
Candidates campaign for Student Rep

Walking the campaign trail isn’t easy at the best of times, but throw in a lockdown just as you’re taking your first step, and the walk quickly becomes a trudge.

Our 10 candidates for Student Rep on our Board of Trustees took it all their stride when Auckland moved to Alert Level 3 just as they had been confirmed as candidates. So, during lockdown each of them created a 1min video, crafted posters and flyers to distribute once back at school, completed Candidate Profiles for our website, and practiced their speeches for a lunchtime presentation.

The results have been impressive and all of our students now have the difficult task of selecting one of these amazing young women as our 2020/21 Student Rep. Voting papers were distributed recently and students have until 5pm this coming Wednesday to cast their vote.

We ran all of the videos together to make this gorgeous compilation. It’s definitely worth a look – whether you’re able to vote or not!

Student Video


Service Prefects shine in difficult year

It’s been a tough year for our fantastic Service Prefects. Raising money for charity in a Pandemic isn’t easy! But despite the challenges, they have held raffles, bake sales and a host of other activities to support their House charities. So a big shout out to these leaders and their teams:

Akoranga – Anya du Preez (Pet Refuge)
Hauraki – Chanumi Sirithunga (Shine – domestic abuse charity)
Onewa – Donia Hegazy (Children’s Autism Foundation)
Pupuke – Michele Maddren (Youthline)
Wairau – Charlotte Print (Pillars)

Pictured are some images from Akoranga’s bake sale yesterday.

Arts & Culture

Cultural Week and Tongan Language Week celebrated












Westlake burst into life this week, as we celebrated Cultural Week and Tongan Language Week. From food, performances and a language quiz, to national costumes and an Amazing Race – there was something for everyone.

One activity was an interview with Silver Fern (and ex-Westlaker) Temalisi Fakahokotau) by our Pasfika Committee. You can view it here:








Level 2.5 Sports Update

Due to on-going gathering restrictions, sports competitions, events and tournaments will continue to be suspended at Level 2.5. In the interim, the school will be running intra-school competitions and events for Badminton, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Hockey, Netball, Squash and Table Tennis.

All sports will continue to train with the possibility of organising games or resuming competitions if we move to Level 2 outright. The following is a more detailed overview of sport activities operating in the current alert level until 16 September:

Adventure Racing
Training after school on Mondays and Wednesdays

A & B Grade teams: Games after school on Wednesdays
C and Social Grade teams: Games after school on Thursdays

Premier and Open A teams: Training
All Other teams: Intra-school games before school Mondays and during lunchtimes Monday-Thursday

Distance Running
School Cross Country Championships after school Friday 18 September (register on the distance running page)

Fitness Centre
Open for student use after school every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Fitness Classes
For Year 11-13 students Les Mills classes are held in Gym One 7.40am-8.15am every Friday

Trainings and Intra-school games after school on Wednesdays

AKSS Championships on hold

1st XI, 2nd XI, 3rd XI and Junior A: Trainings and Intra-school games after school on Thursday
4th XI, Junior B and Junior Red and Green: Trainings and Intra-school games after school on Wednesdays

Ki o Rahi
AKSS Senior Championships to be confirmed

Trainings, potential of organising a game after school on 24 September

Year 9 Netball: Trainings and Intra-school games after school on Mondays
Year 10 -13 Netball: Trainings and Intra-school games on Saturday mornings

Rugby 12s
Trainings, planning to play after school on 21 September

Competitive teams: Training and Intra-school games on Wednesdays after school
Social Squad: Coaching sessions and Intra-school games on Tuesdays after school

AKSS Championships are currently scheduled on 21 September at Snowplanet

Table Tennis
Inter-form competition at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Turbo Touch
Secondary School Championships are currently scheduled on 22 September at Trust Arena

Ultimate Frisbee
 Sessions after school on Tuesdays

Water Polo
No Trainings or Games until pools re-open

Sessions after school on Tuesdays

Arts & Culture

Ready to celebrate Māori Language Week

We have a brilliant range of activities, performances and food to celebrate Māori Language Week next week. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and we will also provide a wrap-up in the next Voice.


Event Centre construction well underway

If you’ve driven by our school recently you will have seen that construction of our new Event Centre is buzzing along nicely. Now the walls are up, the work is a lot more visible – and it’s a lot more exciting to watch. Foundations take time and are important, but don’t give the same sense of progress!

