Arts & Culture

Stars shine bright at mid-winter Gala Concert

On Friday 5 August, the annual Westlake Gala Concert was held for the first time in the new Event Center at Westlake Girls. The Gala Concert is a combined school celebration of every music group that is run within the two Westlake Schools and there are so many groups that there are two sessions for audiences to attend.

Both concerts were well attended by audience with the evening concert at capacity. This year the concert MC was alumna Te Ohorere Williams,  who is finishing her Masters in Vocal Performance at Auckland University.

All the music groups performed with a professionalism well beyond their years, and included girls in the following groups:

  • Cantare Choir – Premier Girls’ Choir
  • Choralation – Premier Mixed Choir
  • Cigno Voce – Senior Choir
  • Nota Bella – Junior Choir
  • Westlake Symphony Orchestra – Premier MixeWestlake Chamber Orchestra – Premier Mixed
  • Westlake Concert Band – Premier Mixed
  • Westlake Big Band – Premier Mixed
  • Taharoto Orchestra
  • Westlake Girls Symphonic Band

Congratulations to the students and directors involved and special thanks to the team who worked hard to bring the night to fruition – Rachel Carson, Jono Howan, Dan Bernadie, Kasey Lui, Moira Clarke, Linley McCallum, Michael Foster.











































Arts & Culture

Wearable Art Shines on Stage

By Kate Luisetti
TIC Fabric Technology

Congratulations to our junior students who represented Westlake Girls at the Show Quest TOI Wearable Art competition.

The students demonstrated creativity, persistence and diligence to complete their individual projects. The students were required to choose a theme from a range of design briefs, then designed and modelled their own creations.

Students involved:

  • Emaraina Watts (Year 10) – Pania of the Reef Reimagined – Winner of the Story Telling category
  • Julia Wilkins (Year 10) – The Dragon Queen
  • Maya Goren (Year 9) – Life of Lights
  • Kirsten Sewell (Year 9) – Slither

The collaborative project, Theia (pictured top), was designed and made by a group of students from the ShowQuest costume team.

Pictured below: Left – The Dragon Queen
Right – Slither









Pictured below: Left – Life of Lights
Right – Pania of the Reef Reimagined

Arts & Culture

Pianist places third in finals

Pianist Audrey Guo, Year 13, competed in the finals of the New Zealand Chamber Music Festival on Saturday 6 August in the Auckland Town Hall.

This year there were 300 ensembles involved in the Chamber Music Competition nationwide, so selection into the top eight in New Zealand is a huge achievement. The level of skill and stagecraft of the finalists is always extremely high. Congratulations to Audrey and her ‘Gedalge Trio’ for placing third overall, what an outstanding achievement!



Exciting introduction into the world of engineering

By Lily-Grace Lee Ng
Year 9 STEAM student

On Tuesday 2 August, both STEAM classes were lucky to have some WEN members come and teach us about the incredible world of engineering. WEN stands for Women in Engineering Network.

Seeing all different types of women pursuing their dreams and not letting stereotypes stop them was inspiring. Although we all loved the whole lesson, my favourite part was the WEN team having a meeting after our first half of the lesson just discussing what they could improve on. I was really captivated by what they were saying and it really inspired me because they wanted to improve for the next class.

The first challenge we had was to create an invention that could make a dessert with the least amount of human work possible. There were many great ideas that I hope will be real products in the future, including a ceiling fan that delivers food straight into your mouth, a chain of products that make s’mores, a conveyor belt with machines that make chocolate truffles, and many more innovative ideas.

The second challenge was to fill up three containers will the same volume of water after thirty seconds using pipes with different diameters. We got a little wet but it was worth it for the fun. The WEN members got me interested in engineering, a topic I didn’t know much about and a career path that I never thought of pursuing. I really hope WEN comes back to teach us again.










Peace Week brings students together

By Shreeji Patel and Shivani Arivuchelvan

Last week, Westlake Girls celebrated Youth Peace Week.

The Peace Foundation of New Zealand promotes this annual event which encourages young people to think about how we can work together to promote a more peaceful community, country, and world. We also reflect upon the importance of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s long standing nuclear-free policy.

