
Webinar on internet safety available for parents

Westlake Boys High School is hosting a parent webinar from one of New Zealand’s leading internet safety experts, John Parsons. This is also available for parents of Westlake Girls students.

John will provide insights and experiences of issues associated with the inappropriate use of computers, mobile phones and the internet. He believes educating young people to understand the value of identity is the first step to using ICT safely and ethically.

John Parsons will be presenting online on Thursday 3 March from 7 – 8pm. Topics that John will cover on the evening include:- Screen time
– Sleep
– Online grooming
– Sexting
– Cyber Bullying
– Learning to repel & report
– Future proofing for employment

If you are interested in watching this event please purchase you ticket by clicking on the link below; the webinar link will be sent to you via email a few days before the event.

Any questions, please get in contact with Nick Dale at [email protected]


Welcome to STEAM 2022!

By Lily-Grace Lee Ng

On 9 February, we had a STEAM induction day where both Year 9 STEAM classes participated in fun challenges and learnt what STEAM is about and some of the interesting things we will be doing later in the year.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. My favourite challenge was where we had to choose three different cards: one was a type of product, one was the method we had to use to endorse the product, and the final card was our type of audience. My group originally got a new mode of transportation, improvised speech, and adults. We traded our improvisation card for two cards because we thought two cards would be more of a challenge.

Our new cards were: make a model made out of playdough and a commercial jingle. After splitting the group we decided that our new mode of transport would be a flying pig due to the saying ‘I’ll do it when pigs can fly’. Since our commercial had to be targeted at adults we added a coffee cup holder to attract more customers. For our model we decided to use not just playdough, we also used pipe cleaners because we found, through trial and error, that the pig was not stable enough to hold playdough wings. I really enjoyed hearing other people’s ideas and figuring out how to collaborate, so that we had a cohesive piece.

The jingle:

The Flying Pig

will get you to your gig

better than a flying ship or rocket,

keep the money in your pocket.

The nice heated cup holder

will make sure your coffee 

doesn’t get colder.

At one flap of a wing

you will want to sing.



I’m on a pig

This isn’t a rig

I’m flying high,

high into the sky.

Ten thousand leagues above the sea,

The more it rises, the better it’ll be

And on your fifth ride,

You’ll see the moon’s tide.


Meet our 2021 Enviro Prefects

Pictured above: The Enviro group on a Zoom with Daisy, the Auckland Council Enviro Schools Co-ordinator. She assisted the students in setting up their year planner and putting them in touch with other community groups as one of their goals this year is to have wider community engagement.

The Enviro Group is back but with new leaders!

We are passionate about the natural environment, and are motivated to protect our planet. We believe it is important to know the effects of our actions and how to reduce the impact of them. The Westlake Girls Enviro Group is a club and network that is open to all year levels and for students with any environmental experience. You could be a keen tree planter, bird identifier and zero plastic wiz, or be completely new to environmental activities and want to see what they are like. If you have a passion for creating change and helping our wild places and wild things, Enviro Group is the place for you! With current traffic light restrictions we have had to put our regular meetings on hold, so sign up to our Enviro Group Google Classroom to get the latest updates. The code is: cfvps5q

We are also on the lookout for some potential Enviro leaders that will help the Enviro Prefects to promote our events and workshops, and inspire fellow students. They will work with us Prefects to deliver the different units we have planned. If you are interested in a leadership position like this, have a look on our Google Classroom for where to sign up. 

A sneak peek of new projects we want to incorporate this year:

  • Book Swap
  • Waste unit 
  • Adopt a Park (conservation work)
  • +  other workshops about personal actions 

One of our first workshops for the year is associated with Sea Week. This year Sea Week will take place from March 5th to March 13th. We are planning to have an awesome guest speaker who is immersed in marine science and conservation. This will be a great chance for students who are passionate about our oceans, freshwater, and marine animals to come along to learn from an experienced and passionate individual in the marine field. You will be able to expand your knowledge on our underwater world and actions you can take to help this part of the natural environment. 

The Clothes Swap and Beeswax wrap events have been popular at Westlake for several years. We hope to bring both back this year. Both of these events are an effort to reduce our waste and reuse materials in different ways. Clothes Swapping is when you bring in clothes and swap them with another student’s piece of clothing. Beeswax wraps are amazing substitutes for one time use plastic wraps that can often end up in the landfill. These are both great alternatives to buying new trendy clothes or using plastic wraps which create more waste. 

