
Former Head Prefects share their post high school journeys

Three former WGHS Head Prefects attended a 2020 Prefect assembly this morning, to share what they have been up to since they left school. The three were all Head Prefect sometime during the past five years, while our current cohort of Prefects have been at Westlake. Sharing their stories were Hala Barakat (2019), Sydney Clough (2017) and Nadia Pavlovich(2016). Unfortunatley our 2018 Head Prefect, Izzy Sheild, was unable to attend.

All three former Head Prefects spoke of their time in tertiary education, the ups and downs they have experienced since leaving left high school, and the life lessons they have learnt. Gems were shared as the stories flowed – time unfortunately being a barrier with class to attend.

It was a powerful time for our Prefects to hear the stories of  those who are just a couple of steps ahead in life. Thanks to Hala, Sydney and Nadia for sharing. Izzy – we’ll catch you next time!

Pictured above from left are Nadia Pavlovich (2016), Kaia Tupu-South (2020), Hala Barakat (2019) and Sydney Clough (2017).


Sports training gets underway

It was wonderful to see our sports teams out on the fields, turfs and courts this week. Everybody is getting ready for a winter of stunning competition. See below for a list of revised start dates for Term 2 and 3 sports competitions.


Sport Competition Start Date
Badminton (Senior) Currently running an intra-school competition on Thursdays this Term (see Sports Department)
Basketball Juniors: Wednesday 10 June
Seniors/U17: Thursday 11 June
Premier: Friday 26 June
Football Wednesday 24 June
Hockey Thursday 18 June
Netball Westlake 1-6: Saturday 20 June
Westlake 7 down: Saturday 27 June
Year 9: Monday 29 June
Rugby 12s Monday 22 June
Badminton (Junior)* Monday 27 July
Water Polo (Junior)* Friday 31 July

*Trials for this sport commencing in Term 3 will take place over the next two weeks.


International Languages Week at WGHS

To celebrate this occasion, different activities were held around the school and the school community was actively encouraged to have a go at saying something in another language by members of our Languages Council and club leaders.  Students were made welcome to attend our language clubs and enjoy a language that is not their mother tongue. All attempts by students and staff to communicate with others in a language they have learnt were appreciated.

Our excited winners of the Amazing Spanish Race were Nik Dean of 9AMD (first),  Ishani Soni-Singh of 10AKM and Sophia Santayana of 10AKM (second), Hannah Richardson of 10ODR and Bree Souster of 10HGL (third).

This week was about realising that English is not enough in a world that is plurilingual.  It is worthy of mention that many of our staff speak one or more of the languages that are on our school curriculum.

Pictured top are the Amazing Spanish Race contestants before they headed out at lunchtime yesterday, and below left are the winners. Below right is the Languages Council (students of Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish) and their teachers.


Vege patch thrives in lockdown

The Westlake Girls Gardening Club had a helping hand over lockdown, to ensure their newly planted veges survived in the school’s garden.

Cara Clark-Howard said the team of six students and two teachers had planted broccoli, lettuce, silverbeet and carrots before lockdown but none of the gardners were able to tend the plot. Coming to their rescue was Westlake’s Caretaker Heta Witika, who lives onsite. He made sure the plants were watered and the soil maintained.

We’re happy to report all of the veges survived – and in fact the lettuce thrived. It was donated to Sunnynook’s Community Cupboard after lockdown ended. The club will now undertake winter plantings and give more of their veges to the Year 13 Food Technology class for their lessons.

Arts & Culture

Singers make the cut for Virtual Big Sing video

The nationwide choral festival ‘The NZCF’s Big Sing’ which is run annually throughout the main centres of New Zealand, was cancelled this year due to Covid 19.

This decision has had a massive impact on the secondary school choral community as there are around 10,000 students who participate. During the Level 4 lockdown, NZCF decided to offer a project for those singers – a Virtual Sing video for Youtube.  Singers had to learn the piece ‘A Te Tarakihi’ and video themselves performing it from their lockdown bubbles.

Congratulations to the following members of Cantare choir from Westlake Girls who put an entry through and now feature on the official video:  Anya Powell, Mackenzie Wills, Chloe Eichler, Juliette Brice, Olivia Brice, Bella Allan-Moetaua, Hannah Jones, Gemma May, Rosa Troughton.

You can check out the video below.

Arts & Culture

Music rehearsals are back!