This year at Westlake Girls, we focused on the theme of the power of unity, which is a relevant theme amidst our present-day conflicts. To celebrate peace, as a school we held multiple events including our annual paper crane-folding tradition in remembrance of Sadako Sasaki, a young victim of the gruelling Hiroshima atomic bombings in WW2.

On the Tuesday of Peace Week, we had the great opportunity to hear about Bob Narev’s Holocaust survival story.  Along with this, we organised a lunchtime peace/unity quiz and to finish the week off, we hosted our all-time favourite Project Runway.

During this week, we had the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Rosmini College students. As they say “the world is our town and everyone is our family”, hence by celebrating this great event, we as the leaders of the future came to realise that the way of peace begins with love, respect, and unity. 





These are some Tough Gals!

On Thursday 4 August, 12 PE students across Years 12 and 13 went to Kumeu Showgrounds to participate in the Tough Gal Mud Run.

This event was fantastic! Students had to run a 6km course which saw them have to go over, under and through many obstacles, as well as dealing with a whole lot of mud!

Students have the opportunity to gain performance credits depending on their finishing times. The official times have not been released yet, however, our fastest competitor on the day was Emma Clipstone (Year 13) who completed the course in 36min 45 sec. This was an incredible effort from her as well as all other competitors!


MP inspires STEAM students with her career story

By Lily-Grace Ng and Joanna Jacob
Year 9 STEAM English and Social Studies

On Friday 5 August, the Year 9 STEAM classes were very fortunate to be visited by Labour List MP and former Westlake Girls student – Naisi Chen.

She is currently the second youngest member of Parliament at 26 years old. She is the only MP of Chinese ethnicity. Naisi Chen came to New Zealand from China when she was five years old and grew up here for most of her life. She told us about how she became what she is today and what she does at her job. 

Naisi was studying law and had never imagined that she would one day become a  MP. Naisi Chen was the president of the New Zealand Chinese Students Association and was passionate about stopping Asian hate crimes in NZ’s universities. When Raymond Huo – a Labour MP – first approached Naisi, she thought he was going to offer her a job at his law firm but to her surprise, he encouraged her to run for Parliament. Naisi lost the first East Coast Bays electorate in 2017 but in 2020 she got into parliament.

The STEAM classes were very lucky to have her visit and were inspired by the way she is breaking stereotypes.



Caring for the land one tree at a time

By Diya Kansara
Year 9 Westlake Kaitiaki student

Like humans need encouragement and care, the Earth needs trees. By planting a tree, we hope to encourage you to care for the Earth.

On Monday 15 August a group of enthusiastic learners from Westlake Kaitiaki set off to Onewa Domain ready to plant some native trees. As luck would have it, it began to drizzle as we left, but the team kept in sunny spirits as we made our way to Smith’s Bush, led by Enviro Prefect Anja, Ms. See and Ms. Bhavsar. Once there, we met our park ranger, Anna, who guided us through the bush to our planting site. To refresh our memory, we were briefed on how to plant a tree and a little more about the bush’s biodiversity, as well as the significance of native plants.

It was all go, as we began planting. The sound of the occasional clink of the spade as it hit a rock and rapport immediately filled the air whilst we dug and carefully planted our trees into place. As we dug, we managed to find old bits of crockery, cutlery, and even a whole glass bottle buried in the mud. This was likely due to the area once being used as a farm. It really was a historical experience! In around fifteen minutes, the muddy-legged group managed to plant a total of sixty plants, a great contribution to protecting our local environment. 

Walking back through the bush, proud of what we’d achieved, we were able to admire the beautiful plants in the reserve, humbled by how small we were under the tall vine-adorned trees and how quiet we were compared to the serene sounds of nature.


Thinking about study or a career in Dance?

Our Year 12 and 13 Dance students were very lucky this week to have Claire O’Neil visit.

Claire came to do a workshop in contemporary dance and to tell the students more about study at Unitec.

They enjoyed the sessions with her and found the Q and A time very valuable. A number of our former students are current and former students of the Dance/Creative Industries course at Unitec and have gone on to exciting careers, projects and opportunities in the world of dance.

We will also have some of these students come in to share their experiences with our Senior Dance classes. There are many pathways for Dance students and we aim to give them experiences and information to help them make decisions about their future.