And lastly and certainly not least let’s introduce the 2022 environmental prefect team!

Hi, my name is Rosa Troughton and I’m Pupuke’s Enviro Prefect! A bit about me is that I love the outdoors, ironic I know. I love going tramping, snorkelling, surfing, swimming, camping and basically anything that will push me out of my comfort zone. I’m very excited to be working with the other Enviro prefects this year, and aim to bring awareness to environmental issues by really putting our words into action. Hopefully together with the Enviro group soon!




Kia ora, I’m Anja and I am excited to be Akoranga’s Environmental Prefect. Since I was a little kid I have loved the outdoors and nature. You would always find me outside (most likely covered in mud), looking for bugs or up a tree. This has developed my strong passion for adventure, environmental education and conservation. This year I aim to inspire more students at Westlake Girls to get involved in activities that benefit our planet. I’d like to help develop their leadership skills and potential to be environmental ambassadors.



Hi, I’m Lunar (on the left), your Wairau Enviro Prefect. Something about me is that I enjoy sewing and altering clothes. One of the proudest alterations I’ve done is turning a thrifted large men’s polo shirt into a sleeveless dress. It’s one of my go-to summer dresses now! Not all projects go well and I often end up with strings and pieces of fabrics all over the floor and feeling frustrated. But nonetheless, at the rarest times, when I do succeed, it’s so rewarding.



Hi Envirogroup, I’m Moe, your Hauraki Enviro-prefect. Something about me is that I have always loved the sciences, ever since I could remember. Hand-me-down children’s encyclopedias were my holy grail to kill time at home. So, I definitely aim to do something related to my passion for the sciences in the near future. Ps: I don’t have blonde highlights any more.




Hi there beautiful people, my name’s Sian and I am the Environmental Prefect for Onewa! Fun fact about me is I love netball, I umpire, coach and play for our teams at Westlake, as well as Club and NNH. I also have a passion for the sciences, taking Bio, Chem and Physics this year and last! One event I’m looking forward to is the Clothes Swap. People who know me, know I am very thrifty. I’ve grown up exploring the Northcote Dressmart since I was in primary. I would love to see students be involved and develop the same keen interest, as Clothing/Fast Fashion/Micro Trends are one of our biggest polluters!



News dates for Parenting tweens and teens through stress and anxiety

We are pleased to announce that there are new dates for this Zoom group in March. Details are:

Thursday 10, 17, 24 and 31 March

7.30 – 9pm

Online (Zoom)

Free for parents residing in Auckland

Tillie Lima

To register:
Email [email protected]


Students honoured at Academic Prize-Giving

We were delighted to celebrate the success of our 2021 top scholars this week, at a special prize-giving on Wednesday 23 March. A group of current Year 13s were joined by recipients from the 2021 Year 13 cohort.

It was a very special time, although we had to unfortunately restrict numbers due to Alert Level Red restrictions. However, we live-streamed the event to parents and students who had already left for university. You can view the event on the link below

Here is a link to the Livestream:

Instructions on how to change video quality while watching on your computer:

  1. In the video player, select Settings .
  2. Click Quality.
  3. Select your preferred video quality. 720p

We want to congratulate all of our recipients, but especially our Dux Maggie Zhou (pictured below left) and Proxime Accessit to the Dux Bahar Khalil Nejad (pictured below right). Their achievements over their time at Westlake Girls were truly outstanding.







Here is a full list of our 2021 prize-winners and scholarship recipients.

