
Important Things to Note - 12 February

Welcome to 2021! We hope your daughter has a fun-filled and rewarding year at Westlake Girls High School. Here are a few things that might be useful to know.

Contacting us:

Please email [email protected] for general enquiries. Please do not email [email protected] as this is for outgoing mail and is not regularly monitored.


Parents or caregivers should contact the school in the morning by emailing [email protected] AND your daughter’s Form Teacher, remembering to give the reason for the absence. You can find a list of staff contacts on our website.


Students must bring an explanatory note and give it to the Attendance Officer upon arrival in the main reception at the Gernhoefer Admin Centre. Alternatively email the Attendance Officer and your daughter’s Form Teacher.


If your daughter becomes sick at school, it’s important she doesn’t just call you for collection, but follows school procedure. First, she needs to go to the School Health Centre and then you will be notified if she needs to be sent home. It’s important your daughter sees a Nurse at the Health Centre before she calls you for collection.

Exiting during the day:

Parents should email [email protected] with details of why the student needs to leave school. The student must collect a form from the Attendance Officer at reception before signing out.

Daily Notices:

A great way to know what’s going on at the school is through our Daily Notices which are read out in classrooms every morning. You’ll find them on the App, and also on our website at the bottom of the homepage under Quick Links.

Bus news:

Secondary school students, aged 16 to 19, can now jump online and activate their student discount using their National Student Number (NSN). And with their student discount, they’ll be able to travel and get 40% or more off full price bus, ferry and train fares.

Here is the link to find out more and update your concession: Click for more information

And also just a reminder please that if your daughter takes a public bus to school, it is mandatory for everyone aged over 12 years to wear a face mask.

Blazers for photo day next week:

Blazers are compulsory for assemblies, school trips, ID photos and formal occasions. They should be worn as the first choice for an extra layer. Jerseys may be worn under the blazer. Your daughter will need her blazer for her Photo ID and class picture next week (either Tue 16 or Wed 17 Feb). Her Form Teacher will let her know which day she is scheduled for.

House assembly days are:
Monday – Pupuke
Tuesday – Wairau
Wednesday – Akoranga
Thursday – Hauraki
Friday – Onewa

Swimming Sports:

Swimming Sports is on Friday 19 February, at the National Aquatic Centre in Albany. It is only for those that are keen to participate, and is not a whole-school event. All other students will come to school as per normal (Day 5 on their timetable). Registration for this event is now closed.

Athletics Day:

Athletics Day is on Friday 26 February, at Onewa Domain. This is a traditional full-school event, and all students are expected to attend and participate. Students wear their House colours and compete to win House events. There are Championship and House Events. Students must register for Championship Events before Monday 22 February. For House Events, they just need to come along on the day. More details, along with the registration form, are on our website HERE.

Uniform Shop Hours:

The Uniform Shop will be open on the following days and times during Term 1 (2 Feb – 16 April).

Monday: 2.30 – 5.30pm
Tuesday: 2.30pm – 5pm
Wednesday: 2.30pm – 5pm
Thursday: 2.30 – 5pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

The shop will also be closed on Monday 5 April (Easter). For more information visit


Meet our Learning Enhancement Department

The Learning Enhancement  Department welcomes everyone to the 2021 school year. Our team is made up of four counsellors (pictured above) and a learning support team. We would like to introduce ourselves, what we do and how to make contact.

The team is lead by Head of Department- Linda Clouston

Counsellor Linda has been involved in education for nearly 30 years. She is a trained teacher and has experience and a special interest in learning support. She has been on Westlake staff since 2006 and has held the positions of teacher, Dean, counsellor. Linda sees individual students to support their needs as well as working with all the Deaning teams around supporting students to remove barriers to their learning.

Counsellor Fleur Piper worked as a Communication Studies lecturer at AUT for 16 years, before completing her training in counselling 14 years ago at the University of Auckland. She is especially interested in mindfulness, and also working with trauma. Fleur leads our Diversity group supporting rainbow students and allies.

