From the Principal

From the Principal

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

We’ve made it through to the end of term after an extraordinary Week 10. For a 4-day week, we certainly packed a lot in, and I’m so proud of the students who participated in a wide range of events.

Firstly though, I want to say well done to our senior students on the successful completion of your exams. It hasn’t been an easy couple of years, and for some of you it would have been the first time you had sat exams in that environment.

As I mentioned, it has been a very full week of activities, including sports, class trips and events.

On Tuesday we held our Prefect Graduation, where we acknowledged the incredible contribution made by our 97 Prefects and Tuakana in 2022. Guest speaker was Alumna Sarah Cross, GM of IP Asset Strategy at Fonterra. She gave an inspiring speech about her career journey, and encouraged students to take career risks when they are young, as they have plenty of time if something doesn’t work out – but often those risks do turn out to be great career moves.

On Wednesday we held our inaugural Father and Daughter Breakfast. It was fantastic to see the Event Centre filled with 360 students and their very proud dads. Another Alumna, Andrea Nelson who is CEO of the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup, shared insights from her career in sports – which was an interesting career path after not being particularly sporty at school. Head Prefect Ivy Mitchell also shared some touching and funny stories about her dad. A big thank you to our rowing community who worked tirelessly to make this event so special.

Wednesday evening saw the Event Centre full once again with families and friends enjoying our inaugural Pasifika Evening. It was a beautiful celebration of dance, music and culture, and I want to congratulate Assistant Principal Donna Pike, along with the staff who assisted, and all of the students who participated.

This week our students also celebrated Cultural Week with a series of events, including International Food Day with a range of different cuisines from around the world.

It’s been a wonderful week of celebration, tinged with sadness as we farewelled some staff members, including Deputy Principal Lucille Vukets. Lucille has been an exceptionally valued member of our staff over the past five years, particularly in the area of Pastoral Care. I know I speak on behalf of the staff and students of Westlake when I thank Lucille for her tremendous impact on our school.

It’s been a very busy term, and I know our staff and students alike will be grateful for the holidays to stop and take a breath. Whatever your plans, I hope you enjoy some quality family time, and the slower pace of life without the morning school run.

Jane Stanley



Students explore their Māori identity

On Friday 30 September, a group of Year 9 – 11 students participated in Auckland University’s Whakapiki Ake project, a workshop focusing on Māori identity and achievement in the Health Sciences.

Liz and Te Whatu guided students through two sessions designed to encourage student reflection and inspire them to reach their potential. Liz’s workshop helped students to reflect on how small, daily decisions can have a big impact on their future lives.

Te Whatu’s workshop inspired students to explore their Māori identity and the strengths they can draw from their heritage.





Zoe named as Co-Captain

Our amazing Zoe Crawford is achieving even greater heights! Currently in Italy representing New Zealand in the Life Saving World Championships, Zoe has just been announced as C0-Captain of the New Zealand Junior Black Fins!

Mairangi Bay’s Zoe, along with Waikanae’s Lachie Falloon are leading the team against the world’s best junior surf lifesavers in the pool and on the beach. The event started on 27 September.

In a press release by Surf Life Saving New Zealand, World Championships junior campaign lead Zac Franich says the decision to appoint Zoe and Lachie was both easy and tough.

“We have a strong team of individuals who are all leaders in their own right, as a coach that’s a blessing but it also makes it a tough decision to make when you have so many options,” he says.

“But when it came to choosing Zoe and Lachie it was also an easy one as they are both very strong in their individual disciplines at the pool and the beach but definitely stand up as big time team players.  “And that’s exactly what we need in Italy.”

Well done, yet again, Zoe!


Want to do some good in our community?

The Clean Up Crew Aotearoa is looking for volunteers to assist at Kennedy Park, Castor Bay in October. See the above poster for details.


Important Things to Note - 30 September 2022

School Office closed during the holidays

Our School Office will be shut from 3- 14 October inclusive. If you need to contact the school, please email [email protected]. This email address will be checked periodically.