All co-curricular Music groups have started back from Tuesday 2 June at the following times and venues:

Mondays 3.30pm – 5pm:  Cigno Voce Choir in M2 (First rehearsal 8 June)
Tuesdays 3.30pm – 5.15pm: Symphony Orchestra at WBHS (First rehearsal 2 June) PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE
Wednesdays 8am – 9.30am: Taharoto Orchestra in M9 (First rehearsal June 3rd)
Wednesdays 3.30pm – 5pm: Choralation Choir at WBHS (First rehearsal 3 June) PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE
Thursdays 3.30pm – 5.30pm: Cantare Choir in M9 (First rehearsal 4 June)
Thursdays 3.30pm – 5pm: Nota Bella Choir in M2 (First rehearsal 4 June)
Fridays 7.30am – 8.30am: Chamber Orchestra in M2 (First rehearsal 5 June)
Fridays 3.30pm – 4.30pm: Symphonic Band in M9 (First rehearsal 5 June)

Cantare Choir is pictured yesterday (above and below) at its first rehearsal since lockdown.


Westlake Wellness - Planning for Success

To achieve in most things in life, you need a plan and a plan that will lead you to success! We plan our day around school or work, then plan for sports, meals and socialising, so it makes sense to have a plan for achieving in school.

Just writing a plan helps your subconscious mind develop strategies to achieve. There are a range of ways you can go about this:

  • Write a list at the end of the day of the things you want to achieve the next day
  • Keep good records of assessment tasks, identify what is required and when
  • Keep a journal of what you have completed as you go, use your device for reminders and keeping records
  • Discuss with your teachers any goals you could set yourself (daily, weekly, termly)
  • Set aside a quiet time each week to go over any incomplete work or areas you are struggling with, this will help you stay up to date
  • Ask for help with aspects you do not understand and get support early. Discuss your school work with your family and friends
  • Plan to start work and have a completion date for a draft, this allows for extra time to refine work before it is due to be submitted
  • Use your time in class effectively
  • Be prepared, bring your device and support material to class – arrive in time

There are a range of planning tools online:

Best Time management apps

Printable Planners for students


This Is Us

In this edition of This Is Us, we are proud to introduce the one and only Iain Guthrie.

What do you teach?
Geography and Social Studies.

How long have you been a teacher at Westlake?
Since 2015.

What’s the most interesting thing you have done in your career?
Worked for the Management Fast Track programme of HSBC (Bank) in Hong Kong and Singapore.

What’s the most interesting thing about you that people might not know?
I am descended from Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, the only one to vanquish the English Army!  😊

Greatest achievements:
Father of 4, married the right woman! Found a vocation that I love (teaching – cheesy but true)

If you were granted one wish:
Have a dinner party for 6 and invite The Dalai Lama, Michael Palin, David Attenborough, Barack Obama and Jane Goodall.


30 ways to make June joyful

Winter is here, but New Zealand has moved out of lockdown with a stride in its step! If you are looking for some fun ways to keep the community spirit going, try out this awesome Action for Happiness Calendar. There are 30 ways you can bring some joy into the world!


Westlake’s own Good Sort proves the Queen of Quizzes

They say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing – but a lot of knowledge, well that has the power to unite a community of quiz-loving strangers during a pandemic!

Onewa House Dean Maggie Cogger-Orr was officially named on TV1’s Good Sorts recently, after her lockdown Kahoot “virtual” pub trivia brought together families, communities and even countries!

“We use Kahoot a lot in the classroom I was already familiar with it and had used it for other social activities before – so it seemed like a cool idea to try and use it to create a ‘virtual’ pub trivia as a week end time-killer during lockdown,” she says.

While not normally a quiz fan, Maggie was inspired by her quiz-loving parents back in Canada. “I do love a fun fact though, so it was a good fit for me.” She set up seven quizzes in total, each with six rounds of 12 questions.  “I think the most we had in a single go was about 120 participants – although a lot of people played with their whole family or flat – so it was probably more than that. We had about 500 people in the Facebook group – it definitely spawned itself so there was probably about 50% of the people I didn’t know personally!

“We had people playing from New Zealand, Aussie and even Guam in the Saturday night quiz and then the Sunday morning edition I played with my friends (and their friends) from Canada, the UK, and Germany! I also ran it midweek for my parents and their retired friends who were mostly in the US and Canada as well. So safe to say we were pretty global!”

Sadly, the quiz nights came to an end once real life flooded back after lockdown, but the final edition went out with a bang – raising $1,100 for the Mental Health Foundation NZ. “I really enjoyed watching all the fun people were having (those who had their videos on anyway), and to be honest I love learning so it was neat to gain some weird (usually useless) information about a wide variety of topics! My mum and my friend in Germany have carried on running quizzes, so it is still continuing in some form.”

You can watch Maggie on Good Sorts here.


