
Year 13s - join our alumni community!

Good luck to all Year 13 students as you prepare for your final examinations and set off on your next interesting pathway.

You are now part of our valued Westlake Girls alumni community (former students and staff) and we encourage you to keep in touch with Westlake, as well as with each other.

You have navigated through a year of challenges bringing with it changes to the way you have studied and socialised in your final year. I hope that the resilience you have inevitability acquired will be a strength in the way ahead.

It is the friendships made through your schooling that will endure. Some connections will remain strong through the next phase of your life and others may be rekindled in unexpected ways well into the future.

Keeping in contact: there are a number of ways in which you can stay connected.

Like our Westlake Girls Alumni FB page  Westlake Girls High School Alumni

Stay connected through your Westlake Girls Class of 2021 FB Group

(The 2021 group is for all WGHS students who started in Year 9 in 2017, regardless of when they left Westlake. Please share this information with others who may have left in previous years.)

Ensure we have your up-to-date personal email address for our alumni database.

Complete the Class of 2021 Leavers’ Details and Destination form. Thanks to 80 of you who have already completed the form which was sent to you today and is also in Year 13 Google Classroom.

Your plans for next year may still be uncertain but it will be mutually helpful to get an idea of your intentions for 2022. We have Westlakers in a large range of tertiary institutes and there is likely to be someone who can give you some help or advice if you need it next year.

Join our Linkedin network

These are some other alumni Facebook groups.  Westlake Girls Rowing Alumni

Choralation Choir Alumni              Friends of Westlake Music

Please feel free to contact us at any time with suggestions or requests.

Ngā Mihi

Cathy Roughan
Alumni Co-ordinator
[email protected]


Business team rewarded for excellence in creative thinking

Congratulations to the four Year 13 Business groups  (featured in a previous edition of Te Reo o Te Roto) who qualified for the North Auckland YES Regional Finals which was held remotely on Wednesday 3 November.

The students were required to deliver a 5-minute presentation outlining their business in terms of validation of product, innovation, sustainability, marketing and sales, and financial viability. The teams pitched to a panel of judges to see who best met the criteria to become the Regional Champion.

The students involved can all be congratulated on their success to have qualified in this prestigious competition.

We are pleased to announce that Wicker Waver (Chakra Candles) won an Award for Excellence in Creative Thinking. Congratulations to (pictured top from left with some of the candles) Michelle Farrell (CEO), Cate Moyle (Finance), Trixie Andrew (Production) and Samara Khan (Marketing). Michelle and Samara are in Year 12, while Cate and Trixie are Year 13. The presentation skills of the team stood out to the judges along, with the innovative design of their product.

You can find out more about Wicker Waver on its website:

Arts & Culture

A tale of two productions

Building upon the recent and outstanding success of both Socially Distanced Shakespeare (2021) – winner of three Auckland Live Showdown Awards, including Best Play – and Les Misérables (2019) – winner of six Auckland Live Showdown Awards, including People’s Choice and Outstanding Production Awards – we can now announce Westlake Schools 2022 offering.

In a departure from the norm, Westlake will be producing two shows – a musical and a play – in a two-week season, across June 29 – July 9, 2022.

The musical will be Stephen Sondheim and Larry Gelbarts* comedy musical – A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum; the play will be Antigone by Sophocles**. The two will play against each other on alternate nights across the season – a musical that is also a Roman farce, and a play that is a Greek tragedy.

Westlake Schools boast both a proud tradition of cultural output, plus an abundance of talented actors, singer and technicians. Tickets will be made available from early 2022, and we look forward to the continued support of our community.

You can find out more about our productions by watching this awesome little video featuring Nick Brown and MJ Milburn: WATCH NOW


Arts & Culture

Make yourself a cuppa and enjoy this award-winning tale

You might remember Year 11 writer Sydney Brandolino from earlier this year, when she had her original story It’s Only Natural  – about gene-edited children – included in the Young NZ Writers 2021 Anthology, following her success in the Write Off Line competition

Well, success didn’t end there for Sydney, who has now placed 1st in the 2021 NZATE Youth Writing Competition, Years 10-11 category. Sydney wrote a beautiful piece titled While the Kettle’s on. It’s a brilliant, clever little read, which you can enjoy for yourself by clicking HERE.

