From the Principal

From the Principal

It’s always a turbulent time when our Y13s finish school – logistically but also emotionally. This week has been no exception. The whole school has been fizzing with activity, with multiple events happening and the departure of our school leavers.

The Y13 students are a mixture of emotions, from sadness about leaving, apprehension about exams, excitement about the future, and much more. The staff also has mixed emotions. We’ve known these young people for five years – it’s simultaneously sad and exciting to see them go.

We know how hard they have worked and have faith that all that mahi will put them in good stead as they take the final exams in their school careers.

This week, our Juniors have taken their Literacy and Numeracy Co-Requisites. I know that they will have approached these well-prepared and done a great job.

I want to take a moment to thank all the Y13 students and whānau who have completed our Leavers’ Questionnaire. Your feedback is so helpful; thank you. If you haven’t done it yet, please do so. It’s an excellent opportunity to have your say.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone, and Y13s, ka kite, you lovely kids. It’s been such a pleasure knowing you.


Jane Stanley


Arts & Culture

Y10 Drama

A key part of drama studies is exploring different theatre forms. The Year 10 classes have spent eight weeks learning about Greek Theatre, the myths they are based on and how they were performed. To demonstrate their skills, each class developed an original piece based on a social issue, just as the Ancient Greeks did. One class explored society’s pressure on us to grow up too quickly by creating a game show called ‘The Rat Race’. Contestants had to work through challenges like setting aside childish things to choosing their partner for life. Their fellow contestants were the Greek chorus, and they worked incredibly well together.

The second class tackled internalised misogyny, starting with the lessons good girls are taught and had scenes showing how this is a daily struggle.

The students performed their final performances in front of each other (the first time this year they were able to see what the other class had achieved). We used the Events Centre stage, which helped the students extend their projection and created a unique experience. A big thanks to the Year 13s who came along to support and take pictures. This was a fun unit, and the students can be proud of the work they created.


Try Something New - Feel Good!

Did you know that trying something new can be an instant mood booster? Here’s a cute little calendar of small, easy things to try each day this month.

Give it a go!


Prizegiving 2023

It has been a magnificent prizegiving season. Our students have shown exceptional talent, perseverance, passion and grit. Their efforts have paid off brilliantly, and we couldn’t be prouder.

To the students, congratulations on your outstanding successes, and to all the whānau behind you, thank you! Your support means the world to your young people and us as a school.

Main image, Ivy Doak – Dux. Image below, Kirsten Abustan – Proxime Accessit Dux

Here is the link to the photos for 2023 Special Awards & Academic Prize-Giving. http://–


Announcing Our Head Prefect and Deputy Head Prefect, 2024

And here they are, our intrepid pair!

Head and Deputy Head Prefects for 2024. Candese Mamaia-Hellesoe (left). Georgia Brackebush (right).
Academic Community


Last Friday, the Rotary Interact Group had our badge and certificate ceremony. We invited  the president of North Harbour Rotary and members from Takapuna Rotary as well. Angela Kim got a special mention as she has been selected has been selected to attend the National Science and Technology Forum which is being held in January, 2024. We’re very proud of her!

Angela’s report is below.

The Rotary National Science and Technology Forum is a highly successful programme for high-achieving high school students in Year 12. Students are selected based on their passion for science, maths, and technology from across the motu. Held at the University of Auckland over two weeks during the summer holidays, 168 places are offered to students keen to pursue a career in these subjects.

The programme offers many fantastic activities, including attending lectures, labs, field trips, campus visits, meeting experts, visiting organisations (such as TVNZ, Air New Zealand, Watercare), and much more. This programme involves a wide range of subjects and exposure to molecular biology, biomedical engineering, and electronics/robotics. It is an excellent opportunity to excel academically, explore what university life is all about and participate in non-academic activities. It is also a wonderful chance to network and connect with like-minded students with a strong interest in science, mathematics and technology, leading to lifelong friendships.

The application process begins in August and involves three main requirements to support your application:

  1. Fill out the application form with the necessary information, such as achievements and awards.
  2. A letter of recommendation from the Head of Science or School Principal.
  3. A carefully written letter to the President of the local Rotary club on why you should be considered.