Important things to note - 5 June 2020

COVID-19: NCEA and University Entrance changes for 2020

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority has just this week released additional changes to NCEA and University Entrance for 2020. These are important changes for our Year 11-13 students. You can read about them on the NZQ website and parents of our Year 11-13 students should have received an email from our school yesterday.

Derived Grade Assessment Calendars

The Term 2 Derived Grade Assessment Calendars for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 are now available on our website. Visit the page.

Parent/Teacher Conference cancelled

Just a reminder that our Parent/Teacher Conference planned for this term has been cancelled. Senior Mid-Year Reports will be issued on Friday 3 July, and Junior Mid-Year Reports will be issued Friday 31 July (Week 2 of Term 3).

No change to school holidays

Despite school holidays moving forward in lockdown, Term 2 will still end on Friday 3 July as previously planned. Term 3 will begin on Monday 20 July.

Extra care needed around North Shore Hospital

Over the coming weeks, as essential underground works are carried out, there will be changes to how traffic and pedestrians can move through the North Shore Hospital campus and at times, diversions and stop/go traffic control will be in place. Waitematā DHB’s traffic management team is working with contractors to minimise disruption and delays. While the work is being carried out, if you walk or drive through the North Shore Hospital campus, please take extra care or consider an alternative route.


A message from our Head Prefect

Hi everyone, my name is Kaia Tupu-South and I am the Head Prefect at Westlake Girls High School – a school that has gifted me so many opportunities from day one and embraced me with open arms. I’ve been surrounded by a network of support, and being half Samoan I’ve also been offered access to extra opportunities such as a mentorship programme, extra academic support through a homework club where teachers can be called in depending on your area of need, PILOT (Pacific Leaders of tomorrow) development days and many Pasifika evenings and events.

I started Year 9 with a baggy jumper and a mission to find myself, but also to find others who I could rely on and reciprocally they could gain support from me. The best place I could find this, apart from in the classroom was in the clubs and cultural group side of Westlake where the true beauty lies. The fact is we must go to classes, but many of us choose to spend our lunchtimes immersed in a number of different cultural activities each week, whether it be tasting native food, 40hr famine fundraisers, knitting or celebrating cultural traditions. We support each other instinctively through the culture Westlake has raised within us.

My friend group, like most, has changed significantly as I’ve grown and evolved throughout the years. At the end of the day we choose who we want to spend our time with based on our interests, our connections, and our personalities – not based on our differences, our race, or our position on the diversity spectrum. I understand it can be difficult to make over 2,300 students of more than 50 cultures feel important and valued, but I truly believe Westlake does a great job at achieving this almost impossible task.

There is a strong community here. Our school isn’t just diverse, I believe it is inclusive and embracing of all cultures. Sometimes setbacks and mistakes can make us lose sight of, or forget all the wonderful things Westlake has given to us – friendships, guidance, and opportunity – but most of all encouragement to succeed in whatever we put our minds to.

So let’s rally together to continue to make Westlake the best lake it can be!

Thanks, Kaia


NZALT Certificates of Excellence 2019 results in Languages

A high rate of top achievement in Languages yet again.

We wish to congratulate all our students who performed so well in their international language in NCEA last year. From Levels 1 to 3, the high rate of success of many language students in 2019 is to be commended. Those students listed below who are currently at Westlake attained Excellence overall in NCEA in Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish at Levels 1 and 2.

To celebrate their achievement, each student has been awarded a Certificate of Excellence from the New Zealand Language Teachers’ Association which they can now add to their portfolio of skills and accomplishments for future employment opportunities.

To their credit, these students have worked diligently to polish their language skills since Year 9.  We acknowledge the many other students who also attained sound grades in their chosen international language(s).  As teachers, we are encouraged by their fine efforts.