Counsellor Siew Lee likes using her wide previous personal and career experiences to encourage and support students when their life seems more than they can manage. She likes working with young people to find hope and a positive way forward. Siew Lee holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Arts Therapy and speaks several languages. She understands well the richness of cultural diversity, and hence is a valuable member of the International team in terms of assisting in Pastoral support.

Counsellor Barbara Mackay has worked in health (Starship Children’s Hospital) and has taught in various places before joining the  counselling team here at WGHS. She helps with the Pasifika homework club and mentoring. Barbara is also interested in supporting sports at Westlake Girls.

Julie Mulcahy is the Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) at WGHS coming to WGHS from the RTLB service. Learning Support has a team of 11 dedicated teacher aides who understand we all learn differently and have our own set of learning strengths and challenges.  Learning support staff work alongside students (and their families) to support them to engage with learning, build on what they do well and to achieve to their potential.

Students can self -refer to Learning Support through the WGHS app under Student Services if they have any concerns around their learning. Staff email addresses can be found on the school website.

Counselling appointments can be made either by using the school app, or coming to the counselling offices and filling out a request form for an appointment. This is a confidential service and the counsellor will work with their client in the best way to meet their needs.

Staff email addresses can be found on the school website.

We have come up with some Tips for starting school:

  • Make time to reflect on what you might like to be different this year
  • A positive attitude plays a big part in how successful you are, as does resilience- things that can be encouraged and modelled, especially by parents
  • Take the time you need to settle in but do ask for help if you need it ( early on- don’t leave it)
  • Be open to new opportunities and new friends
  • Be kind to yourself during the next few weeks

Be organised: (Ideas for students and parents)

  • Label all the books being used clearly with subject and student’s name.
  • Check your student has all the workbooks and equipment they need for the year.
  • Set up folders on the student’s device for each subject.
  • Organise a homework routine for at least 60 minutes per night Mon – Thur. Use the time to read over the days learning, organise notes, study, and complete homework.
  • Use a diary (can purchase from school) – either paper or online. Encourage your student to write in their homework and due dates.
  • Encourage your student to share their goggle classroom password with you so you can read over requirements online together a few times a week.
  • Communicate with the school if you have information regarding individual learning needs



Bronze and silver awarded at Beach Volleyball champs

Last weekend WGHS had 8 teams (pairs) competing at the NZSS Beach Volleyball National Championship tournament.  The sun was shining and there was very little wind which was great weather for beach volleyball.

There was a high level of skill shown on the beach from teams from all over New Zealand.  Congratulations go to our #1 pairing of Tamara Nu’u and Domi Menoita (pictured left). They finished in third place of the Senior Open division and were presented with Bronze medals.  This was a well-deserved result for this team that has played together for the past five years.

Congratulations also go to Paige Blake and Niamh Scully  (pictured right) who finished second and received Silver medals in Division 2 of the Year 12/13 competition.

Well done to all of our Westlake teams who represented their school with pride.


Students honoured at Academic Assembly

We held our yearly full-school Academic Assembly on Thursday 11 February  to present our 2021 Prefects and Tuakana with their badges, our 2020 Level 1 and 2 NCEA Excellence endorsement achievers with their badges, and our 2020 Scholarship winners with flowers.

94.4% of our students gained Level 1, 96.1 gained Level 2, 96.1% gained Level 3, and 88.90% gained University Entrance. We also had 73 scholarships awarded to 54 students. Many of our 2020 Year 13 students returned to school to be acknowledged at our assembly.

We also awarded cups to our NCEA Level 1 and Level 2 top scholars – the Anna Buchly Cup for Academic Excellence in Level 1 (Y11 2020) went to Moe Tun. The Cup for Academic Excellence in Level 2 (Y12 2020) went to Zoe Wu.

Zoe Wu is pictured above left with Principal Jane Stanley, and  Moe Tun is pictured above right.



Get connected!


You can download our App HERE. Once installed you can access the app from this icon on your phone’s homescreen.


Our school website is updated regularly and is a great source of news and information including our curriculum, extra-curricular activities, examination timetables, upcoming events and contact details.


