Peace Week 2023

From 7-11 August, students around the country found themselves participating in a variety of activities meant to promote peace, unity, and a sense of community, whilst commemorating the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and WGHS was no different.

Peace Week 2023 (with the theme of Community Connect – Project 4 Peace) started with paper crane folding on Monday – an activity that had started Peace Weeks at WGHS for longer than I’ve been here. Then, on Tuesday, we had a quiz with peace and nuclear-related trivia with some fun challenges sprinkled in between rounds. On Wednesday we were fortunate enough for Aki and Takako, two survivors of the Hiroshima bombing, to come and speak to us. Thursday was the extraordinarily popular (and messy!) rock painting activity, with guest judges from the Peace Foundation, and Project Runway rounded out our week of activities on Friday.

I would like to lastly say a massive thank you to Ms McRae, Ms Wilson, Ms Woodward, Ms Campbell, and the rest of the Peace Week committee, along with the students from Westlake and Rosmini that attended the events! This would not have been nearly successful without all of you!

By Sydney Brandolino Year 13
