Maddison Gerbes
Hauraki House Captain
I’m at home with:
My family and my puppy Pipi!
My top tip for remote learning is:
To have a study plan and to plan out your day so that you know what your going to do and when to do it.
One thing I’ve learnt during my first week in lock down is:
Get out of bed early so that you don’t end up in bed till 1 in the afternoon.
During the school holidays I will:
Relax and read books. I don’t normally get time to read books, so my goal is to read two books by the end of the 4 week lockdown. Fingers crossed I do!
Right now I’m loving:
Home workouts, it gives me something to do during the day and Im able to go into the backyard and get some fresh air.
My recommended binge watch on Netflix is:
The Stranger! But don’t start till the holidays otherwise you won’t stop!!
The first thing I’ll do when I get back to school is:
Find all my friends so that I can ask them how many Netflix shows they binged watched compared to school work, whoops!