
Milford comes to Westlake

We were thrilled to have the Milford School Rock Band come join us for our Friday Lunch Live session today.








It's time to sign up for the 40-Hour-Famine!

Yesterday our 40-Hour-Famine committee held a lunchtime event for students to sign-up for this year’s famine, happening 1-3 July.

Charlotte Gee from World Vision was the guest speaker. She shared about how the lack of access to clean water affects millions of vulnerable children and communities around the world. Students also competed in a Kahoot quiz to win an official 40-Hour-Famine badge for their blazer.

To sign up for the famine or to donate to this vital cause, please follow this link:


WGHS Board - May report

Joy Bradfield
Presiding Member

Our most recent meeting was held on Tuesday 24 May, and it was the first meeting for our new Student Member Kate Liu. Congratulations Kate on winning the student election – it is a pleasure to have you onboard.

With the Triennial School Board elections coming up on 7 September, succession planning was a key discussion topic at this meeting. Three of our five parent Members will be stepping down after completing their three year term: Carolyn Ranson, Kim Tay and Andy Hofmeyr. They have provided huge value to the school in advising on personnel and contract matters, property construction matters, health and safety, strategic relationships and development fund. I’d like to thank them for the tremendous contribution that they’ve made to the board.

Effective governance is essential for the smooth functioning of a school with 2200 students, this enables Jane Stanley to confidently undertake her role as Principal and CEO of the school, knowing that she has strong support and resources to draw on. The Board is the crown entity responsible for the governance of the school, and is tasked with ensuring every student can reach their highest possible academic achievement. The Board is also the employer of all staff in the school; sets the school’s strategic direction in consultation with parents, whānau, staff, students and the wider school community; and is responsible and liable for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.

If you are someone with capacity, vision and ability, and are a team player with good communication skills, we would ask that you seriously consider nomination for a 3-year term. We require a strong Board to help realise our Strategic Plan and Vision for our students at Westlake Girls High School.

If you are a prospective candidate, we warmly invite you to our next Board Meeting on Thursday 7 July at 6pm in the Conference Room, Gernhoefer Admin Centre, WGHS. There you will be able to meet current Board members and see first-hand the structure and style of our meetings. Please email Marie McKerrow at [email protected] to indicate your attendance, or to contact current board members.

Please note that this is the last board meeting before nominations close. Nomination papers will be emailed by 15 July and close at midday on 3 August 2022.

Refer this link for further information:

Other items of business from Board meeting on 24 May

  • Business Studies curriculum review
  • Annual Health & Safety Report – Biennial External Health & Safety Audit achieving Tier Gold rating – the highest that can be achieved in a school setting, received for the last three audits
  • Financial Report and Budget: submission of 2021 Annual Report to MOE on 31.05.2022
  • Approval of new catering contract for school canteen starting from T3 with Libelle
  • Cultural Wellbeing : Whānau evening 1 June 2022 with presentation of Whare Wananga; 13 staff enrolled in Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori, with 5 having completed last year’s course
  • Operational Policy Reviews – personnel, finance, health & safety and complaints
  • Staff and Student member reports to the board

And all that jazz

Our Year 10 dance students were lucky enough to work with Sam Gibson on some Jazz dance this week.

They loved working with Sam, and his passion for dance is infectious. Mainly Dance Studios have also offered our students a FREE dance class at their facility in Takapuna. They offer a range of different dance genres and classes to all ages.

We have worked alongside them over the past couple of years and have had a variety of their tutors come and take classes in different styles. The students enjoy having different tutors in to learn from, and experiencing different movement phrases and dances. We look forward to a long relationship with this awesome group of humans!

A massive thank you to Mainly Dance Studios in Barry’s Point Road.

Arts & Culture

Korea comes to Westlake in special celebration

By Joen Oh, Year 13
Korean Night Committee Leader

Korean Night is an annual event, with a long history, dating back to 2009. Korean and non-Korean students from the Boys school and the Girls school get together to showcase Korean culture through a variety of traditional and modern performances. Our traditional performances include Mask dance, samulnori, taekwondo, nanta, fan dance, and doll dance. Our modern performances include K-POP dance, rap, and band. 

Our Korean Night this year was very successful, with over 1600 audience members who came and supported Westlake Korean Night. 