There were nearly 7000 entries in this year’s competition, which gave writers only 300 words to tell their story. Well done Sydney on another tremendous effort!


Premier Squash Team named as finalist

Well done to our Premier Squash Team, a finalist for Team of the Year at the 2021 Squash Auckland Excellence Awards.

While they sadly didn’t take out that top award, being nominated was a huge accomplishment – and we are very proud.

Pictured above from left are: Anna Jowsey, Tayla Harre, Lucy Cadness-Aspinall, Aishah Lotfy & Myriam Lotfy after winning the Auckland Secondary Schools Squash Champs.


Coming back is nerve-wracking - we understand!

Most of us are experiencing a myriad of different emotions about returning to school – excited, nervous, anxious and anything in between.  Returning to school presents us with a transition period, a time where things are the same but different for everyone – parents/caregivers, students and teachers.  And that sometimes means we feel like we are riding a huge wave of different emotions.

At this time, it is a really good idea to find someone to talk to about this and make time in your life for this.  Talking with friends, family, sports coaches, favourite teachers or the school counsellors.  For parents/caregivers this is an opportunity for you to normalise what your children are experiencing and a time where you can validate all of their emotions.

Be kind to yourself, with time these emotions will decrease, settle and pass, you may even experience some new emotions you have never felt before, that’s ok too.  Once the emotions feel more manageable, problem solving and looking at choices in how to manage a situation can begin. Learning strategies to help with certain circumstances or times can also be really helpful and they can help you cope with the changes.  Ask your teachers or counsellors to help you with some these.

With time you will return to the rhythm and routine that you used to have by going to school. The places, people, and activities will become familiar again.  Just give yourself time to remember the familiar and get used to new processes like mask wearing, hand washing and sanitising.

Please remember that all the staff and teachers have put a huge amount of thought, planning and consideration into ensuring that our school and our students are safe.  They have prioritised your wellbeing and are there for you.

If you would like any additional support, please feel free to book a time to speak with any of the counsellors.  You can do this by using the school app; email; phone or text; visit us in the dean’s area when at school and fill in a form; or use google meet.  The following is the list of counsellors available:

Mrs Linda Clouston – [email protected]

Mrs Fleur Piper – [email protected]

Mrs Barbara Mackay – [email protected]

Mrs Trish Mancer – [email protected]

Abridged from an article by Dr Kirsty Scott, Massey University


Calling all cooks!

Eat My Lunch and Ironclad Pans are working together to search for an all-time cooking legend by entering our cooking competition!

The recipe and instructions are in the link below, and everyone who enters the competition receives a badge especially made for Kiwi kids!

Here’s the recipe

Who can join?
• Students enrolled in schools which are part of the Eat My Lunch Give programme.
• Families are welcome to join their kids too!

What are the prizes?
Winner will receive a prize worth $240. Plus, there’s are spot prizes for:
• Best pancake art
• Funky face pancake
• Coolest pancake flip
• Best MasterChef and Pancake pose
• Best kitchen pancake mess reaction

How to enter:
Post your entry on Facebook or Instagram and tag: and @ironcladpan with the student’s name and school name.
• OR: email us your entry at [email protected] with subject “Cooking Legend” with the student’s name and school name.
• If a school’s staff member can please keep a record on how many student entries you have, we can send the competition entry badge to
the school directly.

Closing date:
20th November 2021
Winner will be announced on the following week.


2021 Netball Awards

Congratulations to the following winners of our 2021 Netball Awards. Recipients are able to collect their certificates from the Sports Department.


