Technology students test cookies with Poynton Residents

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In technology we provide our students with the opportunity to respond in authentic ways to the needs they see around them in their own communities.

This year our students have been motivated by the idea of running a (small scale) food festival to raise money for charity. Despite the COVID restrictions in place at the time they were able to invite selected friends who gave a gold coin for a sample of the delicious food products on offer.  Almost $100 was raised for the Salvation Army Glenfield from this small scale pilot and we hope to expand on this next year.

This term our students have been spreading Christmas cheer by using Te Tukanga Hoahoa Whakaaro “The process of design thinking” to create “celebration” cookies for residents of the Poynton Retirement Village.

The students spent time learning about the science of baking and testing their materials (ingredients) before designing and making their own cookies.  At the end of the design process it is critical to test the product in “te ao tanagata” (the world of the people). In this case the testing involved checking in with the Poynton Residents who very much enjoyed the cookies!  Communication is a final key aspect of the design process.  Students considered the design of logos and labels to enhance the appearance of their products. They also learned the importance of food labelling to ensure customers are aware of what they are eating, enabling them to follow their own preferences and avoid allergens.

We have over the course of the last two weeks delivered 6 boxes of fancy iced cookies for the residents.  The last delivery was made this week by students Phoebe Bird, Emily Watton and Alisha McManaway with teacher Tara Lemmon (Pictured with the very grateful Resident Entertainment Coordinator Jan Ellin).
