Arts & Culture

Book lovers inspired by greatness

By Nusha Mirza and Syd Brandolino
Budding Writers

The 2021 Auckland Writers Festival was a truly phenomenal experience. With renowned authors like Angie Thomas, and Chloe Gong, we were truly an audience to excellence. With everyone at the edge of their seats, we all tried to absorb as much of their brilliance as we could.

Westlake Girls was lucky enough to have a front row seat to greatness. Even though half of the speakers were delivering their performances through zoom, it never felt like they were far from us. Furthermore, when poet Karlo Mila performed her poem on the Commonwealth, it would not be bold to say that every audience member was holding their breath. We were also able to ask questions about being published, writing, and the creative process.

As many of us are writers ourselves, it was certainly the kindling that will help to start the fire of inspiration for many of us.

Editor’s Note: 100 students from Westlake Girls attended the festival on 12 May.

Arts & Culture

Come to our 2021 Choral Concert

We would like to invite you to enjoy the hard work of our choral singers as they prepare for the Auckland regional The Big Sing Festival coming up at the end of June. Please join us for a free concert on Tuesday 15 June at 6.30pm at Westlake Boys High School, where you will hear the recitals of the six Westlake choirs:

Nota Bella (WGHS)

Momentum (WBHS)

Cigno Voce (WGSH)

Voicemale (WBHS)

Cantare (WGHS)

Choralation (WGHS & WBHS)

NB: Yes, the photo of Choralation above is an old one – we will have new photos of this year’s choir shortly!

Arts & Culture

Community call for dancers

We know there are some VERY talented people in our Westlake community!

The Dance Department is looking for family members/friends of the school who have dance experience in any styles/genres of Dance.

Are you willing to “donate” your time to share some of your experience with our students?  If this sounds like you, please email [email protected]


Changing the world, one conversation at a time

By Kate, Shivani, Annah, Tina, Jin-Joo and Georgia

Wherever there are experts and beginners, old and young, some learning is going on, some teaching.

In our world, we are all learners, and we all are teachers. The Intergenerational Dialogue is a great event that encourages young learners to connect with the elder members of our society and work in unison as we discuss global challenges affecting the Northshore.

Motivated to devise solutions for change, everyone gathered around tables, and the event began. Some of the topics discussed were climate change, Auckland’s water shortage, Covid-19 (community resilience), digital awareness, and the NZ roading systems. 

As we addressed the causes and impact of these challenges, great solutions began to arise around the table. The solutions presented reflected a sense of uniqueness yet were adequate and followed the SMART goal structure. 

Building interaction within the older generation through these discussions has allowed us to understand further the perspectives of particular challenges in the eyes of different demographics. 

As the day came close to finishing, we all voted on the final three topics to be  discussed and find solutions for. Once the votes were established, three topics were chosen – Covid-19, digital connections and congestion on our roads (Lake Road). We then decided on the one issue that we wanted to discuss more (digital connections), and collaborated to form an action plan to solve the underlying problem as a team. These ideas were presented to a panel of social workers, and a winning solution was formed  – building interaction with the elderly through creating digital support workshops.  

In the end, everyone was delighted, being assured that challenges will always occur in an evolving world, yet change is in the hands of its citizens to take action. We only spent a few hours with these incredible motivators, but their encouragement and advice have inspired us to not only advocate for change, but begin to be the change by mending the breaks in our society. 

Thank you, Ms Wilson, for the great opportunity and the Local Board for organising such a thought-provoking event.  We are truly grateful and are looking forward to partaking in the work party putting the solution into action. 

Pictured above from left: Tina Kim, Shivani Arivuchelvan (back), Jin-Joo Lee (front), Georgia Martin, Annah Mathew (front) and Kate Borton.


Whānau Evening coming up in June

We warmly invite our Māori whānau to join us for our second Whānau Evening for 2021.