We have several Facebook pages officially associated with the school, including some student-run pages. These are where we post photos, celebrate success, publicise events and activities, and share some of the interesting things that are happening around our school. Our primary Westlake Girls page is designed to be interactive – we want you to “Like us”!


Stationery City voucher winners

Congratulations to Rilee Foster, Scarlett Bell and Elise Barrowcliffe who have won vouchers in the Stationery City “Back to School Draw”.

Stationery City, on Porana Road, are our preferred suppliers for stationery at WGHS and they very generously donated these vouchers. Every person who made a purchase of school stationery in December or January went in the draw.

Rilee, Scarlett and Elise – you can collect your vouchers from the school office. They are waiting there for you.


Don't forget Swimming Sports and Athletics Day!

Swimming Sports

Our school Swimming Sports is being held next Friday 19 February. Registrations have now closed for this event, which is being held at the National Aquatic Centre in Albany. Students should make their own way to the venue, however there is transport available from school. The School Swimming Sports programme of events will commence at 10am and conclude at 2pm. Transport from the venue will return to school at 2.15pm. All students must wear swimming togs, house T-shirts and PE shorts. Students should also bring a towel and some warm clothing. They must also bring their lunch and a water bottle, as there will be no food accessible at the venue.

Athletics Day

The School Athletics Day will be held at Onewa Domain on Friday 26 February. This is a traditional full school event at Westlake where the entire school attends and participates. The students wear their respective House colours and compete to win the event House title. There are Championship and House events.

Student Dress Code:
• Year 9, 10 & 11: House T-shirts & PE shorts
• Year 12: House T-shirts or T-shirts in house colours and black shorts/tights
• Year 13: May dress up in a costume but it must be in House colours

Students who aim to represent Westlake at the North Harbour and Auckland Championships must enter the Championship events to be considered. Entries for the Championship events are now open on the school website: Entries for the Championship events will close at 12pm on Monday 22 February. You must enter in Championship events prior to Athletics Day. All other students will take part in House events that are entered in on the day of the event, they DO NOT register online.

Students can either make their way directly to Onewa Domain or depart from school and walk to Onewa Domain. Teachers are stationed along The Avenue (in Smales Farm) & Northcote Road. The day commences at 8.45am with a roll check (at Onewa Domain) and concludes at 2.30pm with a final roll check prior to departing. Cancellation will be advised on school website and via the school app by 7.30am.

What to bring:
• Shade from the sun and something to sit on
• Sunblock, hat, water bottle, lunch and snacks


Learn how to better understand your teen's brain!

Nathan Wallis, New Zealand’s favourite Neuroscience Educator is coming to Takapuna Grammar School on Monday 22 February from 7.30 – 9pm.

This talk covers much of Nathan’s core teachings around brain development with a focus on understanding the changes that are taking place for the adolescent. This talk will help parents to navigate successfully these important and formative years. Nathan will share strategies with participants to achieve better relationships and better outcomes for the adolescents we work/live with.

Nathan’s talks are very popular with parents, teachers, coaches, leaders and anyone else who is interested in learning about the workings of the brain.  Nathan has a  profound reputation as a lively and engaging speaker. He uses humour and plain language to condense 25 years of neuroscience research into his unique ‘tell you how it is’ style. You’ll be absolutely captivated and walk away jam-packed with more than a few “ah-ha” moments.

Here are details of Nathan’s upcoming presentation:



Learning how to ride life's white waters - literally!

By Amy Morrison and Tara Vaughan

We were fortunate enough to be nominated for a Genisis Kayak Leadership Skills Scholarship at Hillary Outdoors Tongariro. This scholarship was awarded to us through attending our Year 12 PE camp at the same centre during August of 2020, and we were recognised for our potential leadership skills and love for the outdoors.

It was a fully-funded five-day course from 11-15 January, where we joined six other like-minded students from all corners of New Zealand. Throughout the week we developed both our kayak and leadership skills, learning to safely and confidently paddle grade 2 white water rapids. We also learnt the fundamentals of rolling a kayak and saving each other if people flip (which was a regular occurrence). 

