
International students celebrate in style

By Krisha Lad
International Prefect

On 11 February , the International Department celebrated the Chinese New Year with packed lunches and little gift bags and on 22 February, we had our very first International assembly of the year 2022.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated every year by the Westlake Girls High School International Department.  Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is the most important festival in China and a major event in some other East Asian countries. Chinese New Year is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. It was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors, and it has also become a time to feast and to visit family members. 

This year, in light of the Covid-19 situation we weren’t able to put on a shared lunch, instead  the International Department put together a packed lunch to celebrate this festival. The International students enjoyed Pad Thai, yummy dumplings and a little gift bag with some chocolates and lollies. It was an amazing experience as an International Prefect, considering it was our first ‘event’ (of many!) of the year and it was a way for us to meet almost every International student. The girls had a wonderful time, coming and going, as well as, catching up with our amazing International team that were able to pull off this incredible lunch – Mrs Croot, Miss Moon and Miss Owen. I think it’s safe to say  we all had a really amazing lunch that day! 

On 22 February, the International students had our first International assembly of the year in our new Events Centre foyer! It was a first of a lot of things – it was our International prefects very first assembly as the leaders of the International students. We were finally able to introduce ourselves to the students after not being able to have the awards ceremony last year. Roori, Clara and myself, Krisha Lad are very excited to work with our small, but strong, International cohort of 42 this year! The theme for our assembly was based around trying and not giving up.

We chose to play a song – ‘Try’ by P!nk, encouraging our students to try, and not give up, as it is the beginning of the year. For our Year 9s, the beginning of their first and for our Year 13s, their last year of high school. We had our  Principal, Mrs Stanley, come and speak a little around this theme, as well as our Senior Leadership Team member, Mrs Wilson, encouraging the girls to join various clubs including the choirs! I think this assembly was very successful for us prefects, and we are very excited to have many more over the course of this year!

Arts & Culture

Polyfest is going ahead!

We are very excited to announce that Polyfest 2022 is proceeding, and Westlake Girls will be there!

The competition is being run a little differently this year, with schools performing at the venue at set times, with no other schools or spectators present. Performances are being livestreamed on Māori TV for everyone to enjoy.

Matua Eddie Hudson says the Westlake Girls Kapa Haka group, Te Rerenga Wāna, is excited to be participating, after some tremendous results in 2021 including placing 4th overall in Division 3 (pictured above).

The 26-member group has been practicing during lunchtimes and at the weekends with tutors Renee Lawrence, Maddison Gerbes and Lyric Wihoete. Eddie says while there are some nerves, the students are looking forward to representing Westlake with pride and passion.

You can catch all the action on Thursday 24 March at 1.35pm by livestream link available on Māori TV. We will send the link to parents nearer the time.


Sports Shorts

Track and Field

The New Zealand Track and Field Championships were held over the week end of 3/4 March, with Year 10 student Karmen-Elizabeth Maritz competing in three events in the U18/U20 category.

She finished top three in each of these events with throws close to her current Personal Best. She won a Bronze in WU18 Javelin, Bronze in WU18 Shotput and Silver in WU18 Discus with a new Auckland Resident Record breaking distance of 44.99m for 13Y Girls.

This was an improvement on her own record throw of 44.11m set the previous weekend at the Auckland Junior Athletics Championship.


How to help teen girls cope with stress

Our wonderful counsellors have recommended this great little article about new research which helps explain how stressful events make teens vulnerable to anxiety and depression – and points to ways to help them cope better.

It’s from an online publication called “Greater Good Science Center”  from Berkeley University in California – and you can read it HERE


Westlake Wellness - Managing Time

By Lizzie Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Having good systems for using your time can significantly improve your ability to stay on top of school, family and extracurricular commitments.

A start would be working out all the things you actually have to do for a week, month, year. This will include school, travel times to and from school, out of school activities, for some it may be church, caring for younger/older Whānau, part-time work, volunteering and of course plenty of sleep. Once you know where your time is spent you can start making a plan for how you can use available free time productively, for rest or enrichment.

WALL PLANNER – is this a great visual way to show what is coming up, this works well in a family so everyone knows what is coming up, it can work equally well for an individual to plan time for your own wellbeing as well as your commitments.

DIARY – Year 9 students will have been issued these (pictured left), but you can also purchase a WGHS diary from the accounts office. It is a good habit to write down homework and upcoming assessments in your diary, as it is easy to forget.

DAILY “TO DO LIST” – you could set up your own template either on paper (I sometimes use coloured card and have it on the front of my planner) or on your device. It is really rewarding when you tick off the tasks! You could allocate a symbol beside each one to identify its importance.

ONLINE CALENDAR – have on your computer screen for easy reference, you will also have the school assessment calendar you can access, as well as your option subject calendars to refer to

Arts & Culture

It's time to sign up for clubs!