It will be held on Wednesday 16 June from 6 – 7.30pm, in the WGHS staff room. As part of or Academic Māori Mentoring, the evening will promote healthy study habits in preparation for Term 3 and end-of-year exam success.

Please join us by rsvping to Rik Wilson at [email protected] by Friday 11 June for catering purposes.


Conference inspires Westlake leaders

By Sybil Carba
Conference Attendee

On 10 May, 15 students from the WGHS Famine Committee attended the World Vision Youth Leadership Conference. We joined students from across the Upper North Island at Victory Convention Centre to learn more about current global issues and enhance our leadership skills.

The conference informed us of this year’s focus: supporting the millions of children and families in sub-Saharan Africa who struggle with a hunger pandemic, in addition to the COVID 19 pandemic. The consequences of COVID 19 have only served to magnify the damage of existing extreme poverty, climate change and decades of conflict. Restrictions mean that it is more difficult for families to put food on the table. This struck a collective chord among everyone. We were pushed to think about our reactions to the lockdown in New Zealand.

The leadership day was also full of inspirational talks delivered by accomplished speakers. This year, Yoseph Ayele and Lydia Hollister-Jones were the guest speakers. Yoseph Ayele is a successful entrepreneur and builder who shared his experience growing up during the 1980s Ethiopian famine. It was uplifting to hear how education improved his life so that he could help others. Lydia Hollister-Jones is an NGO communications and marketing specialist. It was inspiring to learn about her experience working in anti-trafficking in Cambodia and leading the community initiative, Gratis Free Store.

There was a social action workshop in the afternoon. The session was an opportunity to exchange ideas with other young people. We focused on creating successful solutions to problems and what action could look like in our communities. It gave us the skills and motivation to implement a fundraising event in our school.

Our WGHS Famine Committee is planning to host a lunchtime event before the official weekend where students can learn more about the 40 Hour Famine. We encourage everyone, who is able, to either participate in the famine or support someone else.

The World Vision Youth Conference was an inspiring day for all attendees. It reminded us that anyone has the power to bring about social change and that young people are no exception to this.


Celebrating Samoan Language Week!

Our amazing students have a brilliant line-up of activities planned for Samoan Language Week next week.

Here’s what’s happening over lunchtimes:

Monday 31 May
A photo frame will be finding its way around school – make sure you get your picture taken!

Tuesday 1 June
Ava Ceremony in Gym 1

Wednesday 2 June
Lape game on the turf

Thursday 3 June
Live performances and food outside the gym. $10 pre-order.


Testing the waters down in Otago

Five Year 13 students had the privilege of visiting the University of Otago for their Tertiary Open Day on Monday 24 May –  with all expenses paid by the University.

The girls were shown around the campus and enjoyed a lunch at St Margaret’s College, one of the many student accommodation options at the University.

The students also attended a special presentation for International students to learn more about the support offered at Otago and to meet current International students.

The girls had the opportunity to ask questions about the courses they are interested in studying next year.

The day was very informative and insightful, and everyone enjoyed getting to see what student life in Otago is like, and experience a day on the campus.


Westlake debaters ready to argue their point

Should sports teams and athletes compete overseas during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Come and hear Chlöe Swarbrick, MP for Auckland Central Green Party and David Seymour, MP and Leader of the ACT Party, as they lead our Westlake Girls High School and Carmel College debating teams.

$15 admission and gold coin donation for students; Friday 4 June from 4pm – 5.45pm (doors open at 3.30pm). This is a fundraising event for the Rotary Club of North Harbour.



Free upgrade when you support our Music Department!

If you haven’t purchased an Entertainment subscription to support our Music Department – we have some good news! Entertainment is offering a free upgrade from a single-city membership to a multi-city membership.

This means you can take advantage of the great savings across 21 cities and regions in New Zealand and Australia, including Christchurch, Dunedin, Waikato and Wellington.

You’ll need to be in quick as this offer expires on Monday 14 June.

CLICK HERE to purchase your subscription – and starting enjoying savings straight away!