Unitec has auditions coming up soon as well as a number of COLLAB performances and an Open Day. We look forward to working with them again next year!

Arts & Culture

Music students take centre stage once again

Now that gathering restrictions have lifted, our Music students are thriving with a range of events, visits and competitions. You can read about some of them in separate stories in this newsletter, but here are a few to get you started!

Cantare and Auckland Choral Concert

On 30 July, Cantare choir performed in a concert with Auckland Choral to a full audience at the Holy Trinity Cathedral (pictured above). The choir was an invited guest performing a special programme of works by New Zealand composer David Hamilton. David is the composition tutor at Westlake Girls High School and his 40-year membership with Auckland Choral was celebrated with a performance of two works, one specifically written for Matariki. The Cantare Year 13 students were enjoying the school ball on the same night, so the choir was reduced to 30 singers from Year 9 – 12, who received wonderful reviews for their performance.

Choralation Camp

From Friday 5 – Sunday 7 August, Choralation choir enjoyed their annual camp, previously cancelled from Term 1 due to Covid. It was a busy time with performances at the Westlake Gala Concert on the Friday evening. The choir, directed by Rowan Johnston, stayed at Peter Snell Youth Village in Whangaparoa. Over the camp they fine-tuned their programmes in preparation for National Finale and enjoyed some choir bonding activities. Below are the Year 13 leaders (left) and whole camp (right).

Choirs Day Tour

Cantare, Choralation and Cigno Voce choirs are preparing for their national competitions coming up next week. To develop their performance craft, the singers enjoyed a day tour on Wednesday 17 August, performing at Northcross Intermediate, Mayfair Retirement Village and Fairview Village.

It was lovely to see Stuart Mannings who introduced the choirs at Mayfair Village – he was the very first Westlake music teacher when the school was established and he turns 90 next month! Each choir performed the repertoire they will present at The Big Sing National Finale and Cadenza Festivals. We wish them all the best as they represent Westlake in Christchurch and Rotorua.



The Year 13s had a ball!

On Saturday  30 July we held our combined Westlake School Ball!

Over 950 students, dressed to impress, were at the Cordis Hotel in the city to celebrate.

Our theme this year was a ‘Night in New York’. The great room was decorated with lighting and special effects, which provided an awesome atmosphere. The  students enjoyed the dance floor, chocolate fountain and the themed photo stations. 

A special thank you to Bob Wilson from Monstavision and Jeremy Hill Photography for once again being part of the special event .

Finally well done to our Ball committee (and especially Ms Louise Clouston) for their efforts in ensuring a successful night .

The prizes on the night were awarded to:

  • King of NYC – Badyn Dixon
  • Queen of NYC – Nikka Caraig
  • Best dressed Man – Tyler Dixon
  • Best dressed Female – Madison Jagger
  • Cutest couple – Alexander Wilson & Audrey Guo 

Photos of the evening can be purchased at:

Password: jhpwhsb22

Pictured top from left are: Lucille Vukets (Acting Principal), Ella Dorward (Deputy Head Prefect), Ivy Mitchell (Head Prefect), Holly Williams (Onewa House Captain), Ella Borrie (Akoranga House Captain), Aimee Euston-Stewart (Wairau House Captain), Rachel Bickerstaffe (Acting Deputy Principal), Tallulah Salmon (Hauraki House Captain), Lucy Jobbins (Pupuke House Captain).

Arts & Culture

Medals galore at KBB

The annual KBB Music Festival took place at the Holy Trinity Cathedral from 8-13 August.

Each year approximately 4,500 secondary students perform in 145 groups, from 50 high schools from the Auckland region and beyond. The Festival showcases school orchestras, concert bands and jazz bands and has been running for 37 years.

After the week of competition, there is a Gala Concert held on the Saturday which features the top four groups from each category, as well as presentation of awards. Each group is presented with either Commended, Highly Commended, Bronze, Silver or Gold and there are also special awards for outstanding performances. There is also an opportunity for schools to come together to workshop and perform pieces under the direction of the adjudicators, which is the Honours Orchestra and Honours Concert Band.