Maggie Zhou Dux; Commercial Studies Cup for Excellence in Business Studies; Scholarship in Economics, Geography, Statistics and Accounting
Bahar Khalil Nejad Prowse Cup for Proxime Accessit to the Dux; Excellence in Graphics Award; Excellence in Physical Sciences Trophy; Scholarship in Chemistry and Physics
Sarah Penny Dance Performance Cup; Elise Bradley Cup for Academic Excellence, Cultural Participation and Leadership; Scholarship in Drama, English and Media Studies
Hannah Jones Citizenship Award – Outstanding Service, Academic and Leadership
Rosalie Dil Outstanding All-Round Student in Sporting, Academic and Leadership
Grace Chen Senior Speech Cup; Head Prefect; Scholarship in English
Francine Widjaja International Student of the Year
Sydney Brandolino Creative Writing Cup
Sophie Dykgraaf University of Auckland Faculty of Arts Award; Achievement in Humanities and Social Sciences
Lucy Jobbins Excellence in Languages Cup
Victoria Barber Art Design; Scholarship in Design
Sarah Binnie Year 13 Practical Geography Cup; Excellence in Spanish; Scholarship in Geography
Cara Clark-Howard Excellence in Technology
Ariana George Excellence in Te Reo Maori
Jaime Hanrahan Award for Hard Materials Technology
Natalija Hayes Senior Social Studies Global Citizenship Award
Yvonne Liew Excellence in Senior Statistics; Scholarship in Biology, Geography and Statistics
Grace Park Excellence in Japanese
Alyssa Rattray Excellence in Physical Education – Top All Rounder
Elisa Shen Art Photography
Jonine Tiakia Musician of the Year
Dani Tzankov Contribution to Senior Performing Arts Music; Academic Excellence in Social Sciences; Scholarship in Classical Studies and History
Jin Um Excellence in Mathematics
Lily Winchester Excellence in Science Award; Scholarship in Biology and Chemistry
Naomi Yacyshen Senior French Speaking Cup
Judy Zhang Excellence in English; Scholarship in English
Sybil Carba History
Lea De Luca French
Isobella Glover English
Kayley Howe Technology Scholarship
Ayane Kondo Japanese
Raeanne Leow Biology
Lauren McPhee Biology; Geography
Ivy Mitchell Media Studies
Kate Mole History
Joen Oh Biology
Trisha Tan Design and Visual Communication
Ella Wilson Geography
Jessica Zeng Biology
Emily Zhu Classical Studies; Geography; History
Maria Selena Avenido English
Aneta Du Geography; Media Studies
Anya Johns Biology
Binu Kularathne Biology
Gloria Lai Biology; Health and Physical Education
Nahyeon Lia Lee Design
Kathy Li Biology
Chelsea Liong Technology
Alice Ma English
Caitlin McConchie History; Media Studies
Sheeta Mo Biology; Chinese
Izzie Newton-Cross Drama
Lily Qi Biology; English; History; Statistics
Yvonne Ting Biology
Jasmine Tsai  Biology
Tessa Watson Classical Studies
Zoe Wu Biology; English; Statistics
Zoe Ziting Wu English
Syeda Zaidi Biology; English

Brilliant start to rowing season

After a long summer of training, the Westlake Girls Rowing Squad has finally had the chance to put practice into action.

Head of the Harbour

On Saturday 12 February, our Senior Squad competed at the Head of the Harbour on Lake Pupuke (Auckland Championships). Our squad produced a strong set of results, coming away with three gold, one silver and three bronze medals. Due to inclement weather, our Junior U15/16 squad had their racing delayed until Saturday 19 February.

Our three Auckland champion crews were the GU18 Pair, GU18 Novice four and GU18 Eight. The GU18 Pair of Scarlett Kerse and Sofia Greenhalgh dominated the pairs field to secure Westlake Girls first title in this event since 2014.

Our GU18 Novice four of Neva Currie, Payton Perry, Jasmyne Howker, Jenna Zaher and coxswain Tayla Coplestone executed a wonderful race to secure a Gold medal in their first-ever race for Westlake Girls (pictured at left).

Undeniably the highlight of the day was the convincing win delivered by the GU18 Eight. Our eight, expertly coxed by Tessa Guthrie, was made up of Scarlett Kerse, Eva Dykgraaf, Sophie Dykgraaf (co-captain), Sofia Greenhalgh (co-captain), Phoebe Dobson, Caitlin Naude, Taylor Penberthy and Steph Severin. Westlake Girls last lifted the title when the crew’s coach Ella Campbell was racing in the event for Westlake Girls in 2013.

The team is pictured at top.

New Zealand National Club Championships

Following our strong showing at the Auckland Champs, 17 of our senior squad travelled to the South Island to compete in the New Zealand National Club Championships during mid February. The squad has secured a national title in the Women’s Intermediate Four.