Diving team leaps to second place

Five students represented WGHS at the Auckland Secondary School Diving Championships, held on Thursday 20 May at the West Wave Aquatic Centre.

The team placed second overall in the top school category, and also won Gold in all three age groups.

AKSS Junior Diving Champion                    Grace Campbell
AKSS Intermediate Diving Champion         Kaitlin Viljoen
AKSS Senior Diving Champion                     Holly Winchester

The other two members of this outstanding team were Holly Upton and Amelia Norris.


Building her Future - come to our first Women in Trades evening

Building Her Future
Women in Trades

We are very excited to hold this event for our students and parents/caregivers.

If you are curious about the exciting opportunities available in the vast array of trades on offer, then please join us on 22 June for  Building Her Future: Women in Trades.

You will hear from employers and apprentices across a range of trades, and you’ll be able to mingle and ask questions at our various trades workshops.  Details are:

Date: Tuesday 22 June
Time: 6.30pm
Where: Gym 3, WGHS

We are also wanting to hear from anyone in our Westlake community with connections to the trades who you think would like to be involved on the night. If that’s you or someone you know, please email Gemma James at [email protected] or Rachel Bickerstaffe at [email protected]  for more details.

We look forward to hearing from you and/or seeing you on 22 June.


Korean Night coming up soon

Our fabulous Korean Night is being held next Friday, 4 June, at the Westlake Boys School Auditorium. It starts at 7pm and will conclude at 9.30pm.

The Westlake Korean Night is an annual event that aims to promote and share in essence what Korean culture is about to both the Westlake and wider community by exhibiting a diverse range of traditional and modern performances. Over the past 10 years, Westlake Korean Night has been extremely successful with an average of 1500 audience members every year.

Be in quick to purchase your tickets as we can’t guarantee door sales on the night. VIP tickets have already sold out.

$6 admission ticket
$7 admission + glow stick

CLICK HERE to make your purchase.


iphone parent control advice from The Parenting Place

If your daughter has an Apple iphone, here’s a great little article about some ways you can stay involved with your kids and their devices

How to set up parental controls on iphones


College Sport Auckland Champion of Champions Swimming Event

A team of 19 Westlake Girls swimmers qualified from the Harbour Zone event to compete at the College Sport Auckland Champion of Champions Swimming event held at Diocesan Pool at the end of Term One. Overall, the School Swimming team won one Gold and three Silver relay medals at the event. Below is an overview of the medals won:

Relay Medals:

4 x 50m Junior Breaststroke Relay Team
Sasha van Wijk, Maddy Holmes, Caitlyn Lupeituu, Isabella Rowe

4 x 50m Open Backstroke Relay Team
Zoe Crawford, Doyoun Kim, Isabella Halili, Savannah-Eve Martin

4 x 50m Junior Medley Relay
Hayley Middleton, Isabella Rowe, Izzie Bouzaid, Kaira Wohlfarth

4 x 50m Junior Freestyle Relay
Sasha van Wijk, Hayley Middleton, Izzie Bouzaid, Kaira Wohlfarth

 The team now prepares for the North Island Secondary School Swimming Championships in June and the New Zealand Secondary School Swimming Championships in July.







Above left: Open 4 x 50m Backstroke Relay Team, and above right: Junior 4 x 50m Freestyle and Medley Team.



Young athletes recognised at annual prize-giving

Two of our exceptionally talented Year 9 athletes have received accolades at the North Harbour Bays Athletics Prize-giving Ceremony.

Emma-Kaye Schroeder (pictured above left) won the 13G Throws Cup (shot put/discus), and also received the 13G Gold medal for the Bays Athletics Club Championship across all track and field events, as well as being awarded the Silver medal for Road Running in 2020/2021.