This year, our compelling haka opened up the night, followed by doll dance, a traditional Korean couple dance performed by our adorable junior students. The night continued with taekwondo performers showing off our traditional Korean martial arts. Fan dance showed off Korea’s beautiful traditional dress, the Hanbok, along with their flawless coordination and teamwork which was the result of their hard work and practice. Our Nanta got the crowd going wild with their mix of traditional and modern pieces, and even used glow-in-the-dark drumsticks to leave a strong visual impression. Some of the other performances that got the crowd engaged were our K-POP dances, mask dance, samulnori, rap and band. 

We would like to personally thank all staff members, prefects, and cultural committee members who helped us out on the night. We could not have done it without all of your help. We would also like to thank everyone, on behalf of the 2022 Westlake Korean Night committee, who came and supported us on the night. 


































Arts & Culture

Choirs prepare for The Big Sing

Last Tuesday night, six Westlake choirs performed to a grateful audience in our Event Centre.

Cantare, Nota Bella, Choralation, Momentum, Cigno Voce and Voicemale used the evening as a rehearsal for The Big Sing Auckland Regionals which are being held next week.

We wish all of our choirs the very best of luck.









Taking it to the streets

Over the past 10 weeks, our Year 10 Food Technology students have been designing a street food product based on the concept of Kai Ora (food for health). 

The products they designed had to meet the following specifications 

  • Easy to hold 
  • Serving size , 2-3 bites
  • Visually appealing
  • Reflects chosen culture
  • Quick to make (30mins)

Throughout our unit the students enjoyed making existing street food products from a variety of cultures during their practical lessons. They evaluated these foods and conducted research to come up with their own unique and innovative street food ideas.

Our students tested and trialled their concepts, gaining stakeholder feedback along the way, to ensure an improved final product. At the end of the unit students were able to invite guests to a food market outside the Golden Swan Cafe.  This created an opportunity for our Year 10 students to connect with their peers while showcasing their products and chosen cultures.

Their friends were invited to make a gold coin donation which will be donated to the Salvation Army with meals made by the Year 11 Food Tech students later this year.









































Arts & Culture

Get your tickets while you can!

Don’t forget that tickets are now on sale for our very special double-dose of drama and merriment!

A cast from WGHS is performing Antigone, a tragedy by Sophocles.  This is a play about the struggle between the desire for public order and personal compassion in the city of Thebes.  Antigone defies her uncle, King Creon’s new law and dares to give funeral rites for the body of her brother, the leader of a defeated invading party.  Creon’s response to Antigone’s so-called “crime” lead his entire family further into tragedy.

A cast from WBHS is performing the comedy The Government Inspector, by Gogol.  This is a story of small-town corruption, as the people of a Russian village mistake a small-time conman for a visiting government official.

The season is:

June 29 – July 9: 7.30pm
July 3: 4pm
July 9: 2.30pm

Both shows will be held in the WBHS auditorium. Ticket prices are adults $25, students $20, family of four $70. visit to make your purchase! You’ll need to create an account first and then purchase your tickets.


School goes to the dogs!

By Kirsten Abustan
Year 12

On Wednesday 8 June, the Year 12 Social Studies classes had the real treat of being visited by the New Zealand Police Delta Unit as part of our Crime Seminars. Constable Hannah Templeton and her team spoke about the experience of being part of a specialty unit within the NZ Police, explaining the essential values and life experience to be a police officer and a description of the patrol dog development and selection process. The seminar also featured a questions and answers segment, with teachers and students alike asking about the dogs’ diet and possibility of fostering or adopting a patrol dog.

Four patrol dogs were brought in for the talk and showed demonstrations of their extensive training, with Mr Sadler participating in a firsthand demonstration of their apprehension tactics. This was a real up-and-close experience for the students, with us seeing the strength of the dogs but also their ability to obey commands quickly. After the demonstration, we were invited to come and pet the dogs, ending the seminar with lots of smiles from the students and wagging tails from the dogs.

This was a very interesting seminar and showed us what it’s like to be working in the NZ Police, and was particularly insightful for students interested in working within NZ Law Enforcement. It was such a privilege to hear from the Police Delta Unit, and the Year 12 Social Studies classes are so grateful to have had this opportunity.















Sign up for Swimming Sports!

Our slightly delayed school Swimming Sports competition will be held on Thursday 23 June at the National Aquatic Centre in Albany.

The format is slightly different this year, with numbers restricted meaning the event is being predominantly for strong or competent competitive swimmers. There will be limited House events.

