Arts & Culture

Celebrating Samoan Language Week in style!

Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa- le autu
Poupou le Lotoifale. Ola manuia anofale”- Strengthen the posts of your house for all to thrive

O le vaiaso lenei sa faatulagaina ai e nisi o fanau gaioiga o le vaiaso faapitoa I le gagana Samoa. Sa faatulagina e tama ma teine mai aoga e lua o Westlake le faiga Ava ile aso gafua ma le aso lua,  taaloga Lape sa faia le aso lulu, ae faaiuna le vaiaso I pesepesega, siva ma suppers sa tapenaina e fanau mo faiaoga ma tamaiti o le aoga. Muai fa’afetai faapitoa i matua na lagolagoina le faamoemoe a fanau. Mataafa Sani ma Christabelle Mataafa,  Asuao Emi Sofai, le komiti Pasifika matua, aemaise Paiaaua Puavao Tanimo mo le aoina le faiga o le Ava i fanau e faailogaina ai latou gagana ma le latou Aganu’u Fa’asamoa.

Last week the students of Westlake Girls celebrated the official Samoan Languages Week at school. The students from both Westlake schools learnt and performed an Ava Ceremony to showcase their culture, customs and traditions. The opening of this week started with the Ava Ceremony held up at Westlake Boys on Monday then Westlake Girls on Tuesday.

Wednesday saw staff head down to play the students in a game of Lape, and they finished the week with live siva Samoan dances, music and supper sales to staff and students.

Special thanks to the parents who helped the students prepare for this week- Mataafa Sani Mataafa, Christabelle Mataafa, Asuao Emi Sofai, the Pasifika parents komiti, especially Paiaaua Puavao Tanimo for teaching the students the way of the Samoan Ava.

The students were proud to showcase who they are and where they are from, their Fa’asinomaga- identity.


















Two golds and a national title at Rhythmic Champs

Four Westlake Girls students competed at the New Zealand Secondary School Rhythmic Championships in Auckland, winning two gold medals.

Congratulations to Year 9 students Mary Malkova (pictured above top) and Shalinee Bajwa (pictured above) who won gold. Mary surpassed a competitive field to become the 2021 National Junior Secondary Schools Champion after coming 1st in the NZSS Junior International Division.

Fellow Year 9 student, Shalinee Bajwa finished first in Level 6 with impressive performances in ball, hoop and ribbon.

Two other students also competed strongly. Nadia Franklin finished 4th in Level 7 and Holly Wright turned out for Level 8.

The WGHS Gymsports team is set to compete again at the Auckland Secondary Schoools Gymsport Championship on Thursday 17 June.

Arts & Culture

Musical treat this Tuesday

Just a reminder that our fabulous choral singers will be performing this coming Tuesday, 15 June, at a free hour-long concert in preparation for the Big Sing.

Held in the Westlake Boys High School Auditorium, you can hear 10-minute performances by each of the following:

Nota Bella Junior Choir, WGHS (Helen Acheson)
Momentum, WBHS (Warwick Robinson)
Cigno Voce Senior Choir, WGHS (Rachel Carson)
Voicemale, WBHS (David Squire)
Cantare, WGHS (Fiona Wilson)
Choralation, WGHS and WBHS (Rowan Johnston)


Our choirs will compete at the Auckland Town Hall on the following days:

Wednesday 23 June
Cigno Voce Choir – 9.30am session
Nota Bella Choir – 3.30pm session
Gala Concert – 7 – 9.30pm 

Thursday 24 June
Cantare Choir – 10.45am session
Choralation Choir – 1.30pm session
Gala Concert and Prizegiving – 7 – 10pm



Golden Swan Café ready to serve

The opening of our student-run Golden Swan Café is highly anticipated each year, by students and staff alike.

Each Tuesday and Thursday until Term 4, our Food Technology/Hospitality students hone their skills whipping up a range of speciality coffees and hot chocolates. This past Tuesday, the first flat whites were proudly crafted by our budding young baristas and by Thursday, the cafe was humming.

Each year 15-24 students are able to complete a Barista Course in the school holidays and then run the café – organising everything from making hot beverages, providing customer service and taking payments including using the EFTPOS machine. It’s brilliant work experience for any student wanting a part-time job in a café.

Staff and Year 13 students can purchase a range of coffees and our Yerar 9-12 students can buy themselves a frothy hot chocolate. The café is open from 7.50am and prices are just $3.50 per beverage (50c extra for speciality milks) – but you can save 50c if you bring your own keep cup.

Pictured above on their second day of work were Sarah Putrus, Leah Gaffley, Maddy Gorst and Hannah Colye.


Softball success - including Junior White Sox announcement

It’s been a brilliant season for our softballers, with several achivements, including Charlotte Graham (Year 11) being named in the 2021 New Zealand Junior White Sox softball squad.