Karmen-Elizabeth Maritz (pictured above right) won the 12G Throws Cup, and also received the 12G Bronze medal for the Bays Athletics Club Championship across all track and field events. In addition, she was acknowledged for:

  • Discus records (1kg): North Island Secondary Schools Junior Discus Record (1kg), distance of 41.56m, also breaking Bays Athletics Club Discus records for 13G; 14G and Woman Under 16Y
  • Discus records (750g): Bays Athletics Club record for 12G broken 3 x times throughout the season 42.15m, 44.21m and 44.59m
  • Javelin Record: Bays Athletics Club  record for 14G in Javelin with distance of 31.98m
  • Shotput record (3kg): Bays Athletics Club record 12G with distance of 11.85m

Congratulations to these two outstanding young athletes, and all the very best for your winter sports programmes.



Teen seminar for parents


Five teams win their grades

On Tuesday 18 May, our top Netball teams had an outstanding outing at the Netball North Harbour Secondary School Netball Tournament.

The school entered a total of seven teams into the event – Auckland Premier, Harbour Premier, Senior 1, 10/1, 10/2, 9/1 and 9/2 netball teams.

With some challenging conditions that included heavy rain and strong winds, our teams played with grit and determination resulting in five teams winning their respective grades.

Congratulations to:
Auckland Premier: 1st Premier 1 Grade (pictured top)
Senior 1: 1st = Senior 1 Grade
10/1: 1st Year 10-1 Grade
9/1: 1st Year 10-2 Grade (selected to play up in Year 10)
9/2: 1st Year 9-2 Grade

There was some exceptional netball played and it was great to see the comradery amongst our Westlake Girls players.







Senior 1 Grade winners                                 Year 10-1 Grade winners






9/1 Team: Year 10-2 Grade winners                          Year 9-2 Grade winners






Premier Two team                                                         Year 10-1 game






Premier 2 game                                                                   Senior 1 game


Westlake Wellness - Eating for sports performance

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Food is your best fuel to perform in sport and maintain healthy growth as an adolescent.

Basic guidelines about where, what and when to eat will assist in maintaining, building and repairing muscle mass. Individual needs will vary according to the intensity and duration of the sport with additional variations due to age, gender and size. If you are following a special diet where a food group is eliminated or reduced it is important you seek professional advice to ensure you are achieving your full complement of nutrients for overall wellbeing. To provide comprehensively for the nutrition needs of an athlete there are some specific areas to be aware of:


Exercise causes the body temperature to rise and water is lost through sweating. Water is essential in regulating body temperature, preventing overheating and can help to prevent cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is the best way to hydrate and there is no need for sports drinks unless participating in long durations of exercise training or multiple games. Water is easy to access at most events and is extremely cheap with no negative impact.

Pre-game/competition fueling up with steadily absorbed carbohydrates

Food consumed 2-3 hours before competition and the night before, should contain a range of nutrients. Carbohydrates provide sustained energy, but they require a range of other complimentary nutrients to fully utilise the energy. You want to consume sufficient to have good glycogen stores in the muscles, ready for release as required (you can store about 90 mins of glycogen) so for most athletes participating in school games they should have sufficient stores. If you do not feel hungry before a game try a drink of orange juice or some fruit, plan your eating times to fit around games to avoid running out of energy. 

During game/competition you will need quick release energy as well as sustenance for the duration of the game. Consuming large amounts of food for fuel is simply not an option, muscles are competing with the digestive system and unless the food is easily digested can lead to cramps. During the game at half time or when subbed off, opt for simple carbohydrate foods such as banana, orange wedges and soft glucose sweets. Sports drinks are not recommended for games of less than one hour or if the exercise is not prolonged .

Post- game/competition you need foods for cell replacement and repair

Eating post game is an opportunity to consume carbohydrate rich foods to replace lost glycogen stores as well as provide energy for normal growth and repair. Food choices should be nutritious, low fat, low sugar, low salt and remember to consume plenty of fluids. Consuming very fatty foods such as pizza and hot chips will provide energy but at the expense of other valuable nutrients.

