Susana Tomaz
I teach:
My top tip for remote learning is:
Machine learning/artificial intelligence
Something I’ve learnt over the past week in lockdown is:
I really miss my students and they really miss each other. Staying connected and seeing each other through our video call is really important. It has been really challenging to keep teaching robotics skills without robots!! However this has created the opportunity to take us to the next level and learn about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our remote project is In this project is to train a computer to recognise photos of kiwi birds and stoats.By differentiated between pests and native birds we can help the department of conservation meet their target of pest free NZ by 2050.
My best advice for the school holidays is:
Have a routine in place of the things that you like to do, stay connected with your friends virtually and your teachers. Be kind to yourself and each other
Right now I’m loving:
Video calling my students and exploring new tools and ways of keeping them engaged in their learning remotely and staying connected.
The first thing I’ll do when I come back to school is:
Smile and appreciate time in the classroom with my students which I am already missing so much