Pasifika News

This week we have celebrated Samoan Language Week with lots of great activities organised by the Cultural Prefects and Pasifika Student Leader Committee. We also took a group of up-and-coming Pasifika leaders to the Young, Free and Pacific leadership day.

Our next Pasefika Parent Komiti meeting is on Wednesday 7 June – if anyone is still interested in joining this committee please email Miriam Robinson [email protected]. The next Pasefika Fono Evening for our Pacific families is on Wednesday 21 June – more information will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Puna Tupu  – a place for connection and growth of our Pasifika students has started. Afternoon tea provided, with teachers and senior students available to help with homework or just to connect and build relationships. Every Tuesday after school from 3:15-4:15 in M9. Also Wednesday 8:30-9:30 Puna Tupu breakfast club led by senior students in the Swan Café. If any Pasifika parents would like to support in running these, please let Miriam Robinson know.
