Arts & Culture

Former student wins AIMES Award

MUSIC – Christine Haeun Lee, 20, AIMES Music Award, sponsored by Yamaha Home Entertainment

Former Albany Junior High and Westlake Girls High School student Christine Haeun Lee has been awarded a prestigious AIMES Music Award.

Her achievements are plentiful and include a scholarship to Pettman National Junior Academy, Auckland Philharmonic Orchestra’s Young Soloist of the Year, performing in the APO Summer School, and being chosen for the inaugural Wakatipu Music Festival.

At 17, she embarked on a Bachelors degree at Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin, studying under renowned violinist Ning Feng. She is soon to begin an APO scholarship programme.

Pictured is Christine’s brother Daniel.

Arts & Culture

Choirs perform in lead-up to Big Sing

We hope you can make it along to this very special concert. We would appreciate you wearing a mask!


Marching on!

On Wednesday, morning five students from the Westlake Marching Team visited Year 9 and 10 Form Classes to promote the team and sign-up new recruits.

The 2022/23 season has commenced, and we would love new members to join.  The Under 16 team is open for students in Years 9-12.  Training takes place on the school covered courts on Monday and Wednesday from 5pm-7pm.

Interested students can come along one evening to see if marching is for them or sign up outside A25 and Coach Jaen will contact with further information.

Arts & Culture

Do you have the write stuff?

This year the Sargeson Prize for Short Stories has a Secondary Schools Division for those aged 16 to 18 years. With a $500 first prize and a week-long writing residency at the University of Waikato, it is a fantastic opportunity for young creatives to see where your work could take you.


Free online webinar

Parents and caregivers of Westlake Girls are warmly invited to a free online webinar by Dr Sarah Watson.

Titled “Parenting through a Pandemic”, Dr Watson will tackle some of the questions parents have about supporting their children through our current environment.

You can register for the 25 May webinar HERE.


Westlake Wellness - Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the one most frequently skipped. Adolescents skip breakfast for a variety of reasons often stating lack of time in the morning, not having food that is quick to prepare or simply not feeling hungry. Role modeling good breakfast eating habits to your daughter  is important in developing lifelong healthy behaviors around eating. 

The word breakfast literally means “breaking your fast” from the last time you ate (usually the night before). It provides the nutrients to start your day, assisting with concentration and mental performance. Studies show that individuals who eat breakfast are less likely to snack on high energy foods during the morning as the energy released keeps them going for longer.

How you can encourage your daughter to eat breakfast –  

  • Make breakfast a morning habit, try to sit and eat together 
  • Be prepared, have the components to make breakfast ready the night before, to avoid rushing
  • Remember to have a drink at breakfast, water, milk or a warm drink
  • Focus on the breakfast meal, avoid having devices at the table
  • Encourage them to eat something no matter how small – the amount will increase as it becomes a habit
  • Foods that are quick and easy to make will be most popular, encourage your daughter to prepare breakfast herself where possible

Avoid making breakfast a battle – if she will not eat breakfast there is nothing wrong with your daughter bringing a nutritious snack to consume before school or at morning tea.


Honouring our past to preserve our future

By Nikka Caraig
Choir Leader

On the last day of Term One, staff and students gathered together for the annual WGHS ANZAC Service at lunchtime.

The service was held outside the Events Centre, starting with a welcome from the school’s kapa haka group. During the service, war poems and nurses’ letters were read out, speeches were given from the Head Prefect and Principal, and performances from the Westlake choirs and kapa haka, provided a reflective and commemorative atmosphere.

A respectful silence was observed to honour those who served and lost their lives, Charlotte Rhodes played the bagpipes and the Last Post was played by Jenny Howe. The service gave our school community an opportunity to pay tribute to those who were lost in the wars, but also to express gratitude for the peaceful time we live in now.

A highlight was a combined performance of ‘In Flander’s Fields’ from all the Westlake choirs (Cantare, Cigno Voce and Nota Bella). As the Choir Leader of Cantare, I am thankful we could communicate through music, the stories that should never be forgotten.

Throughout all generations, I think that it is so incredibly important that we acknowledge our past in order to improve upon the future.

Photos by Ivy Tan, Year 13, and Aimee Wheeler







































Westlake Girls Rowing – recruiting now!

Calling all students interested in being a part of the Westlake Girls Rowing team, we are currently recruiting for our 8-week winter learn to row programme.

