another and an absolute whipping from the national champs, Epsom Girls. With Rodney, our unicorn mascot, by our side and our friends cheering from the side lines, it was always fun. Through our wins and losses, we learnt the meaning of spirit and sportsmanship as well as ways we could improve our own play. For us, the tournament was about fun and trying our very best and in the end, we came fifth place out of 14 teams. I don’t think any of us that morning would’ve guessed a group of eight students who had only played all together once and only played frisbee for about a month prior, could have done so well. I tribute that to not only our drive but our spirit.

We train every Tuesday right after school in Gym 3. If you want to play yourselves, either for the fun, friends, exercise or you have a passion for throwing a plastic disc around, then come join us! We would really love to see some new faces and hopefully make frisbee an official Westlake sport.


Assistants bring languages to life

This year we are fortunate to have language assistants to help our students of French, Spanish and German. These young people from various backgrounds will be present in our school until December. They have been a great support to student learning and have been taking an active part in our language clubs as well.

We are proud to introduce them (pictured above from left Nonta, Bea and Sandy):


Tēnā koutou and Guten Tag, I am Nonta, a young teacher from Berlin, Germany. I have just finished my Masters degree in English as a Foreign Language and Political Education. I was attracted to the job of a German Foreign Language Assistant Teacher in Tāmaki Makaurau because I wanted to get to know the local culture and educational system. Some of my interests include climate and social justice, cycling and dancing.

Noho ora mai!


¡Hola! My name is Bea and I’m from Asturias, in the North of Spain. I hold a degree in English Studies, a Masters degree in Teaching, and I’m currently doing a PhD in Gender and Diversity. Being a Language Assistant has proven to be a great opportunity to improve my teaching skills and get to know how education works here. Furthermore, New Zealand has so many amazing outdoor activities to offer that it’s impossible to get bored. I’ve only been here for half a year, but Auckland already feels like home!


Hi, my name is Sandy and I’m from Lyon, in France. I first studied Graphic Design, but then changed to Linguistics, and I now have a Masters degree in Language Teaching. I enjoy sharing knowledge with others and challenging other minds and thoughts. As I aim to be a French Teacher, being a Language Assistant this year is a great opportunity for me to test my skills, while enjoying the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand.


Working together to learn more about each other

Student Action Teams started in Term 2 in many of the schools from our Pupuke Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning).

Students, with guidance from their teacher leaders, are working towards implementing actions chosen by them to strengthen areas of need within their school/ our community. Many of the in-school teams are using a human-centred design process to ensure that the action they implement is purposeful and user-focused.

Teams are starting with empathising and defining – phases of the process in which they develop empathy with their users and unpack and define their community challenge/action. The photos above are a snapshot of Westlake Girls, Wairau Intermediate and Milford Primary working on a range of activities which will help them frame up potential ideas for their actions.


This is Us

Grant Brown

What do you do at Westlake?
I’m the school’s Property Manager responsible for all aspects of the school property including Property staff, external contractors, Health and Safety (in conjunction with Mr Davis), property enhancement planning and implementation, budget control and interface on property issue with the Ministry. I also belong to the School Business Managers Association and I’m the joint spokesperson on property at the Ministry forums.

How long have you been at Westlake?
I’m in my 12th year at Westlake. Prior to that I was School Property Adviser at the Ministry of Education.

What’s the most interesting thing you have done in your career?
In my mid-thirties I held a senior management position in the Department of Justice. I was seconded to Wellington, firstly to design the first computer application for the Department of Prison called “ROS” then I was appointed Computer Systems Implementation Manager responsible for computerisation of the Corrections Group. This job was based in Wellington but involved travelling through New Zealand. It was the largest computer installation at that time and involved 76 sites including prisons, probation and psychological services. It was an extremely demanding job, but I enjoyed every day of the seven-year installation program. Later in my life I run a very successful residential building company building medium to very up-market housing. My company won several House of the Year awards including two “Gold Awards” for houses I built for myself.

