
Enviro Group sets initiatives in place for 2020

By Shella Dabbach and Jappan Kaur
Enviro Warriors

With all the virus news and all sorts happening in the world today, the Enviro Group has still stayed strong and taken part in making the world a greener and cleaner home.

We started the month of March with the beach clean-up at Milford Beach. Twenty-one students from the Enviro Group went in search of as much rubbish as they could find, picking up plastics, glass and even a pink wig and making sure they we aren’t polluting our beautiful New Zealand beaches. It was successful as the group picked up about one and a half big sacs of rubbish which included many small plastics. Unfortunately, they found many microbeads which comes to show how long plastics take to break down and can be digested by ocean turtles or other sea creatures close to land. Due to lack of time and woman-power they couldn’t pick all these beads up. This teaches us the lesson that we must be extra careful where our items go in public as they can turn into microbeads that harm other beautiful creatures.

The Waicare water testing group is up and running and some girls have been taught scientific ways to test and identify the pollutants in the stream. The bread tag and pen recycling initiative is still running as well, and we are collecting many reusable jars. You can find the big collection of tags in the library and make sure you bring some of your own! These tags can be recycled into wheelchairs! By the end of the term these big jars will also be available in all form classes so you can pop them in at the beginning of school day!

Remember to always take care of our beautiful planet Earth but don’t forget to take care of yourselves too!



CYGNET trips build confidence and friendships

Year 9 CYGNET Trip
by Talia van Rooyen (Hockey)

In February I went to Tree Adventures with all the Year 9 CYGNET students and Sports Prefects. It was a really cool experience going through all the different courses with your friends, making new friends and working together to get to the end of each course. In particular, I enjoyed going down the flying fox. My favourite part of CYGNET so far is being able to work with some of your friends that you don’t usually have a chance to work with and learning so many new skills on Code days with amazing coaches.


Year 10 CYGNET Trip
by Maia Maxwell (Netball)

Earlier this month all the Year 10 CYGNET students headed off to Vector Wero in Manukau to do some white water rafting. We spent the day out there getting to know each other, making action packed memories and practicing a little bit of team building. One of my favourite parts of the trip was getting to be the instructor for a little bit and leading my team down the rough rivers. I must say I wasn’t the best at leading because we smashed into quite a lot of barriers and I fell out of the raft into the currents and I left my team to lead themselves!

Another one of my great memories was going down the pump waterfall. While we were going down I got about 50 litres of water smashed against me and I got absolutely drenched. But overall it was a great experience, made better friendships with others, learnt many new things and I would definitely do it again.


Success at Zone Athletics

Although the AKSS Athletics Championships were cancelled, we had some great performances at the Zone Athletics meets.

Talia van Rooyen set a new College Sport Auckland Junior 70m Hurdles record with a time of 11.13 seconds. Talia also had the fastest 100m and 200m qualifying times for the AKSS event. Talia is pictured warming up for her event.

Kaia Tupu-South qualified 1st for the Senior Shot Put and 2nd for the Discus heading into the Championships event. Kate Borton had the fastest overall qualifying time in both the Junior 300m & 800m events.

Our Junior 4 x 100m relay team was almost 4 seconds faster than their nearest rival heading in to the championships meet. We hope to see them and all of our other athletes competing for the school at the NZSS Athletics Championships this December.


Stunning finals day produces 26 medallists

From March 13 to 15 Westlake Girls high school competed against almost 2,000 students from 100 schools at the North Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships held at Lake Karapiro.

Westlake produce a stunning finals day performance, for the first time in our history we medalled in every age group (u15-18 & u18 N). We finished the day with eight top 8 finishes and a further six podium finishes. Overall, we had 26 medallists, 14 of whom were first time medallists.

The squad’s performance in eight oar events continues to be the highlight of this seasons results – for the first time in our history we made A finals in all six 8 oar events, claiming medals in the Gu16 & Gu17 8. For the first time since 2014 we boated a u18 8 in the A final, finishing a highly credible fifth in a field where first to last were separated by only 10 seconds. We look forward to taking another run at the u18 eight in the 2020-2021 racing season.

Any students interested in becoming a part of the Westlake Girls Rowing programme, can learn more about the sport on the school website – We will be recruiting for the new season in June 2020.

