Taking it to the streets

Over the past 10 weeks, our Year 10 Food Technology students have been designing a street food product based on the concept of Kai Ora (food for health). 

The products they designed had to meet the following specifications 

  • Easy to hold 
  • Serving size , 2-3 bites
  • Visually appealing
  • Reflects chosen culture
  • Quick to make (30mins)

Throughout our unit the students enjoyed making existing street food products from a variety of cultures during their practical lessons. They evaluated these foods and conducted research to come up with their own unique and innovative street food ideas.

Our students tested and trialled their concepts, gaining stakeholder feedback along the way, to ensure an improved final product. At the end of the unit students were able to invite guests to a food market outside the Golden Swan Cafe.  This created an opportunity for our Year 10 students to connect with their peers while showcasing their products and chosen cultures.

Their friends were invited to make a gold coin donation which will be donated to the Salvation Army with meals made by the Year 11 Food Tech students later this year.








