Competitors need to make their own way to the Centre, arriving in time to sign in between 9.30 – 9.45am. The competition will begin at 10am and conclude at 2pm.

All competitors must register online using the link below, and pay the entry fee of $10 by 12pm on Thursday 16 June.



Pasifika Fono invite

“We are a small island; we are still great”

We would love you to join us for our 2022 Pasifika Fono on Tuesday 28 June at 6.30pm in the WGHS Staffroom.

This is an opportunity to meet the Pasifika Mentors and understand a little more about how they help your daughter with school life, academia and scholarship opportunities for Year 13 students.  The aim is to help your daughter to be a higher version of themselves while at Westlake Girls.

For more information email April Ieremia at [email protected]


Karmen-Elizabeth: Sportsperson of the Year for Outstanding Achievement in Throws

Karmen-Elizabeth Maritz, Year 10, enjoyed an outstanding athletic season specialising in throwing events Discus, Shotput and Javelin.

She received a special excellence award at the recent Auckland Athletics Junior Prizegiving as Athletics Auckland 2021-2022 Sportsperson of the Year for Outstanding Achievement in Throws. This award recognised her breaking the Auckland Championship records in both Discus and Shotput events for 13Y Girls; Auckland Resident Records in both Discus and Shotput events for 13Y Girls; being in the Top 10 Rankings for U18 Woman in events Discus, Javelin and Shotput and medaling in all three events at Nationals competing in the U18 Woman competition with dispensation for age to compete.

Karmen was awarded the John Hamblin Memorial Cup for Achievement in Throws at the recent Bays Junior Athletics prizegiving, and also received the Bays Female Thrower Award for 13Y girls. Karmen came second in the Individual Top Three Virtual Inter Provincial Competition this year and was recently named to the North Harbour Athletics Representative Team for 2022.

Congratulations on a brilliant season Karmen-Elizabeth.


Netsafe here to help

It’s a complex digital world our teens live in, and navigating the pitfalls can be tough.

Netsafe is an independent, non-profit New Zealand organisation focused on online safety. They help people stay safe online by providing online safety education, advice and support. They also provide information and advice about using digital technology safely and managing online challenges like harassment, bullying and abuse.

Some of the areas they offer information, advice and support include:

  • Online bullying, abuse and harassment
  • Image-based abuse (sometimes called revenge porn)
  • Keeping accounts and information safe online
  • Online safety in school
  • Online safety for parents

Netsafe’s helpline is free and is available from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, and 9am – 5pm on weekends and public holidays. You can call free from anywhere in New Zealand on 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723) or email [email protected]

There is also a parent toolkit available in a number of languages:


What's it like studying design?

Last week, former Westlake student Ella Brewer came to speak to interested Year 11, 12 and 13 Fabric Technology and Fashion and Design students about her experiences studying Fashion Design at Whitecliffe.

Ella is a second-year student and spoke about what she had learnt in the course to date and what to include in a portfolio when applying to Whitecliffe. Ella showed samples of dying with wool and silk using natural materials such as walnut, turmeric, paprika, onion, henna and avocado.

The students admired the tailored jacket Ella had constructed and were able to view her portfolios of sample fabric techniques and fabric manipulation. Ella is currently working on using historical costumes to design garments and next year will be designing a collection.

Ella’s visit has been very beneficial for students as it helps to guide their decisions for next year or beyond.


Important Things to Note - 10 June 2022

Pasifika Fono invite

“We are a small island; we are still great”

We would love you to join us for our 2022 Pasifika Fono on Tuesday 28 June at 6.30pm in the WGHS Staffroom.

This is an opportunity to meet the Pasifika Mentors and understand a little more about how they help your daughter with school life, academia and scholarship opportunities for Year 13 students.  The aim is to help your daughter to be a higher version of themselves while at Westlake Girls.

For more information email April Ieremia at [email protected]

Exams coming soon

We will be holding a mid-year exam/assessment week for our senior students from Monday 20 June to Wednesday 22 June. The timetable is:

Timing Monday 20 June  Tuesday 21 June  Wednesday 22 June 
9.15 – 10.45am 12ENGL
11.30am – 12.30pm 13CHEM
1.30 – 3pm 11MATS

Year 11s
Year 11 students have an exam on Monday afternoon. They only need to come into school for their exam and don’t need to be at school in the morning. All Year 11 students will be back in class on Tuesday 21 June.

