From the Principal

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

We are thrilled to welcome you back to another exciting school year! Whether you’re returning after a well-deserved summer break or joining us for the first time, we are so glad to have you as part of our vibrant school community.

A special mention goes to our new students, who we were delighted to greet during our recent pōwhiri. It was a beautiful and moving ceremony, and we are already so impressed by the warmth, respect, and enthusiasm shown by all. We look forward to seeing you grow and thrive in the coming months.

Our Head Prefect Julia Wilkins and Deputy Anahera Petera have already demonstrated incredible leadership, and we are confident that their guidance will inspire everyone throughout the year. They, along with our dedicated teachers and staff, are committed to ensuring that each student feels supported, challenged, and excited for the journey ahead.

A special welcome to our international students, both returning and new! We are excited to have you with us and look forward to the unique perspectives and experiences you bring. Your presence enriches our school, and we hope you feel embraced and supported as you settle in and embark on a successful year ahead.

This year promises to be filled with learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. Let’s make it one to remember!


Jane Stanley


Image: Left: Anahera Petera, Right: Julia Wilkins.


72 new international students at WGHS

We’re thrilled to welcome 72 new international students to our WGHS family for Term 1! We held two orientation programs—one on 23-24 January and the second on 3 February. Both sessions went smoothly, with students settling in easily and engaging positively with their new environment. It was wonderful to see students from diverse backgrounds connecting and forming new friendships.

We’re excited to make this experience memorable and enriching for all our international students, ensuring they feel supported and eager for their time with us.

With this new addition, we now have a total of 162 international students.

Image: our new international students with Associate Principal Mr David Burton

Arts & Culture

Host family travels to China

We are very lucky at WGHS to have a vibrant international department that looks after all our international students and the lovely local families who host them.

This summer, one of these host families, the Daifallah-Alhaj family, went to China with their homestay student Olivia Gao, to meet Olivia’s family. Nahed Alhaj, the mother of this family, shares her account below.

Our recent trip to China to visit Olivia’s family was a truly enriching experience. We were welcomed with open arms and felt incredibly spoiled by their kindness and hospitality. From exploring the rich tapestry of Chinese history to indulging in a variety of mouth-watering dishes, every moment was filled with wonder and delight. The journey not only broadened our horizons but also left us with cherished memories of an amazing cultural exchange. A heartfelt thank you to Olivia’s family for their generosity and to Westlake Girls for providing us with the opportunity to host their students and learn about a different culture.

Nahed Alhaj

Arts & Culture

Stage Spectacular

Stage Spectacular is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the year 10s at Westlake Girls. It gives them a chance to make new friends, bring out the creative side of themselves and try new things.

Stage Spectacular is when each PE class in year 10 takes the control from their teacher and takes on the leadership role. All classes are assigned a theme and have to create a performance based on that theme. There are different roles for everyone, for example I was one of the choreographers which means I created the dance moves. Other roles included are creative directors, story writers, costume makers, prop makers, DJ’s and everyone had to be involved in some way. This shows that Stage Spectacular involves inclusivity and a role for everyone.

After everyone’s hard work in creating a dance, the dance is then performed to the other classes and teachers. At the end, first, second and third, plus extra awards for choreography, storyline, music, costume, plus more are announced. This gives students the opportunity to show their competitive side.

2nd Place
3rd Place

I am currently a year 11 student at Westlake Girls and last year I had the opportunity to take part in Stage Spectacular. If someone asked me how my experience went, I would say it was my favourite part about year 10. I loved choreographing different dances with my friends and I loved having the responsibility to take on a leadership role.

The theme for my class’s dance was Animal Rights, we then chose the captured orcas at Seaworld as our topic. We chose this topic because we felt that this was something that needed to be shared across more people. We wanted more people to speak up for the orca’s since they can’t speak for themselves.

