
WGHS Board Report - August 2022

Joy Bradfield
Presiding Member

My message today comes with a reminder that this is your last chance to exercise your vote for the people who will best represent your views on our school board for the next 3 year term. Voting closes on Wednesday 7 September.  The new board will take office on 14 September  and will attend their first introduction/induction meeting on Tuesday 20 September.

Here are two items from our last Board meeting on 16 August.

Interim Report on the 2022 Annual Plan

Deputy Principal Sarah Hooper and Principal Jane Stanley presented the Interim Report on the 2022 Annual Plan, i.e. using achievement data and effective measurement systems to determine how well our students are progressing towards the Board’s targets and goals for 2022. This data also informs teaching practices and supports students’ growth during the year.

You can find our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan HERE. This informs the goals and targets in the Annual Plan.

The data showed that this year’s Y11, Y12 and Y13s are tracking well towards the Board’s 2022 academic targets, with Level 1 tracking almost on target, and Level 2 and 3 currently tracking above target; University Entrance is also tracking slightly above target; so we hope that these trends will continue through to the end of the year. The Board is aware that for the first time ever, our year Y13 cohort has not yet had the opportunity to sit a full year of NCEA as a result of the Covid lockdowns of the past two years.

Our school offers 60 extra-curricular groups and clubs, over and above the 45 Sports codes and the ‘Just Play’ initiatives; providing over 100 extra-curricular activities for our students. On average 65% of students are currently involved in extracurricular activities at WGHS, a figure the Board is hoping will grow with continued efforts to increase student engagement.

Attendance figures, health centre visits and Covid absences, special assessment conditions and counselling uptake, all showed increased requirements for support, largely from the effects of the lockdowns. However, overall the data showed that the majority of students have coped well over the past 2+ years, largely as a result of the huge efforts of our whole school community: staff, parents and students alike.

The school is also introducing ‘Good Space’, an MOE initiative (funded for the first year), providing a direct line from students to the school counsellors, and with another new counsellor having started, there is good support for our students in this department.

Board Cultural Responsiveness Report

The board’s audit committee reviewed our Cultural Responsiveness using the MOE’s Hautū Tool, to provide an overview of actions that are currently being integrated to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and “Māori enjoying and achieving education success as Māori”; along with proposed next steps to continue on this journey.

  • In alignment with our Strategic Plan to “empower our wāhine and in providing opportunities for personal growth”, the board accepted the committee’s recommendation that a holistic tikanga framework be developed for the whole school.
  • Prioritise Board and staff professional development to upskill in te reo me ona tikanga
  • Build strategic and authentic relationships with mana whenua, kaumātua, whānau and the wider community
  • Continue to progress the planning and development of the Whare Wānanga.
  • To continue to make instruction available to all students in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori

A sweet treat for Week 7

Bring your hunger along to Pupuke’s Pizza and Goodies Bake Sale next Tuesday, 6 September. All proceeds will go to their House Charity Auckland City Mission. Cash and eftpos/credit available.


Hollywood comes to Westlake

By Clarissa Kruger
Year 13 Media Studies 

Photos by Alison Fan

What a night! For the first time since 2019, the Media Studies department was able to hold its annual Oscars evening. As we walked across the red carpet and took our seats, Media students, friends and family were gathered to watch the Y12 narrative music videos and Y13 short film nominations.

Although not all films were showcased on the night, I can honestly say that every Media Studies student worked extremely hard.

I’m sure we all had our fair share of technical difficulties, and thanks to the Media Studies teachers and Dan, we overcame them without having heart attacks! After viewing all nominations, there was an awards ceremony where the winners of different categories were handed certificates.

There were awards for categories such as best cinematography, best storyline, and best editing.

The winners of the best Y12 narrative music video and best Y13 short film were as follows:

  • Best Y12 Narrative Music Video: ‘Heather’, by Kirsten Abustan, Sophia Armonia, and Maia Chhour (pictured top).
  • Best Y13 Short Film: ‘Awaken’, by Yena Kim, Noelle Nayon and Francine Rosales (pictured above – Francine was away).

Once again, thank you very much to all the Media Studies teachers for organising such a special event. It was definitely a memorable evening.









Rats beware! Westlake is on your case

By Anja Filip
Westlake Kaitiaki and Akoranga Environmental Prefect

It might not be everyone’s first choice to head into the bush and set traps to reduce the number of rats, but for some of our students it is!