This has been a goal for Charlotte ever since she started playing softball – and it’s amazing to have achieved it at only 15-years-of-age.

Charlotte plays softball for the Roosters Softball Club in the North Harbour Association and has represented North Harbour in many tournaments around New Zealand. She has always been an active and dedicated player with the Westlake Girls Softball teams since starting in Year 9.  Charlotte is the pitcher for her team(s) and also enjoys playing first base and third.

Charlotte is pictured top in action, below centre, and right (number 12) standing next to her coach.

At left, Charlotte (centre) is pictured with fellow Westlake softballers Cheyleigh Natana-Wihongi (left) and Jayah Lee (right).

Jayah had some great softball achievements this past season. Some of these include NZ Development Sox 2020, NZ Development Sox 2021, Auckland U15 representative 2020, Blue Sox representative U18 2020, and Top U15 batter in NZ 2020. Jayah played for the Waitakere bears womans prems team who took out 1st place in their series.

Cheyleigh’s achievements include: Auckland U18 Rep Team, Northern Regional Winners, Northern Regional Tournament Team, Northern Regional Top Pitcher, New Zealand Junior White Sox, Graeme Gollan U18 Championship Winners, Gollan Tournament Team. Gollan Tournament Top Pitcher, NZ Secondary Tournament Team, NZ Secondary Div 1 – 3rd Place, Auckland U18 Girls Winners – Auckland United Auckland U18’s Easter Classic Team Easter Classic U18 Girls – Runners Up.

For a school where we only have a small player pool for softball, our success rate is high.  Charlie along with fellow Westlake girls past/current players Pania Reihana-Halford, Maddison Gerbes, Cheyleigh Natana-Wihongi and Jayah Lee, have all been apart of current/played Junior White Sox or Junior Development Sox team. We also have a number regional representatives to add.

A big mihi to Jason Gerbes and Trina Baggett who both came on board and brought softball to our school.  This has been carried on by Popz Mariner, Heidi and Jason Murray.


Debaters learn from two of the best - and take out the win!

Congratulations to our Premier Advanced Debating Team of Grace Chen, Aneta Du and Lily Qi (Reserve Sofia Angelova-Bray) who won their fundraising debate against Carmel College’s formidable Advanced Open Team on Friday 4 June.

Both teams were invited by North Harbour Rotary to take part in the debate at Shore Junction together with the opportunity to have politicians David Seymour and Chloe Swarbrick, on their
teams. The moot was: “This House believes that sports teams and athletes should compete overseas during the Covid-19 Pandemic.”

Westlake was assisted by Green MP, Chloe Swarbrick and Carmel by the leader of the ACT Party, David Seymour, with our team taking the negative side. The main points covered to weigh up the pros and cons of allowing the teams and athletes to compete overseas, included the economic benefits, health risks and impact on athletes’ mental health.

Both teams were well matched, but by the end of the debate, the Auckland Secondary Schools Debating Association adjudicators felt that of the three main substantive points, Westlake won with the strongest arguments given to support two out of the three points.

Both teams really appreciated the experience and chance to debate with skilled parliamentary speakers who were both very funny and entertaining. We would like to thank Rotary North
Harbour for the amazing opportunity they provided for our debaters, and Mrs Fiona Shinkaya, Teacher In Charge of Debating, from Carmel College who invited the formidable Carmel College
Premier Team to participate in the debate.


Passing down a passion for reading

By Shivani Arivuchelvan and Henna Kshatriya
On behalf of the WGHS Reading Buddies

Tuakana Teina, a great value that we cherish at Westlake Girls. As young members of the society we are motivated to connect with the community through service, this has driven our participation in the Buddy Reading Programme.

Through the Pupuke Kāhui Ako of Learning, we are partnering with Milford Primary School to encourage young learners to enjoy and have passion towards reading. We aim to build a supportive relationship in a safe and happy environment. We aim for younger readers to see what being fluent looks like as they have a peer model demonstrating reading skills; they can also acquire a positive role model with some intentional pairing.

Thursday 20 May, a cool sunny breezy morning, yet excitement filled many of our minds as we were about to have a great start. As learners entered, the library’s vibrant welcome brought smiles to many faces. We were paired up with a student from Milford Primary, and then the journey began. The shyness started to come out of the students as we introduced ourselves. As we went to find a book to read, this brought back child memories as we saw all the picture books.

We took turns reading to them or they would read to us. Working with the kids was a blissful experience, it was a package of great picture books, as laughs were shared as the shyness broke down. It was great to see smiles on their faces when they were reading, and as a team we aspire to help them build connections with their life and the text and motivate them to share their passion with other young learners as well. As we always say; never stop learning because life never stops teaching, and a book is a new journey.

