Stunning garment finally has its day on the runway

Last year during lockdown we ran an article in Te Roto about Nicky Zaayman (Year 10 at the time) who had an outfit she created chosen for New Zealand Fashion Week (pictured above). Sadly, lockdown stymied the opportunity – twice – but we are delighted to announce that Nicky’s amazing garment has finally had its chance to shine!

New Zealand Fashion Week was filmed this month and Nicky’s two-piece corset top and sequined shorts with back skirt was one of the outfits featured on the runway. “I was really sad when it postponed the first time,” says Nicky – now in Year 11. “We were busy preparing for the show and I was really mad because I was adjusting my outfit to fit a specific model.”

That disappointment dissipated with news that a virtual event would go ahead. “It was great we did interviews and saw all the models getting makeup and their hair done. It was like it was out of a movie. I met lots of great people and luckily the garment fitted the model perfectly! We had so much fun,” she says. “My outfit looked great on the runway and the model executed it beautifully.”

Nicky is currently working on creating a flair open pantsuit set with long-hanging sleeves.

You can check out the video here:


