This week, adhering to strict guidelines from the Ministry of Education, we were able to allow a handful of students onsite to complete technology work they are unable to undertake at home.
From Tuesday to Friday, Food Tech, Hard Materials Tech and Fabric Tech students and a teacher were busy in classrooms, enjoying being back at school. Students were in bubbles of 10 or less and loved the opportunity to spend time together and completing tasks that had been on hold since lockdown began.
One of the classes involved Year 12 Food Tech students who are working on their Conceptual Designs for an Adolescent Nutrition issue (pictured below).

The Fabric Technology room was also buzzing (pictured left). 13 Fabric Technology students are working on individual projects ranging from a protest costume about Kauri Dieback, costumes inspired by childhood memories, a gender-neutral garment, a protest costume about climate change, garments designed for a formal special occasion and garments that encourage body positivity.
12 Fabric Technology students are working on individual projects relating to sustainability.
Last, but not least, Hard Materials Technology students were also enjoying time in the classroom. Pictured at top is the 13 DTEC bubble of 10 working on their Hard Material Technology projects. Obviously, with no access to the workshop over lockdown, being allowed to come in for 2 x 6-hour workshop sessions greatly helped to progress their practical work!
We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students back when we are able!