This programme teaches students the basics of the rowing stroke and gives them an introduction to the sport. At the completion of the programme, students will apply to be selected for the summer rowing season. Selection is based on a mix of physical ability, attitude & commitment to the programme. Those successful will be welcomed to our summer Novice (first year rowers) programme in September 2022.


THE IDEAL ROWER – We are looking for students in Years 9-12 who are highly competitive, willing to work hard and are motivated to achieve their best. While natural attributes such as being tall or having strong legs are certainly advantageous, they do not define a great rower. Rowing is far less about natural physical ability than it is about mental strength!

THE IDEAL COXSWAIN –  Critical to the success of a crew of rowers is a coxswain. This is the person who instructs rowers and steers the boat in training and racing situations. The ideal coxswain is assertive, confident, a quick learner and weighs 55kg or less (all coxswains need to weigh 55kg – if a student does not naturally weigh 55kg they would carry dead weight in the boat when they race).


We will be running two open days held at North Shore Rowing Club on Sunday 12 and 19 June from 8:15-10:30am – if you would like to attend one of these open days to learn more about the sport please register HERE  or collect information from the Sports Department now.


You can learn more about the Westlake Girls rowing programme here – or by contacting Kim Dowden:  [email protected]


Celebrating 65 years of Westlake

There was a special celebration yesterday as 45 foundation pupils came together for lunch to celebrate Westlake’s 65th anniversary.

The former students were all at Westlake sometime between 1957 and 1961 when the school was co-ed. In 1962 – 60 years ago – the boys moved up the road, and the two Westlake schools became what we know and love today.

The foundation pupils were joined by the current Principals from both schools (Jane Stanley and David Ferguson), and enjoyed showing photos and reminiscing about their time at Westlake.

The lunch, held at the Bays Club in Brown Bays, was organised by Robin Reid, who was one of the first 117 foundation pupils who started as Third Formers in 1957. Speakers included Peter Burn, who also started in 1957, former Music HOD Stuart Manins, and Kerry Hallows (1957), who read a poem about the early days of Westlake.


































Prefects come together for inspiration and encouragement

By Ivy Mitchell
Head Prefect

This year Ella Dorward, the Deputy Head Prefect and I along with the five House Captains, Lucy Jobbins, Tallulah Salmon, Aimee Euston-Stewart, Ella Borrie and Holly Williams were super excited to host the first Head Prefects gathering between the local schools.

On Friday 6 May, the Head and Deputy Prefects from Westlake Boys High School, Carmel College, Rosmini College, Long Bay College, Takapuna Grammar School and Rangitoto College came together to discuss prefect experiences, listen to inspiring speakers and most importantly, connect as a group!

Ice breaker activities quickly introduced everyone to the group and it was inspiring to be surrounded by a group of eager, enthusiastic and driven young people who were all so passionate about their school. We were privileged to listen to guest speakers Jeff and Adine Wilson, former New Zealand rugby, cricket and netball representatives and leaders.

They gave insightful and inspiring advice on their experience as leaders, which was particularly empowering for our own leadership journeys. Meaningful conversation about prefect initiatives and projects followed a very delicious afternoon tea.  The opportunity to connect, share and bounce off these ideas was wonderful as we heard how the different Head Prefects were tackling and embracing their roles in their respective schools. And of course, the afternoon ended with a very competitive game of ‘snap’ between the schools. Sadly, Westlake Girls did not manage to win the snap game, and had to settle for second place after being beaten by Long Bay!

The ability to host the event in the foyer of our new Event Centre was incredible as it was lovely to be able to showcase the brand new space. Everyone left the afternoon buzzing, with the other schools saying they are keen to hold the next event! Personally, I found it super inspiring to be surrounded by a group of zealous young leaders. Both the House Captains, Ella and I are so looking forward to the upcoming term and the prefect get together has added more fuel to our fire of wanting to be compassionate, fair, respectful and excellent leaders for the school community.

And lastly, a big thank you to our Deputy Head Prefect Ella Dorward for organising this incredible event that we all gained so much from.



Takapuna mural inspires form classes

A while ago in Te Reo o Te Roto, we brought you the story of the Westlake students who had participated in creating a mural that was installed in Takapuna. The 60m mural was created by schools across the North Shore, under the umbrella of Pupuke Kāhui Ako and working with Auckland Council regeneration agency Eke Panuku.