Information on healthy eating for adolescent athletes can be found on:


Be in quick for next week's seminar

You can book using this link: BOOK NOW


Community projects boosted by visit

A group of dedicated subject matter experts from Eke Panuku Development Auckland, Auckland Council and the Takapuna Beach Business Association recently attended a class at Westlake Girls to provide mentoring and support on community projects that the students are working on as part of their STEAM programme.

Introducing students to the design process is an important part of the STEAM programme. Students connect with stakeholders in the community to identify their needs and create prototypes of their designs, journaling their process as they go. They research and dig deep into community needs to truly understand the issue from their perspective. Through empathy with others, they better define the problem. They then collect feedback from the stakeholders and reflect on whether it is suitable for them or not and what changes would need to be made if they were going to go through the process again.

The mentoring team advised students on how to consider issues such as transport, waste, drought, stormwater, supporting local business, and homelessness when designing their projects.

The next stage of the programme will see the students develop a prototype that could help solve or minimise these issues in their community.

Arts & Culture

Cantare camp filled with focused learning (and fun)

Last weekend the Cantare choir camp was finally able to go ahead after being cancelled earlier in the year during lockdown.

On the Friday, the choir worked with guest clinician Elise Bradley (pictured above and right). Elise was previously HOD Music at Westlake Girls High School before becoming the  Musical Director of the prestigious Toronto Children’s Chorus in Canada, where she has worked for the past 15 years.

Elise commented that it was a pleasure to work with Cantare who were so responsive and thoughtful in their approach to the music. She was delighted to see them work cohesively as a team towards their goals and it was an added bonus to work with her granddaughter Bella Allan-Moetaua, who is a current member.

The choir continued their hard work and fun into the next two days and enjoyed a Saturday night zoom session with Chris Bruerton from his home in the UK (pictured left).

Chris is the Kiwi member of the international award winning ensemble “The Kings Singers” and will be working with the choir in person later in the year when he visits New Zealand.

The choir are now very much looking forward to sharing their music at The Big Sing Festival coming up in June.

The camp is pictured below left, and below right are Music staff Rachel Carson, James Harrison and Fiona Wilson (HOD).


Great Barrier creates brilliant memories (and the odd bruise)

During Week 1 of this term, Year 12 Outdoor Ed embarked on a journey to Hillary Outdoors on Great Barrier Island.

The week began with a picturesque ferry ride from Sandspit to the island, including brief dolphin spotting.

The next days were filled with challenging outdoor activities which ranged from climbing the Via Ferrata and high-ropes to using our team-building skills to waka or kayak and then coast-steer around an island, including cliff jumping, sea caving and navigating strong tides.

We wrapped up the week with an overnight tramping and camping experience, which included team challenges along the way. The final morning began with a bright and early start, followed by a stream navigation adventure in the dark, to push our leadership abilities.

As the week concluded we were exhausted, bruised and a little bit smelly, though we know the memories shared with our classmates, teachers, and Hillary Outdoors’ instructors during our time at Great Barrier Island will never be forgotten.













Important Things to Note - 28 May 2021

2020 Year Books available

If your daughter was a student with us in 2020 and hasn’t collected a Year Book yet, she is still able to do so from the Payments Office. The books are free with a 2020 School Donation payment of $100 or more. Otherwise they are $20 each, payable at the Payments Office.

Cheque-ing out

As Banks are phasing out cheques, the last day we can accept cheque payments is Friday 18 June 2021.

Payment options are:

  • Direct online via ‘Parent Portal’ (preferred payment option)
  • Direct into the School Bank Account – WESTPAC 03-0275-0045494-00, please ensure you enter payment details – Daughter’s Surname and Initial, Student ID number, and what the payment is for i.e. subjects, donation, music or the sport you are paying for
  • At the School Payments Office, which is open 8.15am to 3.00pm Monday – Friday during the school terms.