Throughout the programme, we paddled on multiple rivers, including the Waikato, Mohaka and Tongariro. We had a double overnight camp away from the centre at the Mohaka River, where we got to know our group and instructors even more, creating life-long bonds. 

A highlight of the trip was paddling down the biggest rapid of the week, the Waka Muncher along the Tongariro river, where 5 out of 8 of our group ended up swimming to the banks to empty out our waterlogged boats because of flipping in the rapids.

It was an incredible experience that we will never forget, and an opportunity that we will never take for granted. 




3D printer design makes the cut

A tiny swan has proven a massive winner thanks to the incredibly creative talent of Year 12 student Damla Temizsoy.

Damla was the national winner of the Make Your Marque competition, where students designed and 3D printed a mascot or emblem for their school’s EVolocity electric kart. For her efforts, she won her very own 3D printer!

Last year Damla was part of Westlake’s Motorsport Club, which designed, built and raced “Woody” – a wooden kart – in the EVolocity schools competition held in November.

“When the Make Your Marque competition was introduced last year, I was so excited to hear the prize was a 3D printer and decided to enter it and give it a shot,” says Damla.

Her intricate and clever design won the vote of the judges, taking out the competition from around New Zealand to win the prized 3D printer.

“I made a swan with pilot’s glasses,” she says. “I used a swan because it is our school mascot and a big part of the Westlake Community. The pilot’s glasses come from our Evolocity project because we based our kart on WWI planes (wooden chassis, with fabric covering). This project took roughly 2-3 hours to design, about 1 – 11/2 hours to 3D print due to the small details such as glasses. Then I painted it in our school colours of green and red.”

Judge, Dr Stephen Kavermann from The University of Auckland, said of Damla’s entry: “An excellent design and print, with a good explanation of the link to the team and the school. It was nicely presented and looked good mounted on the vehicle. Good quality and very ambitious printing.”

Damla was ecstatic to win, saying the project challenged her – in a good way! “I used TinkerCad, which is quite a restricting program, so it was hard to get some details. For example, doing the neck and glasses were quite challenging because those shapes don’t exist on TinkerCad. It was a bit of piecing together different shapes to get the look I wanted. I also wanted to include a scarf to complete the whole WWI pilot look, no matter how much I tried I couldn’t get it to look the way I wanted it to, so I decided to not go with a scarf.

Announced as winner during the National Awards Ceremony streamed through Facebook Live late last year, Damla won a Creality Ender 3D printer. “I am so happy and excited to have won such an amazing prize. I can’t wait to get started and make many weekend projects, I already have a list of projects I want to do,” she says.

It’s no surprise that this clever student is keen on a career in the science/technology/engineering fields. “I already knew I wanted to go into one of those areas, but winning a 3D printer out of all the students competing in New Zealand gave me a lot more confidence and confirmed that I am going in the right direction.”

The right direction indeed! Well done Damla from Mr Scull and everyone here at Westlake.

Damla is pictured top with her design and award, and below with her 2020 Motorsport team mates.



School events coming up for parents

Tuesday 16 February

This is an evening for Level 1 NCEA students and parents/caregivers to provide you with the knowledge really early in the year of how NCEA works and how to get the best possible Certificate from the year. It will be held at 6.30pm in Gym 3.

There is parking available in the two staff carparks. We will be starting promptly so please be in and seated by that time. It takes about 45 minutes to go through all the key material. One of our Careers staff will speaks for about 5 minutes at the end of the presentation. You will get two very useful handouts to take away that summarise the key information. There will be a number of other senior staff with great NCEA knowledge that can answer individual questions at the end of the presentation.  Please bring a pen in case you want to add any extra notes to the handout.

The Government has proposed changes to Level 1 NCEA likely to take effect from 2021 so this could be the last year students follow the current Level 1 NCEA structure. It is therefore really important that students ensure they get their Level 1 NCEA Certificate this year under the current structure. Your knowledge and support in assisting them in this is essential and this evening will help you in this process.

