Sleep and Teens

sinitta-leunen-SLEEPING TEEN

The University of Otago is studying school start times and teenagers. If you’d like to take part, please complete the relevant survey. You can participate as a student (16+), teacher/SLT member, Board member, or parent/caregiver.

The teacher, Board and parent/caregiver surveys take about five minutes to complete. The student (16+) one averages ten minutes to complete as it includes questions about their sleep and well-being (physical and mental) because they are so tightly linked.

The research is funded by Cure Kids, and the study has been approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee #22/105.

To read a paper by the team running the study, click here.

For further enquiries, please contact [email protected]


Link to teen version:

Link to parent/caregiver version:

Link to teacher/principal version:

Link to Board member version:

Signing up is a two-step process.

Note: Westlake Girls is happy to support this survey, but please note that we are NOT considering later start times for our school at this point.

Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash.