This year, the Westlake Symphony Orchestra entered twice – one competitive and one non-competitive programme. A total of 100 singers from Cantare and Voicemale choirs joined the orchestra to perform popular pieces ‘Eleanor Rigby’ and ‘Formula One’ for the non-competitive programme.

Westlake Girls students performed in the following groups and achieved these competition results:

  • Westlake Symphony Orchestra – Premier Mixed (directed by David Squire): Gold Award; Best Performance of a Romantic Work
  • Westlake Chamber Orchestra – Premier Mixed (directed by Miranda Adams): Gold Award; Best Performance of a Baroque
  • Westlake Concert Band – Premier Mixed (directed by Warwick Robinson): Gold Award; Best Performance of a Work written specifically for Concert Band
  • Westlake Big Band – Premier Mixed (directed by Hayley Barker): Silver Award
  • Taharoto Orchestra (directed by Jono Palmer): Bronze
  • Westlake Girls Symphonic Band (directed by Jono Howan): Bronze

Jono Howan was also presented with the Joyce Fisher Scholarship which offers mentorship for developing conductors.

You can check out some of the action in the YouTube videos below.

Gala Concert

KBB Festival














Spanish is the Order of the Day

By Joaquin Gines
Spanish Teacher and Paella-maker Extraordinaire

As part of the topic ‘Food and Eating Out’ the Spanish Students from Year 10 to Year 13 had a dinner experience at the Mexican restaurant Mexican Cafe recently.

They had to order everything in Spanish giving them the opportunity to use the language in a meaningful context. They loved the food, the decoration and the waiter who didn’t serve their food unless it was ordered in Spanish. ¡Magnifico!



Community initiative open to all

Westlake Girls High School is part of a Community of Learning (COL) with other schools in our local area. Milford Kindergarten, which is part of our COL, is hosting this free kapa haka learning experience.

If you’ve always wanted to be part of a kapa haka group, but never had the opportunity – here is your chance. All the details are in the image above. Everyone welcome!


Mountain biking trip provides great outdoor experience

By Pearl Overhill
Year 13

On our Outdoor Ed mountain biking trip to Taupō, we completed the Great Lakes Trail. It was a lot of fun and hard work, and we had beautiful weather. I was very lucky to be able to experience the trail and it allowed me to appreciate the beauty of Aotearoa.

Although the trip was challenging, I had such an amazing time building relationships with my friends and the instructor who took us. It was great having Bigfoot with us for the ride as it meant we were able to gain expert experience on biking and also gain valuable facts about the trail itself.

I really enjoyed learning new tips and tricks in relation to mountain biking and I enjoyed getting to experience mountain biking on an actual trail. It was such an experience camping out at Kawakawa Bay right out in the bush, having to boil water and navigate my way around camping in the pitch black!

Overall, this trip was such an experience that allowed me to see a different side to New Zealand, I would definitely recommend completing Outdoor Ed in order to experience this trip.
















Brightening up Christmas in August!

Year 10 Fabric Technology students have been busy making Santa sacks for the charitable venture Present for You. The sacks will be personalised and filled with presents for children from Women’s Refuge and the Teen Parent Unit.


Westlake Wellness - Self-efficacy and Confidence around Food

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

A component of food literacy that is often overlooked is an individual’s self-efficacy and confidence around food choices and preparation.

It is essential that young people leave home being able to distinguish between credible and false nutrition information, know how to find reliable nutrition information and how to make sense of it in their everyday lives.

Adolescents need the opportunity and to be supported in applying food and nutrition-related knowledge to select, buy and prepare food to make healthy choices while still under the guidance of family and caregivers.

Having opportunities while still at home to build confidence in their ability to use cooking techniques and to prepare tasty meals with available food for themselves and others. This fosters the desire to learn how to prepare food, develops a healthy relationship toward food and builds respect for food traditions and culture.

“The body needs its rest, and sleep is extremely important in any health regimen. There should be three main things: eating, exercise and sleep. All three together in the right balance make for a truly healthy lifestyle” – Author: Rohit Shetty to prepare and enjoy food to eat together



A sweet treat to celebrate National Waffle Day

Wairau and Onewa Houses are holding a Waffle and Bake Sale fundraiser for their House charities next week.