Wednesday 17 February

WGHS is holding an Information Evening for Parents and Caregivers of our Year 9 students. It’s a chance to find out a bit more about how Westlake Girls High School operates, and to meet your daughter’s Form Teacher. It will be held at 6.3pm in Gym 3.

You will hear from a variety of speakers, including our Principal, Sports Director and Music Director. From 7pm you will have the opportunity to meet with your daughter’s Form Teacher regarding homework, time management, absentee procedures, accessing the parent portal, and upcoming events. You’ll also meet the Year 13 Tuakana students assigned to her class.

There will be parking onsite, and no RSVP is required. This night is for parents, however your daughter is also welcome to attend. Please ensure you know the name of your daughter’s Form Class (eg, 9AED) so you’ll be able to identify the right location to meet her Form Teacher. Your daughter will have this information on her timetable.

Wednesday 24 February

Our first Pasifika Fono for the year will be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 24 February in the school’s staffroom, Gernhoefer Admin Centre. This is a chance for our Pasifika families to meet each other, along with our Westlake Pasifika mentors. If you are part of our Pasifika family, you will receive an email shortly about this event. Please keep it free – we would love to see you.


Friendly February

We might be part-way through February, but it’s not too late to start using this cool little calendar. Stay connected – it really makes a difference when we take time to listen or find ways to make someone’s day better!


Netball and hockey dress shop hours

If your daughter is planning on playing Netball or Hockey this year, she must purchase a dress through the school and not through the Uniform Shop.  If she plays both sports, she just needs to purchase the Netball dress (with Velcro) as this can also be used for Hockey and Tennis.

Shop Location: B8 (standalone room behind Café in between A & B block)

Shop Opening Hours:

Tuesday 16 & Thursday 18 February        11.00am – 1.15pm    Payments Office Open

Sunday 21 February                                     8.30am – 4.30pm       Eftpos available (no cash)

Tuesday 23 & Thursday 25 February       11.00am – 1.15pm    Payments Office Open

Monday 8 March                                          3.15pm – 6.00pm      Eftpos available (no cash)

Cost:                                                               $85.00

Payment Options:

Payment can be made at the payment’s office during school hours or online via the school website or you can pay by eftpos outside of school hours in B8:

We have very limited hours that the shop will be open so ask that all parents come in with their daughter during these times. If you pay online please bring proof of payment to size and pick up your dress on any of the above days.


Second place well deserved for talented skater

Year 10 student Billie Morrison made the most of the long Waitangi Weekend by competing, and coming second, in the Mangawhai Bowl Jam skateboard competition Women’s Division.

One of the biggest skateboarding competitions in New Zealand, the event attracts a high number of talented skateboarders from around the country.

Billie placed second in the Women’s Division, which is an open division with no age group – meaning she was competing against more experienced skaters. However, this wasn’t Billie’s first event, having competed for three years and previously winning the Keri Keri Vert Jam.

“In the Mangawahi Bowl Jam, I had to skate the bowl and do a run of tricks,” says Billie. “Contestants get judged on how hard the tricks are and how well we skated the bowl.”

Billie says she like the consistent challenge skateboarding brings. “I like how fun it is – it never gets boring.” Her top tricks include backside disasters and frontside airs (look them up – you’ll be impressed).

Her next competition is the Bowlzilla at Waitangi Skatepark – the national event for bowl skating. Good luck Billie!

Billie is pictured above centre with first place winner Krysta Ashwell and third place winner Ela Poynter.


Sports Shorts


Nelita Pistorius and Jamie Holdsworth were selected for the North Harbour /15 cricket team and took part in the ACA Districts u15 tournament that took place 15-17 December 2020. The girls’ team won the tournament.

Congratulations Nelita and Jamie.

Just Play

If your daughter enjoys sport but isn’t sure which code is right for her, Just Play might be the answer.

With 33 different sports at Westlake Girls it can be a bit overwhelming to know how to get involved. Just Play is a chance to have a go at some of the sports that students may not have encountered – like lacrosse, volleyball, table tennis, squash, ultimate frisbee, tag and futsal.  It allows students to “have a go” at the sports which are taught in 4-week blocks throughout the year. Just Play happens on Wednesdays from 3.20 – 4.30pm.  The cost is $10 for each sport. In Term 1 we are starting with lacrosse and then badminton. You can find all the details, along with a registration form HERE.