We have 60 clubs on offer at WGHS, and this week our students were encouraged to sign up! From Chemistry Olympiad, Neurodiversity and Young Enterprise, to windsurfing, theatresports, writing, language clubs and even Rotary and World Vision – there is definitely something for everyone.

Amnesty International, Anime, Astronomy, Bollywood Dance, Cantare Choir, Chinese Club, Chess, Craft and Create, Dance Troupes, Debating, Diversity, Duke of Edinburgh, Esports, Fitness Room, Harry Potter Club, Inspire Christian Club, Kapa Haka – we could go on, but you get the idea!

Your daughter is able to sign up through Google Classrooms, so please have a chat and encourage to try something new and fun this year! It’s a great way to meet like-minded friends.

PS: The image was taken at our 2021 Clubs Expo, which sadly we haven’t been able to hold this year.


Tabloid Sports event brings Year 9s together

On Friday 4 March, our Year 9 students participated in their first ever Westlake Tabloid Sports House competition.  This event was modified to suit the safety restrictions of 100, so each House had one period together completing four fun activities. 

This day was a huge success with each Form Class participating together over four activities – tug of war, skipping challenges, ball throw into a bucket, and volleyball hit up with a massive ball.

It was fantastic to see our Year 9 students working together and having fun at the same time. Lots of new friendships and House spirit was created, with the added enthusiasm of our amazing Prefect team. 

A big thank you to our superb Prefect team for making this day possible.  Special mention to these Prefects  for running all four activities and demonstrating amazing leadership throughout the entire day:

Head girl Ivy Michell, Sports and Wellbeing Prefects Brooke James, Michele Farrell, Islay Martin Hill.

Also a big thank you to Tameka Haeufler and Anna Thompson for helping out at the last minute and covering isolating students. We really couldn’t have done it without them.






House and Form Class points were collated throughout the day with Tabloid Sport winners going to 

1st = Wairau
2nd = Hauraki
3rd = Pupuke
4th = Onewa
5th  = Akoranga 



Going for Gold!

Two of our Year 13 students are undertaking some pretty cool adventures on their way to completing their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Lisa Parkin and Maia McKibbin-Golf both ticked off portions of the Award requirements recently, and here Lisa tells us about her Duke of Ed journey to date.

By Lisa Parkin
Year 13

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an international award that has three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. For all three levels you have four activities to complete, which include skill, service, physical recreation and two adventurous journeys.

To complete the Bronze Award I needed to commit to three months of each skill, service and physical recreational activity, and then spend one night away for each of the adventurous journeys. To complete Silver I needed to commit to six months of each activity and two nights away. And finally for the Gold award I need to commit to 12 months of each activity and three nights away for each adventurous journey.

I started my Bronze award halfway through Year 10 and completed it by the end of that same year. I then started my Silver award in Year 11 and after some Covid complications I managed to finish it half way through Year 12 and immediately started my Gold. I am aiming to finish this by October this year.

For my Gold Award my skill activity is learning new skills and techniques on my guitar. For my service activity I am a Coastguard volunteer and finally for the physical recreation activity I am completing a personal fitness programme at home and attending yoga classes.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award has given me many opportunities to experience new activities and learn new skills which has mainly been from the Adventurous Journeys I have gone on. The experience that I loved the most was a 7-day kayaking trip around the Hauraki Gulf, which was for my Gold adventurous journeys.

We had amazing views of the different islands and the landscape of the city. For most of this week the conditions were calm and ideal to kayak in. On the fourth day the winds picked up to 30knots and the sea swell was 1.5 metres. I enjoyed the challenge and excitement of the rough weather, but I am grateful that we only had one day of this.

I’ve often asked myself why I started the Duke of Edinburgh award in the first place and the one answer I think of is that it was out of interest or curiosity for me. I remember hearing about the award in an assembly during school and at that time I knew nothing about it. When I got home that day I spoke to my parents about it, searched up more information and decided to give it a go.

When I started my Bronze award I had no idea I’d be finishing my Gold award three years later. I thought to myself that it would be a major accomplishment to complete all levels of the award but now I am so proud of how far I have come and how close I am to finishing. Some parts have been challenging, for example staying motivated to continuously practice guitar or get up early to do some exercise. But I know at the end of this award I’ll be able to look back at those challenging times and be proud of myself for putting my head down and pushing on.



Ko Wai Au - Digging deeper into Westlake's rich cultural diversity

By Ivy Mitchell
Head Prefect

“Ko Wai Au – Who am I?”  is an initiative to celebrate Westlake Girls’ cultural and religious diversity through a series of six weekly videos. Being a student-led project, it aims to further educate other students about the multiculturalism within our school, in particular cultural and religious dress and symbols.

Each episode has a new focus, with students explaining the significance behind their cultural item such as the hijab or the pounamu. The series will be shared to Form Classes to get everyone engaged in the project.

We hope that through education, everyone in our school gains a deeper understanding and respect for others within our school community. We hope everyone finds the video series informative but also interesting and inspiring.