After carrying out some pest monitoring in Smith’s Bush earlier this term, Westlake Kaitiaki has progressed onto some trapping in the bush too. Our monitoring indicated a high number of rats, so, alongside our Auckland Council Park Ranger we have placed a line of rat traps within Smith’s Bush. This is in an effort to protect the native birds, invertebrates and variety of ecosystems within the area. 

We are currently two trips into our four week pulse. After placing and setting our traps on the first trip, we went back to check the traps, record our findings, reset and re-bait them. As a group, students have learnt about the use of traps, different trap types, how to set traps and how and why to record the catch data. 

We will be back trapping next week, bringing along our Pics (Crunchy) Peanut Butter (our most prized possession and strong contender for group mascot). 

To see our upcoming adventures, follow: @westlakekaitiaki on Instagram 





















Welcome to Spring

Daffodil Day was marked at Westlake with donations to the Cancer Society and daffodil-making in Form Time. This creation is from India Charlesworth and Sarah Wickens from 13WBM.

Happy Spring everyone!


That's Classic!

Most definitely a Herculean feat, Year 13 students Ray Carr, Christina Stewart, and Emily Zhu represented Westlake’s only team for the annual Auckland Interschool Classics Quiz.

After being cancelled for the past two years due to Covid-19, Athena’s Agents placed third among 32 teams across Auckland, and scored one point off from second, which was awarded to St. Kentigern College. First place went to Auckland Grammar School. 

The quiz competition consisted of questions pertaining to different areas of Ancient Greece and Rome, including politics, society, literature, mythology, and contemporary links. 

Everybody enjoyed themselves and also learnt a lot! Omnes fruebantur et didicit multum!

Ray, Christina and Emily are pictured above right with Social Sciences teachers Michael Foster and Kay Brown.


Talented gymnast reaching for the stars

Year 9 student Athena Li is certainly someone to watch on the New Zealand gymnastics scene. The 13-year-old has only been involved in rhythmic gymnastics for five years, but has already won three national titles – in 2018, 2019 and 2021.

Competing for her club, North Harbour, her most recent success was coming first in Clubs at the NZ Junior International Rhythmic Gymnastics competition.

“I love how Rhythmic gymnastics has a mix of dance and music. I enjoy training with my friends,” she says.

Athena’s goal is to make it to the Commonwealth Games. She says having a good mindset and taking care of her body are two things that help to make a top gymnast – that along with lots of hard work and training!

Congratulations Athena on a successful year.


All the latest from Winter Tournament

What a brilliant week all of our athletes have had – and there is lots more to come! Congratulations to everyone who has represented Westlake with pride.

Here’s where things are at as of Thursday night.

Junior Premier
Gold medal winners! The Westlake Junior Premier Basketball team (pictured above) competed at the Basketball Junior Champs and played 7 great games across 4 days in our Winter Tournament Week.
A combination of our top Year 9 and Year 10 players from the Junior A and Senior A and two players from our Senior Premier team beat Takapuna (84-34), Epsom (71-38), Rangitoto (64-47), Northcote (125-21) and Mt Albert (66-41) before losing by one point to Carmel College (55-56) in the round robin games.
Our athletes then went on to the Finals on Tuesday to face the strong side of Carmel College again, but this time showed a clear dominance and finished the game 69:43 to claim the gold medal and become Junior A Basketball Team Zone 1 Champions.
Quarter Scores:
Q1 24-8
Q2 42-19
Q3 59- 29
Q4 69-43

Premier Qualifiers
Won 80-63 vs Epsom Girls
Won 114-36 vs Northcote
Final pool game today vs Rangitoto, before play offs


A fantastic effort by the Westlake Girls Lacrosse Team saw them coming third at the Auckland Champs. Awesome stuff team!

They now head down to the national tournament in Cambridge today, to play Pukekohe as part of Winter Tournament Week. Good luck!



1st XI – NZSS
Won 2-0 vs Wellington. Play off today  for 9th/10th

2nd XI – Kathy Seaward Tournament
Won 4-0 vs Mt Roskill. Play-off today for 13th/14th


1st XI – Federation Cup

Lost 0-1 vs Christchurch Girls. Play-off today vs Wellington Girls 5th-8th

2nd XI – Chris Arthur Cup
Won 1-0 vs St Cuthbert’s 2nd XI. Play-off today vs Villa Maria College for 5th/6th



Won 39-30 vs St Cuthberts. Won 35-21 vs Rotorua. Play-off today for 17th-20th





And the winner was Westlake!