Greatest achievement
I have had many over my career but the most meaningful was doing a presentation to the then Minister of Justice Sir Douglas Graham, and receiving a personal letter of commendation for my work in computerising the Correction’s Group. On leaving Justice, I received the Justice Department Medal for “Good Conduct and Long Service”.

What’s the most interesting thing about you that people might not know?
I’m a compulsive volunteer! I’m currently a Justice of the Peace, Rotarian, on various local committees, plus past president and life member of various boating and fishing clubs. I have also chaired charity committees that have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for child cancer and children that have been put into foster care.

If you were granted one wish:
Being so involved with the community I have gotten to see the real toll Covid has had on households in my community – financially, emotionally etc. My one wish would be to find a cure for Covid, and soon.

Grant is pictured above, second from right, with the Property Team in 2013.


Important things to Note - 31 July

Term 3 Key Dates

Monday 20 July: Term 3 Starts
Tuesday 21 July: Open Night for study in 2021
Wednesday 5 August: Parent Teacher Meetings
Tuesday 11 August: Māori Parent Hui
Wednesday 12 August: Pasifika Parent Fono
Thursday 13 August: Gala Concert
Tuesday 18 August: Dance Showcase
Friday 28 August: Korean Night
Wednesday 2 September: Last day for out-of-zone enrolment applications
Friday 25 September:  Chinese Night
Friday 25 September: Last Day of Term

Subject Choice Information Evening

On Monday 17 August, Westlake Girls High School will be holding a Subject Choice Information Evening for students currently in Years 10-12, and their parents. We warmly invite you to come and discuss NCEA-level subjects with TICs and HODs.

Firstly, we encourage you to talk with your daughter about what subjects she would like to take, and then come along to meet with teachers in D Block, who can answer your questions. There is no need to book, just come along between 4pm and 6pm.  Careers counsellors will also be available during this time.

You can access information about courses on offer at Westlake Girls’ here:

Due to the problems with our school network, student subject choice will now be open on SchoolPoint from 20 August until 27 August at 4pm

Junior Reports

Due to technical difficulties, we unfortunately will not be releasing Junior Reports (Years 9-10) as planned. Our Parent-Teacher meetings will still take place on Wednesday 5 August and you are able to book in with your daughter’s teachers online at using event code bx693. Bookings are open today (Friday 31 July) from 3pm. We will release End-of-Year Reports for our Junior school in December. We apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to catching up with you in person next Wednesday.

Payments and Parent Portal

Currently you will be unable to access the Parent Portal as your password will not work. Over the next week we will send you a new password, so please wait to hear from us before attempting to log in.

If you need to make any payments to the school, please do this by:

    1. Coming into school to pay
    2. Direct Credit: Account Name: Westlake Girls High School. Account Number: 02 0272 0471113 000

Māori Parent Hui

Our Hui for Māori parents will be held on Tuesday 11 August  at 6.30pm in our staffroom. Please note that this is different to the community hui we held in July.

Pasifika Parent Fono

Our Fono for Pasifika parents will be held on Wednesday August 12 at 6.30pm in our staffroom.


Buy a raffle ticket and help our House charities

Our five Houses have joined together for a brilliant fundraising venture to raise money for their individual charities.

For just $2 per ticket (or $5 for 3) you can be in to win a range of goodies from The Body Shop, jewellery, Ripe Deli cookbooks, Animates vouchers – and so much more.

The proceeds will be split between the five House charities for 2020:

Akoranga – Pet Refuge
Hauraki – Shine (domestic abuse charity)
Onewa – Children’s Autism Foundation
Pupke – Youthline
Wairau – Pillars

To purchase your ticket(s) email Michele at [email protected] The raffle will be drawn on 19 August and winners notified by email or phone.

Please note: The image above is of Body Shop products but not an indication of what products will be in the prize (it’s just a teaser!).

Arts & Culture

Hannah hits the high note

Year 12 music student Hannah Jones was recently announced as the Junior Winner of the New Zealand Chamber Music Composition Competition.