The photo above is Ivy Mitchell and the photo at the top of the page is Year 12 student Lina Amer – both were presenting in the first video, released this week.



Game on for high-achieving referee

You could say that Maggie Cogger-Orr’s career is a game of two halves.

On week days you can find her at Westlake Girls in her capacity as Onewa House Dean, and in the class taking Business Studies or PE. In the evenings and week ends you’ll find her on the rugby field refereeing premier games. And in case you are wondering – she’s extraordinary in both roles!

Maggie is one of just a handful of rugby referees selected world-wide to officiate at the TikTok Women’s Six Nations competition starting in the Northern Hemisphere at the end of March. She will be joined by just one other New Zealand ref – Lauren Jenner, and a Kiwi TMO – Lee Jeffrey.

Maggie is referee (along with two assistant referees) for:

  • Wales vs France at Cardiff Arms Park in Cardiff on Friday 22 April
  • Ireland v Scotland at Kingspan Stadium in Belfast on Saturday 30 April

She’s been reffing rugby since 2017, and played for 12 years from her early days of high school until the end of 2016. “I then decided it was time for a new challenge and switched over to refereeing,” she says. The timing of that move proved advantageous. “I was quite fortunate that there was a big turnover in women’s referees here in New Zealand after Rio 2016. That meant a lot of opportunities and saw me selected into the Women’s National Squad during my first year.”

Since then, Maggie has been a member of the Wider Training Group (2018) and the National High Performance Squad (2019-present). “Locally I referee Premier Men’s rugby in Auckland and have been on the Premier Panel since 2020. In my role I referee for the Farah Palmer Cup (Women’s Provincial Tournament) and this year I’ve been selected to referee Super Rugby Aupiki. I was even able to officiate some development test matches in Fiji at the end of 2019 before Covid really hit.”

Maggie says she is stoked to be part of the Women’s Six Nations. “I’ve worked really hard to get this opportunity and I’m looking forward to representing my union on the international stage,” she says. “There are a few nerves of course, but I’m reminding myself of what a cool opportunity this is and reframing the emotion as excitement!”

The bonus is that Canadian-born Maggie will get to see her parents after two and a half years apart as they will be flying over from Canada to watch her games.

From this tournament, referees will be selected for the Women’s Rugby World Cup which is being played in New Zealand during October and November. Watch this space!

Maggie (in white and green) is pictured top officiating at the inaugural Women’s Super Rugby game in May 2021, and above with other referees from the Premier Men’s Club in Auckland.



Important Things to Note - 11 March 2022

Important information about self isolation

From tonight at 11.59pm, the isolation period for anyone who tests positive for Covid, and their household contacts, will reduce from 10 to 7 days. This means if your daughter has been isolating for 7 or more days as of 11.59pm on Sunday, she will be able to return to school on Monday 14 March. If she still has symptoms after 7 days, she is advised to stay home until she is symptom-free for 24 hours.

If your daughter tests positive, please remember to email:

[email protected]

By doing that you will automatically be sent a short form to fill out, which tells us when your daughter will be back at school.

If your daughter is isolating as a close contact, please email [email protected] so her absence can be recorded correctly.

Household contacts still need to have a rapid antigen test (RAT) on days 3 and 7.

Year 9 Parent “Meet your daughter’s Form Teacher”

On Tuesday 15 March, we’ve got an online opportunity for Year 9 parents to meet their daughter’s Form Teacher. By Tuesday you should have received an email from your daughter’s Form Teacher with a link for you to join the Meet, which will be held at 6pm. This will be a chance for you to ask questions at the end of the session, and hear how the Form Class is going.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours Term 1

Monday: 2.30 – 5.30pm
Tuesday: 2.30-5pm
Wednesday: 2.3o – 5pm
Thursday: 2.30 – 5pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed except for Saturday 12 March (10am – 2pm)

Our Second-Hand Uniform Shop is also open to students every Friday lunchtime in B8.

Lumino The Dentists visit

You should have received an email from us yesterday about the Lumino The Dentists Mobile Unit, which is coming to Westlake Girls at the end of this term.  If you missed the email, you can CLICK HERE to enrol for your daughter to become part of the free Lumino School Smiles Programme. If your daughter is already part of the programme, please fill out the same form. In either case, someone from Lumino The Dentists will text you with an appointment date and time.

Important Dates

Unfortunately a few of our regular events haven’t been able to go ahead, so our Important Dates calendar is a bit depleted! Here’s what’s coming up.

Tuesday 15 March Year 9 “Meet the Form Teacher” virtual event for parents. 6pm
Thursday 24 March Polyfest (livestreamed on Māori TV)
Thursday 31 March Last day to make your school donation in time to claim your 2022 tax rebate
Friday 1 April Senior and Junior Interim Reports available via the Parent Portal
Week of 4 April Online Tertiary Event for Year 13s
Thursday 14 April Term 1 Ends