From the Principal

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

As this very unusual Term 3 comes to a close, I’m sure most of us are breathing a sigh of relief! Whether we move to Level 2 next week or not, the holidays will be a chance for students to enjoy some time away from their devices. It’s an opportunity to take stock and refresh ready for Term 4, which will hopefully see a return to the classroom.

It’s felt like a long six weeks in many ways, and I want to thank you all for the part you’ve played in ensuring our students have stayed on top of their studies. It’s not easy staying motivated, however the vast majority of students have engaged well in their online learning and have made pleasing progress. I’m sure you’ll agree when I say our teachers have done an outstanding job balancing teaching with their managing their own ‘bubbles’.

In today’s newsletter you will find some important information concerning extra NCEA credits as announced by the Government, which we know will be pleasing news for our students.  This was uploaded into Google Classrooms last week, so our students should be aware.

You can also read about some of the great things that have been happening during lockdown, including impressive art projects and our Enviro Group weekly challenge. Lockdown definitely brings out the creativity in our students – and also our teachers!

One a sad note, two weeks ago today we were notified that Andi Hey, who left WGHS at the end of 2020 in Year 13, had tragically passed away from septicaemia. I know there will be students and whānau in our community who knew Andi, and we pass on our condolences to her family and friends. Her teachers have shared very fond memories of Andi and her vibrant personality. She will be greatly missed.

Lastly, in this newsletter you’ll find a list of Important Dates for Term 4. Please note that while we are moving forward with the expectation of holding our regular end-of-year events, they are Alert Level dependent and subject to change. We’ll do our best to ensure all of the student celebrations continue in some form.

Enjoy the holidays and we will look forward to a fresh start on Monday 18 October.

Kindest regards

Jane Stanley