Wednesday 24 August is National Waffle Day so it seems only fitting to celebrate with waffles! Follow the delicious smell all the way to the Golden Swan Cafe at lunchtime. If waffles aren’t your thing, there will be other baked treats to purchase and enjoy.


Westlake Wellness - Food for Camps

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Information for coaches and managers

Overnight school camps, tournaments and trips are an opportunity to model the policies and guidelines reflected in the school mission statement and link to the Nutrition and Activity guidelines for New Zealanders at specific age ranges. Before starting to plan food for an off-site event, you will need to have an idea of:

  • Environment – kitchen size, equipment available, seating, utensils and crockery
  • Access to water which is safe to drink – this may have to be purchased and brought in
  • Any students/adult allergies, intolerances, special diets and food preferences – a short survey is good for this. You will also need to assign a staff member to be responsible for these students,as well as having a plan for how their food preparation and storage will be managed. Where severe allergies are involved a plan for storage and access to medication and emergency contacts must be provided and discussed with all adults in contact with
  • The intensity and length of activities students will be involved in to determine energy needs and appropriate replacement foods. The types of activities, such as on the water, tramping, swimming, cycling, kayaking
  • Budget available for food per student
  • Time available to prepare meals before and after activities, are there onsite providers?
  • Numbers of adults and students
  • Expectation of student involvement in preparation, serving, cleaning up and how this is monitored
  • Skill level in food preparation of adults attending event
Arts & Culture

Variety is the spice of life!

Congratulations to Head Prefect Ivy Mitchell, Deputy Head Prefect Ella Dorward, and all of the students and staff who helped organise and participated in Westlake’s Variety Show last Friday night.

There were 16 fantastic acts (staff and students) including singing, dancing, theatresports, aerobics, and an airband! Hundreds of people came to watch, with proceeds going to StarJam – which also performed on the night.

There were prizes – with third place going to Shivani Arivuchelvan (Bollywood Dance), second place to our Jazz Troupe (dancing to Poker Face), and first place going to Nikka Caraig singing Someone New. Thanks to our supporters Escape HQ, Shore City and Platypus. Our winners are pictured above.

This was the inaugural event and due to its success, talk is already underway about a 2023 version!

Photos by the very talented Alison Fan, Year 12.









Left: Nikka Caraig. Right: Stella Ranginui and Madi Jagger.









Left: Shivani Arivuchelvan. Right: Taylor Penberthy









Left: Kate Kiu. Right: Martha Madayag.









Left: Giz Visser-Heydon. Right: Maya Goren









Left: Kay Brown. Right: Staff Airband









Left: Rachel Carson. Right: Kahlia Hawkins






Left: Emma Harrison. Right: PE Department Aerobics






Left: Theatre Sports. Right Jazz Troupe


Important Things to Note - 19 August 2022

Teacher-only Day

Monday 22 August is a Teacher-only Day at Westlake Girls High School. If your daughter is aged under 14 with no parents or older siblings at home during the day, please email [email protected] and we’ll arrange onsite supervision.

Senior Exam Timetable

Our Senior School Exams are being held from Monday 12 September to Friday 23 September. Students are expected to be onsite for their exam, and can use their remaining time to study at school or home. Our Junior School classes will run as per normal.

You can check out the Senior School Exam Timetable HERE

2022 Board of Trustee Elections

Families of students at Westlake Girls will have received their voting papers by email on Wednesday 10 August for the 2022 Board of Trustee Elections. We have 15 candidates for the five places available on our Board. Please have a read through the Candidate Statements on our website HERE and make sure that you vote before 4pm on Wednesday 7 September. Thank you for your support of our school – your vote means a lot.

Westlake’s Inaugural Father Daughter Breakfast

We are excited to announce we are holding Westlake’s first-ever Father Daughter Breakfast on Wednesday 28 September from 7am to 8.15am. It will be in our Event Centre, and we are busy lining up a fantastic speaker and scrummy menu – more details later.

Students from all year levels are welcome to bring their dad, step-dad, grandad, uncle – or any other significant male in their lives. Tickets are $30 each and you or your daughter can sign up on our “Expressions of Interest” Form HERE. Once the list is full, we’ll send payment details.