Teachers of the Languages Department

Name Examination Level Language House
Rachel An NCEA Level 1 Chinese Onewa
Yulin Chen NCEA Level 1 Chinese Akoranga
Bella Ding  NCEA Level 1 Chinese Onewa
Emily Han NCEA Level 1 Chinese Onewa
Iris Hoo NCEA Level 1 Chinese Akoranga
Ellisa Sanicas NCEA Level 1 Chinese Onewa
Sarah Zhou NCEA Level 1 Chinese Onewa
Selina Chan NCEA Level 1 Japanese Hauraki
Christy Chen NCEA Level 1 Japanese Wairau
Jane Choi NCEA Level 1 Japanese Pupuke
Kay Frabrin NCEA Level 1 Japanese Akoranga
Rachel Huang NCEA Level 1 Japanese Hauraki
Kathy Li NCEA Level 1 Japanese Pupuke
Yvonne Liew NCEA Level 1 Japanese Wairau
Sera Nakayama NCEA Level 1 Japanese Akoranga
Venxia Niu NCEA Level 1 Japanese Onewa
Angela Park NCEA Level 1 Japanese Akoranga
Mauwee Louise Pena NCEA Level 1 Japanese Akoranga
Ruby Qu NCEA Level 1 Japanese Hauraki
Naiki Saito NCEA Level 1 Japanese Akoranga
Lijing Sun NCEA Level 1 Japanese Wairau
Trinity Vong NCEA Level 1 Japanese Wairau
Asa Waller NCEA Level 1 Japanese Pupuke
Sylvia Si Yu Ye NCEA Level 1 Japanese Wairau
Brooke Batty NCEA Level 1 Spanish Akoranga
Grace Chen NCEA Level 1 Spanish Wairau
Corina Errazo NCEA Level 1 Spanish Wairau
Hannah Jones NCEA Level 1 Spanish Hauraki
Jumana Maash NCEA Level 1 Spanish Hauraki
Kavya Mohanan NCEA Level 1 Spanish Onewa
Grace Ottenhof NCEA Level 1 Spanish Hauraki
Leah Patrick NCEA Level 1 Spanish Onewa
Emma Patterson NCEA Level 1 Spanish Wairau
Parmida Raeis-Hosseini NCEA Level 1 Spanish Pupuke
Jin Um NCEA Level 1 Spanish Hauraki
Paris Watkins Barlow NCEA Level 1 Spanish Onewa
Sadheera Weerapperuma NCEA Level 1 Spanish Akoranga
Sarah Penny NCEA Level 1 Spanish Hauraki
Miju Jung NCEA Level 1 Spanish Onewa
Sophie Jones NCEA Level 1 Spanish Pupuke
Margaret Cudmore NCEA Level 1 Spanish Onewa
Sarah Binnie NCEA Level 1 Spanish Hauraki
Maia Abbott NCEA Level 1 Spanish Akoranga
Sofia Anglelova-Bray NCEA Level 1 Spanish Akoranga
Annabelle Ding NCEA Level 1 French Akoranga
Natalija Hayes NCEA Level 1 French Hauraki
Zichen Nancy Jing NCEA Level 1 French Hauraki
Anya Johns NCEA Level 1 French Hauraki
Samantha Torres NCEA Level 1 French Onewa
Georgia Webster NCEA Level 1 French Akoranga
Zoe Wu NCEA Level 1 French Wairau
Naomi Yacyshen NCEA Level 1 French Onewa
Caitlin Baker NCEA Level 1 German Pupuke
Kata Adrienn Ispanovits NCEA Level 1 German Akoranga
Huda Khan NCEA Level 1 German Hauraki
Tessa Watson NCEA Level 1 German Wairau
Da Eun Baek NCEA Level 2 Chinese Akoranga
Amy Kim NCEA Level 2 Chinese Akoranga
Jina Kim NCEA Level 2 Chinese Akoranga
Celine Liang NCEA Level 2 Chinese Onewa
Jessica Liu NCEA Level 2 Chinese Hauraki
Seo Yu Eily Park NCEA Level 2 Chinese Wairau
Paris Shen NCEA Level 2 Chinese Onewa
Cindy Yang NCEA Level 2 Chinese Pupuke
Sela Courtenay NCEA Level 2 Japanese Pupuke
Julia Ha NCEA Level 2 Japanese Pupuke
Kyoka Ihashi NCEA Level 2 Japanese Hauraki
Suyeon Kim NCEA Level 2 Japanese Wairau
Alice Le NCEA Level 2 Japanese Wairau
Jessica Liu NCEA Level 2 Japanese Hauraki
Natalie Marryatt NCEA Level 2 Japanese Wairau
Rina Nagaoka NCEA Level 2 Japanese Hauraki
Serena O’Dea NCEA Level 2 Japanese Wairau
Sally Park NCEA Level 2 Japanese Pupuke
Jinyi Si NCEA Level 2 Japanese Pupuke
Leila Su NCEA Level 2 Japanese Hauraki
Rita Rakeuchi NCEA Level 2 Japanese Hauraki
Sarah Waller NCEA Level 2 Japanese Pupuke
Viggy Veerin Wattanawong NCEA Level 2 Japanese Wairau
Mila Eichelsheim NCEA Level 2 Spanish Wairau
Emma Tucker NCEA Level 2 Spanish Pupuke
Selin Akkaya NCEA Level 2 French Akoranga
Juliette Brice NCEA Level 2 French Hauraki
Sarra Ekladious NCEA Level 2 French Pupuke
Yomna Hegazy NCEA Level 2 French Onewa
Yinming Li NCEA Level 2 French Onewa
Hannah Troughton NCEA Level 2 French Pupuke
Annika Pletikosic NCEA Level 2 German Wairau
Sarah Waller NCEA Level 2 German Pupuke
Xiaofan Sherry Zhang NCEA Level 2 German Hauraki

Important Things to Note - 22 May 2020

NCEA exams

Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, external NCEA examinations have been postponed by one week. They will now begin on Monday 16 November and conclude on Wednesday 9 December. You can find a full list of exams on our website.