Well done to the 13 students in our waterpolo team who placed third in a pre-season tournament recently at St Cuthbert’s. There were 10 teams competing, so that’s a great start to the year!


Year 10 student Kate Borton (pictured left) competed at the Auckland Athletics Senior Track and Field Championships recently, winning both the 400m and 800mm events. Kate also won gold in the 400m and 800m events at the North Island Colgate Games in January.

We have another young talented athlete who has just joined the Westlake whānau – Karmen-Elizabeth Maritz.

In January 2021, Karmen-Elizabeth (pictured right) participated in both the North Island (Inglewood) Colgate Games (8-10 January) and the South Island (Nelson) Colgate games (15-17 January) where she represented her club, North Harbour Bays Athletics. She placed first in both her field items, shotput and discus, at both events, winning 4x Gold medals in total.

On the 2nd of February, she broke the North Harbour Bays 12Y Girls Shotput record that stood since 2011, with a new distance of 11.85m. Karmen-Elizabeth also broke the 750g club discus record twice this season with her current record a distance of 44.21m.

This weekend (6 & 7 February), Karmen-Elizabeth participated in the Auckland Athletics Championship at Mount Smart Stadium in the women’s under 14 category where she won 3 x gold medals in events Shotput, Discuss and Javelin.



ESTEAM internships at Genesis and Deloitte

By Susana Tomaz

The future of work is becoming increasingly more difficult to accurately predict or even imagine. The speed of change also calls for an updated skillset, calling for workers to quickly adapt, to learn new approaches to challenges, to think more critically, and to collaborate. 

The report, Preparing tomorrow’s workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. For business: A framework for action calls on the business community to take a more proactive role in preparing today’s youth to ensure they are ready to become the workforce of tomorrow.

Enterprise STEAM (ESTEAM) provides students with the opportunity to adopt an innovative mindset, develop 21st century skills, including financial capabilities, business and entrepreneurship skills while continuing exploring the integration of STEAM applications. To support your growth and development in the ESTEAM field students benefit from the support of members of our business community to provide authentic, relevant and interactive experiences for students to learn about the workforce and raise awareness of emerging careers pathways.

On Friday 11 December we took our ESTEAM students to Genesis Energy New Zealand’s largest energy retailer and Deloitte for an internship with a strong focus on sustainability, cybersecurity and career pathways. We would like to say a big thank you to the amazing team of professionals at both Genesis Energy and Deloitte New Zealand for their time and commitment to address the youth skills gap, and develop the workforce of the future.

We welcome the support of our business/parent community, check out of STEAM Power-ED Flyer for ideas on how you can support our students, please email me, let’s connect: [email protected]

Here is some feedback from our students:

The opportunity to take part in an internship run by Deloitte was one of the best parts about ESTEAM last year! I didn’t feel out of place as they treated us like capable students and I was thoroughly engaged in their interactive activities. I gained more knowledge about cybersecurity, softwares like ‘Wireshark’, and systems like ‘Linux’. Additionally, I learnt how to keep my data protected from malicious attacks and about the types of hackers there are – ethical hackers and government hackers being a couple of them. It was all very exciting to be a part of! The team were really interested and excited to hear about our input – encouraging us and making the whole experience even more amazing than it already was – can’t forget the delightful food they served us. Wouldn’t have been possible without the lovely Ms Tomaz and the wonderful team at Deloitte, so a huge thank you for this experience!
Peeta Khan

Renewable energy, engineering, and inspiring females in STEAM! That is what Genesis is all about! I was truly inspired and engaged by the wonderful speakers and the tour of the sustainable building Genesis is located in. In times like this, it is powerful that we all stay open-minded to new ideas and ways of living such as moving towards solar, hydro, and wind energy sources and encouraging more females to partake in STEAM. Genesis showed us Westlake girls how diversity influences a workplace to become stronger, resilient, and profoundly new. I am super passionate about sciences and the environment so Genesis is definitely the type of company I would work for in the future.
Shella Dabbach