G U15 4+ Ayla Holmes, Safra Wohlfarth, Grace Marshall, Sophie Dykgraaf + Jamie Whitaker BRONZE
G U18 2- Devon Thorpe, Sylvia Leadley BRONZE
G U16 8+ Scarlett Kerse, Sofia Greenhalgh, Hollie Marshman, Sophie Dykgraaf, Georgie Shotter, Abbie Clements, Ayla Holmes, Claire Snelling + Charlotte Ram BRONZE
G U17 8+ Caitlin Rawlings, Kate Staines, Sofia Greenhalgh, Billie Insull, Hollie Marshman, Scarlett Kerse, Trixie Andrew, Katie Booth + Emma Patterson BRONZE
G U18 4X+ Olivia Anderson, Sylvia Leadley, Devon Thorpe, Nyla Bunyan + Jamie Whittaker SILVER
G N18 4+ Georgie Shotter, Claudia Pilkington, Eva Dykgraaf, Safra Wohlfarth + Eva Todd BRONZE
G U18 8+ Olivia Anderson, Sylvia Leadley, Caitlin Rawlings, Kate Staines, Devon Thorpe, Nyla Bunyan, Sofia Greenhalgh, Scarlett Kerse + Jamie Whittaker 5TH




Leadership skills honed on Great Barrier Island

In Week 6, Year 12 Outdoor Education took away 54 students to Great Barrier Island. We caught a ferry to Karaka Bay where we were greeted by the lovely instructors from Hillary Outdoors. Students worked throughout the week on their Leadership and Social Responsibility skills. They were able to lead their groups in different situations and activities which included stream walking, abseiling, high ropes, kayaking, coasteering, surf kayaking and an overnight tramp to finish the week off.

Students were buzzing after a fantastic week away with many memories made.

Year 13 Leaders

Year 13 Outdoor Education students went on the Year 11 PE camp as Leaders. They have learnt about contemporary leadership principles in class, and it was decided to take them into the outdoors to trial those skills. The Year 13 Leaders ran Amazing Race activities including Tallest Tower, Fill a Bucket, Make a Dam, Make a 3D Sandcastle and a jigsaw puzzle. The students also took on other leadership opportunities by helping to organise and run the annual skit night, helping prepare lunches and dinners, along with putting up 25 tents and taking them all down at the end of camp. Overall, this experience for the students was extremely worthwhile and gave them the opportunity to lead, reflect and lead again in a changing environment with many different impacts.







Wairau raises funds for Pillars

Wairau held its first fundraiser for 2020 recently, with the money going to its House charity Pillars. The Rainbow Bake Sale raised $457, thanks to the hard work of Service Prefect Charlotte Print, and her team.

Pillars is an organisation that supports children with a parent in prison.




Surf Life Savers win for their clubs

The 2020 Surf Club Nationals were held recently in Gisborne, with Westlake students representing two local clubs.

Mairangi Bay SLSC

Four students (three of whom are pictured top) represented Mairangi Bay SLSC. Zoe Crawford received the U16 Champion Female Athlete Plaque from NZ Surf Lifesaving. Her results were: U16 NZ Champion (Run/Swim/Run; Surf Race and Board Rescue), Silver (U16 Surf Teams Race and U16 Tube Rescue).  Isla Brain; Silver (Tube Rescue and Surf Teams Race). Lily Redford; Silver (Surf Teams Race). Tara Vaughan; Silver (Tube Rescue).

Red Beach SLSC

Three of our students (pictured left) represented Red Beach SLSC. The students competed in the U-16 age group with 90 competitors from around New Zealand.

Results were: Kate Rogers; Silver (Ski Race), Bronze (Board Race) and Bronze (Iron Woman Race). Ella Butler; Bronze (Ski Race). Katrina Hall; Bronze (Flags). Kate, Ella and Katrina also received a Bronze in the Tube Rescue Swim. Lastly, Kate and Ella (along with another team mate) won Gold in the U-16 Taplin Relay.




Triathletes keep the pace

Four of our students performed outstandingly at the recent Auckland Secondary School Triathlon Champs. Kate Borton came 8th in her first individual triathlon representing Westlake Girls, and Lena Hamblyn-Ough (swim), Michaela Pocock (mountain bike) and Kenzie McKay (run) placed first in the Intermediate Teams Triathlon event.


Some suggestions in these uncertain times

During these uncertain times, our Health teachers and our Counsellors have suggested a few links to articles you might find helpful. Above is the Action for Happiness calendar – a special edition called “Coping Calendar”. Here’s the link to a PDF of it s0 you can share it around!

Here’s some advice from the Ministry of Health on managing wellbeing. And here are some Top Tips for Getting Through.



Head Prefect takes home the Gold

Congratulations to our WGHS Head Prefect, Kaia Tupu-South, who competed at the NZ Track and Field champs in Christchurch during early March. She won Gold in the U20 Women’s Discus with a PB of 53.96m. She also won a Silver medal in the U20 Women’s Shot Put.


Westlake Wellness - Looking after your community

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Personal hygiene is essential for protecting yourself but also to protect those in the community who may be more vulnerable to infection, above is a basic reminder from the World Health Organisation regarding handwashing.