Westlake Girls was invited by North Harbour Rotary to participate in another fundraising celebrity debate this year. Two of our Year 12 students, Sydney Brandolino and Isabella Drummond, and Year 11 student Shivani Arivuchelvan took up the challenge of debating against Carmel College.

Both teams were joined by a member of Parliament. Westlake Girls had Chloe Swarbrick and Carmel had David Seymour.

The moot was ‘This House believes New Zealanders should support overseas charities’. Westlake chose the controversial negative side but was able to make a convincing case in support of helping New Zealand charities more given the current economic situation.

Our winning team was the first recipient to win the David Nottage Memorial Trophy in memory of former Rotary member, David Nottage who was a former Toastmasters’ World Champion.

Arts & Culture

Dance Showcase returns after Covid absence

By Haley Doig
Dance Showcase Emcee

Photos by Lauren Promfrett
Westlake Photography Crew

After 3 years of COVID restrictions and not being able to host large-scale events, Dance students at Westlake Girls hosted and performed in the annual Westlake Girls’ Dance Showcase for 2022.

The showcase was held at the beautiful new Event Centre with over a hundred parents, teachers, friends and family who came to support our dancers.

Students from Year 9 and Year 10 showcased various genres they had been learning for example Country Linedance, Jazz, Bellydance, Lindy Hop, Samoan Siva and Musical Theatre. Students from Year 11 through to Year 13 showcased their NCEA internal achievement standards which included genres like Reggaeton, Bollywood, Charleston, Gumboot Dance, Cuban Salsa, K-Pop and Cabaret. The Westlake Dance troupes (Hip Hop, K-Pop, Jazz, Latin and Lyrical) performed their work as well.

Students from Years 9 to 13 also shared their choreography for different assessment briefs including Kowhaiwhai patterns, Waka/Journey, Conflict in relationships, Whakatauki and issues facing youth. I (Haley), showcased my Dance scholarship choreography which portrayed the heartbeat of a person with anxiety.

The showcase consisted of 41 dances from about 8 different countries and 5 different eras. Mrs Visser-Heydon, along with the Dance Committee, worked throughout Term 2 and 3 to put on the show and give the students an opportunity to take their talent to the stage! A big thank you also to Miss Dodds, Mrs Bouterry and Mr Foster for their help.


Young chess team places fourth

The Westlake Girls Chess Team competed at the Auckland Championship on Friday 5 August and finished fourth in the regional qualifiers that were held at One Tree Hill College. The young four-person team, consisting of Year 10 students, worked diligently but unfortunately, were unable to qualify for the Team Nationals in October.

Well done to the following students for all your hard work.

Sabina Altorf
Sri Charukonda
Samantha Holdsworth
Sophia Holmes

Arts & Culture

Cigno Voce earns its place amongst the best

Congratulations to Cigno Voce choir which was awarded a Korimako (Distinction) at the Upper North Island Cadenza 2022 at the Gala concert on Monday 22 August, after performing in the festival over that weekend.

Cadenza is a two day competition of 12 of the best secondary school choirs in the Upper North Island.

From The Big Sing regional competitions held around the country earlier this year, the top 24 choirs are chosen to go to Finale to compete, and the next 36 are selected for three Cadenzas around New Zealand.

Here’s the video playlist we know you’ll enjoy:



Meet our new Deputy Principal

Kia ora Koutou,

My name is Nicky Whitham-Blackwell and I am a new Deputy Principal at Westlake Girls High School.

Prior to this I was Deputy Principal at St Dominic’s College in Henderson.

I have completed my first six weeks at Westlake Girls, and it has been a busy time, meeting many new friendly staff and students, and learning new processes and systems.

I am impressed with the warmth of the welcome I have received, and the high level of teaching and learning that happens in a settled and calm environment. I am constantly surprised that there are 2,200 students on campus!

I bring with me a passion for the education of girls in girls’ schools. My Masters (MEdL) thesis was on ‘The wellbeing of girls in high-decile, high-performing, single-sex schools’. I hope to be able to share some my research findings with you in time.