Premier AKL Tamara Nu’u Rebecca Moors Holly Williams & Mackenzie Chatfield
Premier NNH Ella Ward-Smythe Kimberly Knight Ariana Hebden
Senior 1 Liz Mataafa Grace Marshall Roxy Lockhart
Senior 2 Caitlin Naude Tylah Huston Tegan Jenkins
Senior 3 Maia Abbott Alix Coombes  
Senior 4 Tyla Grauman Jorja Vanisi Paige Kershaw
Senior 5 Evie Guthrie Amber Judd Lucy Peak
Senior 6 Mia Saunders Leah Whitehead Erin Oximas
Senior 7 Sophie Fell   Mia Edwards
Senior 8 Paris Headford Angelique Grindlay  
Senior SO1 Belle Onesemo Lupe Taufateau Demi Onesemo
Senior SO2 Georgia Melville Maddy Gorst Tasmyn Kim
Senior SO3 Amy Lees-Baker Emelini Emerson Ruby Eaton
Senior SO4 India Charlesworth Kyra Smithson Aimee Klapf
Senior SO5 Alexa Chapman-Smith Pia Rodas Freya Aitken
Senior SO6 Stella Ranginui Winnie Zhang Rosa Troughton
Senior SO7 Jorja Phillips Gemma May Maia McKibbon-Golf
Senior SO8 Alisha Bugo Olivia Grigg Portia Alexander
10/1 Zayliah Holmes &

Azaria Paselio

Tai Baillie  
10/2 Grace Bateman Ella Niwa Abi Tau-Harris
10/3 Emma Cordes   Phoebe Dobson
10/4 Ishika Sharma Tuini Hawke Emma Orsler
10/5 Emma Gardiner Taisha Bliss  
10/6 Maia Hunter   Jessica Isherwood
10/7 Jacqueline Choi Natalie Whitie Kanna Sakamoto
10/8 Nieva Harding Emily Errington Lucy Macdonald &

 Luna Mauger

9/1 Lily Fotu Lani Baledrokadroka  
9/2 Isabella Rowe   Maeve Lockett
9/3 Casey Judge Brenna Bansall-Allen Isobel Chapman-Smith
9/4 Sienna Heaton   Eden Jones
9/5 Neva Currie   Kaia Pirie
9/6 Hannah McPhee Keira King  
9/7 Isabelle Flavell Samantha Holdsworth Aisha Kim
9/8 Erin Erasmus Vaneesha Masters  
9/9 Sophie Holmes Dillon Ranby  
9/10 Natasha Busch   Ella Kirkpatrick
9/11 Kate Archer Olivia Rushby Elsa Aitken
9/12 Zoe Crisp   Ella Wernham
9/13 Lucy Li Ashlee Trask  
9/14 Milly Knox-Haines Kavini Gamage Brianna Leiataua

Important Things to Note - 12 November 2021

Junior students returning to class

Year 9 and 10 students will be returning to class on Thursday 18 November (Day 9 on their timetable). Their last day of school for 2021 will be Tuesday 14 December (not Wednesday 15 December as previously reported).

The bell times will be the same as during their online learning, with the exception of a 9.40am Form Time on Wednesday mornings, which is a late start with no Period 1.

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri

9am:           Period 1
10am:         Period 2
11am:          Interval
11.30am:    Period 3
12.30pm:   Lunch
1pm:           Period 4
2pm:          Period 5
3pm:          School finishes


9.40am:     Form Time
10am:         Period 2
11am:          Interval
11.30am:    Period 3
12.30pm:    Lunch
1pm:            Period 4
2pm:           Period 5
3pm:           School finishes

Senior Reports

Reports for students in Years 11, 12 and 13 will be available via the Parent Portal on Wednesday 17 November – the last day of classes for our senior students.

Second-Hand Uniform Pop-up Shop

In order to be able to operate at Alert Level 3, the Second-Hand Uniform Shop has a pop-up store open from Monday 15 November 2021. Located in front of the old Columbus Cafe at Smales Farm, there is lots of parking available. Hand-ins can be made at the shop during the trading hours (see below) or be dropped off at 1A Beulah Ave, Rothesay Bay between 15 November and 15 December only. Please note that only items registered in the new system (check our website for details) will be accepted, and bags with items need to have your name on them. For the rest of 2021, you won’t be able to drop items at the school reception.