As a distraction from the current global health concerns around Covid-19, it is important to remember the things you can do to develop and maintain a healthy immune system. Listed are some simple everyday and affordable options to assist a healthy immune system:

  • A good night’s sleep, put away devices at least one hour before bed, have a regular time you go to bed and a regular time to get up. Your body will adjust and respond to this. Sleep allows your body to rest and repair.
  • Reduce stress, this may be by planning to be prepared for events that cause you anxiety, organising your time efficiently or by discussing concerns with a trusted friend or adult.
  • Eating a healthy diet including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean proteins and sufficient energy. Some simple ways to enjoy more fruit and vegetables are:
    • Pizza topping – Try broccoli, spinach, green peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms and zucchini
    • Mix up a breakfast smoothie made with low-fat milk, frozen strawberries and a banana
    • Make a veggie wrap with roasted vegetables and low-fat cheese rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla
    • Grill colorful vegetable kebabs packed with tomatoes, green and red peppers, mushrooms and onions
    • Place colorful fruit where everyone can easily grab something for a snack-on-the-run
    • Top a baked potato with beans and salsa or broccoli and low-fat cheese
    • Add grated, shredded or chopped vegetables such as zucchini, spinach and carrots to lasagne, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, pasta sauce and rice dishes.
    • Remembering to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated, warm liquids such as soup are especially good, and dressing appropriately for the weather, by adding layers to remove and add as you move from inside to outdoor environments.

Find out more


Did your daughter go to Browns Bay Preschool?

Brown’s Bay Preschool is holding a 20-year anniversary celebration on Saturday 4 April. At this stage the event is still proceeding as it will be an outside function with registration at the gate. It’s a drop in between 10am and 1pm, with a free sausage sizzle and bouncy castles. If you’d like more information, phone 479-3008 or visit


Keeping mentally healthy through the Coronavirus crisis

Kate Fitzsimons, a young Australian woman who runs a charitable foundation to empower teens through life’s unexpected, uncertain and unwanted challenges, has released a five-part podcast series on keeping mentally healthy during the Coronavirus crisis. It’s called Coaching yourself through the Coronavirus Chaos. We recommend having a listen and deciding whether it’s something you’d like your daughter to hear.


10 strategies to help develop resilience

Generation Next has published this great little article on helping kids to be resilient – having the ability to bounce back from life’s difficulties. They list 10 strategies you can implement to help your teens rise above adversity and obstacles.

10 Strategies for Resilience


Outdoor fun teaches important safety lessons

Last week we had 122 of our Year 11 Physical Education students away for PE Camp in Whatipu.

This camp aims to help the students explore and understand the Safety Behaviours in the outdoors, focussing on their 1.7 NCEA Achievement Standard. Students were split into two groups, group one taking on the wet and windy weather from Monday – Wednesday and group two taking on a slightly brighter and dry Wednesday – Friday.

Students participated in activities conducted by Big Foot Instructors such as Tyrolean, Caving, Tree climbing and First Aid. Ther was a Summit Walk led by the Teachers and an Amazing Race led by the Year 13 Outdoor Education class.

The Amazing Race involved activities such as building the tallest tower, building sandcastles and filling a bucket. After completing the practical aspect of their assessment students could not wait to get home to their own beds!

A big thank you goes out to our parent helpers who took the time to be with us, as well as the Year 13 Outdoor Ed classes for their help (see “Leadership skills honed on Great Barrier Island” for more on the Year 13 student perspective.

Group Photo Credit: Ghanum Taylor

Arts & Culture

Feeling creative? You could win $100

The Westlake Schools combined production for 2020 is Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. Rehearsals are well underway, and things are shaping up nicely for a sterling run in July.

To publicise this brilliant show, we need a brilliant poster. Do you think you have the talent? You don’t have to design the whole poster – just the artwork if you prefer. We are looking for something pretty special, so if you think you’ve got what it takes, take a look at this Design Brief and get creating! You’ve got through to May to email or submit your design to Ms Milburn. All the details you need are in the Design Brief – including details of the $100 prize if your design is chosen.


Virtual interview opens a door to Texas

Two Westlake students, Grace Jung (Y13) and Ivy Mitchell (Y11), had the opportunity to participate in a virtual interview with some students in Texas last week.

The students from both schools compared school calendars, sports, lunch food, choir trips, beaches, weather, and accents.  Grace and Ivy practiced saying “Y’all” like a Texan, and tried to teach the Americans to say “Kia Ora” like a Kiwi.  They loved our uniform and wanted to know what all the badges represented.  They asked how coronavirus was affecting us in New Zealand, and also gave us a virtual tour of their school.

For us, the interview happened at 4pm , but for them it was 10pm and they had a long night ahead, chatting with other places around the world.

Every year, this American school organises a 24-Hour World Tour, and this year they wanted a school in New Zealand.  Their librarian contacted our librarian and the virtual interview was scheduled, using an online videoconferencing tool.  It was a delightful way to meet students on the other side of the globe!