Year 12s
Year 12 students have an exam on Monday morning. They only need to come into school for their exam and can go home afterwards. All Year 12 students will be back in class on Tuesday 21 June.

Year 13s
On Monday and Tuesday, Year 13 students only come into school to sit their exam. Year 13s taking English will sit their exam on Wednesday morning and then ALL Year 13 students are expected back in class from Period 3 on Wednesday 22 June onwards.

Term 2 Key Dates
Monday 20 June – Wednesday 22 June Mid-year exams/assessment week
Thursday 23 June Swimming Sports (competitors only)
Friday 24 June Matariki (school closed)
Tuesday 28 June Pasifika Fono
Wednesday 29 June – Saturday 9 July School Production Season
Tuesday 5 July Open Night for Year 9 2023
Friday 8 July Chinese Night
Friday 8 July End of Term 2
Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 25 July Start of Term 3
Thursday 28 July (3pm) Junior mid-year reports issued via the Parent Portal
Saturday 30 July Year 13 Ball
Thursday 4 August (3pm) Senior mid-year reports issued via the Parent Portal
Friday 5 August Gala Concert
Thursday 11 August Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 17 August Whānau Evening
Thursday 25 August Media Studies Oscar Night
Friday 30 September End of Term 3
Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 17 October Start of Term 4
Monday 24 October Labour Day (school closed)
Monday 7 November NCEA exams begin
Friday 2 December NCEA exams finish. End of school for Years 11-13
Friday 9 December End of Term for Years 9 and 10



Mornings worth getting up for!

Here’s the answer to those cold winter mornings – Westlake’s very own student-run café Golden Swan!

Each Tuesday and Thursday until Term 4, our Food Technology/Hospitality students hone their barista skills, whipping up a range of specialty coffees and delicious hot chocolates for staff and students.

Pictured above on their very first morning of business were Year 12 students (from left) Tessa Guthrie, Pepa Waller and Tyla Grauman. Students run the entire café – organising everything from mastering the coffee machine, providing customer service (including loyalty cards) and taking payment which includes using the EFTPOS machine and handling cash. It’s brilliant work experience for  any student wanting a part-time job in a café.

TIC of Hospitality, Louise Clouston, says it’s wonderful to have the café open again, after its sudden closure in August last year when New Zealand went into lockdown. “We love being able to offer this training to our students,” she says. “They really benefit from their participation and the café is a lovely place to gather on those cold winter mornings. Each year around 20 students complete a barista course in the school holidays, and then running Golden Swan provides hands-on experience in running a café.” We ask for feedback from our customers, and it’s always well received.”

Staff and Year 13 students can purchase a range of coffees and our Year 9-12 students can buy themselves a frothy hot chocolate. The café is open from 7.45 – 8.45am on Tuesdays and Thursday during term time. Prices are just $3.50 per coffee (50c extra for specialty milks) and $3 for hot chocolate. You can save yourself 50c on any purchase by bringing your own keep cup.


Sports Shorts


Huge congratulations to Zoe Crawford (pictured left) who has been selected as part of the New Zealand Surf Lifesaving World Champs Youth Team (Black Fins), which will compete in Italy during September. The team, comprised of six females and six males selected from throughout NZ, will compete in the Under-19 division in a variety of pool rescue, ocean and beach events.

The championship will be held in Riccione, Italy from 21 September to 2 October. There will be a celebration evening coming up to assist Zoe in her fundraising efforts for this trip, and we will provide more details as they come to hand. Watch this space!


Congratulations to Mackenzie Chatfield (Year 13) and Izzy Pugh (Year 13) who have both been named in the 2022 Hoopnation Junior Showcase U17 Girls All-Star 5.


Grace Campbell, Year 11, (pictured right) competed at the National Diving Champs in Dunedin last weekend and won both her 1m and Platform events at the Junior Elite level. Well done Grace!




Well done to Kate Borton (pictured below left) and Kate Jobbins (pictured below right) who both competed in the Auckland Orienteering Sprint Champs on 15 May. There were 32 girls competing in the Intermediate Girls category – Kate Borton won both her races to place First overall, and Kate Jobbins placed 14th overall. Awesome stuff.









Over the past two weeks, Michelle Farrell, Megha Kundapur, and Ella McPherson (all Year 13) have put in a lot of work to prepare themselves for the New Zealand U18 Lacrosse tournament.