A total of 42 Westlake students meet every Thursday morning at 8am to read with a Milford School reading buddy for half an hour. We thank Mrs Robinson and Miss Clarke for providing us with the opportunity to partake in such an amazing event.



Strong start for Westlake weightlifter

In 2020 three Westlake students commenced and have continued to take part in a Weightlifting Programme based at the Functional Strength Gym in Albany.

One of these students recently took part in her first competition representing the school at the Auckland Secondary School Weightlifting Championships in the Novice category. Year 12 student Mikaela Williams (pictured) enjoyed her first competitive event and won one of four Technical Excellence Awards given out across all competitors.

Weightlifting is a growth sport in New Zealand for females. There are opportunities to qualify for international events including the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games. If you are interested in getting involved in this Sport, please see Ms Page in the Sports Office (P9) for more information.


Taking Food Tech to the streets

Over the past 12 weeks, our Year 10 Food Technology students have been designing a street food product based on the concept of Kai Ora (food for health). 

The products they designed had to meet the following specifications:

  • Easy to hold (napkin or skewer)
  • Serving size (3), 2-3 bites
  • Visually appealing
  • Reflects chosen culture
  • Quick to make (30mins)

The students enjoyed making well-known street food products from a variety of cultures during their practical lessons. They evaluated these foods and conducted research to then come up with their own unique and innovative street food idea. Our students tested and trialed their concepts, gaining stakeholder feedback along the way, to ensure an an optimal final product.

At the end of the unit, students were able to invite guests to a food market in the Golden Swan Cafe.  This created an opportunity for our Year 10 students to connect with their peers while showcasing their products and chosen cultures. 

Some reflections / comments by our students:

“I liked getting to try new foods, exploring different cultures.”

“Overall in this unit I learned how to make food in a limited time, what it meant to make healthy food, and the different flavours, textures and combinations that can make a food unique and tasty. I was able to recognise the amount of hard work and patience street food vendors and fast food workers must have – to be able to produce an item of food in a limited time while maintaining health and safety rules must be really challenging; I really do respect them. I also learned how not all ‘fast’ food items have to be unhealthy. In class we made a range of different products that could be made in a short amount of time but were filled with nutritious ingredients. It really changed my perspective of healthy food. I thoroughly enjoyed this unit and look forward to making more healthy and delicious food products; I will definitely be making some of them at home to show my family!”
Amira Shafiq








Above left: Taniwha burgers (Emily, Harmony, Bella), and Emma Foster with Lydia Faranso









Above: Pizza Scrolls (Anna, Phoebe, Evelyn) and Bao Bao Dumplings (Ashley, Maddy, Faaroon)








Above: Sushi skewers (Alicia and Olivia) and Dumplings on a stick (Emma, Izzy, Lydia)








Above: Matcha Pancakes (
Hannah, Danica, Chsarya)









Above: Sushi donuts (Maddie, Rebecca, Stevi) and Seaweed Tacos (Jasmine, Ashley, Zahra)









Above: Teriyaki Chicken Tacos (Emma, Ayla, Jessica)








Above: Tanghulu (Amira, Olivia, Mia)

Arts & Culture

Countdown to ShowQuest - tickets now on sale

By Gemma Ferguson
ShowQuest Administrator (and performer)

For the past 10 weeks, 46 Year 9-13 students have been rehearsing weekly on Wednesdays after school for the ShowQuest event on 1 July. This year our theme is based around the story of Alice in Wonderland. We have adapted the well-known story to incorporate ideas around mental health and overcoming negative thoughts. 

ShowQuest performances are a combination of dance, music, design, story-telling, wearable art and drama.

Come along and support Westlake Girls at the ShowQuest event on 1 July at the Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre in Aotea Centre. We would love to see you there!

Tickets range from $12-$25 and are available at 


Momentum gathers for 40-Hour Famine - how you can help

By Sarah Binnie
40-Hour Famine Committee Lead

On Thursday 3 June, we had our first event leading up to this year’s 40-Hour Famine – a visit by World Vision Youth Ambassador Alyssa Wilson (who is also an ex-Westlake student).

We had a really good turnout of 80 or more students from all different year levels. The committee members and I decided to organise this event to make students are aware of why we do the 40-Hour Famine and to learn more about how the students personally can help to solve the biggest hunger crisis of our lifetime.

The students loved hearing from Alyssa. A crucial part of our event was making the students aware of how powerful donating even just $1 can be. The way we conveyed this was I told the students about a story I listened to on a scholarship summit that I attended. The story was about a man named Vitalis who grew up in Kenya. He lived without electricity and the money that his family did have was used on the farm. Uniforms were not introduced to his school until Years 11 and 12, and then many of the students dropped out because they could not afford it. Vitalis luckily got a school uniform for less than $1 through World Vision and it was the first time he had ever put on socks and shoes in his life. The uniform enabled him to go to school, get an education, and therefore a job to earn more money to help out his family and community. This shows that every little bit counts.