The crew, made up of Steph Severin, Carla Pethers-Boak, Caitlin Naude, Phoebe Dobson and Tayla Coplestone, finished a full five seconds ahead of their nearest competitor from the Dunstan Arm’s Rowing Club. Sofia Greenhalgh and Scarlett Kerse have also continued to impress in their pairs combination picking up a silver medal in the WU22 Pair (pictured left).

Full results were:

New Zealand National Championship results 
Gold: Women’s Intermediate Four -Steph Severin, Carla Pethers-Boak, Caitlin Naude, Phoebe Dobson and Coxswain Tayla Coplestone
Silver: Women’s U22 Pair – Sofia Greenhalgh and Scarlett Kerse

Exhibition events

Gold: GU18 8+ – Scarlett Kerse, Eva Dykgraaf, Sophie Dykgraaf, Sofia Greenhalgh, Phoebe Dobson, Caitlin Naude, Carla Pethers-Boak, Steph Severin and Coxswain Tessa Guthrie

Gold: GU184+ Gold GU18 8+ – Scarlett Kerse, Eva Dykgraaf, Sophie Dykgraaf, Sofia Greenhalgh and Coxswain Tessa Guthrie

Bronze: GU184+ – Steph Severin, Taylor Penberthy, Caitlin Naude, Phoebe Dobson and Coxswain Tayla Coplestone

Today our rowers head to Lake Karapiro for Junior Regatta. Good luck!

Arts & Culture

The cast list is up!

We’re excited to bring you our two Westlake productions for 2022 – Antigone and The Government Inspector.

Auditions have been held for Antigone, which will feature a cast consisting entirely of WGHS students. The Government Inspector will feature an all-Westlake Boys cast. Antigone is a tragedy written by Sophocles in or before 441BC and with the central theme being the tension between individual action and fate.

Here is the cast list for our very talented WGHS ensemble:

Antigone: Madi Jagger
Ismene: Katie Brown
Creon: Olivia Brendel
Haemon: Sian Maloney
Teiresias: Chelsea Hodgson
A pair of soldiers: Amelia Stace and Sienna Potvin
Messenger: Grace Blackwell

Lead Chorus: Erina Brown, Julia Wilkins, Caitlin Smith, Dora Kolose, Layla Whiteside

Chorus: Stephanie Mutch, Aimee Matenga, Zoe Turner, Devon Johnson, Kinda Kassibawi, Annah Matthew, Frankie Feeney, Shuyan Liu, India Smith, Hollie Blackwell, Kavita Teles, Caitlin Spear, Keira McAven, Gemma Scanlen, Emma Reid, Chloe Eichler, Maryanne Vaavale.

Arts & Culture

Bringing some Joy to Shortland Street

Having an after-school job isn’t unusual for our senior cohort, however there’s one student in particular who takes the cake when it comes to cool places to work.

Fifteen-year-old Athena Matthews isn’t instantly recognisable as Joy Diaz on Shortland Street. The talented young actor wears her hair back and dons glasses to portray the “shy and sort of nerdy” character. “I guess Joy and I are similar as we are both young teenagers and know what’s right and wrong,” says Athena. “We aren’t afraid to speak our minds when needed. She loves science and also believes that religion isn’t for her despite her mother’s best efforts.”

Athena has been playing the role, daughter of nurse Madonna Diaz, since October last year. Her acting agent encouraged her to audition, and she was delighted to be selected for New Zealand’s longest running tv drama.

Athena says playing Joy is a lot of fun. “At times I might forget a line or two, but the studio crew are always nice and we just reshoot the scene. I love meeting new actors and familiar actors because they are all so nice and friendly. I love that I made a couple of new friends when I started acting on Shortland Street.”

She particularly enjoys scenes with her onscreen mum, played by Marianne Infante (pictured top). “On screen we are just like your typical mother and daughter. On and off set we get along very well and she’s like an older sister to me. She’s very nice and we usually spend time together making TikToks.”

Shortland Street is Athena’s first venture into the world of television acting, aside from an advert for KFC. It’s sparked a desire to do more acting gigs “when I’m older and more experienced”.

You can catch this talented young actor week nights on TV2.



International students gather for first assembly

We have three wonderful new Year 9 International students joining us at Westlake Girls High School this year. They are part of a 42-strong group of International students that add a rich tapestry of culture and experiences into our community.

