Board Report – Meeting 14 November, 2023

The board has had another productive year. Members thanked Principal Jane Stanley, her hardworking senior leadership team, and dedicated staff and support staff for going the extra mile. The board members also congratulated Principal Stanley and her team on the students’ extensive outstanding achievements. We are very pleased to see so many students engaged in their learning and making the most of all the opportunities afforded them through our comprehensive academic programmes, sports, music, and extra-curricular activities.

November’s board meeting covered the following matters:

  • Leisen Jobe, Fiona Wilson, Jane Donald and Rachel Bickerstaffe (SLT) presented work undertaken to date to create an aspirational growth profile for each year level.
  • Budget 2024: the Curricular & Textbook and CAPEX budgets, along with a draft Operational budget, reviewed by the Finance Committee, were approved. The final annual budget is to be approved at the first meeting of 2024
  • Principal Stanley provided a presentation on the draft Strategic Priorities for 2024 under the National Education and Learning Priorities (NELPS) and the resources required.
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) was discussed, noting staff training progress in this area.
  • Principal Stanley shared a PowerPoint presentation compiled from NZQA and MOE data of the 2022 School Performance vs Equity Index, showing WGHS positive achievement results against retention figures.
  • A whānau liaison person, to be shared by WGHS and WBHS, to work with families to improve attendance, is to be partially funded by the MOE. The board indicated support for further funding, as required.
  • Update on property matters and the Whare wānanga project.
  • Update on the Pasifika committee review and plans for 2024.
  • Health and Safety report provided the usual monthly injury report and clinic statistics. The board noted the importance of communicating to all school parties using trailers to ensure correct safety checks are undertaken.
  • Governance standards ratified: Presiding Member’s Role description; The Relationship between Board and Principal; The Relationship between the Presiding member and Principal.
  • Annual Board Audit: self–review of NZSTA checklist assured effective governance at board level.
  • Succession planning – identified requirements for capability in specialist areas, including Māori, Korean and Chinese representation, and legal and marketing skills. If you are interested in assisting the board in these areas, please contact Board Secretary/Principal’s EA, Marie McKerrow.
  • Joy Bradfield, presiding member, is standing down as Chair after seven years. She thanked the board for their support and expressed her appreciation for the privilege of working with so many valued board members over her 10-year tenure on the board.

We hold our board meetings publicly, and all are welcome to attend. Please contact Board Secretary/Principal’s EA, Marie McKerrow, if you would like to do so.

Many hands make light work, and Carrie George and Cherie Drummond would love to have more parent representation to help raise awareness (and funding) for the dressing of the interior of the Whare Wānanga; please contact Matua Eddie Hudson or Marie McKerrow for more information.