Every $1 that we might take for granted actually can determine whether a child can obtain an education. By donating $6, you can provide fast-growing seeds to a family. These seeds help to grow healthy foods to eat and sell and means that a family will be able to make more money to send their children to school and hospital.

We also have one more event before the official 40-Hour Famine weekend from 25-27 June, which we are excited to promote in the form classes and assemblies. Our main goal through these events is to spread awareness of the positive impact students and parents can have through taking part in the 40-hour famine this year. Because if not us then who? If not now then when?

If you would like to support our students who are undertaking the 40-Hour-Famine this year, you can donate using this link below. Thank you for helping our school make a global difference.


From Cygnet to Swan - WGHS Event Centre nearing completion

By Grant Brown
Property Manager

The WGHS Event Centre is in the final quarter of construction and the building is really taking shape.

This is the biggest and most expensive project the school has undertaken in its history. We are very grateful for the dedicated team within the school and the contractors involved in its completion. We, like many other construction projects around Auckland, have been delayed through Covid-19 and delays in obtaining materials from overseas. At this stage we are looking for completion in July and an official opening ceremony in August. There is an amazing array of technology, IT and audio visual equipment left to configure and commission, so we are working hard to be ready in time for our first event!

The power is now on in the building and the lift is commissioned. Over the next few weeks the contractor plans to finish installing the giant heating and ventilation systems, complete the balustrade, bench seating, internal painting, and control room, concrete the loading dock, lower the platform areas and commence laying of the floor coverings. The outside foyer cladding has been completed but there has been a delay in the foyer glass installation. The contractor has provided external coverings to allow the foyer painting and ceiling to continue.

Two weeks ago I had the privileged of hearing our Head of Music, Fiona Wilson, sing on the new stage for the first time. Fiona has a beautiful voice and the acoustics were amazing. I must admit there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. The school is really looking forward to the opening of this centre and to the years of pleasure it will bring to the students, staff and the community in general.

We are about to launch an exciting new way you can support our Event Centre – we will email our parent community in the very near future – watch this space!


Steaming ahead with our engineering alumni

By Ms Kim

WEN is the University of Auckland’s student-led network that builds connections between women in engineering, including students and whānau. They provide a range of services for current women students in engineering and also those who are considering studying engineering.

As a part of their school outreach programmes, a team of female engineering students came to Westlake Girls High School and ran two sessions that demonstrated interesting opportunities in engineering. The WEN team included ex-Westlake students Hala Barakat, Danielle Print and Enuri Kolugala, who are all on the pathway to becaming female engineers. 

The first session was called ‘Aquialibrium” where students plan and build a water distribution network with pipes, calculating flow rates to ensure tanks are filled up at the same timeThis activity is a part of thsecond year civil engineering programme. 

The second session was to code a program to navigate a “Sphero” to park safely in the car park.    

Student Perspective

By Alessia Martin

Be part of the space race.  Design Auckland’s new cross harbour tunnel. Solve our traffic problems.  Enable blind people to see.  Utilise robotic artificial intelligence to help us live better. These dreams are possible and within reach!

A team from Women in Engineering (WEN) at the University of Auckland inspired us to become the future problem solvers of the planet during their visit to Westlake Girls.  We designed and built water tunnel systems and even got to use sphero robots and program them to follow road rules and maps.   As we worked together on these fun engineering challenges they shared stories of their learning journeys and their hopes and aspirations for a better world.   

 Where to next for the STEAM engineers? … Mars? 






















Mountain biking trip comes with ups and downs

Last week the Yr 13 Outdoor Education class spent three days Mountain Biking in Taupō.

On Day 1 we biked around Huka Falls and Craters of the Moon Mountain Biking Park. On Day 2 we ventured further into the wilderness, completing 30kms+ of ups and downs (literally) through the Kinloch region, which pushed us to our limits but made us closer as a group.

Although the natural Spa Road thermal pools on night one were a luke warm disappointment, the Debretts Hot Pools were simply bliss after our hard second day of riding.

On Day 3 we finished with a frosty 8km morning ride alongside the mighty Waikato River.

Yes we were battered, bruised, and muddy.

Yes, it was cold (a low of 1 degree on the second night!).  Yes, it was mentally and physically challenging. But, overall, it was beautiful (the view from Pride Rock was a highlight) and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which we will forever be grateful for and proud of.