The project was led by local artist and Westlake Alumni Emma Ormsby of Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Porou descent, with support from mana whenua. Emma is a student at Elam School of Fine Arts and Te Wananga ō Aotearoa, and is undertaking a major in Whakairo (Māori wood-carving).

One of our teachers, Bethan Meikle, was so impressed with the project that she decided to launch “Magnificent Murals” competition where form classes created murals made up of images which reflected the interests, identities, diversity, uniqueness and values of all the people in that form class.

It was a brilliant success with some outstandingly creative murals produced.

9AST won the outstanding award for effort and detail, collecting 20 House points for their submission (pictured top). “The idea came from Kaitlyn Kong in our Form Class who thought interconnecting puzzle pieces would be a good representation of us connecting as a class,” said Form Teacher Kate Segetin. “This was such a great idea to get everyone involved.”





















Business skills learnt through yummy treats

Anyone with a sweet tooth was in for a treat last Wednesday, with the Year 11 Business Studies students holding their Market Day.

There was a wide range of yummy food on offer – but you had to be quick as there was high demand for the extremely impressive lunchtime treats.

Held in the courtyard by the Event Centre, there were 18 stalls (80+ students) selling a range of food. From lolly pops to fudge pops, the beautifully packaged offerings were prepared and marketed to the highest standards.

Students contributed 10% of their turnover to the school, which will donate it to a chosen charity later in the year.

Well done to all the students involved and the Year 11 Business Studies teachers and HOD who organised the Market Day.

























































Leadership Trip provides thrills and challenges

At the end of last term, the Year 12 PE students took part in 2x day trips that would allow them the opportunity to gain 7 credits for both Social Responsibility and Leadership. 

Day 1

The first day students were based at Camp Adair in Hunua. Here they rotated around four different activities that challenged them, put them out of their comfort zone and forced them to work as a team.

These activities included ‘The High Swing’ – which as the name suggests- involved jumping off a platform high up in the air which resulted in a big swing! This was testing for those afraid of heights as well as the team who did their best to calm everyone and help their team feel safe and supported.

‘Multivine’ was another activity up in the sky. Situated in the picturesque views of the trees, students climbed up into the tree line and made their way across the wire with the support of their team on the ground. This was a challenge by choice, where students could go as far as they could.

There was also a ’Confidence Course’ where teams needed to make their way through a series of challenges which often required them to work together to ensure they all made it across. Fair to say there was a lot of mud and water involved!

And finally there was ‘Raft Building’ which forced teams to collaborated to create a raft out of a range of materials including rope, bamboo and barrels.

The biggest test was to see if their raft a) floated and b) could carry their team and withstand ‘rapids’. Fair to say this wasn’t the most successful in terms of floating rafts, but hugely successful in teamwork and leadership!

Day 2

We had a local day on day 2, where we were based in Milford and Takapuna. Groups rotated between two main activities.

The first was an outdoor escape room where students played incorporated puzzles and code-cracking elements while experiencing exciting AR features & geolocation technology, without the confines of a physical room. They had to trek around Takapuna to solve these puzzles with the hope of finishing their mission. 


The second activity was skill based and focused on learning Windsurfing down in Sylvan Park in Milford. They all did really well to pick up the skills needed to windsurf relatively quickly, and with only a couple of students going slightly off course, it was a very successful session on the water! 


Parenting courses and good reads

Here are a few parenting courses be Strengthening Families that our school counsellors recommend.

Online Every Day with ADHD Parenting Course
Starting on Tuesday 31 May 2022

This Online course is run over six Tuesday mornings, 9.30am – 11.45am.  The 2022 dates are:

Tuesday 31 May
Tuesday 7 June
Tuesday 14 June
Tuesday 21 June
Tuesday 28 June
Tuesday 5 July

Please see the following website link for further information, or to register:

Online Every Day with ADHD Parenting course
Starting on Wednesday 24 August 2022

This is also a six week online course, run on Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm – 9.45pm.

The dates  are:

Wednesday 24 August
Wednesday 31 August
Wednesday 7 September
Wednesday 21 September
Wednesday 28 September 2022

Please see the following website link for further information, or to register:

Good read

There is also a great online article on the connection between anxiety and how it can manifest as anger in your teen. It’s published by Hey Sigmund – a website which contains the latest research and news in psychology. It attempts to bring psychology into the mainstream, unfolding the brilliance that happens within the scientific realm.

This is a research-based, informative article.