Her piece, entitled “Extranjero Tango”, was scored for violin, viola and piano. The title means ‘foreign tango’ because the tango style (originally from Argentina) is not regarded as an authentic New Zealand musical style. “I enjoyed working with chromatic scales in this tango, however, it was a challenge to ensure the violin and viola melodies worked well together, especially as I am not a string player, but a saxophonist and singer,” says Hannah.

This year’s entries were judged by Clare Cowan (composer of the Royal New Zealand Ballet’s recent production of Hansel and Gretel). The competition is so widely entered by secondary school composition students from around New Zealand, that both a Junior and Senior winner is selected. Like all senior music students, Hannah receives weekly tuition from Westlake’s Composer-in-Residence, David Hamilton, who is himself a well-known New Zealand composer.

The Residence Programme was first initiated to encourage and inspire Westlake composition students and there have been numerous winners of both national and international competitions over many years under David’s expert tutelage.

Arts & Culture

Instrumental workshops help prepare for Gala Concert

Taharoto Orchestra (directed by Fleur Knowles), Westlake Girls Symphonic Band (directed by Jono Howan) and Westlake Symphony Orchestra (directed by David Squire) have been working hard preparing music for the annual showcase ‘Westlake Gala Concert’ coming up on Thursday 13 August.

Last week, Taharoto and Westlake Symphony Orchestras both enjoyed workshops with mentors from the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. Four APO players (representing strings, woodwind, brass and percussion sections) ran a specialised workshop, which was a fantastic opportunity for our young musicians to learn closely from the professionals.

Without the usual KBB Music Festival to compete in this year, the Westlake instrumentalists are excited to share their work in concerts coming up this term – please come and support them!



Football season ushered in with wins

The First XI team has had a great start to the season with two good wins over Botany Downs and Mt Albert. They also had a close game with a narrow 1-0 loss against Epsom.

The Second XI team have also had a good start with comfortable wins over Kristin and Birkenhead after losing their first game to Albany. Our Senior Social Swans team had their first away game with a 5-1 win over Long Bay which was an awesome result as they have never played together as a team before.

The Junior A team has started the season with a loss, a draw and a win. Losing to Baradene after a close first half, drawing with Mt albert 3-3 and with a win over St Mary’s 5-1. Our Junior Red team has dominated their last two games after losing their first game. The Junior Green had a great first game winning 7-1 against Northcote Year 10s, but have since lost their last 2 games.


Lacrosse team unites year levels

With one Lacrosse team combining new and experienced players ranging from Year 9 – 13 it is great to see the comradery being built within the team. They had a great game last week narrowly losing 9-8 against St Mary’s. On Wednesday night the team won 15-2 against Epsom Girls Grammar with goals scored by Chloe Keenan (2 goals), Leah Patrick (4 goals), Holly Marshall (4 goals) and Michelle Farrell (5 goals).


Great start to netball season

Netball has had a great start to the season with our Premier 1 team playing in the Auckland competition currently standing 5/12 with a clear win over St Cuthbert’s 38-16 and a hard fought battle against Epsom Girls Grammar winning 23-21.

Our Premier 2 team is aiming to retain their Harbour Premier title from 2019 and have got off to a flying start winning 47-30 over Orewa. At the end of grading Senior 1, Senior 2 and 10/1 all made it into Open A and our top Self Organised team has made it into Open B which is a fantastic result for Westlake getting 5 teams through to the top grades.

Some great wins from our top teams in the past week:

  • 9/1 won 53 – 17 over Kristin 9/1 & won 23-13 against Baradene 9/1
  • 10/1 won 25 – 17 against Rangitoto 2
  • Senior 1 won 38 – 17 against Birkenhead 1

Hopefully we can continue the winning streak!



Cookie class inspires junior bakers

By Madison Bain
Year 12 Cookie Connesieur

Missy Moo Munchies was founded in October of 2018. It is a sole trader business owned and operated by myself (Madison). I was doing a cookie unit in my Year 10 Food Tech class and I have always had the mindset of selling products. When I researched cookies I noticed that there was only a limited range of flavours in the market (mainly chocolate chip), so I decided to come up with some interesting and new flavours. Now I have a range of flavours that are unique, interesting and different.