Junior Exam Timetable



(10ENGL, 10STEN, 10EAPA)

Friday 4 Nov AM SCIENCE 



(10MATS, 10STMA, 10MATX, 10MATN)

Monday 7 Nov AM ENGLISH 



(10SOST, 10STSO, 10SOSE)




(10SCIE, 10STSC, 10SCIX)


Junior exams are being written in English (various courses), Mathematics (various courses), Science (various courses) and Social Studies (various courses). The exams are all written in the morning and each exam is 2 hours long.

At the end of the exams:

  • Year 10 students have been granted study leave and can go home after the exam. 
  • Year 9 students have a slightly extended lunch and then go to periods 4 and 5 as normal.
Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 17 October Start of Term 4
Thursday 20 October Sports Awards
Monday 24 October Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday 25 October Music Awards
Wednesday 2 November Special Awards Ceremony (day)
Wednesday 2 November Senior Academic Prize-Giving (evening)
Monday 7 November NCEA exams begin
Friday 2 December NCEA exams finish. End of school for Years 11-13
Friday 9 December End of Term for Years 9 and 10

Breakfast proved a great start to the day!

It was an early start for some of our students on Wednesday 28 September, as they proudly brought their dads along to Westlake’s inaugural Father and Daughter Breakfast.

More than 360 people packed the Event Centre, greeted at the door by some of our rowing squad members (who organised the event) and talented pianists Hana Tani and Tara Yoo.

A balloon and flower arch, along with Westlake’s media wall, provided back-drops for photos before guests took their seats downstairs for coffee and breakfast cups of muesli, yoghurt and fruit compote. After a welcome by Deputy Principal Nicky Whitham-Blackwell, breakfast was served by more of our fabulous rowers – cinnamon scrolls, corn fritters with bacon, mini croissants and bacon & egg pie.

Principal Jane Stanley then spoke on the vital role dads play in their daughter’s academic achievements, citing research from the Institute for Family Studies which showed that daughters whose fathers are actively engaged in promoting academic or athletic achievements, and encouraging self-reliance and assertiveness, are more likely to graduate from university, and enter higher paying, more demanding jobs that have been traditionally held by males. She said the research also found that there is an increasing number of young women who are working in the same field as their fathers, which researchers attribute to society’s changing gender roles, but also to daughters receiving more mentoring from their dads.

Our Guest Speaker for the event was alumna Andrea Nelson who is CEO of the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup. She shared stories from her time at Westlake, along with insights from her sports career journey – which was something of a surprise to her as she wasn’t into sports when she was at high school. Shen encouraged dads to support their daughters into sports careers.

Our final speech was by our incredible Head Prefect Ivy Mitchell who shared some hilarious stories about her dad.

We want to pass on a huge thank you to our rowing squads and their amazing families who made the breakfast happen.

Your organisational skills were next level and your attention to detail made the breakfast an exceptional event.

We’ll be back next year, so watch this space!



































Arts & Culture

Talented artist 'Blayzes' ahead

Talent definitely runs in Isobella Glovers family!

The talented Year 13 student created the artwork for her mum’s recently published book “Scorched”, and was also the inspiration for the lead character Blayze.

Isobella is pictured above with her author mum Kimberly Harpur, and her younger sister Summer.

“Scorched is a dystopian sci-fi/ action adventure novel that’s mainly targeted toward young adults,” says Isobella. “It is about four women traversing the scorched Earth to find a cure for a virus that has been plaguing society for 300 years. It is told through the perspectives of some of the main characters in the book.”

Scorched is Kimberly’s first book, although she is making it the first of a trilogy and planning on writing two more, which Isobella will most likely be designing the covers for.

“My mum had a solid idea for the cover in her head and explained what she wanted it to look like; we worked together on designing how it looked and I followed her ideas and made the cover embody what she wanted. I’m really proud of the story and how far it’s come, as I’ve been one of the people mum has bounced ideas off of since the beginning, I’ve seen how she’s developed the characters and the storyline and seen how far it’s come.”