The Connection Between Anxiety and Anger – Hey Sigmund


Cross Country fun earns House points

Westlake held its Cross Country event during Periods 3, 4 and 5 on Thursday 5 May. This event was a House event, with House points allocated to all participants, and additional points allocated to the top place-getters.

The event was compulsory for Year 9s and voluntary for other year levels. While there was some serious competition, there was also a fair amount of fun and frivolity – especially amongst the Year 9s!

Thankfully the weather played its part, and a great time was had by all.

Results were:

Junior Girls

1st=: Charley March (Akoranga) & Jasmine Jelas (Wairau)
3rd: Talia Hosking (Onewa)
4th=: Charlotte Mawston (Akoranga) & Ava Lewis (Onewa)
6th: Cayleigh Blackburn (Pupuke)
7th: Cadence Lowe (Wairau)
8th: Kiara Ruka (Hauraki)
9th: Bailey Cardy (Pupuke)
10th: Laura McKenzie (Hauraki)

Intermediate Girls

1st: Kate Borton (Wairau) – Overall Cross Country Champion
2nd: Zoe Turner (Akoranga)
3rd: Grayce Brothers (Onewa)

Senior Girls

1st: Kalei Morgan-Tafea (Wairau)
2nd: Kayleigh Williamson (Wairau)
3rd: Michelle Farrell (Pupuke)


Team makes premier division

Last term the First XI cricket team played their final game of the season (much delayed due to Covid issues in both teams) against Glendowie College in rather gloomy conditions at Glendowie.

Westlake lost the toss and was sent in to bat for a reduced 13 over match. We scored 75 for 4 wickets. Fortunately, Westlake decided to put in their best all-round fielding performance of the season to restrict Glendowie to 60 for 9 wickets, with Leah Watton 2 wickets for 5 runs off 3 overs and Emily Watton 3 wickets for 18 runs off 3 overs, for a win by 15 runs.

This win secures the First XI promotion back into the Premier Schoolgirls division for the first time in four years and was a fitting send off for our Year 13 members Brooke James and Leah Watton who have been fantastic ambassadors for the sport for the five years they have spent at Westlake.


Remember the days of the old school yard

By Tanushri and Lana
Year 10 STEAM students

Last term for the Innovative Lab, we had to choose a childhood game that our parents used to play. Our group chose Space Invaders. After selecting a game, we had to recreate it as a physical arcade game using cardboard. We had to have one or more components that were 3D printed or laser cut. After at least four weeks of hard work and collaborating, we finally had finished our project.

Something interesting we learned is how to use the Makey-Makey microprocessor with a circuit. We ran into some challenges with the space maze; some of the problems were that we ran out of copper tape and we had to use foil instead. The pulley system didn’t work, so we had to think outside the box and problem solve. Although, in the end, we had a great experience, and many people played our game and had fun.






















It's time to get your groove on!

Did you know that Westlake Girls has a range of Community fitness classes available at very reasonable prices!

We offer the following in our dance studio for just $10 per session (casual) for parents ($70 for 10 sessions and your first session is free) and $2 per session for students. There’s no need to sign up – just come along.


Zumba Dance Fitness

Toning: Abs, Glutes, Thighs



8.15am Circuit

9am  Stretch

8.30am Toning

9.15am Zumba

All welcome! Different levels of fitness, flexibility, strength and co-ordination catered for.

Check our small group training sessions out on Facebook: Fitness @ Westlake or email

G Visser (TIC Dance) [email protected] for more information.



Embracing discomfort to help us grow

Here’s an interesting concept one of our counsellors came across in the Greater Good magazine, produced by The University of California, Berkeley – embracing discomfort!

Research shows that embracing discomfort can open us up to taking more risks. Find out more HERE


Still deciding what to wear to the Year 13 Ball?

Rangitoto College PTA is holding its annual Ball Gown and Suit Sale on Saturday 28 May – perfect if you are looking for something to wear to Westlake’s Year 13 Ball later in the year.

All of the information you need is in the image above.


Meet our 2022 Student Rep

Hi! I’m Kate Liu, a Year 12  student who is very grateful to be voted as the Student Rep on the Westlake Girls Board for 2022.

My time here at Westlake has included many highlights – and a few lowlights – like all high schoolers would experience. I am very grateful for having my friends, teachers, counsellors, WGHS staff members, and all extra curriculum activities (sports, clubs, events, etc) which have all given me the best opportunities to grow and experience my own improvement every year.