My aim in every school I am in is to make a difference. I hope, in time, that I will make a positive difference at Westlake Girls also. I look forward to meeting you at events in the months to come. Please don’t hesitate to introduce yourselves.


Ngā  manaakitanga,



[email protected]


Sports Shorts


Congratulations to Leah Richmond (pictured left) who has been selected for the New Zealand All Girls Cheerleading Team and the New Zealand Co-ed Team. Both of these teams will compete in the World Champs later this year.

Touch Rugby

Well done to Tai Baillie (Year 11, pictured right) who has been named in the New Zealand Under 16 Touch Team.


If you’ve never tried tennis before and you’re keen to give it a go, come along to Lake Pupuke Tennis Club on Sunday 11 September from 11am to 4pm. There will be activities for all ages, a sausage sizzle, prizes and give-aways.


The pinnacle point of the year

As part of the 2.9 Achievement Standard, the Year 12 Outdoor Education students planned and implemented a class trip to the Pinnacles Summit, Coromandel in late August.

Students learnt the importance of planning the logistics of their own trip to the outdoors, and the safety precautions and protocols to be aware of when planning an overnight tramp.

The class worked collectively and collaboratively, analysing Department of Conservation websites for tracks, reading maps, watching weather updates to ensure the trip went ahead.

Despite the horrific Auckland weather, the students stuck to their plan and the Coromandel weather proved to be stunning! The students will now be reflecting on their successful trip and looking ahead to their final achievement standard in the Redwoods Forrest- Mountain Biking.


Students excel in NZ Economics Competition

Congratulations to the following students who achieved well in the 2022 New Zealand Economics Competition.

This is a prestigious event that showcases the exceptional talent that New Zealand secondary students have in economics. The competition tests students’ knowledge of economic theory and current economic issues.


Jenny Howe – Distinction
Raeanne Leow – Distinction
Sophia Lee – Distinction
Megan Meng – Credit
Shrina Patel – Credit


Felicia Chen – High Distinction
Cheryl Siahaan – Distinction
Grace Adcock – Distinction
Jessica Huang – Credit


You made a good choice!

As a member of the Alliance of Girls’ schools Australasia, we are reminded off all the reasons why education for girls is better at girls’ schools.

This video is a powerful reminder. It’s only a couple of minutes long but will make you feel good about your decision for your daughter.

Arts & Culture

Choirs bring home the gold

The NZCF Big Sing Finale is the national festival for the top 24 secondary school choirs selected from the regional competitions that take place around the country during June.

Due to Covid, the Finale has been cancelled the last two years, so it was a new experience for most singers in the choirs. For the first time since 2007, the festival was hosted in Christchurch, in the stunning acoustic of the recently refurbished Town Hall.

Westlake was well represented with singers from all three of our premier choirs:  Cantare (premier girls’ choir) Choralation (premier mixed choir) and Voicemale (premier boys’ choir). The singers travelled down on Wednesday 24 August and gave a performance at the Transitional Cathedral with other choirs from Wellington, Palmerston North and Christchurch.

The festival opened on Thursday 25 August and each choir presented two recitals over the three days. Performances were adjudicated by a panel of three experts – Jono Palmer, Judy Bellingham and Igelese Ete and all the recitals were livestreamed by Radio NZ, with many people from overseas tuning in. Once the judging was completed on Saturday, the choirs performed in a celebration Gala concert that evening, where Bronze, Silver and Gold awards were given, as well as three special music trophies.

Cantare and Choralation were both awarded Gold, Voicemale Silver and Cantare were thrilled to be presented with the Tour Time Trophy for Best Performance of a Choral Art Work. This trophy was for their performance of ‘Wir Eilen mit Schwachen’ by J. S. Bach, which was accompanied by chamber organ, bassoon, cello and double bass.  The New Zealand Secondary Schools Choir was also in residence in Christchurch and performed a fabulous concert on Saturday afternoon – this involved Madi Jagger and Bella Allan-Moetaua who are current members.

The singers enjoyed the intensity of the three-day festival, listening to choirs from around New Zealand and sightseeing in the beautiful city of Christchurch. Congratulations to Cantare and Choralation singers, as well as the team of staff: Fiona Wilson & Rowan Johnston (Music Directors), Cathy Bennett (Collaborative Pianist), James Harrison (Vocal Consultant), Kasey Lui (Music Administrator) and Rachel Carson (Supervision).