Hockey team takes home the title with 6-0 win

A huge congratulations to our 1st XI Hockey team, which won the North Harbour 2021 Secondary Schools Final against Rangitoto College 6-0 yesterday evening. This is the fourth year in a row the team has won. The team is:

Paige Blake
Katie Booth
Rachel Bottcher
Imogen Burge
Holly Chivers
Nicole Cosslett
Zoe Crawford
Tamika Haeufler
Isabella Holt
Maia Houkamau
Brooke James
Victoria Lane
Georgina Shotter
Brianna Speck
Imogen Stanton
Danielle Stewart

The coach is Will lacey, Specialist Coach Leisen Jobe and Team Manager/TIC Linda Clouston.

Arts & Culture

Musicians learn from some of the best

On Tuesday 8 June, the Westlake Symphony Orchestra had a valuable workshop with professional musicians from the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. Each instrument section had their own tutor to work with and they learnt specific details for their own individual part, in preparation for the Westlake Instrumental North Island Tour which is taking place from 3-11 July.

There will be 110 students from both schools that make up the Westlake Symphony Orchestra, Westlake Chamber Orchestra, Westlake Concert Band and Westlake Big Band. The groups will be touring around the lower North Island, giving public and school concerts, as well as receiving workshops with the NZSO and the Royal NZ Army Band in Wellington.







Clothes swap helps the environment

Our wonderful Environment Prefects organised a Clothes Swap recently, with more than 100 items exchanged.

The event was held on Friday 28 May, and was extremely successful as students across every year flocked to secure the best items of clothing.  Students had previously exchanged a piece of clothing for a token which was used to secure an item at the swap.

A gold coin donation was the other option, with each gold coin exchanged for one piece of clothing. The money will be donated to the Kaipātiki project.

Well done to the team for such a well organised event!






Arts & Culture

Creative writer wins with futuristic tale of gene-editing

Whoever developed the left-brain, right-brain theory clearly hasn’t met 15-year-old Sydney Brandolino. The Year 11 student has plans to study neuroscience, but it’s the creative side of her brain that has won her accolades in recent times.

Sydney has had her original story It’s Only Natural  – about gene-edited children – included in the Young NZ Writers 2021 Anthology, following her success in the Write Off Line competition. Her work was one of a handful of original stories selected from more than 700 entries across 100 New Zealand schools.

“I’ve done a few other small competitions, but this was my first big win, so it’s definitely a bit of an encouragement,” she says. “My mum told me about the competition and I thought it would be fun to give it a try.”

Sydney already had a story idea brewing, which luckily fitted the prompt. “I often write pieces for certain competitions, but it’s a bonus if I already have an idea in mind,” she says. It was while riding the bus that It’s Only Natural started to form. “The story itself takes place in a world where almost every child is gene edited, and the ones who aren’t often work as labourers. The richer you are, the better gene editing you can afford, and the smarter and prettier your kids will be. The protagonist, Cris (a reference to the CRISPR gene editing technology), is a (somehow) swiched-on gene-edited kid, and the first gene-edited student at her prep school. The story follows her running away from the school with her (fellow-revolutionary) best friend, Alma, after they’re falsly accused of murder.”

Writing since she was 8 (a haiku poem), Sydney says her love of creative writing grew out of a school project when she was 10. “I started taking some writing courses at Intermediate and wrote a lot more of my own stories – which were by no means good, but awkward first stories are bound to happen!

Sydney is Deputy Editor-In-Chief of Westlake’s Parallax literary and arts journal, after joining the creative team as a foundation member in 2019. “I thoroughly enjoy getting to work with such amazing people,” she says. “I contribute work to both the journal (end of year release) and the magazine – which will be out in a few weeks. I highly recommend people check it out.”

While Sydney is planning on a career in neurochemistry or neuroscience, she wants to continue writing as a hobby.

The Young NZ Writers 2021 Anthology will be available after 18 June at


Prefects launch new initiative to boost health and wellbeing

By Amy Morrison
Pupuke House Sports and Wellbeing Prefect

A new initiative we Sports and Wellbeing Prefects have come up with this year is a lunchtime activities programme.

As a group, we decided we wanted to make a difference by increasing the number of people that are involved in physical activity at Westlake, and to help teach the importance of maintaining their own wellbeing. 

Our overall aim of this initiative is to prioritise the wellbeing of all students through moving or mindfulness practice. We know the promising impacts that having a healthy mind and body can have, so we want to play our part in enhancing these aspects of people’s lives as much as we can. We are doing this through utilising the amazing facilities and support there is throughout the school – which we are very fortunate to have. 

The initiative begun rolling last week. It works by having one of the five Houses allocated to a day of the week for a lunchtime slot to run their activity. Each week has an overarching theme that the activities will revolve around, which can range from an Olympics theme to dance and meditation. Our first theme last week was childhood games. 

These activities also provide a great opportunity for members of our Sports and Wellbeing committees to step up and take on leadership roles as we plan, prepare and create these experiences for students. 

Regardless of year level, ability, or knowledge of the activity on offer, students are able to come along and see this as an opportunity to connect with others, while their wellbeing is being complemented through a number of different aspects. 