This week the students had their first International assembly for the year, in the foyer of our Event Centre. They were welcomed by Principal Jane Stanley (pictured left), Director of International Students Lauranne Croot, and the Senior Leadership Team member responsible for International students Fiona Wilson.

Our three International Prefects (Clara Su, Krisha Lad and Roori Lee, pictured below with Ms Croot) added their voice of welcome, and shared notices on up and coming activities.

Arts & Culture

Stunning garment finally has its day on the runway

Last year during lockdown we ran an article in Te Roto about Nicky Zaayman (Year 10 at the time) who had an outfit she created chosen for New Zealand Fashion Week (pictured above). Sadly, lockdown stymied the opportunity – twice – but we are delighted to announce that Nicky’s amazing garment has finally had its chance to shine!

New Zealand Fashion Week was filmed this month and Nicky’s two-piece corset top and sequined shorts with back skirt was one of the outfits featured on the runway. “I was really sad when it postponed the first time,” says Nicky – now in Year 11. “We were busy preparing for the show and I was really mad because I was adjusting my outfit to fit a specific model.”

That disappointment dissipated with news that a virtual event would go ahead. “It was great we did interviews and saw all the models getting makeup and their hair done. It was like it was out of a movie. I met lots of great people and luckily the garment fitted the model perfectly! We had so much fun,” she says. “My outfit looked great on the runway and the model executed it beautifully.”

Nicky is currently working on creating a flair open pantsuit set with long-hanging sleeves.

You can check out the video here:




Non-uniform day raises money for the people of Tonga

After only being at school for a week, our wonderful Service Prefects hit the ground running and organised a non-uniform day to raise funds for the people of Tonga.
The red and white-themed day was held on Tuesday 15 February. Gold coin donations raised $2,390.90 and there was plenty of House Spirit evident.
Well done Kayla, Imogen, Megan, Kate and Raeanne for a wonderful way to start your your as Service Prefects.
Pictured above are some of the Wairau House Prefects after their assembly.

Sports Shorts

WGHS on Seven Sharp

In support of a new NZ Sport initiative, “It’s My Move”, Westlake Girls was asked to be part of a segment which looks at the importance of getting young women moving and looking at ways to help them.  With the rapid growth of social volleyball in the school over the past three years, they felt that we would be a good addition to a story which focuses on removing the pressure and having fun with friends.

Sports Manager, April Ieremia, is an ambassador for the programme and is  keen to encourage, motivate and enable young women to get active in whatever way works for them.  The story appeared on TV1’s Seven Sharp on Wednesday 23 February. You can catch it On Demand.


Our cricket First XI played Diocesan this week. We are trying to get back into the Premier competition for next year and Dio was relegated last year so it was an important game. This was our first real game. Results were:

WGHS – 189 for 2 wickets after 20 overs (Brooke James 113 not out off 59 balls)
Diocesan – 31 all out after 8.2 overs (Emily Watton 6 wickets for 14 runs)

Westlake won by 158 runs.

Sports sign-up

Now is the perfect time to sign up for sports you’d like to play this year. We offer a wide range of sports at Westlake Girls and now is the time to be signing up if you want to join a team. You can find a list of our sports HERE and each page will have it’s own sign-up form.


Huge congratulations to Lena Hamblyn-Ough who won Gold in the F16-19 category at the Harlequins Secondary School Open Water Champs last week end.
The swim was 3.2km in very challenging conditions. Well done Lena!

Athletics Day - but not as we know it!

Athletics Day at Westlake Girls High School is normally an all-student, full-day event filled with fun and competition. While the fun and competition was still there, things looked a little different this year thanks to Alert Level Red.

In the morning, 100 of our top junior athletes competed at Onewa Domain, and in the afternoon, it was the seniors’ turn, with around the same number taking to the field.

Both sessions began with Zumba, as is the tradition, and there was lots of great competition despite the restricted numbers.

Six school records were broken on the day.

