Do you have any inspiring student or staff-related stories/photos you would like to see in the next issue of Te Reo o Te Roto?
We love celebrating our vibrant Westlake Girls’ community. If you have news that could be published in Te Roto o Te Reo, you’re welcome to submit it to Bridget Ellis-Pegler at [email protected].
Below are a few tips you might find helpful, if you are (like me!) – not a professional photographer.
- Landscape (horizontal) is usually best for wider shots or groups of people. Portrait (vertical) is usually best for individual portraits.
- Make sure your subject/s do not have strong sunlight or other bright light behind them. They will appear too dark to see properly.
- Shoot in medium or high resolution.
- Get your shot in focus (most phone cameras have a small ‘focusing’ spot for this.
- Get amongst the action. If you are too far away, you won’t be able to see what is going on in the image.
Please note that Westlake Girls High School does not promote products or services from external organisations via our newsletters or other communication platforms.