There will be an EFTPOS machine available, and we would prefer cashless trading.

Opening Hours are 12 – 2pm (unless otherwise stated) on the following days:

Monday 15 November
Thursday 18 November
Saturday 20 November
Wednesday 24 November (1 – 3pm)
Saturday 27 November
Thursday 2 December (1 – 3pm)
Saturday 4 December
Wednesday 8 December
Saturday 11 December
Wednesday 15 December
Saturday 18 December

Key Dates

Wednesday 17 November – Senior reports issued, and last day of class for Year 11, 12 & 13 students
Thursday 18 November – Year 9 and 10 students return to class
Monday 22 November – NCEA exams begin
Wednesday 1 December – 2021 Year Books available (more details to follow)
Tuesday 14 December – NCEA exams finish, last day of class for Year 9 and 10 students
Tuesday 1 February 2022 – Years 10, 11, 12 & 13 at school
Wednesday 2 February – Year 9 at school only (along with Year 13 leaders)
Thursday 3 February – Whole school in (Day 4 on the timetable)
Monday 7 February – School closed for Waitangi Day (Observed)

Uniform Shop now Open

The Uniform Shop at Unit 10, 54 View Road, Wairau Valley is now open on the following days:

Saturday 13 Nov: 10am – 2pm
Monday 15 – Thursday 18 Nov: 3 – 6pm
Saturday 20 Nov: 10am – 2pm
Monday 22 – Thursday 25 Nov: 3 – 6pm
Saturday 27 Nov: 10am – 2pm
Monday 29 Nov – Thursday 2 Dec: 3 – 6pm
Saturday 4 Dec: 10am – 2pm
Monday 6 – Thursday 9 Dec: 3 – 6pm
Saturday 11 Dec: 10am – 2pm
Monday 13 – Wednesday 15 Dec: 3 – 6pm



Six tips for helping students survive back to school anxiety

Kidz Therapy is a wonderful resource for information on a wide range of topics, and they have released a very helpful article on children returning to school. There are six tips for helping students return to the classroom. While it is aimed at slightly younger children, there is still some great advice in there.

You can read it here:


Arts & Culture

And the winner is ...

Well done to the amazing cast and crew of Socially Distanced Shakespeare who have won three awards in the Showdown Awards for 2021, held virtually recently:


Outstanding Play
Best Technical Design
Best Direction: Nick Brown, Lee McClymont, MJ Milburn and Rachel Smith


The production team are very proud of the recognition and wish to thank all those involved in the process. Make sure you read about our 2022 productions in this newsletter!


Arts & Culture

2021 Music Awards

This year our Music Awards weren’t held in quite the style we are used to, however we still enjoyed celebrating the tremendous success of our very talented students. Congratulations to:
Instrumental Music – Rachel An
Choral Music – Hannah Jones and Alanah Jones
Leadership in Music – Hannah Jones
Creativity in Music – Jonine Tiakia
Junior Accompanist – Annika Yang
Excellence in Music Performance – Alanah Jones
Excellence in Ensemble Performance – Audrey Guo
Most Promising Song Writer – Danielle Tzankov
Music Blues Awards for National Representation – Alanah Jones, Madi Jagger, Audrey Guo

Sports Awards 2021

Our  Sports Awards looked a little different this year, however the success of our students is undeniable! Congratulations to all of our winners, celebrated over three videos that we released on Thursday 4 November – the day the Awards should have been held in person.

HERE is a full list of our winners, and you can also watch the videos below.

Cups and Trophies:
Recognition Awards:


Our top winners were (pictured from left below):

Sportswoman of the Year: Holly Williams
Sporting All-rounder of the Year: Mackenzie Chatfield & Holly Williams
Student Official of the Year: Paige Kershaw
Student Coach of the Year: Islay Martin-Hill
Coach of the Year: Bronwen Davidson
Junior Sportswoman of the Year: Amanda Ting
Team of the Year: Premier Touch (pictured top)