The Cantare and Choralation choir performances can be viewed on these youTube channels:




Pictured at top are Cantare’s Choir Leaders from left Tessa Rouse, Gemma May, Fiona Wilson (Director), Madi Jagger, Nikka Caraig and Stella Ranginui.



Westlake making its mark on the rugby field

By Holly Williams and Zara Hooks 
Rugby legends

The Westlake Girls Premier Rugby team played in the North Harbour Rugby Youth 17 final on 22 August. Our opposition was Birkenhead College a composite team made up of girls from there, Northcote, Glenfield, and Carmel Colleges and Hobsonville Point Secondary School.

Birkenhead College came to play and the first half was closely contested. It was a tough, physical game fitting of a final. Our forwards made some strong carries, and the backs executed some smart kicking and at half time we were in the lead 24-14. In the second half our defence took over with any Birkenhead attacks shut down by our relentless tackling and team commitment to not concede any more points. On attack we spread the ball wide and ran in some excellent team and individual tries. The final score of 51-19 resulted in the team being crowned North Harbour Champions for the 2nd year in a row. Our girls premier team has now moved on to compete against Auckland Girls Grammar to qualify for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Girls 1st XV Rugby Championship which is held in Palmerston North.

Editor’s Note: A massive congratulations to the players and team management for all their effort and hard work this year. A special mention to our year 13 students Holly Williams, Ava Jericevich, Zara Hooks and Kat Hall for their commitment to the Girls Premier Rugby team over the past five years.



Premier basketballers make it two in a row!

After winning the 2021 Auckland Secondary Schools Premier Basketball Title, Westlake Girls has done it again. The delayed start to the Auckland final between Westlake Girls and Mt Albert Grammar only unsettled the local team for one quarter (17-16) before they opened the scoring lanes to lead 44-26 at halftime.

With a successful press in the 3rd quarter, Westlake Girls extended their lead to 28 points (73-45).  And blessed with a bounty of talent including NZ Under 18 representative Mackenzie Chatfield, NZ Under 17 representative Amy Pateman, and NZ Under 15 newby Emma-Kaye Schroeder, the league leaders won the championship, 87-54.

The Lakers now ready themselves for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championship in Palmerston North from 3 – 8 October.


Quarter scores:
Q1: 17-16
Q2: 44-26
Q3: 73-45
Q4: 87-54



Important Things to Note - 2 September 2022

Senior Exam Timetable

Our Senior School Exams are being held from next Monday – 12 September to Friday 23 September. Students are expected to be onsite for their exam, and can use their remaining time to study at school or home. Our Junior School classes will run as per normal.

You can check out the Senior School Exam Timetable HERE

2022 Board of Trustee Elections

Remember that you have until next Wednesday, 7 September at 4pm, to cast your vote for our Board of Trustee elections. Please have a read through the Candidate Statements on our website HERE. Thank you for your support of our school – your vote means a lot.

Variety Show was a winner!

Remember our student-led Variety Show back on 12 August? Well, thanks to all of you who attended, the students raised $1,150 for StarJam. Awesome.

Starting Information for 2023

If you’re an organised kind of person and have your 2023 diary already, here are some key dates for students. We’ll also pop these on our website.

Tuesday 31 January – Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. 
All returning students go to their 2022 Form Rooms for 9.30am. All students will be released at approximately 11.30am. School buses have not been requested to operate this day. Year 13 leaders need to remain at school until 3pm.

Wednesday 1 February – Year 9 along with Year 13 leaders.
All other students are not required at school.

Thursday 2 February
This is the first day of classes and is a Day 4 on the Timetable. Form Time begins at 8.50am.

Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 12 – Friday 23 September Senior School Exams
Monday 19 August – Friday 2 September Winter Tournament Week
Wednesday 28 September Father Daughter Breakfast
Wednesday 28 September Pasifika Showcase
Friday 30 September End of Term 3
Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 17 October Start of Term 4
Thursday 20 October Sports Awards
Monday 24 October Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday 25 October Music Awards
Wednesday 2 November Special Awards Ceremony (day)
Wednesday 2 November Senior Academic Prize-Giving (evening)
Monday 7 November NCEA exams begin
Friday 2 December NCEA exams finish. End of school for Years 11-13
Friday 9 December End of Term for Years 9 and 10