Changes to NCEA and UE for 2022

We have received notification from NZQA that there have been changes made to NCEA and UE for 2022. These have been put in place because of Covid disruptions in Terms 1 and 2.

The changes are outlined below:

Learning Recognition Credits (LRC) will be available to help students attain their Level 1, 2 or 3 NCEA, and the number of Credits needed for a Certificate Endorsement have been reduced for this year.

Level 1 NCEA
For every 5 Credits gained at L1 this year, NZQA will add 1 Learning Recognition Credit up to a maximum of 10 LRC. They will be put on in January 2023.

Level 2 and Level 3 NCEA
For every 5 Credits gained at L2 or L3, NZQA will add 1 Learning Recognition Credit up to a maximum of 8 LRC. They will be put on in January 2023.

These LRC are not Achieved, Merit or Excellence Credits so cannot be used for NCEA Certificate Endorsements or NCEA Subject Endorsements.

The requirement to get a Level 1, 2 or 3 NCEA Certificate Endorsement has been reduced this year from 50 E Credits for an Excellence Certificate Endorsement down to 46 E Credits. To get a Merit Certificate Endorsement, students only need 46 M or E Credits (instead of the usual 50 M or E Credits).

There are no changes to the Credits needed to gain a Subject Endorsement.

There may also be some changes to deadlines for Technology and DVCT projects/folios. No information came on these date changes at this point so students should check with their subject teacher. There is no change to the Visual Arts portfolio due dates.

For Y13, there has been a change to one aspect of gaining University Entrance (UE). Students previously needed 14 Credits in 3 Approved UE subjects. This year, they need 14 Credits in two UE-approved subjects and only 12 Credits in the third UE-approved subject.

Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 22 August Teacher-only Day
Tuesday 23 August Pasifika Fono Evening
Thursday 25 August Media Studies Oscar Night
Monday 12 – Friday 23 September Senior School Exams
Monday 19 August – Friday 2 September Winter Tournament Week
Wednesday 28 September Father Daughter Breakfast
Wednesday 28 September Pasifika Showcase
Friday 30 September End of Term 3
Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 17 October Start of Term 4
Thursday 20 October Sports Awards
Monday 24 October Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday 25 October Music Awards
Wednesday 2 November Special Awards Ceremony (day)
Wednesday 2 November Senior Academic Prize-Giving (evening)
Monday 7 November NCEA exams begin
Friday 2 December NCEA exams finish. End of school for Years 11-13
Friday 9 December End of Term for Years 9 and 10

Sports Shorts


Congratulations to Lucy Cadness-Aspinall (Year 11, pictured left), who has been selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Squash Team.

Mountain Biking

Emma Clipstone has won the North Island School U20 Girls Cycle Cross Champs. Congratulations Emma! In other mountain biking news, four students competed in Round 3 of the Auckland School Mountain Bike Championship: Talia Hoskins, Holly Christiansen, Stella Beale and Lola Groux all competed in the U15 Girls.

Conditions for the race were challenging with rain overnight making the trails treacherous, with the mud build up on the bikes adding to the physical challenge and the mud made keeping bikes operating important. The course at Totora Park was slightly different from the previous round with an additional lap added increasing the total race distance to 12 km. The Westlake riders coped well with the challenging conditions. Talia was second, Holly third, Stella fifth and Lola was eighth in the U15 Girls category. The riders are looking forward to the next race which will be held at Waitawa Regional Park on 11 September.


Congratulations Emma-Kaye Schroeder (pictured left) who has been selected for the New Zealand Under 15 National Basketball Team which heads to Guam in November to compete in the FIBA Oceania Championship.

The top two teams at the event will advance to the Asia Cup in 2023, and the top four teams will attend the World Championships in 2024.  The Year 10 student is a new member of the Westlake Girls Premier Basketball Team this year and has added a burst of energy to the line-up.

The Premier team is currently leading the Auckland Secondary School Premier League and head into the NZ Secondary Schools Zone 1 Qualifying Tournament at the beginning of September as #1 seeds.  The team will go to Palmerston North at the start of October to compete in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Basketball Championships.


Well done to our netballers (pictured right) who beat Rangitoto College 31-25 this week to become the 2022 Year 9 Harbour Netball Champions! Furthermore, of the 9 Year 9 grades at Harbour Netball, Westlake Girls won gold medals in five grades, a silver and a bronze.