I am passionate about being the Student Rep because this position means “change” and “voice” – it represents all students’ voices including my own. I personally believe that we all have the power to change something for the better and our voice should be heard no matter what language.

During my time on the Board, I will be working with the Members to make holistic decisions, and make our life here more enjoyable as students.

Thanks again, to those people who voted me as “your voice”, Together with the Board, we will make the students have more “highlights” during their time here at Westlake.


New Canteen proves popular

Our new Canteen, located in the courtyard outside our Event Centre, proved popular when it opened on the first day of Term 2.

It’s location means there is now a lovely area to purchase and eat lunch – and students were keen to make the most of the fine weather.


Awesome achievements by top rowers

Following a successful Maadi Cup, standout Westlake Girls Rowing squad members have been rewarded with selection into representative teams.

Congratulations to Sofia Greenhalgh who has been selected for the New Zealand U19 Rowing Team (formally NZ Juniors). The team will compete in Varese, Italy at the end of July. Sofia is one of only two female sweep athletes selected from the North Island, with the remaining 10 coming from the South Island.

Sophie Dykgraaf and Phoebe Dobson were both selected to compete for the North Island at the annual North vs South regatta held in the last week of the school holidays at Lake Karapiro.

Pictured above are Sophie (left and Phoebe). Below is Sofia (left/bow).


New initiative tackles period poverty

Westlake’s Rotary Interact Group has taken an awesome step towards tackling period poverty, by ensuring all students have access to adequate protection.

Vivianne McDermott, who runs the Rotary Interact Group at Westlake, said the 75 participants identified period poverty as an issue, and wanted to remedy the fact that products are not easily accessible by all students. The result was two sanitary product dispensers installed at Westlake Girls during the first week of Term 2. Each is stocked with single pads and tampon packs of eight, which are free to students who need them. A group of Year 13 Rotary Interact students will regularly check and restock the dispensers.

“We want to make sure that all students have access to sanitary products when they need them,” says Vivianne. “This initiative is a great way to ensure that students are comfortable at school so they can focus on learning.”


Meaningful May

We are well and truly in the throws of Autumn now. Make the most of May by making it meaningful!


Sports Shorts


Congratulations to Year 11 student Kate Borton who gained excellent results in the W16 age group at the New Zealand Orienteering Club Championship over Easter (Nelson and Tasman region).

Her results were:

1st in the Sprint on the Friday at Nelson College for Boys.

6th in the Middle on Sat at Canaan Downs (in Abel Tasman National Park).

1st in the Long at Canaan Downs (in Abel Tasman National Park).



A huge congratulations to Holly Isherwood (Year 12, pictured right) who has been named in the New Zealand Junior Women’s Volleyball Team. This is an outstanding achievement – well done Holly.


Charlotte Graham (Year 12) and Jayah Lee (Year 12) have just been named in this year’s Junior White Sox team. Charlotte has also been confirmed for the Junior White Sox tour to Australia in July.


Congratulations to Mackenzie Chatfield, Year 13 (pictured left), who was named MVP of the U17 Girls Division in basketball. Mackenzie led her Lead Scholarships team to the U17 Girls title.


Congratulations also to Year 9 student Fernanda Tirado (pictured right) who won Athlete of the Year in her age group at the Auckland Athletics Champs recently. Fernanda won 1st place in her age group at the U15 Interprovincials.

This is even more remarkable when you consider Fernanda came back from injury last year, and was only able to run again in October. This past season she won 13 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze and 2 first placings at College Sport Champs.

She competes in Long Jump, Hurdles, Shotput, Discus, 100mts, Hammer, and Javelin. Awesome effort Fenanda.


Last, but not least, congratulations to Year 10 gymnast Shalinee Bajwa (pictured left) who achieved 3rd overall at the Delta Invitational Competition last weekend in Christchurch, with her group winning first place.


Arts & Culture

Discovering a love of music

The APO Discovery Concert brings the NZ music curriculum to life, and in this annual concert, students are able to hear legendary works performed live by the full Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra in the Auckland Town Hall.

On Thursday 12 May, our Westlake Girls High School Year 9 Music Academy had the pleasure of attending this vibrant performance and experiencing some magical works performed.

The Discovery Concert took students on a journey around the world, and the programme included works from Offenbach (German/French), Grieg (Norway), Smetana (Czechia), Honegger (Switzerland), Mendelssohn (Germany) and Salina Fisher (NZ).