I have 4 cookie flavours, 4 shortbread flavours and I also have 6 international flavours from 6 different countries using some of their most common flavours and/or the flavours the country is known for.

In the July holidays of this year I was asked to teach a two-hour cookie class at the culinary institute “Main Course” in Auckland’s CBD. This happened when my Business Teacher Mrs McDermott ordered some of my cookies and gave them to her Year 9 Form Class. One of her students went home and told her Mum about this. Sonya (the Mum) reached out to my Business Teacher and asked to be a mentor to one of the Year 13 Business groups and to also ask me about teaching a class in the holidays. I said yes and we organised it for Monday 13 July.

What happened at the class was that I demonstrated making a batch of plain cookies and then I got my six students, who ranged from the age of 9-13, to each make a batch of cookies. They then got to choose from a large range of ingredients to flavour their cookies.

This is where it went a little hectic because one kid just wanted to make a single flavoured cookie, another kid wanted to make two really big cookies and the other kids got really inventive making 3-5 different flavoured cookies. I really enjoyed how creative the kids were with the flavours they came up with (even if some of the cookies didn’t taste that great) but I also liked how talkative they were with each other, sharing different stories about themselves.

Overall, it was a fun day and the kids went home happy with some homemade cookies. This wonderful experience has resulted in the opportunity to conduct another workshop in the summer holidays.

If you want to make an order or have any other questions email me at
[email protected]

Or check out my Facebook for any updates and the cookie selection: Missy Moo Munchies


Westlake Premier basketballers remain unbeaten

The 2020 Auckland Premier Basketball is shaping up to be a two horse race, with Westlake Girls and St Mary’s College unbeaten at the top of the table after three rounds of the competition.

Head Coach, Bronwen Davidson is joined on the side line by Assistant Coach Lana Wolf and Adviser Nela Fotu, and together they are forging a unified and highly competitive team with the potential to go far.  Co-Captained by New Zealand Junior Tall Fern, Jess Moors, WGHS has turned each game into a shooting-fest with wins like 96 – 44 over Mt Albert Grammar and 83 – 68 against Rangitoto. It is early days still, but Baradene and Rangitoto flank the leaders on the league table ahead of our other North Shore foe, Carmel.

The top of the table clash will see St Marys host Westlake Girls on Friday 21 August at 6pm.


Westlake golfers finish top of the Harbour

Junior Golfers Naomi Yacyshen and Connie Jarm competed in the Top of the Harbour Junior Girls Golf Tournament at Waipu Golf Club, with Naomi finishing top of the table.

The one-day Under-19 Tournament played during the July school holidays saw the Year 12 Westlake student win the event with a gross score of 79 and a net 69.  Naomi, also topped the Stableford Table with 40 points.  Year 10 Connie Jarm finished third with 36 stableford points.  Connie scored 87 off the stick and a net 75 to finish the tournament 3rd equal overall.

The tournament acts as good preparation for the New Zealand Under 19 Junior Golf Tournament in September at the Ngaruawahia Golf Course in the Waikato which both golfers are looking to compete in.

If your daughter would like to join the Westlake Girls Golf Team or she is interested in learning to play golf, she can contact April Ieremia in the Sports Department ([email protected]).


Westlake Wellness - Portion Distortion

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Food is one of life’s everyday pleasures, providing valuable nutrients for growth, repair and maintenance of cells. It is a social activity which we do every day and enjoy.

Food is also the source of some of our most common non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and some cancers. Gaining an understanding of food and its role in long term health is essential as students grow into adults.

A common issue with food that runs alongside making healthy choices, is a lack of understanding of portion size and frequency – this is more often with treat foods as manufacturers market foods to sell more product and portion sizes grow to accommodate perceived value for money.

Below are some examples of portion sizes and actual serve size for comparison.