Teacher-only Day

There will be a Teacher-only day next Friday, 4 June, with no classes for students.

Signing out procedure

If your daughter becomes unwell while at school, its important she sees the school nurse and doesn’t just call or text you to collect her. The nurse will assess her and contact you if she needs collecting. Thank you for your co-operation.

School Instagram

There are lots of school instragram accounts for various clubs and Houses, but we have finally started up an official Westlake Girls Instagram page. You can find us @westlakegirls_official or just CLICK HERE to follow us.

Reporting an absence

Please remember to email [email protected] to report an absence. Our [email protected] email is for outgoing mail, and isn’t checked as regularly as the Attendance email.

Reports and Parent Teacher Evening

School reports will be issued through the Parent Portal on Wednesday 30 June. Incorporated will be details on how to book for our next Parent Teacher Evening on Wednesday 7 July.

Term 2 Key Dates

Monday 3 May: Term begins for all students
Thursday 13 May: Teacher-only Day
Saturday 15 May: Combined Westlake Schools Ball
Friday 4 June: Teacher-only Day
Monday 7 June: Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday (school closed)
Tuesday 15 June: Westlake Choral Concert
Wednesday 16 June: Whānau Evening
Tuesday 22 June: Building Her Future: Women in Trades Evening
Thursday 24 June: Big Sing Regionals
Wednesday 30 June: Reports issued
Thursday 1 July: ShowQuest
Thursday 1 July: Enrolments for study in 2022 open
Wednesday 7 July: Parent Teacher Evening
Friday 9 July: End of Term 2


Market Day sales benefit De Paul House

Our Year 11 Market Day last Friday was a massive success – with myriad tasty treats and other goodies snapped up in one frenetic lunch hour.

Students did an amazing job of creating and marketing their wares, with 10% of the profits from both Year 10 and 11 Market Days going to De Paul House in Northcote – which provides housing and support to families in need.

Well done to all of the students, and the Business Studies Department for another hugely popular event.


































































Life's an adventure!

By Margaret Cudmore
Adventure Racer


Over 8 – 9 May, two senior Westlake Adventure Racing teams headed down to Taupo for one of the biggest races of the year. The Hillary Challenge qualifying race is a 6-hour Adventure race consisting of multiple stages of mountain climbing, running/orienteering, and problem solving. Each premier team consists of four guys (from Westlake Boys) and four girls. The race changes every year, and this year 29 teams from across the north island competed in a gruelling 5km trail bike, followed by 10km’s of cross country orienteering, transitioning into a 7km on road and off road bike, followed by a 5 minute pit stop, then a 5km pt2-cross counting orienteering run/plod, and then the worst part … a 14km bike and run across the hilly Whakaipo bay track into Kinloch.


The team of eight had four bikes in this stage. This meant that four team members on the bikes could help the members running, by carrying their packs (or you could be like our team, who had one team member carry four packs on a bike). We came out of this stage feeling terrible. Tears, cramps, shouting matches… but we still had another 40 minutes to Rogaine around the streets of Kinloch in an attempt to collect more points. In the end we only managed to collect three control points before we ran out of time and had to be back before the 6-hour mark. We attempted two of the mystery problem solving challenges in Kinloch, but decided they weren’t worth the time and ran off to collect more points.


Our team just made it back with one minute to spare, while the other Westlake team arrived two minutes late (losing 60 points in the process). All in all it was a great race and we managed to place 6th in the North Island, just missing out on a nationals spot (we had to place in the top 5). Hopefully we still get wildcarded in *fingers crossed*!


Westlake Girls Rowing – recruiting now

Calling all students interested in being a part of the Westlake Girls Rowing team!

We are currently recruiting for our 8-week winter Learn to Row Programme. This programme teaches students the basics of the rowing stroke, and gives them an introduction to the sport. At the completion of the programme students will apply to be selected for the summer rowing season. Selection is based on a mix of physical ability, attitude and commitment to the programme. Rowers who are successful will be welcomed to our summer Novice (first-year rowers) programme in September.