A selection of student reviews on specific works and the performance are included below:

“I really liked the overall dynamic and tempo of this piece. It’s quiet for a long time, and then suddenly, when the timpani comes in, the music is back to being loud, with many instruments playing, with varying dynamics. My favourite was when it got to the end of the overture, where the iconic part of the overture was played. The dynamic and sound of this part was enjoyable to listen to.” Offenbach ‘Orpheus in the Underworld: Overture’ – Rhona Gillam

“I adored the Honegger piece as it started with an alerting note from the double bass. The double bass in this piece reflected the experience of going on a train, and created a vivid imagery of the experience of actually being in one. The other instruments followed along, adding great sound to the piece as the tempo started rapidly increasing. The pitch of this piece was preferably lower–from the double bass. The string and woodwind instruments added different dynamics to this piece and complimented the melody gloriously.”
Honegger ‘Pacific 231’ – Rachel Chen

The APOP Discovery Concert was very fascinating to watch with all the orchestra instruments playing together so differently, but the music still sounded so incredible. The differences of the styles of the music played, and their time period was stunning, especially how different some of them were. How they travelled through all the different types of music across the world was really interesting and fun to watch.”           – Tara Burns


Young designers show their flair

This group of Year 9 Fabric Technology students had a lot to smile about at the end of Term 1. Not only did they successfully navigate their first term of high school, but they had something cool to show for their efforts. Each of their bags pictured above was designed and made during class, using material of their own choosing.

Their teacher was Elizabeth Beaumont who, as TIC of Food Technology, is more commonly seen around ovens than sewing machines. “They are one of my Year 9 groups after not teaching fabric for several years,” says Elizabeth. “The Year 9s’ enthusiasm and delight in learning new techniques and applications in fabric reminded me of the creativity I love in teaching technology.”

And the results speak for themselves!

Pictured from left: Delilah Clements, Samantha Syme, Joan Tenny, Harshita Bhatt, Charli Latoa, Sasha Holt, Chloe Mackie, Michaela Symons, and Lottie Davis.


Swimming champs

Congratulations to Zoe Crawford, Savannah-Eve Martin, Doyoun Kim, Lena Hamblin-Ough and Mia Stanley-Hunt who qualified and competed at the NZ Open Swimming Champs last month in Auckland.

Zoe (pictured above right) qualified for 100 back and 200 back Open Finals and for the NZ Development Squad. She was named in the New Zealand team to compete at the Junior Pan Pacific Swimming Championships, being held in Hawaii in August.

Zoe will also be hoping to make the final team being selected to compete at the World Junior Life-saving Championships in Italy being held in September. She is currently named in the squad.

Zoe and Savannah-Eve Martin (Year 12) have both been named in the National Bronze Swimming Squad after their performances at the National Open Swimming Championships.

Savannah-Eve (pictured left) won 3 Silver medals, in 50, 100 and 200 backstroke for 15-year-old-girls. She also achieved amazing times at the NZ Opens which qualified her for the NZ Development Squad.

Lena competed in the 200m free, 400m free (12th), 800m free (11th) and made the final for the 1500m free, placing 6th.

Well done to these students, who had a massive week.


Time to get your Blunt umbrella!

Winter is fast approaching, so get ready with one of our Westlake Blunt umbrellas!

Blunt was designed in Windy Wellington and these sturdy but stylish umbrellas NEVER blow inside out. As the Wall Street Journal said “Structurally the Blunt falls somewhere between suspension bridge and NASA space probe”. Tested to extremes, these amazing umbrellas are worth every cent. Anyone who’s owned a Blunt knows what we are talking about.

Find out for yourself!  Available in two sizes – Classic and XL (golf umbrella size) our black umbrellas have subtle branding and are bound to be the envy of other parents standing on the sideline.

Prices are $115 (including GST) for the Classic and $135 (including GST) for the XL, plus $10 delivery per order. Click HERE to order online – it’s super simple. Stock is strictly limited so be in quick to stay dry this winter.


Important Things to Note - 13 May 2022

Westlake at Orange

Key changes for schools going into Covid Orange effectively from the start of Term 2 are:

  1. No gathering size limits or activity restrictions on site in Orange Alert Level.
  2. Mask use indoors is encouraged but not required for staff or students. Face masks continue to be required for students aged 12 and above on school and public transport.
  3. No restrictions on visitors coming on site, but all visitors still have to sign in at the main office at any Alert Level.
Parent Teacher Interviews

Our second Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on Tuesday 17 May. You can book via the Parent Portal on our website HERE.