Our dance ended up placing first. This was a massive accomplishment for me and boosted my confidence to a big extent. The year 10s of 2025 should be looking forward to this amazing opportunity. Thank you for reading!

Sophie Knight 11WBM

Main image: 1st place winners


School photos, mark the date





Meet our Deputy Head Prefect

How did you feel when you learned you would be in this role?

I was super excited to be awarded with one of the prefect roles, but in all honesty, I was slightly disappointed to have missed out on the head prefect role. I think this is completely normal, as I don’t know anyone that was awarded deputy head prefect that wasn’t aiming higher. Knowing what I know now, and having worked with Julia so closely already, I am over the moon with my role and the way we work as a team. Initially I was nervous about what responsibilities I would have in this role, but I was mostly just stoked with the opportunity to lead in the school.

Why do you think you were chosen (what special leadership qualities do believe you have?)

I believe that throughout my time at Westlake I made strong connections with members of the school community, including my peers from all year levels, teachers, staff and other members of the Westlake community. This is what I believe was the strongest contributor to my appointment. I also had a really clear idea of my goals and what I wanted to achieve as a prefect, which helped in my interview. A few of the qualities that I think helped their decision are empathy, confidence, and humour. I just tried to showcase my strongest attributes, and a big one for me is empathy. Showing that I could put myself in others shoes and have different views I think is a big part of the way I lead.

What’s your main goal in this role? 

I just want to ensure I am really present at school, especially for the juniors. I want to be a recognisable and approachable person that really is the connection between staff and students. One of the goals that I always had for this role was to enhance the presence of Māori in the school. I think we are already taking so many steps towards this, with our new whare being built, regular karakia, and use of reo Māori. I aim to further this, to have Māori being an everyday occurrence for our students. I have been fortunate enough to be very involved with Te Ao Māori at our kura, so anything I can do to further this is a goal of mine. Apart from this, I just want to teach our students – especially juniors – to enjoy high school and learn to have a good time while they’re here.

In what ways do you think you and Julia will complement each other?

Despite not really knowing each other at all before our partnership, it is clear to see that Julia and I work well as a team. In my opinion, one of my roles as her deputy is to be the organiser and support for Julia as she fulfils her many responsibilities. She makes this incredibly easy, keeping clear and consistent communication. We definitely contribute equally in our partnership and can support each other when needed. Julia has done nothing but make me feel valued and supported and I look forward to the rest of the year together.


New tuckshop!

Did you know our new tuckshop has just opened by the Event Centre? It has a comprehensive menu with lots of delicious healthy options, (and plenty of fun sweet treats too) and it is already very popular! Students and parents can order online.


Significant marae visit

For some time here at WGHS we have been working with our local Iwi, Ngāti Paoa, to strengthen our collaborative and reciprocal relationship. As we approach our new Whare’s opening, this has become even more important.

On 23 January, we had the wonderful opportunity for all staff to spend the day on Ngāti Paoa’s Piritahi Marae on Waiheke Island.

On arrival, we were welcomed onto the Marae with a full Pōwhiri. Our Te Reo kaiako Maddi Gerbes and Eddie Hudson helped facilitate our full participation. Maddi was a phenomenal Kaikaranga and Eddie did us proud with his Kōrero, demonstrating deep research into the Iwi and their taonga. At the conclusion of the Pōwhiri, all 150 staff were greeted with a hongi by the tangata whenua. This was a very moving occasion for staff, and Ngāti Paoa also felt honoured by the size of the group and the commitment by our school to true partnership.

After sharing kai, we learned about the history and values of Ngāti Paoa, the meaning of all the carvings and artwork inside the Marae, and had all aspects of the Pōwhiri and tikanga explained to us. Our gratitude for the tangata whenua was demonstrated by two beautiful waiata sung by staff at different points during the day.

This was a truly memorable and meaningful experience. Staff feel enriched in their understanding of Te Ao Māori, in particular from the perspective of Ngāti Paoa, and we look forward to a long and authentic partnership.