Isobella says it felt surreal to see the book complete. “I haven’t collaborated with my mum on anything else, but it’s very likely that I will in the future,” she says. ”

As for the future, I have no idea what really what I want to pursue as there are so many things that I want to do. I’m planning on studying art history and media, film, and television under a bachelor of arts when I leave high school but I’d love to continue dabbling in the creative arts industry, whether it be drawing things for other people, or writing (and/or illustrating) my own books.”

You can find Scorched on Amazon Kindle.


Te Kāhui Ako o Pupuke STEAM Power-ed Community Event

By Susana Tomaz, STEAM Coordinator and ASL for the Te Kāhui Ako o Pupuke

The Te Kāhui Ako o Pupuke STEAM Power-ED Community Event took place this Thursday in our Event Centre. The event involved the participation of 70 tamariki from our 5 Primary and 2 Intermediate Schools. 

There is significant research highlighting an under-representation of Māori and Pasifika students, and girls undertaking further studies in STEAM and leading to careers in these fields. This event seeked to provide an opportunity for these learners to engage with STEAM concepts and provide a professional development opportunity for accompanying teachers.

The Westlake Girls STEAM students, STEAM alumna students and Westlake Boys Students led the hands on workshops. The mission” Journey to Mars” focused on Mātauranga Māori, through pūrakau (storytelling), and with a futuristic twist. All 70 crew members were required to collaborate and solve several STEAM challenges while on board of their spaceship on their way to Mars. Students were required to use their STEAM knowledge and skills developed in the STEAM programme and further consolidate on this, while being a positive role model for our younger tamariki.

Here is the  video which introduced the challenge and context through the voice of Māui. A big thank you to Mātua Eddie, Anahera Petera and Emma Jane Toi for helping developing the storyline around Māui grandmothers, Mahuika, the great goddess, or atua of fire and Murirangiwhenua, a wise woman with the jawbones of knowledge and the important part they played in empowing Māui to become a great STEAM pioneer.

A big thank you to Michael Wassel from Westlake Boys for being the voice of Commander Māui.

To better understand the impact this event might have we have partnered with Professor Kathryn MacCallum from the University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha (UC) to carry out a short evaluation. The purpose of this study is to better understand learners’ experiences and perceptions of STEAM, especially Science and Technology careers and to determine the impact of the event as well as inform on future planning.

As part of their feedback students were asked to draw a picture of someone working in STEAM. Here are sone examples of what they drew and had to say …

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8


Preparing our Rangatahi to become the future workforce

The ESTEAM and AWHI students spent the day at Tataki Auckland Unlimited. Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, GRIDAKL work together to turn small ideas into great things and push Auckland towards a bright future. Tataki Auckland Unlimited / GridAKL creates new businesses, thriving tech hubs, and vibrant creative industries. 

Students also had the opportunity to visit Holmes Engineering, DATACOM and Media Design School. Students had great exposure to emerging career pathways as well as insight into the world of work as they become the  pool of talent for the future workforce.

A big thank you to Barbara Sholten, our Business Liaison and Catriona Stewart, Manager Entrepreneur Networks at GRID/AKL for organising such an amazing day for our students. If you are a parent and would like to provide an opportunity for our students to visit your business, please get in touch with Barbara at [email protected]

We bumped into Victoria Barber Westlake Girls Graduate for 2021 and ex STEAM student (bottom right in photo, at right) now studying for a  Bachelor of Motion Design at Media Design School.

Here is what the students had to say:

My highlight of the visit was going to MitoQ and learning about the innovation in their business and about the different roles that certain people have in the company. I really enjoyed learning their different pathways to their current roles and it gave me more of an understanding of how people find their way into jobs and careers.” Kate Borton

“I really enjoyed going to all the different workplaces. They were nothing like I imagined. They were creative and interesting not boring. It was cool to see people being able to find jobs that fused their interests such as seeing an accountant that was also very interested in science being able to find a job that suited them. It was also great to be  able to see lots of women in the stereotypical male fields.” Jappan Kaur

“ The overall experience is very inspiring and help me focus more on what Esteam career I would like to work in the future.” Rachel Xie

“Being able to have further insight of what a civil engineer does at work. I found this trip very insightful and it has made me more confident and knowledgeable about my career interests. I’m still very set on attempting a scholarship for calculus or physics, so I want to continue studying it in hopes for going further in engineering.” Arissa Raufie



Meet our new Board of Trustees Student Rep

We held our student elections for the Board of Trustees recently, with Year 11 student Jappan Kaur voted in as new Student Representative.