THE IDEAL ROWER: We are looking for students in Years 9-12 who are highly competitive, willing to work hard and are motivated to achieve their best. While natural attributes such as being tall or having strong legs are certainly advantageous, they do not define a great rower. Rowing is far less about natural physical ability than it is about mental strength!

THE IDEAL COXSWAIN: Critical to the success of a crew of rowers is a coxswain (pictured right). This is the person who instructs rowers and steers the boat in training and racing situations. The ideal coxswain is assertive, confident, a quick learner and weighs 55kg or less (all coxswains need to weigh 55kg – if a student does not naturally weigh 55kg they would carry dead weight in the boat when they race).


We will be running two open days held at North Shore Rowing Club on Sunday 13 and 20 June from 8.15-10.30am. If you would like to attend one of these Open Days to learn more about the sport please register HERE or collect information from the Sports Department now.



You can learn more about the Westlake Girls rowing programme here – or by contacting [email protected]



Sports Shorts


Congratulations to Emma-Kaye Schroeder (Year 9), Sienna Bell (Year 9), Brennah Latoalevi-Nosa (Year 10) and Kaia Tuuta (Year 9) who were all selected by Basketball New Zealand to join their U14 Talent Development Camp. The Camp, held last month, involved 80 females being coached by coaches from all over New Zealand, and focused on skill development with games at the end of the week.


Congratulations are also extended to these netballers who have been selected for the following:

2021 Netball North Harbour Representative Players

Year 9 Team One Year 9 Team Two
Chloe Dowson Amelie Rerekura-Peters
Lani Baledrokadroka Georgia Hussey
Lily Fotu Isobel Chapman-Smith
Lucy Taylor Jorgina Mackenzie
Karmen-Elizabeth Maritz
Under 16 Team One Sienna Bell
Ariana Hebden Talia Chatfield
Kara Hide
Madisyn Yee-Joy Under 16 Team Two
Maia Maxwell Amy McGahan

2021 Netball North Harbour Representative Players

Under 18 Team One Under 18 Team Two
Millie Wilton Karla Stevenson


Eight Westlake students have been selected in the Harbour Under 18 Representative Hockey teams. Both teams will be competing at the Vantage National U18 Women’s Hockey Championships being held in Wellington in July. Congratulations to the following students:

Under 18 Team One Under 18 Team Two
Paige Blake Rachel Bottcher
Brooke James Imogen Burge
Georgina Shotter Tamika Haeufler
Brianna Speck Imogen Stanton

Successful year for students of International Languages

We are proud of the fine achievement of our senior students of global languages who attained a very high standard in their NCEA standards in 2020, despite the year casting a series of hurdles in their learning path that year.

These students have been awarded certificates from the NZALT, the New Zealand Association of Language Teachers, having gained Excellence overall in NCEA in their respective languages. This is a noteworthy accolade for our school and for the efforts of both the students and their teachers.

