NCEA Scholarship classes

With the 2023 academic year having started we are now turning our gaze to the opportunities open to our students. One of the many ways that our students can challenge themselves and their learning is through opting into NCEA Scholarship classes.

Scholarship is a commitment beyond the expected classroom studies for our students and culminates in a final assessment. Assessment may take the form of a report or presentation, or an examination depending on the subject(s) that a student is enrolled in.

NCEA Scholarship classes provide learning beyond that taught in the Level 3 classroom and promote the skills of critical things and analysis, evaluation, formation of complex judgements and conclusions, integration and synthesis of knowledge and texts, abstract thinking, and problem solving. These classes, and the subsequent assessments, set our students up to explore their passions and build confidence in moving forward with their academic careers.

We have introduced Scholarship to students at a recent Level 2 and 3 assembly and published a timetable of classes and workshops enabling students to take part. Students have expressed their interest by joining our Scholarship 2023 classroom where the timetable is published for them.

There are a number of benefits for students who take up the challenge of sitting Scholarship in a subject including personal growth. At Westlake Girls one of our strategic goals is to support students in their personal growth, to provide them with opportunities to grow as learners and as individuals. Alongside this benefit students who attain Scholarship achieve a monetary award that contributes towards their university fees at any New Zealand university. Through enrolling and completing a Scholarship subject students are also showing a willingness to learn and this is a positive attribute for those wanting to attend university.

Westlake Girls has a dedicated and enthusiastic team of Scholarship teachers who are committed to providing our students with the knowledge and support that they need. We also have some exceptional students who we believe have the potential to be some of the top achieving scholars in New Zealand and we would love your support in helping them to achieve this.

