School Office shut over the holidays
Our School Office will be shut over the holidays (12 – 23 July inclusive), however emails will be check periodically: [email protected]
Subject Selection 2022
During August, students are able to make their course selections for 2022. Courses will be visible to students in SchoolPoint from late July (more details to follow) and then Online Course Selection opens on Wednesday 11 August. On Thursday 12 August the school is holding a Subject Selection Evening for students and whānau to discuss courses and ask questions. We will be sending an email to parents nearer the time with more information.
Change of timetable for Tuesday 27 July
The first Tuesday of Term 3 is Open night where the students and families of prospective Y9 2022 tour the school. To get the school ready for this event, there is a shortened day and bell time changes. The day will finish at 2.20pm for students. There will be no Form Time, each teaching period is about 5min shorter and lunchtime is 10min shorter. The bell times are listed below.
BELL TIMES: Tuesday 27 July (Timetable Day 7):
8.45am: Period 1 warning bell
8.50am: Start of Period 1
9.45am: End of Period 1, start of Period 2
10.40am: End of Period 2, start of interval
11.00am: End of interval warning bell
11.05am: Start of Period 3
11.55am: End of Period 3, start of lunchtime
12.30pm: End of lunchtime warning bell
12.35pm: Start of Period 4
1.25pm: End of Period 4, start of Period 5
2.20pm: End of Period 5
Senior Exams
Senior Exams will run for two weeks beginning on Monday 13 September.
Bus Changes
From the first day of Term 3 2021, the 046 from Orewa To Rosmini College and Westlake Boys will start running 3 minutes earlier than at present. The bus will depart bus stop number 4916 from 18 Puriri Ave at 7:17am . There will be no change to the route. This change will help to ensure students arrive at school on time.
From the first day of Term 3 2021, the 047 from Gulf Harbour To Westlake Girls And Carmel College will start running 5 minutes later than at present. The bus will depart bus stop number 4620 from Opp 1143 Whangaparaoa Rd at 7:00 am . There will be no change to the route. This change will help to ensure students arrive at school on time.
If you haven’t checked out TaxGift yet, please do! It’s such a simple way to donate to help us reach our goal of being debt-free on our new Event Centre. It might only be a few dollars for you, but it could make the world of difference for us. All the information you need is HERE and then it’s just a couple of clicks to sign up, and TaxGift will do the rest.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Our Second-hand Uniform Shop will no longer be open on Saturdays, but will now be open each Friday during Term Time from 12.25 to 1.15pm. Just come to the main reception.
Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 26 July: Term starts (Day 6 on the timetable)
Tuesday 27 July: Open Night 4pm and 6pm
July 27 – 31: School production “Socially Distanced Shakespeare” (
Friday 6 August: Gala Concert
Monday 9 August: Study Skills Day
Tuesday 10 August: Teacher-only Day
Wednesday 11 August: Online Subject Selection begins
Thursday 12 August: Subject Selection Evening for students/parents
Week of 23 August: Big Sing Finale
Monday 13 September (Week 8): Senior Exams begin
Friday 24 September (Week 9): Senior Exams end
Wednesday 29 September: Dance Showcase
Friday 1 October: End of Term 3
Uniform Shop Opening Hours Term 3