Winter Health Tips from the Nurses

Colds and Flu

The following website contains useful information about the common cold and flu:

Our advice is as follows:

  • Wash your hands often. Hand washing is an important line of defence against germs like flu and cold viruses.
  • Keep your distance if someone is sick (coughing, sneezing, etc.). Flu viruses travel through the air, so try to stay away from people who have the above symptoms.
  • It’s also a good idea to avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth — three places flu viruses can easily enter the body.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow — not into your hands. That way, you’re not spreading the virus when you touch surfaces that other people may touch too.
  • Stay home if you have the flu or cold symptoms.  You don’t want to pass your germs to someone else.
  • You can also fight the flu on a daily basis by keeping your immune system strong. Some great immune boosters are getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods (including five or more servings of fruits and veggies a day!), drinking plenty of fluids, and getting regular exercise. You could also increase your intake of Vitamin C and Zinc to boost your immune system over the winter months.

If you get a cold:

  • Have Eucalyptus steam inhalations.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses water/day.
  • Drink hot herbal teas/chicken soup
  • Use turmeric in cooking (fights infection), Turmeric lattes
  • Drink hot real squeezed lemon, with honey and real grated ginger.
  • Get a good night’s sleep!

Keep well!
Ashia & Sally –  The Nurses 


Students shine at Open Night

So many of our wonderful students took part in our Open Night on 21 July. From tour guides, to demonstrating tech room equipment – the two evening sessions were filled with living examples of why Westlake is such a great school. It’s because of our students!

A big thank you to everyone who took part, and showcased our school so beautifully.


Are you concerned about your daughter's cyber safety?

WBHS is hosting a parent workshop from one of New Zealand’s leading internet safety experts, John Parsons.

John will provide insights and experiences of issues associated with the inappropriate use of computers, mobile phones and the internet. He believes educating young people to understand the value of identity is the first step to using ICT safely and ethically.

John Parsons will be presenting at Westlake Boys High School on Wednesday 26 August from 6-7:30pm.

Some topics that John will cover on the evening are

  • Screen time
  • Sleep
  • Online grooming
  • Sexting
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Learning to repel & report
  • Future proofing for employment

If you are interested in coming to this event, please register by clicking on the link below:


Borany's story still impacting lives

By Tessa Guthrie
Year 10

My Year 10 STEAM Social Studies class had the great privilege of holding a video call with Borany Kanal.

Borany is the author of ‘Borany’s Story’, a biography about her experiences as a refugee who survived the Khmer Rouge genocide. She was only seven when Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia. Borany and her family had to flee their home, pushing a car full of food and supplies to villages where they would live with other refugees until they were told to move again, to put it mildly, it was a tough journey. The genocide lasted for four years from 1975-1979. In those years most of her extended and large family died, either from the lack of medicine or malnourishment.

Her journey as a refugee ended in New Zealand where she was granted asylum and rebuilt her life with just her mother, brother and stepfather (the only ones who survived). In the video call, Borany told us that she is now happily married with two sons and a daughter, living in the USA. My biggest learning from reading her book and calling with her was how she was able to overcome every single obstacle she faced.


WGHS Premier Squash unbeaten in Auckland league

The addition of three talented Year 9 squash players at Westlake Girls has helped to boost the prospects of the Premier team as they head into the New Zealand Secondary Schools Squash Championship in Tauranga from 7 – 9 August.

Touted as the team to beat this year, youngsters Lucy Aspinall, Aishah Lotfy and Anna Jowsey join captain Da Eun Baek, Hawon Ryu and top player Myriam Lotfy in the Westlake Girls team that will defend the Auckland Championship title they won last year, later in September.

After three rounds of the Auckland League, WGHS is equal on nine points at the top of the table with Orewa. Unfortunately, the teams will not meet before the National Champs next week so it sets the scene for a memorable encounter.


Arts & Culture

Young singers inspired by Westlake's talent

Our two premier choirs Cantare (directed by Fiona Wilson) and Choralation (directed by Rowan Johnston) performed a concert for the first time this year – at Murray’s Bay Intermediate.

The student audience was very attentive and some lucky Year 8s were selected to have a go at conducting the choir themselves. Both choirs enjoyed sharing the music they have been working on since returning to school and are looking forward to more performances coming up soon.