Students can keep up to date with the latest activities (plus more sports information) through our Westlake Girls Sport Instagram page, as well as listening out in the Daily Notices and assemblies.

Photo: Amy is pictured front, third from left. Next to her on the left is Akoranga House Sports and Wellbeing Prefect Izzy van der Ent, and at the end of the front row is Wairau House Sports and Wellbeing Prefect Millie Wilton. The players are ready for a game of Capture the Flag. 


Sharing the warmth this winter

By Ariana Aminian
Rotary Interact

This year, Westlake girls has introduced a new Rotary Interact club to our students (pictured above).

In line with international Rotary values, our group focuses on bettering the community, and centres on the value of “service above self”. For the coming weeks, we have organised a project to donate any spare, clean blankets in our community to the Auckland City Mission, in support of the homeless, in preparation for the cold winter months to come.

Students will be informed about this project through mediums such as Form Class visits and the Daily Notices, and are encouraged to donate any spare blankets they have at home, in good condition, to this cause.

Friends and family are also encouraged to get involved and send their extra blankets through! Students will have the opportunity to drop their blankets off at Miss Foote’s office (opposite A5) during Week 6-7,  while Rotary members will be stationed there during form times to aid with collection.

Parents are also welcome to drop blankets at the main reception here at school.


MUNA grows future leaders through cultural debate and understanding

By Dora Kolose
MUNA Press Team

Re-enactments, roleplays, debates and more. Over the course of two days, WGHS contributed three delegate teams (Greece, Tunisia and Yemen), and a press Team of 11 members (pictured right), to the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), held on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 May at Auckland Girls Grammar School.

MUNA is a programme founded by the Rotary Service Organisations to provide youth with a chance to learn, experience and understand the workings of United Nations (UN) summits and meetings. 

What happens during a MUNA?

Well a lot! This year’s MUNA had 46 schools participating with 92 Country Delegates. It was a long awaited event, following the cancellation of last year’s MUNA as a result of Covid. A new wave of excitement, nervousness and tension was clearly present throughout the two days, as delegates were eager to get back into the swing of things. MUNA helps the next generation of future leaders to understand the processes and protocols of UN meetings. This includes Point of Informtions, Motion of Censures, Impromptu Debates and Voting. MUNA showcases the wits and passion of the various delegates towards the country they represent.

It was also great to meet new people and make friends. From breakfeast in the foyer to meetings in the breakout rooms, participants were able to mingle and chat with students from other schools. Alliances also formed between delegates in the General Assembly.

Leading up to the event, we spent several weeks preparing with our supervising teachers. Our delegate teams gathered every Monday lunchtime to rehearse, plan and research for the various remits and the 2-minute speeches that would follow each remit. Our Press Team also met each Monday lunchtime to allocate reporters to each bloc of countries and research the issues that surround each nation in that bloc. Of course these lunchtimes and the MUNA days themselves wouldn’t have been half as productive and fun if it weren’t for the crucial guidance and support of our teachers: Ms McRae, Ms Wilson, Ms Andrews and Ms Brown – along with our inspiring guest speaker and speech delivery advisor, Ms Cannan. 

From co-ordinated outfits to united stances whilst presenting their take on their remits of interest, Greece, Yemen and Tunisia were well represented by Westlake students.

Some of the highlights were:

  • Greece approved Remit 5 that implied the UN should take action to regulate the amount of carbon emissions a country produces.
  • Our Yemenese women took a strong stance on the need to improve and expand the World Food Programme throughout the globe saying, “Yemen deserves better – our people deserve better”.
  • Tunisia’s approach to Remit 3 was startling, with a quickfire response to Belgium’s accusation of “How do you raise a child when the village is corrupt?” The team told Belgium that corruption arose from colonisation, from European countries such as themselves. 

It was a great two days and we all came home happy – especially with one of our Tunisian delegates, Ivy Mitchell, named runner-up to the Most Engaging Speaker.







Yemen (above left) – pictured from left: Clover Huang, Jacqueline Ramos, Jasmine Tsai.
Tunisia (above right) – pictured from left: Ivy Michell, Parmida Raeis-Hosseini, Stella Lang







Greece – pictured from left: (Ariana Aminian, Rachel Li, Lunar Watanabe)

The Press Team were: Dora Kolose, Lauren Jackson, Kirsten Abustan, Kristy Zhang, Zara Zayed Shreyoshi, Isabella Drummond, Adriana Tobin, Sophia Santayana, Micah De Leon, Nicole Xie, Isabelle Lee.


