Westlake choirs on the big screen!

Choro Tina 3

Choralation singers from 2023-24 Westlake choirs were centre stage performing at the premiere of the Tinā film by Samoan writer and director Miki Magasiva.

The film was inspired by a Choralation performance of a Samoan pese + siva melody at The Big Sing Finale in 2013. Ten years later, Choralation was invited to be part of the film by recording a hymn ‘Nearer Thy God to Thee’, which features throughout the storyline. The singers can also be spotted on screen as ‘extras’ in the Big Sing Finale and high school scenes, which was an added bonus and a fun experience to work on a film set. Choralation and its director, Fiona Wilson, entertained the audience at the premiere as they entered the Auckland Civic Theatre on Queen Street, singing from the lobby balcony.

Later, they began the formalities of the evening with a performance on stage of a Kiwi classic ‘Slice of Heaven’ by Dave Dobbyn, to the delight of the 2,200-strong audience. Two Westlake choir directors had the privilege of being involved in the film’s production – Mr Squire (WBHS) selected the singers for the acting choir and conducted the audio tracks before filming. Mrs Wilson (WGHS) conducted Choralation’s recording and worked behind the camera to support the leading actress, Anapela Polataivao, by conducting and playing in the choir rehearsal scenes.

The film showcases the power of choral singing to connect and heal – the story is full of tragedy, humour and heart. It opened nationwide on 27 February and is screening at Event Cinemas. Our Westlake premiere choirs held a fundraiser movie night on Wednesday this week to assist with travel costs to The Big Sing Finale in Dunedin, should they be invited to compete in August. Thank you so much to everyone who attended.