Over her time at Westlake, Jappan has had many academic achievements and has been involved in lots of extra-curricular activities and sports. She is excited to be the new Student Rep on the Board of Trustees, and shares her thoughts below:

Jappan Kaur

Hi, I’m Jappan Kaur, a Year 11 student at Westlake Girls High School. I was born in New Zealand and my parents migrated from Punjab, India in 2001. After facing many hardships in New Zealand because of their race, religion and socio-economic differences, they continued to pursue through those tough times and are now successfully and happily living on the North Shore. My parents made many sacrifices to give me a life much easier than theirs and I want to thank them for this and their constant support because they are the reason why I am here.

I am very grateful for being elected this year for the Board of Trustees Student Representative of Westlake Girls High School. I would also like to thank everyone who voted for me to represent them and their voice. I will try my absolute best to fulfil all the promises I made and represent the student body and their concerns. I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to vote, not just for me but any of the other capable candidates, because I am proud that you took action to get closer to changing our school for the better. I would also like to thank all my teachers and staff for supporting me and a special mention of thanks to the other candidates.

Here in my three years at Westlake, I’ve tried to make the best of the opportunities our school offers and I am very grateful to be here at this school and for all the amazing teachers and peers that supported me every step of the way and still continue to do so. I have previously been part of the school tennis team, the CYGNET programme, and many different clubs and events. I am currently an Amnesty International leader, librarian team leader, participating in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh and many other clubs and activities ranging from participating in the Westlake Model United Nations to Junior Debating and Philosophy Club. This school has helped me excel in school as well as out of school helping me to win speech competitions, sports competitions and encouraging me to help my committee through volunteering.

Standing up for this role was a step outside my comfort zone, challenging my confidence, abilities and self-esteem. I am grateful I did this because I believe that growth only happens when one is willing to put themselves in an uncomfortable and challenging situation. That’s how I believe one can truly grow and become a better person for both themselves and the society around them.

Now elected for this role of student representative I will take the problems and concerns of the students to the Board of Trustees so real, long-lasting change can happen that enhances the student and staff life here at Westlake Girls’ High School. I am dedicated to helping my peers and my teachers. As promised, I want to be the voice of the students and have this voice heard loud and strong.

Once again thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and also supported me along the way.


Bring Back the Band!

Friday 4 November, Westlake Boys Auditorium

Featuring Don McGlashan and Blam, Blam, Blam

As part of Westlake’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations, Westlake Boys, along with the Westlakers alumni committee, invites our Westlake community to celebrate with us on Friday 4 November at our ‘Bring Back the Band’ night. This is an R18 event exclusively for our Westlake community – bring your adult family members, friends and colleagues for a fun night out!

Along with Blam Blam Blam, proud Westlaker Don McGlashan will be performing a special solo set featuring his iconic and much-loved NZ rock classics including Anchor Me, Bathe in the River, Dominion Road and more!

Standard tickets $60.

VIP tickets $120 – our VIP ticket option gives you the chance to meet the band and share a meal with them!

Click here for Tickets


Representing New Zealand

Lucy Brunton, Year 13,  has been selected to represent New Zealand at the Oceania Judo Open Competition in Perth, Australia next month. She will compete in the U57kg Junior Women’s category. Congratulations Lucy!


Stellar year for Westlake netballers

Westlake Girls finished the netball season on a high note at the Harbour Netball Prizegiving Awards night on Thursday 22 September, after winning 8 grades, finishing 2nd in five and 3rd in seven more grades, making it 20 podium finishes across 22 grades.

Westlake also won two coveted trophies, the Highest number of goals score by a team across all the secondary school teams and the Lowest number of goals score against teams in the Collegiate Grades.  WGHS 5 (Year 10-1, pictured left), had a superb season winning the first trophy and most of their games by more than 20 goals each week.

