Westlake Instrumental Academy camp

The Westlake Instrumental Academy (WIA) is a music collective formed this year that combines the existing Symphonic Band and Taharoto Orchestra, and includes two new WGHS ensembles: Jazz Band and percussion ensemble ‘Swan Strike!’. The Academy’s musical directors are Mr Jono Howan and Mr Jono Palmer. The WIA is an evolution of what was previously described as the ‘Development Groups’, and aims to use rehearsal time more efficiently, while offering students a greater level of exposure to different genres and groups.

We held our inaugural WIA Camp at Ngaruawahia Christian Camp in week 6 which was a great success. Students dove into new and exciting pieces, bonded with each other through games and competitions, and dedicated great personal effort into developing musical skills. The sounds of ‘Lord of the Rings’ and ‘En Canto’ could be heard around the camp (even during free time) and the constant buzz of energy only seemed to drop for the bus ride home when students caught up on some much needed rest.

Both the students and staff were delighted with the progress made over the weekend and are looking forward to a year full of exciting performances. Our first performance of the year is on Monday 27th March in the Event Centre from 6:00 – 6:45pm. The concert is an opportunity for the students to have their first ‘stage’ experience to a public audience. We would love to see you there!