Recently Brooke James (Year 13, pictured left) completed in a Women’s Interprovincial Indoor Cricket Tournament. Her Northern District team won the Tournament with Brooke getting Player of the match in the Final.

Brooke was then selected to Represent New Zealand in the Junior U22 World Cup to be held in Melbourne in October. Well done Brooke!

Surf Life-Saving

Year 12 athlete Zoe Crawford recently travelled to Australia with Surf NZ as part of the U19 World champs team  for a pre-World Championship camp, and to compete in the Australian Pool Rescue Championships. Zoe raced for ‘Northcliffe’ – an Australian club. She won 3 individual Australian titles, 1 silver, and also broke two Australian and two NZ records. She also received three silver medals in Relays. Amazing job Zoe!

Results were:

  • 1st – 100m Manikin Tow – Broke NZ & Australian record
  • 1st – 100m Manikin Carry – Crushed NZ & Australian record
  • 1st – 200m Super Lifesaver
  • 2nd – 50m Fins
  • 2nd – U19 4 x 50 Obstacle Relay
  • 2nd – U19 4 x 25 Manikin Relay
  • 2nd – U19 4 x 50 Medley Relay

Isabella proves she's the best in New Zealand!

Isabella Drummond is no stranger to our school newsletter – we’ve documented her amazing achievements over the past couple of years. And now she’s done it again, winning the New Zealand Lions Young Speechmaker Competition final in Palmerston North last weekend. Thanks to Hillcrest Lions Club for sponsoring Isabella!

Here she shares her experience of being in, and winning, the competition.

“Every year, the Lions Clubs of New Zealand offer youth from 16 to 21 years of age the opportunity to participate in a national public speaking contest. This competition is designed to encourage confident orators to test their public speaking abilities, with the hope of winning one of the generous cash prizes.

“Participants must present a 5 to 6-minute prepared speech, as well as a 2-minute impromptu speech. The New Zealand Lions Club Young Speech Makers’ Competition usually begins with District contests throughout the country. I first participated in the Auckland district competition, and I was very grateful to have been sponsored by the Hillcrest Lions Club.

“The Auckland District competition, in which I competed, took place on 11 June in Papakura. For this District competition, my prepared speech topic was “Let me be a young person today; I’ll be a leader tomorrow.” This topic is important to me because it discusses young people having the strength and belief in themselves to grow into confident and determined individuals. Us rangatahi (youth) need to be the change we want to see. The impromptu topic I was given for the Auckland District contest was simply “The Environment”. My interpretation of this topic was the negative impacts of climate change and global warming. I was very proud to have placed 1st in the Auckland District Competition, and I was extremely excited to be moving forward to Nationals.

“The National Final of the New Zealand Lions Club Young Speech Makers’ Competition took place in Palmerston North on Saturday 13 August. There were students competing from across the country who had won their District contest. I met students from Dunedin, Christchurch, Hawkes’ Bay and Hamilton – all of whom were very talented orators.

“At nationals, I decided to stick with the topic of my prepared speech from regionals, as it was something I was still passionate about. The impromptu topic we were given was “Should New Zealand host the Common Wealth Games?” I said that we should, considering it would be a great opportunity for Aotearoa to gain representation and global attention.

“At the conclusion of the national event, it was announced that I had won the New Zealand Lions Club Young Speech Makers’ Competition! I felt incredibly humbled to be the national winner, and I was even more grateful to have received the 1st place cash prize of $2,500.

“At the start of this speech journey, I would have never thought that I would place 1st in the country. Although I cannot compete again next year, I would encourage any willing student to participate in this speech competition! Like me, you may never know where it will take you until you give it a go.”


Bronze medal for talented gymnast

Congratulations to Westlake Girls Rhythmic Gymnast, Shalinee Bajwa, who won Bronze overall in Level 7 competition in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships back at the end of May.

Shalinee, Year 10, also participated in the New Zealand National Gymnastics Championship, and was awarded 3rd in Rope in Level 7 Rhythmic and 1st (champion) in Grade 6 Group. This competition was held from 12-16 July.

Well done Shalinee – you worked hard and trained extensively for these events.