The photo above shows the steel erected for the mezzanine floor which, when finished, will seat 350 with the ground floor seating 1000. Backstage there will be a large percussion room that doubles as a teaching area and green room when needed. With a large foyer area, our new Event Centre will provide students with multiple uses – senior student study space, exhibition area or function space.

Our new multipurpose Event Centre will provide a much-needed venue for assemblies, events and ceremonies. But it will do so much more than that. It will become the heart of our school community – a place where students can meet, connect, celebrate and fully embrace what it means to be a Westlake Girl.

We have some fantastic giving opportunities so you can be a part of this amazing project – from just a few dollars to naming rights. If you’d like to find out more, please click the link below, or contact our Strategic Relationship Manager, Kim Dowden [email protected] to find out how you can be a part of Westlake’s history.



Culinary project reaches into the community

By Moe Tun and Zara Wilson
Year 11 Culinary Creators

This year in Year 11 Food Technology, the four classes had the wonderful opportunity of creating a meal solution for a person in need.

As part of our market research, we looked at different forms of meal solutions available and even got to taste various pre-prepared meals. Next, we looked into existing community meal solution providers and the communities they provide for. From that, and considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic that has greatly affected many people financially, we decided to create a meal solution for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We chose to create frozen pre-prepared meals to address this issue.

Moe: My target audience was a single person with an extremely busy lifestyle living alone in a small apartment. They would not have the resources to cook a full nutritious meal for themselves every day. This is because they may be working multiple jobs, and with extra precautions needed due to COVID-19, their work shifts would be much longer and stressful.

Zara: The target market I chose to make my meal for was an elderly person. This is because they usually rely on families or neighbours to bring them meals but because of COVID-19 restrictions, that may not be able to happen. They may also lack cooking skills and  struggle to make a healthy meal that fits their nutrition needs.

We looked into different cultures that we could base our meal on and decided to go with the Mexican culture. The Mexican culture has many traditional meals but we thought the quesadillas were best suited for our need and target market.

The four Food Technology classes all donated our meals to The Salvation Army in Glenfield. They were very appreciative of the frozen meals and hearing that was definitely very heartwarming. We felt really good about donating our food as it was our way of giving back to the community and helping people who are in need of a healthy meal.

We got this feedback from The Salvation Army:

“Zara and Moe’s meal was given to a man that can not afford food. He came back to the Salvation Army building a couple of hours after thanking the salvation army for the delicious meal. His words were: ‘Best meal I have ever eaten, thank you so much’.”

Thank you for this awesome opportunity allowing us to make a meal for those in need. The feedback The Salvation Army received  really shows the meals were needed. We are planning to continue making meals and donating them.


Important Things to Note - 11 September

Term 3 and 4 Key Dates

Tuesday 22 September: Gala Concert
Friday 25 September:  Chinese Night
Friday 25 September: Last Day of Term
Friday 2 October: Korean Night (in the school holidays)

Monday 12 October: Term 4 begins
Friday 23 October: Year 13 Ball
Monday 26 October: Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday 27 October: Music Awards Dinner
Friday 30 October: Senior Reports issued
Friday 30 October: Sports Awards
Wednesday 4 November (day): Special Awards Prizegiving
Wednesday 4 November (evening): Senior Prizegiving
Thursday 5 November: Study Leave for Seniors begins
Friday 6 November: School closed
Monday 16 November: NCEA exams begin
Monday 9 November: Junior exams begin
Thursday 12 November: Junior exams end
Wednesday 9 December: NCEA exams finish
Wednesday 9 December: Junior Prizegiving
Wednesday 9 December: Term 4 finishes
Saturday 12 December: Second-hand Uniform Shop Sale

Parent Portal Passwords

Our apologies for the delay in getting the Parent Portal Passwords to you after our major IT issue. It has taken us longer than expected to rebuild our system but we will have a new password to you next week. Please note that some of the information stored in the Portal, has proven irretrievable. Our team has been piecing together as much information as possible to rebuild your daughter’s profile, however you will see gaps – particularly around school reports and financial information. When you receive the email, please go into the Portal to check your daughter’s profile. You will be able to confirm or correct information as needed.