Milestone for WGHS hockey player 

By Linda Clouston 
Team Manager 

Georgie Shotter, Year 13 , Hauraki House Sports Captain and Co-Captain of the school’s 1st X1 hockey team has reached an amazing sporting milestone. Georgie has played over 100 caps for Westlake Girls. She gained a place in the 1st X1 team, as a Year 9 student, which is almost unheard of but she displayed the skills and maturity that showed she deserved her place in the team at such a young age.  

Georgie went from strength to strength with developing her skills for school, women’s club and representative honours for North Harbour Hockey. This year she is again representing Harbour in the U-18 top rep side.  

On and off the field Georgie leads by example, always bringing her “A” game in both playing and mental toughness. She nurtures younger players and makes everyone feel part of the team. 

She was made co-captain (with Paige Blake) last year and the pair continue to lead the team to many top performances. Georgie and Paige were given the honour to represent the school in the tournament team in the recent Anzac Hockey Invitation Tournament held at St Cuthberts college in the last holidays. They played against an “Old Girls team, stacked with current or past Blacksticks. At that tournament WGHS team went undefeated against some of the top teams in the country. 

We wish Georgie all the best for the rest of the season, and I am sure we haven’t heard the last of Georgie’s triumphs as she continues with her hockey career. As a team we celebrated in style on the night of her 100 Cap with flowers, a certificate and cake ! 





Three golds, three silvers - and now a member of the U-18 NZ Kayak Team!

By Tara Vaughan
Year 13

From 14-16 May, NZCT New Zealand Canoe Sprint Championships and Oceania Championships took place at Lake Karapiro. It was originally scheduled for mid-Febuary but had to be rescheduled due to a Covid lockdown.

Due to my success at these championships, I was named in a team of six U-18 girl paddlers in the New Zealand team that was supposed to race at the Asia Pacific Cup in Japan that was originally scheduled to take place in May.

I was also invited to trial for the U-18 NZ Kayak Team which was scheduled to race at the Junior Worlds in Portugal at the start of September. I was successful in making the team, but unfortunately due to Covid we won’t be travellingto Portugal. I’m hoping there might be some other racing – there is talk of a trip to Australia, but we won’t know until nearer the time.

During the champs, girls raced over 200m and 500m distances in K1, K2 and K4 events. People came from clubs all around New Zealand as well as paddlers from the Cook Islands and Samoa, but unfortunately this year the field was much smaller due to the impacts of Covid – with only a handful of heats in each age group gender category. Nevertheless, the under 18 girls’ field was very competitive and it was hard to know who was going to win the race on the start line.

Over the 500m distance, I was quite disappointed with my results in the U-18 K1, but in the K2 our boat managed to win and we came away with a second in the K4  in the final.

Over the 200m distance, I managed to win the U-18 K1 200 and the U-18 K2 200 and my team also came second in the K4 over the 200m distance. We also came second in the Open K4 500.

It was a great experience and I am really pleased to have made the U-18 NZ Kayak Team.



Pat Buckly passes on wisdom to Y13 Health students

On Wednesday 26 May, Pat Buckley (from Amped4Life) spoke to the Y13 Health students about Methamphetamine, in support of their learning for their current Health internal – Analysing a New Zealand Health issue.

His presentation was informative, raw and real. Pat begun Amped4Life back in 2002 with the objective to ‘educate, equip and empower young people with the tools and skills they need to make healthy and informed choices for life’.  He adds in his personal experience around drug use as well as adding in work stories from being a Paramedic. Pat is back to our school in August to talk to the whole Y12 cohort. 

“I liked hearing what he had to say, it was good having this content from an external individual.” – WGHS student

“Pat was an amazing motivational speaker, he definitely has a strong impact on teens struggling with this topic. He definitely should continue with what he is doing for the community. Absolutely encourage Pat to come back for other students next year.” – WGHS student


Important Things to Note - 11 June 2021

Whānau Evening postponed

Our second Whānau Evening for 2021, planned for Wednesday 16 June, has been postponed until later in the year. Thank you to the families that indicated they wanted to attend – we will look forward to catching up soon.

Out-of-zone enrolment feeback survey

The Ministry of Education is currently reviewing the rules around out-of-zone enrolments into schools. They are currently consulting around the priority given to out-of-zone applicants, and what could change is the priority given to out-of-zone daughters of WGHS Alumni.

The current order of priority is:

  1. Students accepted into a special programme run by the school
  2. Siblings of current students
  3. Siblings of former students
  4. Children of former students
  5. Children of board employees and board members
  6. All other students.

There are three possible options the Ministry of Education has proposed – and is now seeking feedback on.

  1. Status quo – leave the categories as outlined above.
  2. Increase the priority of children of board employees (teachers and other staff) and board members to priority three, lower the priority of siblings of former students, and remove the children of former students as a priority group.
  3. Retain current priority groups one and two, increase the priority of children of board members and employees to priority three, and hold an open ballot for all other applicants.