If the local Rotary Club accepts your application, you will undergo an interview and, if successful, be shortlisted. The final decision is with the Rotary District Coordinators, who decide on the final selections.

I am deeply humbled and honoured to have the privilege of participating in this programme. It is an immersive and enriching experience. 

I want to offer my warmest thanks to Rotary North Harbour and Takapuna Branches and, of course, to our own Rotary Club here at Westlake Girls.

Angela Nahyun Kim (Year 12).

Angela with Jerry Norman (President of North Harbour Rotary) and Nikki Miles (Youth Committee).

Leavers' Questionnaire

Our Y13 students are heading off into the world. That’s a big deal! Where to from here?

All Y13 students and their parents and caretakers have been emailed an offer to complete the Leavers’ Questionnaires.  This is a digital check-in with our school leavers and their parents about their experiences here at Westlake Girls.

Please take the opportunity to tell us what you really think! It’s a fantastic chance for us to reflect on what we’re doing well, and what we could do better, and, to get an idea of students’ plans after school.

Thank you. We really appreciate it.

If you’re a Y13 student or the parent/caregiver of one and you haven’t received an email requesting this, please contact [email protected] 

Academic Notices

Scholarship Information

Kia ora students and whanau,

We are writing as you/ your student has spent the year working towards Scholarship this year. Scholarship is a significant commitment beyond the work of a student’s regular classes. We hope that the workshops helped our students to delve deeper into the subjects that they are passionate about.

Not every subject culminates in an examination and we wanted to recognise those students sitting Scholarships in areas that required portfolios and report submissions. We know that the work required to complete these is significant.

Finally, congratulations to every student who took up the challenge to extend their learning in 2023. Your teachers are proud of your mahi!  We wish you well and look forward to celebrating the leaps that you have made in your chosen subjects in 2024.

A reminder below of the upcoming Scholarship examination dates: (These dates can also be found here NCEA exam timetable :: NZQA where they can be downloaded into your calendar. Setting a reminder the night before for all of your examinations, including Scholarship, is recommended.)

Monday 6th November am Calculus
Tuesday 7th November am Drama
Wednesday 8th November am Classics pm French
Thursday 9th November am Geography pm Statistics
Friday 10th November am Physics pm Accounting


Monday 13th November am pm Biology
Tuesday 14th November am English pm Art History
Wednesday 15th November am Religious Studies pm German


Monday 20th November am Chemistry
Tuesday 21st November am History pm Economics
Wednesday 22nd November am pm Media Studies
Friday 24th November am Te Reo Māori


Tuesday 28th November am Japanese
Wednesday 29th November am Chinese pm Spanish
Thursday 30th November am Earth and Space Science


Waimarie pai!

Carol Wright

Scholarship Co-Ordinator


Chess Champ

Kavin Vignesh (9OBR) participated in a Chess Power Champions Trophy individual event during the long weekend at Alfriston College.

The Champions Trophy is the ultimate individual battle to find the best chess players in New Zealand, and it is highly challenging. Every player in this event has had to qualify first by achieving one or more outstanding results throughout the year.

Kavin qualified, got an opportunity to play in the Open division (the toughest category) in the National Finals for High School Students and secured a Merit award.

What an excellent effort. Congratulations, Kavin!


Inspirational Young Speaker Coming to WGHS

We are very excited to announce an extremely exciting speaker coming soon to Westlake.

Jake Bailey is a renowned educator on resilience, the youngest #1 bestselling author in New Zealand history, and a distinguished alumnus of the Commonwealth Study Conference. He gained global recognition at 18 with a powerful speech despite a dire cancer diagnosis. His experiences sparked a passion for understanding resilience, leading him to educate over 85,000 individuals worldwide from diverse backgrounds on evidence-based strategies to triumph over life’s challenges. With a firsthand understanding of the transformative power of resilience, Jake’s mission is to share these attainable skills to improve others’ lives.

Jake will speak to students during the day on 5 December and parents and caregivers on the same evening. Keep an eye out for your chance to reserve your FREE tickets.


