Trip to Spain

Spain trip 3

From Joaquín Ginés, Teacher in Charge of Spanish.

For a couple of weeks from mid-April , three teachers: Donna, Giesela and I, alongside 22 adventurous students, went to the history and culture-packed country of Spain…








…we followed the footsteps of Gaudi in the modernist Barcelona…

…we ate churros in the streets and cooked paellas in the old quarter of Granada…







…we watched the gypsies perform flamenco in front of La Alhambra and learned to dance in their traditional caves…







…we appreciated the art next to the Mediterranean and admired the historical churches by the sea…







…we lived with the families from  the area and attended classes in the local schools…








…We saw the local team losing and got lost in the colourful streets of Barcelona.







And a word from Giesela Visser-Heydon, Teacher in Charge of Dance and Spanish Teacher.