Name  Level 1
Name Level 2
Ga-Yeon   Bae Chinese Emily Han Chinese
Sybil  Carba Chinese Iris Hoo Chinese
Yasmeen Gurumayum Chinese Ellisa Sanicas Chinese
Lucy  Jobbins Chinese Jonine Tiakia Chinese
Amaya Lichauco Chinese Yvonne Ting Chinese
Samantha Glover Spanish Selina Chan Japanese
Audrey Guo Spanish Christy Chen Japanese
Susanna Pick Spanish Jane Choi Japanese
Lyca Elcarte Spanish Kay Fabrin Japanese
Ayane Kondo Spanish Sheena Kahui-Ariki Japanese
Neve Roe Spanish Claire Kim Japanese
Jiawei Cai Japanese Juae Ella Kim Japanese
Nikka Caraig Japanese Olivia Kim Japanese
Eian Que Japanese Sasha Laterveer Japanese
Trisha Tan Japanese Sera Nakayama Japanese
Olivia Brice French Angela Park Japanese
Wilhelmina Li French Grace Park Japanese
Nilpa Singh French Paisley Pomfrett Japanese
Charlize Espagnet French Ruby Qu Japanese
Dahamsha Panamulla Arachchige French Naiki Saito Japanese
Hannah Choi Spanish Takara Sugimoto Japanese
Alice Hirst Spanish Asa Waller Japanese
Tessa Rouse Spanish Sylvia Si Yu Ye Japanese
Shannelle Maria Fassioms Spanish Natalija Hayes French
Lauren McPhee Spanish Zichen Nancy Jing French
Ella Wilson Spanish Zoe Wu French
Naomi Yacyshen French
Margaret Cudmore Spanish
Corina Errazo Spanish
Sophie Jones Spanish
Jumana Maash Spanish
Leah Patrick Spanish
Sadheera Weerapperuma Spanish
Sofia Angelova-Bray Spanish
Grace Chen Spanish



Free parent webinar

“Raising Achievement” – an organisation that specialises in making a difference for those who learn differently, is holding a free webinar for parents on Monday 14 June.

Starting at 7.30pm, the webinar will cover:

  • Understanding your child as a learner
  • Understanding learning difficulties
  • Specialist referrals
  • Supporting at risk learners
  • Literacy and supporting children with home learning
  • Tutor reading
  • Basic spelling activities.
  • Next steps for those who want more

You can fnd out more, or register, at [email protected]

A link to the webinar will sent out upon registration.

Arts & Culture

Amazing experience performing with the APO

Cantare Choir has recently enjoyed plenty of time singing together over the past two weeks, as they performed with the Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra in the Auckland Town Hall as well as completing their annual camp on the picturesque Whangaparaoa coast.

The APO’s Discovery Concert is an educational concert for Auckland secondary students and this year featured various orchestral masterpieces with connections to the cultural city of Vienna. As a finale, Cantare was invited to perform a modern work by Earl Maneein ‘The Brightest of All Possible Futures’ which aims to convey young people’s frustration and anger about climate change and war, before ending with a message of unity to create positive change.

The Year 9 extention Academy class of 45 students were excited to go to the concert and enjoyed seeing their Westlake peers performing with a professional orchestra.

The piece itself is certainly impactful – it includes punk and heavy metal elements, a soprano soloist and shouting from the orchestra and choir.

The video recording will be played at Carnegie Hall in New York and possibly across other parts America.





Arts & Culture

Powerful performance at Polyfest secures honours for ‘Te Rerenga Wāna’ WGHS Kapa Haka Group

Last month’s Polyfest Festival in Manukau saw the WGHS Kapa Haka group competing in Division Three.

After months of practices with extremely talented and dedicated Kaiako (instructors) Nettie, Delysia Norman and James Singe WGHS’s wāhine proudly took to the stage and gave an outstanding performance at Polyfest. This followed a full-dress rehearsal the previous Monday with the Boys School.

For their efforts, the Westlake Girls walked away with the following placings:

Overall: 4th placing

Section placings

Aggregate sections
Haka Taparahi-Female Haka 1st
Whakawātea (Exit):  2nd
Waiata-ā-ringa-Action Song:  3rd

Non-Aggregate section
Manukura Wāhine Leader: Dileesia Henare: 2nd
Kākahu Wāhine -Best Dressed Female Group:  3rd

Congratulations to Nettie, Delysia, James, Matua Eddie Hudson and all of the incredibly talented students.

One attendee at the full-dress rehearsal had this to say about the performance.

“The Westlake Girls performance was breath-taking. This is clearly due to the commitment of an amazing group of young taitamariki who performed with passion, dignity and mana that shone through in every movement and in every voice from the moment they walked on stage.

“To their Kaiako – wow! You bought out the treasures in each of them and knitted them together to become one voice, one force! You guys had me on the edge of my seat.”