As a school that highly values our Alumni community, we believe that Number 1 (status quo) is the only viable option to continue building our strong family connections, and for children of our past students who live out-of-zone, to have the best opportunity of joining our Westlake whānau. We want to play our part in ensuring the current priority criteria remains. Please join us by selecting “Retaining the Status Quo” on the survey link below. Consultation closes at midnight on Wednesday 16 June.

You can find the full consultation HERE and the on-line survey HERE

We appreciate your support as we strive to ensure the strong ties we are building with our Alumni community continue to grow.

Building Her Future – Women in Trades event

We hope you are looking forward to the “Building Her Future – Women in Trades” Event coming up on 22 June. ‘Building Her Future’ will provide our students with the opportunity to connect to the world of work while in school, and to hear first-hand from employers about the skills they need and the pathways to achieve them. Participating employers include Rocket Lab, Team Cabling, Kevin Goodall Builders Ltd, Takapuna Panel Beaters, along with Advanced Plumbing and Drainage. The night will include a mix of formal presentations and the chance to visit and talk with employers and employees at trade workshops. In order to gauge interest in the evening, we are asking parents to please fill out this short Registration Form.


We look forward to welcoming you and your daughter on Tuesday 22 June.

Rowing Open Day this Sunday

We are currently recruiting for our 8-week winter Learn to Row programme.  This programme is available to all Year 9-12 students who are interested. It teaches students the basics of the rowing stroke and gives them an introduction to the sport. At the completion of the programme students will apply to be selected for the summer rowing season.  Successful rowers will be welcomed to our summer Novice (first year rowers) programme in September.

We will be running two open days held at North Shore Rowing Club on Sunday 13 and Sunday 20 June from 8.15 – 10.30am. If you would like to attend one of these open days or to learn more about the sport please register HERE

Reports and Parent Teacher Evening

School reports will be issued through the Parent Portal on Wednesday 30 June. Incorporated will be details on how to book for our next Parent Teacher Evening on Wednesday 7 July.

Term 2 Key Dates

Monday 3 May: Term begins for all students
Thursday 13 May: Teacher-only Day
Saturday 15 May: Combined Westlake Schools Ball
Friday 4 June: Teacher-only Day (school closed)
Monday 7 June: Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday (school closed)
Tuesday 15 June: Westlake Choral Concert
Wednesday 16 June: Whānau Evening
Tuesday 22 June: Building Her Future: Women in Trades Evening
Thursday 24 June: Big Sing Regionals
Wednesday 30 June: Reports issued
Thursday 1 July: ShowQuest
Thursday 1 July: Enrolments for study in 2022 open
Wednesday 7 July: Parent Teacher Evening
Friday 9 July: End of Term 2


Westlake Wellness - Winter Wellness

By Elizabeth Beaumont
TIC Food Technology

Eating a healthy diet, maintaining hydration and physical activity are essential to building a strong immune system. This can reduce your recovery time if you do become ill and help in maintaining a healthy weight through the winter months.

Some simple things you can do the keep healthy through the next few months are:

Use seasonal vegetables where possible, they will be cheaper and contain higher levels of nutrients. Frozen vegetables also provide high levels of nutrients, they can be quickly added to recipes as they are often cut and blanched. Canned vegetables are another alternative, they are convenient and can be stored for longer periods of time – look for low salt varieties.

Drinking enough fluids can easily be forgotten as thirst may not be as evident in the colder weather. Water, hot tea, coffee and soups are all great ways to take in fluid, just watch the added sugar.

Save time if returning home late or in the dark by using slow cooking methods. Crock pots can be filled and left on for the day, providing a warm satisfying meal when you return home – with all the delicious smells. Alternatively you could start the day with a warm breakfast of oats and milk, a toasted burrito, beans and bacon. 

Eat consciously and avoid comfort eating, the treat foods eaten can easily become a habit that you do not want to maintain.

Try online food shopping, this saves time at the supermarket, avoids impulse purchases and allows you to spend time making food decisions in the comfort of your home.

For young children you could introduce them to the story of “stone soup”. Basically making a meal out of what you have in the cupboards and garden, it’s a lovely way to introduce them to a simple meal they can cook – the Stone Soup Storey

Winter recipes:

Slow cooked roast lamb –

Vegetarian Breakfast Burrito –

Oat porridge –


Sports Shorts










Layla Whiteside (left) and Maeve Lockett (right) raced in the College Sports Points Race at Pukekhoe Raceway recently. Both girls were strong in their races, Maeve (U14) crossing the finish line in 3rd place and Layla (U15) in 4th. Overall in the competition, Maeve placed 2nd and Layla placed 6th. Well done!


Joyful June!

The days may be grey, but there’s no reason your mood needs to be! Stay joyful this June by focusing on these cool little ideas to help brighten each day.