Senior Entrance Exams

Another change due to the Covid-19 lockdown is that to maximise teaching ime, we will not be holding our Senior Entrance Exams in September. Instead, students will sit a 1-hour Derived Grade Assessment for each Achievement Standard. We have sent an email to our Senior Students (Years 11-13) today with more information.

In addition to providing students with an indication of their progress towards final exams, the purpose of these assessments is also to ensure students will qualify to apply for a derived grade, should they need to, in the external NZQA exams. A derived grade can be awarded to a student who is unable to sit the final external exam due to medical reasons or other extraordinary circumstances.

The assessments will start from Week 9 (8 June) and for our Year 11 and 12 students, they will qualify them for entrance into courses next year – exactly as our Entrance Exams would have done. Assessments will be announced at least two weeks in advance, with a calendar posted on or website under “Notices” on the homepage. They will be held under supervised examination conditions and Special Assessment Conditions will be in place for students who require them.

School assemblies

We will not be holding these next week, as we ease back into school and become comfortable with being around groups of people again. Instead, form class visits will be made by senior staff.

Procedure if your daughter is sick at school

With the cold and flu season nearly upon us, it’s very important you keep your daughter home if she is even slightly unwell.

If a student becomes unwell at school, the Nurse will assess them and then call a parent or caregiver to collect the student. Parents and caregivers will be asked to stay in their car and call the office or Nurse. The student will then be sent out to meet them.

If you are unsure or have any concerns about the health of any of your family please call your GP or Healthline (0800 358 5453).

Checking out stories in The Voice

Don’t forget that the stories you see when you scroll down the homepage of The Voice are just a sampler of what’s under each heading. So, click on “Academic” for all the latest academic news, “Arts & Culture” for stories on our talented teens, and “Community” for what’s happening in our whānau, etc. You got this!




Students shine in Brain Bee challenge


A group of 22 students proved that anything is possible – if you put your mind to it!

The Year 11 group had committed to taking part in this year’s New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge, but because of lockdown, lost the chance to physically participate in the regional finals – which would have included lab visits and presentations from University of Auckland neuroscientists.

Not wanting to let their summer-holiday preparation go to waste, the students put their neuroscience knowledge to the test in an online quiz, run by the Centre for Brain Research during the first week of lockdown. There were 349 students participating from throughout the North Island.

“These girls should be commended for their determination, going beyond what was required of them in a very trying time to represent Westlake Girls so brilliantly,” says Head of Junior Science, Sara Corbett. “The girls collectively spent more than 345 hours preparing for this – and it’s particularly hard as the competition is only for Year 11 students, so they won’t have the chance to participate again.”

Their efforts were rewarded with the following exceptional results:

  • Moe Tun – 2nd
  • Raeanne Leow – 4th equal (with 6 others)
  • Audrey Guo – 5th equal (with 9 others)
  • Jemy Jejy – 6th equal (with 9 others)
  • Amaya Lichauco – 6th equal (with 9 others)

If New Zealand moves to Level 1, these top five students may have the opportunity to visit the University of Auckland’s Centre for Brain Research.

Amaya Lichauco wrote this account of her experience as part of the team.

“Although we had to sit our Brain Bee tests during the first week of lockdown, the most challenging part of this experience for me was the preparation work. After my 12-hours worth of Education Perfect, I read through each of the online modules a few more times to take notes. Selecting and determining the most relevant information was a very time-consuming process, as the learning material was foreign and lengthy. I then used my notes to study, further summarising and refining them as concepts became easier to understand.

“The online test itself was straight-forward. We could sit it at any time throughout the day, as long as we had completed it by midnight. The day we sat the test was, in fact, my birthday, so I was glad the test didn’t take me too long!

“Upon completing the test, it was strange not being able to exchange my answers with others, since we couldn’t assume that our peers had finished their tests. Without these usual post-test discussions, I felt so oddly calm about my performance that I started to stress about why I was wasn’t stressed!

“Overall, participating in the 2020 Brain Bee Challenge during lockdown was a great experience that will undoubtedly be stored in my long-term memory!”