Westlake Wellness – How to stay motivated and engaged

Over the last few weeks with strike days and year levels staying home there has been a disruption to students routines. Many of our students are engaged, taking responsibility for their learning and using the time to consolidate knowledge, however, there are some who just have found the experience unsettling. The whole school community has experienced disruption to daily routines, without the usual interaction of teachers and friends in the school environment, feelings of boredom and lack of motivation are common. 

Below are some tips to help your child stay motivated 

  • Do one thing in the morning big or small 
  • Make a really simple checklist, then you can tick things off and feel a sense of achievement (got up, ate breakfast, showered)
  • Keep a list of immediate goals (today) and longer term goals (end of term or year or longer)
  • Interact with positive people and emulate traits you admire in others
  • Record (in a journal or digital diary) something you enjoyed (avocado on toast)
  • Show off your achievements
  • I submitted my work on time!
  • I learnt how to…..
  • I made dinner tonight
  • Reward yourself, “I will complete these 5 questions, then …..”.

We are looking forward to returning next term for a productive and successful Term 3.