For the safety and wellbeing of everyone in attendance, we strongly recommend that you wear a mask. Our teachers will all be wearing masks for your protection.

With Covid still prevalent in our community, we are hoping to keep numbers on site to a minimum. If you are able to make arrangements for younger siblings to be looked after offsite, it would be appreciated, however we do understand this won’t be possible in every situation.

There will be limited parking available in our two car parking areas  – one off Wairau Road, and the one next to Smales Farm Bus Depot.

Teacher-only Day

Our Teacher-only Day is this Monday, 16 May. If your daughter is aged under 14 and has no adult or older sibling supervision at home, we have a space for her at school to study independently, but you need to register by emailing [email protected] before Monday, and letting our team know that she will be on site. We will then forward you the relevant information.

Pink Shirt Day

Next Friday, 20 May, we are celebrating Pink Shirt Day, in support of inclusion and kindness. It’s a non-uniform day for students, with a gold coin donation going towards the Mental Health Foundation. Celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying, after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. In Aotearoa, Pink Shirt Day works to create schools, workplaces, communities and whānau where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

Korean Night 2022

Our fabulous Korean Night is being held on Friday 3 June at the Westlake Boys School Auditorium. It starts at 7pm and will conclude at 9.30pm.

The Westlake Korean Night is an annual event that aims to promote and share in essence what Korean culture is about to both the Westlake and wider community by exhibiting a diverse range of traditional and modern performances. Over the past 10 years, Westlake Korean Night has been extremely successful with an average of 1500 audience members every year.

Be in quick to purchase your tickets as we can’t guarantee door sales on the night.

$6 standard admission ticket + raffle
$7 standard admission + glow stick + raffle
$15 VIP  – VIP Entrance + reserved seat + complementary drink and snack

CLICK HERE to make your purchase.

Senior Mid-Year Exam/Assessment Week

We will be holding a mid-year exam/assessment week for our senior students from Monday 20 June to Wednesday 22 June. The timetable is:

Timing Monday 20 June  Tuesday 21 June  Wednesday 22 June 
9.15 – 10.45am 12ENGL
13 STAT 13EnGL
11.30am – 12.30pm 13CHEM
1.30 – 3pm 11MATS

Year 11s

Year 11 students have an exam on Monday afternoon. They only need to come into school for their exam and don’t need to be at school in the morning. All Year 11 students will be back in class on Tuesday 21 June.

Year 12s
Year 12 students have an exam on Monday morning. They only need to come into school for their exam and can go home afterwards. All Year 12 students will be back in class on Tuesday 21 June.

Year 13s
On Monday and Tuesday, Year 13 students only come into school to sit their exam. Year 13s taking English will sit their exam on Wednesday morning and then ALL Year 13 students are expected back in class from Period 3 on Wednesday 22 June onwards.

Uniform Shop Open Hours Term 2

The Uniform shop is based in Unit 10, 54 View Road, Wairau Valley. It will be open during Term 2 (2 May to 8 July) on the following days and times.

Monday 2.30 – 5pm (closed Monday 6 June for Queen’s Birthday)
Tuesday 2.30 – 5pm
Wednesday 2.30 – 5pm
Thursday 2.30 – 5pm
Saturday CLOSED except as listed below
Saturday 14 May 10am – 2pm
Saturday 11 June 10am – 2pm
Term 2 Key Dates
Monday 2 May Start of Term 2
Monday 2 May Online bookings go live for Parent Teacher interviews
Thursday 5 May Cross Country (compulsory for Year 9 students)
Thursday 12 May Face-to-face Parent Teacher interviews (session 1) 4 – 7pm
Monday 16 May Teacher-only Day
Tuesday 17 May Face-to-face Parent Teacher interviews (session 2) 4 – 7pm
Monday 6 June Queen’s Birthday (School closed)
Monday 20 June – Wednesday 22 June Mid-year exam/assessment week
Friday 24 June Matariki (school closed)
Wednesday 29 June – Saturday 9 July School Production Season
Tuesday 5 July Open Night
Friday 8 July End of Term 2
Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 25 July Start of Term 3
Thursday 28 July (3pm) Junior mid-year reports issued via the Parent Portal
Thursday 4 August (3pm) Senior mid-year reports issued via the Parent Portal
Friday 5 August Gala Concert
Thursday 11 August Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 30 September End of Term 3