From the Principal

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

There’s a lot of excitement around school today as the clock ticks down to the holidays, and I’m sure you’ll agree that our very busy students and staff deserve a well-earned break.

Over the past few weeks we’ve seen our students settle back into classroom teaching, and there has been an explosion of activity as clubs, sports and the arts all gather momentum. We have seen some outstanding results on the sports field, and we are pleased to announce two new concerts – our Annual Westlake Gala Concert and “Voices Together” featuring Cantare, Choralation, Fortissimo (Dilworth) and McLeans College Chorale. You can find ticketing information in this newsletter.

Our Houses have been busy fundraising for their various charities – which has meant an array of sweet treats on offer at lunchtime bake sales, and our Enviro Group recently held a Clothes Swap to promote Slow Fashion. Guest speakers have been returning to our school, including industry representatives at our “Career Bites” session held during lunchtime each Wednesday. We are certainly in a privileged position to be able to hold these gatherings, and as a school we are enjoying and celebrating the sense of normality that comes with student activities.

It’s been a long term and the first holidays in lockdown weren’t really a break, so I hope you and your family are able to relax and do some fun things, whether that’s at home here in Auckland or away somewhere else in New Zealand.

Term 3 will launch with our Open Night on Tuesday 21 July, so we’ll certainly hit the ground running! Have an enjoyable and refreshing break.

Jane Stanley