Further changes to NCEA for students in Auckland

The government has made additional changes to NCEA for students in Auckland, to recognise the 13 days of classroom time lost during the recent Alert Level 3 lockdown.

Extra Learning Recognition credits
Learning Recognition (LR) credits were introduced this year to recognise the classroom time lost during the nationwide lockdown earlier this year. Extra LR credits are now available to students in Auckland because of the additional COVID disruption in August.

Changes to earning rate and LR credit maximums

NCEA Level LR credit maximum LR credit earning rate Total number of credits required from assessment
L1 Up to 16 LR credits 1 for 4 credits achieved 64
L2 Up to 12 LR credits 1 for 4 credits achieved 68 (48 + 20 from another level)
L3 Up to 12 LR credits 1 for 4 credits achieved 68 (48 + 20 from level 2 or higher

These changes apply to all the credits students achieve in 2020, including credits earned before the recent lockdown, and cover internal assessment, exams and portfolios.

Changes to certificate endorsements
Instead of 46 credits, you will now need 44 credits to earn Merit or Excellence Certificate Endorsements.

How to notify us of an absence

This is a friendly reminder that you need to email [email protected] and your daughter’s Form Teacher if she is going to be absent from school – even if it’s just an hour for an appointment.  If you email ‘office’ or ‘westlakegirls’ the Attendance Officer won’t see it. Your daughter will be recorded as absent and could receive a detention. Nobody wants that!




Talia takes home a top title

Year 9 athlete Talia van Rooyen has won the Auckland Athletics award for top athlete in her age group (13 Girls). She broke the Auckland residents and champs record for the 100m, and was part of the relay team that broke the Auckland record for the 4x100m relay. Talia is a member of the North Harbour Bays Athletics club.

Well done on your achievements Talia.


Showcase your wellbeing and be in to win

Whether it’s soaking up the mauri/essence of the ocean, getting out for a hīkoi/walk in the bush, or taking notice of the beauty around us – this year we’ve really had to tune into the simple things that matter and strengthen our hauora/wellbeing.

The Mental Health Foundation’s Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) Wellbeing Photo Challenge is back for 2020, where you can showcase what wellbeing looks and feels like for you!

How to take part

On each day of the challenge (21-25 September), upload a photo related to the daily theme to Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram. Make sure you use the hashtag #MHAWNZ and tag The Mental Health Foundation (learn more about how to do that here).

Inspired by Te Whare Tapa Whā, here are the daily photo challenge themes:

Rāhina / Monday: Whānau

Recharge with others – Whiria te muka tangata


Rātū / Tuesday: Wairua

Rediscover everyday wonder –  Whāia ngā mīharotanga o ia rā


Rāapa / Wednesday: Whenua

Return to nature – Hono ki te taiao


Rāpare / Thursday: Tinana

Refuel your body – Whakamarohi i tō tinana


Rāmere / Friday: Hinengaro

Refresh your mind – Whāngaia tō hinengaro


Take part and you’ll be in to win daily prizes, and the People’s Choice Grand Prize: a Nikon Z 50 Mirrorless camera (RRP $1,899)! Click here for further FAQs, and read the challenge terms and conditions.


Nominations for our 2020 Sports Awards are now open

We are currently accepting nominations for our 2020 Awards Evening, which will be held on Friday 30 October.

This special evening will celebrate sporting successes and highlight the achievements of the many talented sporting teams, individuals, coaches and supporters at Westlake Girls High School.

All nominations must be submitted by 4pm on Wednesday 23 September. You can find more information and a link to the nomination form here: Sporting Excellence Awards



Racing kart project tackled with Velocity

By Damla Temizsoy
Motorsport Enthusiast

Ever since I was younger I was involved in motorsport. First it was my parents watching motorsport, and then as I grew older I started to watch motorsport and anything else that involves speed. So when I saw the opportunity to be involved in the Motorsport Club, and actually be part of the making of a racing kart (and possibly drive) I jumped at the chance.

For the past three years in Motorsport Club (also known as the Evolocity Club) we have been building electric karts to compete in the Evolocity competition. Evolocity is a competition that encourages secondary students to build, innovate and compete with electric karts and bikes. We put our karts and/or bikes through drag races, tight circuit races and more at regional and national competitions at the end of the year (you can find out more here

For our first year in the competition, we built Frankenkart. We bought the chassis off the internet and customized it for our electric motor. Last year we built Optimus Pram. We upcycled a double baby buggy and adapted it again to our electric motor and improved its safety since we would be racing in it. At last year’s competition, we won the ‘Show Award’ for the most interesting car.

