Westlake Girls Fastest Cross Country

The annual School Cross Country took place over two days under blue skies this year.  Compulsory for Year 9 students, who ran the 2.8 km course around the school during their P.E classes and optional for Year 10 – 13 students who were eager to earn house points, they all contested the Championship Titles.

Year 9 runner Emma Davies was the star performer of the event, running the fastest time (11:37:33) but hotly contested by fellow Year 9 athlete, Freya Beaumont.  Much like the Juniors, the Intermediate battle was very heated with Charlotte Mawston and Ava Lewis crossing the line at the same time.  The Senior Cross Country Champion is once again, talented athlete, Kalei Morgan-Tafea.

Junior Cross Country Champion – Emma Davies – Onewa

Intermediate Cross Country Champion – Charlotte Mawston & Ava Lewis – Akoranga & Onewa

Senior Cross Country Champion – Kalei Morgan-Tafea – Wairau

Picture – Emma Davies