Meet our Head Prefect

How did you feel when you learned you would be in this role?

I broke a light shade. I remember seeing the unknown number come up on my phone, and hesitantly picking it up. As soon as I realised it was Mrs Stanley—and once she told me I would be Head Prefect—I was ecstatic! When I phoned my parents, I was in tears, and could barely tell them the good news. Jumping around the living room, shrieking with joy, my hand connected with the light and a huge piece fell on the floor. Luckily, my Dad has since managed to superglue the broken light back together.

Why do you think you were chosen (what special leadership qualities do you believe you have?)

I love Westlake. I love the ocean of red blazers pouring out the classes, the laughter ringing in the corridors, the teachers smiling in welcome. My aroha for Westlake soaks into everything I do, and has helped shape me into the leader I am today. I’ve learnt confidence and teamwork from Theatresports, because when you’re standing on a stage and completely making up a scene, you’ve got to give it your all and have each other’s backs. From windsurfing, I learnt perseverance. It’s so important not to give up, to keep going even when you’re floating in the middle of the lake and unsure what you’re doing wrong. Directing a 15 minute Sheilah Winn scene taught me organization, not only of time and objects but of people—seeing my vision brought to life by my brilliant friends was incredible. When I joined the Latin Dance troupe last year, it took courage and commitment. I’d never really danced before, and then suddenly I was twirling about in heels.

 I think I was chosen because of my unique qualities I’ve gained from every experience, club, sport, or art I’ve ever done, along with my optimistic, positive energy and willingness to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I’m comfortable taking the lead, as well as encouraging and supporting others in the background. Ultimately though, I think it’s the huge amount of love I have in my heart that had me chosen as Head Prefect.

How do you intend to use your position ‘for good’ this year?

Perhaps I’ll use it ‘for evil’… convince the Senior Leadership Team that we should really have a giant roller coaster built…

In all seriousness, being Head Prefect puts me in a position to help the student body, and be the connection between staff and students. I want to be somebody who students can look to for guidance or inspiration, a friendly face around the school. Westlake has so many cool events throughout the year, and I’m excited to be so highly involved in the school community. I intend to promote these amazing events (cultural nights, arts nights, school production etc.) throughout the school year. Also, I’d love to encourage students to be bold and the best they can!

What’s your main goal in this role? 

I’ve promised myself I’m going to pack as much in this year as I can, and my role as Head Prefect is no different. Among speeches and events, I hope to be able to host a leadership conference with Anahera, and implement some new initiatives in the school—I’ve got some cool ideas (but haven’t discussed these with Senior Leadership yet, so I won’t share them here)! In particular though, I want to bolster the school spirit and make everyone feel welcome and a part of this amazing community. Please come and say hi to me if you see me around, I’d love to meet you!

In what ways do you think you and Anahera will complement each other?

I really admire Anahera. We didn’t really know each other before becoming the Head Prefects, but already I can tell that she is determined, passionate, and hard working. I believe we’re going to work really well together this year, alongside our incredible House Captains. Anahera and I have strengths in different areas, as both of us come from different areas of interest (me in the Arts, Anahera in Te Ao Māori) but share a strong respect for each other and our values. When we were asked to complete a survey, both of us came out with our top leadership strength as ‘Love’, which shows not only how we both lead with our hearts, but also our alignment of values and our attunement to one another. Anahera deserves so much respect and recognition, as I believe we share an equally important role this year.


Share your news with us / Partner with us

We love hearing from our community and it is a buzz to share happy news stories about staff and students outside of school. If you have a story that you’d like us to include in our newsletter, get in touch with Marketing & Communications Officer, Bridget Ellis-Pegler.

Please note: NO ADVERTISING. 

If you are interested in discussing the possibility of a meaningful, long-term partnership between your organisation and Westlake Girls’, see  the ‘Our Partners’ Page on the website, or email our Community Relationship Manager, Dean Flyger for more information.