Tabloid Sports event brings Year 9s together

On Friday 4 March, our Year 9 students participated in their first ever Westlake Tabloid Sports House competition.  This event was modified to suit the safety restrictions of 100, so each House had one period together completing four fun activities. 

This day was a huge success with each Form Class participating together over four activities – tug of war, skipping challenges, ball throw into a bucket, and volleyball hit up with a massive ball.

It was fantastic to see our Year 9 students working together and having fun at the same time. Lots of new friendships and House spirit was created, with the added enthusiasm of our amazing Prefect team. 

A big thank you to our superb Prefect team for making this day possible.  Special mention to these Prefects  for running all four activities and demonstrating amazing leadership throughout the entire day:

Head girl Ivy Michell, Sports and Wellbeing Prefects Brooke James, Michele Farrell, Islay Martin Hill.

Also a big thank you to Tameka Haeufler and Anna Thompson for helping out at the last minute and covering isolating students. We really couldn’t have done it without them.






House and Form Class points were collated throughout the day with Tabloid Sport winners going to 

1st = Wairau
2nd = Hauraki
3rd = Pupuke
4th = Onewa
5th  = Akoranga 