The 2022 Individual Athletics Champions are:

JUNIOR CHAMPION: Fernanda Tirado Onewa
SENIOR CHAMPION: Kalei Morgan-Tafea Wairau


New School Athletics Record Holders are:

Emily Cowan (Wairau)                        Junior 100m                12.48 seconds

Fernanda Tirado (Onewa)                   Junior Long Jump        4.87m

Karmen Maritz (Pupuke)                     Junior Shot Put            12.70m

Junior Discus               41.60m

Kalei Morgan-Tafea (Wairau)             Senior 800m                2:41.00

Senior High Jump        1.51m

The 2022 School Athletics Day House Point Results are:

Events Akoranga Hauraki Onewa Pupuke Wairau
Track & Field 83 56 66 91 64
Championship 44 35 62 24 86
TOTAL POINTS 127 91 128 115 150


Kalei Morgan-Tafea, Year 12 (pictured at top), broke the Senior High Jump Record.


Important Things to Note - 25 February 2022

Email from the principal

Here’s the email we sent to our parents today.

With the Government’s announcement that we have moved to Phase 3 of the Omicron response as of 11.59pm last night, I wanted to outline how the changes affect schools.

The biggest change is that only positive cases and their households now need to isolate. This means that classmates and friends of positive cases do not need to stay at home unless they show symptoms, at which point they should isolate and get a test. There are no other close contacts.

Responsibility to identify and notify close contacts is now with the positive case.

If your daughter tests positive, please email [email protected] to notify us. In response, you will be sent a short form to fill out, which will include your daughter’s expected return to school date, and an opportunity to let us know if you’d like the school to contact you.

Isolation times at Phase 3 are:

  • Positive cases must isolate for 10 days.
  • Household contacts of a positive case must isolate for the same 10 days. Tests on Day 3 and Day 10 should be negative before a student comes back to school.
  • Anyone who is not a household contact does not need to isolate, but should self-monitor for 10 days and test if symptomatic.
  • If, at any time, anyone is unwell with symptoms, they must test immediately.









School absences

All students should be in their classes as per normal unless they:

  1. Have received a positive test result
  2. Have a household member who has received a positive test result
  3. Are feeling unwell


Students recovering at home or in self isolation will be able to access work through Google Classrooms.

If your daughter is unwell, or you are concerned, please have her tested and notify [email protected] if she will be absent from class. She will be able to return to school when the test is negative.

Please note that if a student is absent for 20 days or more without notification to the school, they will be removed from the school’s roll.

Thank you to our parent community, staff and students for doing the right thing. We continue to maintain a safe school environment where, despite positive cases, we have no evidence of transmission at school.

Important Dates

Friday 1 April Senior and Junior Interim Reports available via the Parent Portal
Thursday 14 April Term 1 ends


NB: We are currently working through the logistics of possible Parent Teacher meetings for later in the term, and will have more details for you shortly.


Creating closeness with your teen

This great little article from, a website called Hey Sigmund, has some great tips and advice on how to create closeness with your teen through conversation and actions.


‘Can I talk to you?’ – How to Be the One They Come to When Things Feel Big



Year 10s trial Literacy Standards

In 2022, our school will be supporting the Ministry of Education and NZQA to pilot the new literacy standards.

The new literacy standards will help ensure that students have the foundational skills to support them in further studies, work, and life. The standards will become a mandatory part of NCEA in 2023.

This pilot is part of changes that are happening to strengthen NCEA. Changes include: having more learning and fewer assessments, weaving mātauranga Māori through learning, and creating clearer pathways to education and employment.

Our Year 10 students (except for those in 10 EAPA) will be sitting:

–          A reading standard

–          A writing standard

What do you as whānau need to know about being a pilot school?

  • Whānau are not expected to pay any extra costs.
  • The assessment will take place at the end of Term 3.   The assessment will be a Common Assessment Activity and offered digitally. This is a test that students will sit in the classroom.
  • Credits achieved in the pilot will be counted towards your student’s NCEA results. Upon successful completion of these standards your student will have 10 credits.
  • If your student does not pass the standards during the pilot, they will still be able to meet NCEA literacy and requirements through the current list of standards offered in Year 11. They may also have the opportunity to sit the assessment in 2023.

What you can do to support your student:

  • It is helpful to encourage your student to read and write at home or in their day-to-day activities. We will support them to achieve this by offering regular reading and writing opportunities in the classroom.
  • Encourage your student to ask for support when they need it as our teaching staff are always willing to spend time with your student clarifying, explaining and offering help where needed.
  • Encourage your student to attend the weekly lunchtime support sessions held on a Wednesday.


Carol Wright
HoF Language Acquisition and Literature