The school’s top Year 10 team beat Wentworth 1, 51- 27 in the final to win Open B Grade.  Shooter, Karmen Maritz and mid-courter, Talia Chatfield also represented Harbour at the North Island Under 14 Championships where they won Gold for the first time earlier in the year.

The Year 9-14 team (pictured right), coached by students, Ishani Soni-Singh, Adriana Tobin, Alison Fan, had an imposing defensive unit that prevented all the opposition teams from scoring double figures.  The Year 9 team won the cup for the Lowest goal average scored against them in all the Collegiate Grades.  Their results across the season resembled 27-2, 27-5 and 14-4 and in the final they beat Horizon 11- 1 to win the Year 9 Grade 8 Championship.

Netball North Harbour Grade Winners

WGHS 5          College Open B Grade
WGHS 18        College 9 Grade
WGHS 24        College 12 Grade
WGHS Year 9 – 1        Year 9 – Grade 1
WGHS Year 9 – 3        Year 9 – Grade 2
WGHS Year 9 – 6        Year 9 – Grade 3
WGHS Year 9 – 13      Year 9 – Grade 7
WGHS Year 9 – 14      Year 9 – Grade 8


The Uniform Shop is looking for a store manager

The Uniform Shop which supplies Westlake with its uniforms, is look for part-time shop manager, with most of the school holidays off.

The are seeking a person with administration and customer service skills who can demonstrate leadership, thrives on responsibility, and can take ownership of the role.

The manager’s role at THE U SHOP, our offsite school uniform shop located at Unit 10, 54 View Road, Wairua Valley, Auckland would suit a person who fits well within the school community.

This job is for you if you are a team player, have methodical work habits, very organised and can consistently offer great customer service to everybody.”

The tasks required are: managing stock, general administration duties, assisting students/parents with their uniform selection, operating our POS system, working with a supportive back up team and communicating regularly with Head Office.

The hours can be 12+ hours per week during Terms 2 and 3 with more hours during Term 1 and 4 required for the busy back-to-school sell through time including the last 2 weeks of January.

The role would suit a person who has the flexibility or even re-entering the workforce.

• Retail selling experience is beneficial
• Previous customer service skills are required
• Have strong computer skills in Excel and Outlook
• Ability to learn and accurately use new software is a must
• Apparel understanding is helpful
• Ability to communicate well both verbally and written is essential
• Professional in your approach and communication

• Honest and dependable
• Have integrity
• Well presented

Solid training is available with continuous support from the rest of the Team.

If you or anyone you know who might be interested in this role, please submit Cover Letter and CV to Anna Moosa at [email protected] or call on 027 700 3258 to discuss further.


Bringing the world to Westlake

Westlake celebrated Cultural Week with a food festival at lunch time on Thursday. We had Japanese dangos, French macarons and croissants, Spanish churros and Chinese dumplings – to name just a few!

The atmosphere was great and Akongas and Kaiakos were having a feast there!

Thank you to everyone who participated for understanding different cultures and enjoying their cuisine!










A Celebration of Breakfast

Our Year 10 Food Technology have been investigating the benefits of having a nutritious breakfast this term. 

They have identified the nutritional needs of teenage girls, including the importance of iron and calcium in our diets.

Through analysis of existing breakfast’s they have found ways to reduce the amount of sugar and saturated fats they consume.

To convey their knowledge they created posters to help others make healthy choices.

In their practical classes they explored ways to make breakfast more appealing to teenage girls who may need to eat “breakfast on the go”!  This week we held a “Breakfast Celebration” in which they have the chance to try each other’s delicious creations!

Pictured top is a poster example, by Emma Harrison.


Arts & Culture

Māori Language Week poster winner

As part of our 2022 Māori Language Week celebrations recently, we held a poster competition, where students designed a poster supporting Te Reo Māori.

The winner was Year 10 student Amy Cho. She’s pictured receiving her prize from Matua Eddie Hudson. Well done Amy!