Significant marae visit

WGHS Staff at Piritahi Marae

For some time here at WGHS we have been working with our local Iwi, Ngāti Paoa, to strengthen our collaborative and reciprocal relationship. As we approach our new Whare’s opening, this has become even more important.

On 23 January, we had the wonderful opportunity for all staff to spend the day on Ngāti Paoa’s Piritahi Marae on Waiheke Island.

On arrival, we were welcomed onto the Marae with a full Pōwhiri. Our Te Reo kaiako Maddi Gerbes and Eddie Hudson helped facilitate our full participation. Maddi was a phenomenal Kaikaranga and Eddie did us proud with his Kōrero, demonstrating deep research into the Iwi and their taonga. At the conclusion of the Pōwhiri, all 150 staff were greeted with a hongi by the tangata whenua. This was a very moving occasion for staff, and Ngāti Paoa also felt honoured by the size of the group and the commitment by our school to true partnership.

After sharing kai, we learned about the history and values of Ngāti Paoa, the meaning of all the carvings and artwork inside the Marae, and had all aspects of the Pōwhiri and tikanga explained to us. Our gratitude for the tangata whenua was demonstrated by two beautiful waiata sung by staff at different points during the day.

This was a truly memorable and meaningful experience. Staff feel enriched in their understanding of Te Ao Māori, in particular from the perspective of Ngāti Paoa, and we look forward to a long and authentic partnership.