Please come and support them and many more Westlake musicians at the Westlake Gala Concert on 13 August and the ‘Voices Together’ Concert on 4 September. Tickets:


Takapuna's town square design consultation is open

As part of Takapuna’s community, we wanted to share this with you for consideration.

From Monday 20 July, the Takapuna community can have their say on the proposed design of their future town square. The public consultation is seeking the community’s views to confirm the design includes the things that are most important to them, submitted via previous consultation and engagement. Feedback will be considered in the refinement of the design.

About the design
The concept design for the town square has been informed by previous engagement with the community over several years. The temporary public space at 38 Hurstmere Road has provided insights into what locals would like to see in the town square, exploring themes around shelter, play, public performance, cycling and environmental issues.

As a result, the design includes plenty of spaces for people to sit and play in the sun or shade, a water feature and an outdoor dining area. A potential location for the Anzac Memorial has also been identified in the design. This will need further input from certain groups including returned services, and consideration given to how it could be relocated and integrated into the design of the town square. The proposed design can accommodate a variety of public events, including concerts and a market with over 80 stalls. Temporary staging can be installed over the water feature.

Provide feedback at

Consultation closes on 14 August at 11.55pm.


A slice of heaven

One of our Young Enterprise Groups for 2020 is Angel’s Cheesecakes. Here’s a run down on this innovative business from Production Director Jessica Mak.

Angel’s Cheesecakes produces 100% vegan, no-bake, dairy-free, soy-free, low in fat and sugar cheesecake. Our cheesecakes are 100% freshly made as the ingredients locally sourced, made with no additives, colours or preservatives. In doing so, we aim to promote individual and environmental wellbeing.

What influenced Angel’s Cheesecakes to come up with the product idea of making non-baked cheesecake is that cheesecake is usually associated with being high in fat and sugar content.  In just one slice of chocolate Oreo mudslide cheesecake, you get 1,050 calories, 71 grams of fat, and 34 grams of saturated fat. For this reason, Angel’s Cheesecakes wanted to create a delicious, healthier option for cheesecake lovers.

Angels cheesecake has three layers: The first layer is a base which is vegan biscuits with dissolved vegan butter. The second layer is vegan cream cheese and lastly, the top layer is filled with toppings such as fruits which will vary depending on the season like mixed berries, strawberry, mango or vegan dark chocolate (seen in the picture above).

Environmentally and culturally sustainable: Angel’s’ Cheesecakes has chosen to reflect Kaitiakitanga as one of the aspects for the business where the packaging for our product is a reusable glass jar. The glass jar packaging has a Māori tag incorporated with a unique Māori word that also has an English translation. It’s a great way for people to learn a little bit of Māori. At the same time, this enhances the Māori culture awareness in society.

Have we tempted your taste buds? Order yours today on Facebook, Instagram or Storbie!
Instagram –


SchoolTV - School Refusal

School refusal, sometimes called school avoidance or school phobia, is not uncommon. It is different to ‘wagging’ or truancy and is often related to worry or anxiety-related issues about going to school. School refusal may start gradually or happen suddenly. Although it is normal for students to occasionally miss a day of school, parents should only be concerned if their teen regularly complains about feeling sick or often asks to stay home due to minor physical complaints.

School refusal is a complex issue as there is rarely a single cause. It affects children of all ages across primary and secondary levels. It can often occur during times of transition at school. More recently, the Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the educational experience of all students, affecting some more than others.

Dealing with a school refusal teen can affect the whole family, adding pressure to an already challenging time. School refusal is not considered a formal psychiatric diagnosis. It’s a name given to an emotional and/or behavioural problem.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents and caregivers will learn how best to approach this issue and work towards a solution. You can view the edition HERE


Three consecutive wins on the rugby field

The Rugby 12s team has had an extremely impressive start to the season. The team has played Rangitoto, Takapuna and Massey High School racking up an impressive 209 points on their way to three consecutive wins. What is more impressive is that the team has conceded no points from any of the opposition teams.

We are looking forward to seeing how the team progresses during the rest of their regular season.

The next game is this Monday against Orewa at Kaipatiki Park in Glenfield, kick-off at 4pm.