Westlake Woody Wows Again

Westlake Girls High School team (Kavin Vignesh, Soha Kazi, Iris Wong) worked on new head protection for Woody and participated in EVolocity National Rally Day on 28 Oct 2023.

Woody passed the WoF (all standard class vehicle rules) and got a scrutineering pass. This is one of the team’s greatest achievements, and the students are justifiably very proud.

Woody entered the Drag race and completed the Endurance Race of six complete rounds.

Kavin, Soha and Iris enjoyed meeting over 30 teams from different high schools across New Zealand (Whangarei, Warkworth, Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, and Taranaki).

The team was thrilled to win a Special Achievement award for this National event.

Congratulations on another fantastic effort from Woody and our intrepid trio!

Arts & Culture

Music Awards Evening 2023

On Tuesday, 17 October, the music departments from both Westlake schools held their annual celebration, recognising the achievements of the Year 11 – 13 musicians. The dinner was at McHugh’s in Devonport. It was well attended by senior students, teachers, parents of Year 13’s, Heads of Schools, SLT and Board members.

The evening opened with the Heads of Department, Fiona Wilson and Warwick Robinson, summarising the year and thanking the students, teachers, and directors for their hard work and commitment towards what has been the most successful year in Westlake’s music history.

The guest speaker, alumnus Don McGlashan, gave an illuminating and powerful speech. Don McGlashan was recently inducted into the NZ Music Hall of Fame for his lifetime achievements. He was impressed with the level of music available to students at Westlake and commented that when he attended WBHS, there wasn’t a prizegiving for music – just an orchestra and not much else. He spoke about how “music we make today reflects who we are” and sang a few song excerpts to the crowd’s delight. The evening also included entertaining items from students. Bella Allan-Moetaua sang ‘Laudate Dominum’ by Mozart, accompanied by Hana Tani on piano. Principal Jane Stanley presented the special cups and trophies at the close of the evening.

Music Special Awards 2023

Leadership in Instrumental Music Stephanie Zhou

Leadership in Music Department Princess Peregrino, Doyoun Kim, Mackenzie Wills

Leadership in Choral Music Bella Allan-Moetaua & Emilie Murphy

Leadership in Performance Holly Isherwood

Creativity in Music Matilda Faamausili

Most Promising Song Writer Holly Isherwood

Excellence in Music Performance Bella Allan-Moetaua.



Host an International Student

Have you considered hosting an international student but need help working out where to begin?

If you would like to learn about other cultures, have a spare room, and would like to welcome an international student into your family and home, we would love to hear from you!

Hosting an international student is a great way to expand your family’s horizons. We are looking for quality host families to add to our database. You can choose between short-term or long-term. In 2024, we’ll have students from China, Japan, Korea, and Germany studying at WGHS.

You will be supported by the Homestay Co-Ordinator/ International Department at Westlake Girls High School and receive $380.00 per week in payment.

If you would like more information, please email us:

[email protected]

Phone (during school hours) 09 410 8667 ext 209






Community Notices

Homestay Families Needed

Have you thought about hosting an international student, but you’re not quite sure where to begin?

If you would like to learn about other cultures, have a spare room, and would like to welcome an international student into your family and home, then we would love to hear from you! This is a great way to expand your family’s horizons through hosting an International Student. We are looking for quality host families to add to our database. Short and longer-term options are available.

You will be supported by the Homestay Coordinator/ International Department at Westlake Girls High School and will receive $380.00 per week in payment.

If you would like more information, please email us:

[email protected]

Phone (during school hours) 09 489 4169 ext. 209


Rain, Rain, Go Away

Our beautiful city wouldn’t look so fresh and green without it, but we’re all well and truly over the rain. According to the forecast, there’s still lots more to it ahead.

Get yourself a Westlake Blunt umbrella and keep dry! Sporting sleek, modern lines and the subtle WGHS logo, these umbrellas were crafted in Wellington to withstand the fiercest winds, ensuring they remain virtually indestructible.

Why wait? Grab yours today.

Choose from 2 sizes: Classic (120cm) at $115 or Executive (138cm) at $135. All prices include GST. Once your order is ready for pickup, you’ll receive an email with details for collection from the School Payment Office.

Click here to order online.