This year, our team of eight decided to base this our kart (Woody) on planes from WW1. This enabled us to have more control over the design and innovation of our kart rather than buying a chassis. We have been using the wood workshop in our school to build our kart but any engineering expertise and help would be welcome.

We are also using Ardunio to measure things such as RPM, speed, voltage and other important information, and we will create a dashboard to display the information to the driver. We think we will finish the kart this month, which will give us lots of time to test it. If everything goes according to plan, the race is set to take place at the Whenuapai Air Force Base on 8 November.

Since I joined Motorsport Club in 2018 I gained so many new skills such as riveting, how to tap screw threads, how to properly use a drill, how to wire a motor and this club really developed an interest in me for mechanical/mechatronics engineering. I would highly recommend it for any students who are interested in engineering.

If you have engineering capability and/or facilities and would like to assist the team, please email Hard Materials Technology teacher Jez Scull ([email protected]).

Pictured above from left: Damla Temizsoy, Emily Y Zhu, Ruby McNamee, Yasmin Darwish, Cindy Tang, Lauren Dorrell, Rozanne Kruger.
Absent: Amena Yezdan


A belated Fathers' Day message

Happy Father’s Day for last Sunday to all our dads out there. We realise it was almost a week ago, but we thought it was still timely to share this special Father’s Day report by SchoolTV.

Research suggests that fathers influence their sons and daughters in different ways, which is especially true during their transition to adolescence. Engaging in regular physical activities can play a key role in influencing teens to learn self-control, face challenges, regulate emotions and take manageable risks.

In this Special Report, fathers can learn about the positive impact they can have on their daughter’s mental health and wellbeing, whilst also ensuring they indulge in a little self-care.

You can watch the video here: Celebrating Father’s Day

Arts & Culture

Music reflections from an international perspective

We love how our International students become an integral part of our Westlake whānau. Today we are proud present two of our international students, who reflect on their experiences studying music at Westlake.

Xiaofan Sherry Zhang (pictured above left)

My name is Xiaofan Sherry Zhang and I have been in New Zealand for three and a half years. My agent recommended a list of schools and I did some research on all of them. I noticed that WGHS has a great reputation in the field of music and also a good academic atmosphere – so I decided to choose WGHS.

I have been playing violin for 11 years, and my long-term goal with music is to become a professional violinist. During my time here at Westlake, the Music Department has offered me lots of opportunities to perform on stage. I joined orchestras and other music activities, and the staff always give me good advice and full support. I enjoy playing in the orchestras and the opportunities to perform musical works in front of audiences. It is a rewarding experience. I enjoy collaborating with other talented musicians and making new friends. I greatly appreciated it.

My advice to other international students wanting to get involved with music would be to join and participate in lots of choirs and orchestras and other music activities. Always audition even if you doubt your ability and chances of getting in. Getting involved in music is a great way to get to know more talented people and have lots of fun.

Amelie Kreibich (pictured above right)

I am Amelie Kreibich, an International student from Germany and I go to Westlake Girls High school. I take music as a subject, I take piano lessons and I joined “ Cigno voce” choir at the beginning of the year.

Taking music at Westlake is quite a bit different from my German school. My German school has a choir, but you don’t meet as many new people as you do at Westlake. I would advise every International student to join a choir at Westlake, mainly to improve your singing, but also to meet people and to go on Choir Camp 🙂

At Westlake you perform with other students in your music class and learn a lot about music, while you still do fun stuff like performing and composing. I really enjoy singing in my choir, and a highlight was going to Choir Camp in Whangaparaoa. We had a lot of fun with our friends while we practiced our pieces. Choirs at Westlake give you the opportunity to improve your singing skills as well as meeting many new people.

I have been playing the piano for about 11 years and to keep improving, I take piano lessons at Westlake. My piano teacher helps me get better and improve my techniques and piano skills. I enjoy being involved in music at Westlake in general because I learned many new things and I made many good friends through music.


Self-care September

Spring is in the air, and there’s no better time to shake off those winter blues with a little self-care. Our September calendar is packed full of gems to help you focus on feeling great and being your best. Let’s be honest – we could all do with a little of that!