“The internship at Genesis was such a fun day! I really loved learning about the diverse roles, being a female in those areas and getting a behind the scenes look into the company. Such a neat opportunity that I am so thankful for as we begin looking for future potential careers.”
Charis Allison


Westlake Wellness - hydration and school lunches

By Lizzie Beaumont
TIC Food Technology Department

In the very hot and humid weather at this time of the year, it is really important to stay hydrated throughout the day, to remain alert, feel comfortable and get the most out of time in the classroom.

We recommend your child brings a water bottle to school and frequently refills it during the day. There are chilled water filters for the students located around the school, as well as water fountains and taps for refilling water bottles. Fruit and vegetables are a great source of liquid as they have a high water content, contributing to daily liquid intake, as well as providing additional fibre and nutrients. Seasonal examples are watermelon, cucumber and tomatoes, all of which are readily available and reasonably priced at this time of year.

If your child struggles to eat breakfast before school, encourage them to include additional food when they make their lunch, that they could eat prior to school to provide fuel for the start of the day. Planning and preparing what they will eat during the day develops feelings of responsibility and independence in your child and can be an opportunity to learn more about food and its role in their body. Inspiration for school lunches can be challenging, so I have listed a few helpful websites for ideas below:



Getting a first-hand experience of uni life

Westlake International student Jacqueline Ramos spent part of her summer holidays experiencing life at university! The Year 13 student, who has been at WGHS since 2019, was part of the “Hands-on at Otago” programme, where students choose a department and participate in a research project, experience a small taste of a variety of other research activities, and join in social events, all while staying in student accommodation. Here’s an account of her experience:

During the summer break, I was given the opportunity to experience life on campus at Otago University for a week in January. I flew down to Dunedin without knowing anyone and anything about that place. I stayed there for five days in one of the student residences and I never imagined myself enjoying the idea of living in student accommodation.

The food was amazing, the rooms were cozy, and the common room was a lot of fun. I also got the chance to feel what it’s like to be studying Economics in university, as I participated in an Economics research programme during my stay there. Needless to say, it was a really interesting course and it showed me how there’s so much more to Economics than what we learn in high school.

During our spare time, I got to go around town with some of the friends that I have made. That five-day stay was one of the best experiences I’ve had ever since coming to New Zealand. I met a lot of amazing people and that week really gave me a  great glimpse of what university life has to offer.


New students join the Westlake whanāu

Tuesday 2 February was a big day for our new Year 10-13 students as they joined us for the first time at Westlake Girls. They were welcomed into school by our Year 13 Prefect and Tuakana students, led by Matua Eddie Hudson. Principal Jane Stanley addressed the group of more than 40 students, and introduced them to our Senior Leadership Team.

Then 2021 Head Prefect Grace Chen gave a brilliant first official speech of the year. The group was divided into Houses and escorted over to their rooms to join their new Form Classes.

The following day, Wednesday 3 February, our new Year 9 students were welcomed into the whānau. After being led into the gym, introductory speeches were made, and then the students were called into their various Form Classes to begin their Westlake journey.


School TV - Transitioning to High School

All transitions are important, but the transition into high school is unique. Successful transitions rely on a number of social, emotion and practical factors. Being well prepared is key to an easier transition that should be viewed as a process over time, rather than a one-off event.

Starting high school can feel exciting and challenging, all at the same time. However, it would not be uncommon for this to heighten any pre-existing mental health conditions or concerns your teen may have. Parents and caregivers will need to remain vigilant in monitoring their teenager’s mood and behaviour as they settle into their new “normal” .

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted student’s lives in various ways. These different times pose unique challenges that may have many students feeling a little bit more anxious than usual about their expectations of starting high school. Parents and caregivers will need to be mindful and supportive, but also realistic in their expectations.

This Special Report offers strategies to help support students and their families as they navigate the challenges of high school. You can find it HERE