As a team they will be travelling to Adelaide, Australia to compete in early July. They’re really excited to be representing New Zealand in a sport they love and it’s great to see three Westlake players perform at such a high level!

The NZ team is coached by Holly Patrick (ex-Westlake student) and two other coaches from the Waikato.


Year 9 gymnast Athena Li went to Christchurch from 6-8 May to compete in the Delta Invitational Rhythmic Gymnastics (Qualifier) Championships 2022.

Athena won a silver medal overall (pictured left) and a Gold Medal in Group! She is now preparing for the up coming National Championships. Well done Athena.

Congratulations also to Year 10 student Shalinee Bajwa (pictured at right) who placed 3rd overall in Level 7 at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rhythmic Gymnastics competition on 28 May in Barfoot & Thompson Stadium. 



Zara Wilson, Year 13, recently competed in the Harcourts Cooper & Co Swim the Shore competition. This was an ocean swim consisting of 3.8km from Narrowneck to Takapuna.

She came 3rd in her age group (15-19 year old female) and received a Bronze Medal. This event was part of the New Zealand Ocean Swim Series 2022 – a series of ocean swims around NZ.  As well as Swim the Shore, Zara competed in:


  • Bean Rock (3.2km), – 7th in age group
  • Swim the Bridge (2km) – 3rd in age group
  • The Mount (2.8km) – 8th in age group
  • Beach to Bay (3.3km) – 3rd in age group

For the overall competition points for this Ocean Swim Series Zara came 3rd in her age group:

  • 2022 NZ Secondary Schools Harlequins Open Water Championship (3.2km) – 4th in her age group.
  • 2022 NZ Secondary Schools Open Water Championship, 2.8km, Mt Maunganui, 4th in her age group.
  • NZ 5km Open Water Championships, Lake Taupo, 6th in her age group.
Arts & Culture

Celebrating Samoan Language Week in style!

Lape photos by Alison Fan, Year 12

Our wonderful students organised a fantastic range of  activities to celebrate Samoan Language Week last week.

There was a picture frame that did the rounds of the school on Monday, a Kahoot on all things Samoan on Tuesday, a fun game of Lape on the turf on Wednesday and a treasure hunt on Thursday.

The theme for this year’s Samoan Language Week was:

Fa’aāuāu le Folauga i le Va’a o Tautai – Continue the Voyage with Competent Wayfinders of the Ocean.

As part of this year’s over-aching theme of Sustainability, the Samoan community chose a theme that would reflect the journey of language revitalisation and maintenance as well as recognising the importance of having the right tools, good leadership skills, relationships and the correct medium (va’a) that is adaptable to faring the ocean and its elements.

2022 is also a significant year for the Samoan community, being the 60th anniversary of Samoan Independence.

Malo fa’afetai to the students who organised the week:

Ava Jericevich, Demielle Onesemo, Christabelle Onesemo, Sienna McKinley, Jazelle Brown, Makeleta Tuipulotu and Elizabeth Mataafa. Thanks also to Sanbell which provided Samoan delicacies (Sapasui and Panikekes) for the students after the game of Lape!








































Squash player places second

Congratulations to Lucy Cadness-Aspinall (pictured left), the Auckland Secondary Schools Individual Squash Championship runner-up.

Held for the first time at Eden Epson Squash Club at the end of May, the inaugural tournament attracted a mix of Auckland’s top secondary school’s players and ungraded ones too.  Seeded third, the Westlake Girl’s captain Lucy Cadness-Aspinall led by example, performing fiercely against the higher ranked number two seed Justine Pausch from Takapuna Grammar. Lucy won in a thrilling five-set encounter full of brilliant point winners.  The multi-division event was eventually won by Anne Leakey from Orewa College.

Six students represented Westlake Girls at the multi division event and ungraded Year 10 student, Brianna Bailey, had a commendable runner up finish in the 4th Division.

The Squash Team is now preparing to defend their Auckland Secondary Schools title on 21 -21 June at the North Shore Squash Centre in Takapuna before competing in New Zealand Secondary Schools Championship in August, which will be held at the same venue.

Pictured top from left are: Elisbeth Jun, Hayoung Yun, Anais-Lilly Monsellier, Lucy Cadness-Aspinall (Captain), Brianna Bailey and Tayla Harre.