WGHS Board update

As we settle into Term Three and the cold and wet weather, Term Two was very busy for both students and staff.

Staff, students and members of the community joined us to bless the ground (turning of the soil) where the amazing Whare Wānanga is going to be built. Although it was a cold early morning start, the Board is appreciative of the support provided by all involved in getting this project started and to kaumātua Jerry Norman for conducting the blessing.  A massive well done to the students and staff from both Westlake schools who were involved in Pasifika night, which was held at our school. It was a huge success, with hundreds of family and friends enjoying a colourful night of traditional dance, entertainment and of course, outstanding food!

This coming Thursday (8 August), we will be celebrating our first-ever Indian Night, which promises to be just as good. There are still tickets available which can be purchased via this link Westlake Indian Night or at the door on the night, with the entertainment commencing at 6.30 pm and traditional Indian food available before, during and after the event.

Our students have continued to excel in the sporting arena, especially our Basketball Team who finished 3rd in the Secondary Schools World Championships in China, which was a huge achievement and was the best-ever finish by a New Zealand school. Congratulations and well done, you should all be very proud of yourselves. We also had great success at the ‘Big Sing’ regional secondary schools choral festival, where our choral groups were multiple winners and produced fantastic performances. Both of these successful teams and their achievements were well led by: Liz O’Leary and April Leremia (Basketball); and, Fiona Wilson, Rachel Carson and Gnesyer Gomez (Music Department).

Other staff successes were:

Dan Benadie – For outstanding work in the AV/IT space. N4L (faster safer internet for NZ schools) has requested to use our school as an example of network success and we will be used in their Communications and Marketing material. This is a direct reflection of the quality of work and the relationships that Dan has built with outside providers. They regard the quality of our Network as the best in the country.

Alex Van der Loos – For being awarded outstanding  Global Action Research Collaborative (GARC) scholar at the graduation of Alex’s cohort at the recent International Coalition of Girls Schools in Baltimore, USA.

 Congratulations and well done to you both.

Please keep those school donations coming in. The board can not underestimate the importance of these funds, as they are needed to enable our students to fulfil their potential and succeed at our school.

Ngā Mihi

Sunny Patel

Deputy Presiding Member
