MOE Consultation open

The rules about how schools do their planning and reporting are changing!
School planning and reporting processes and documents underpin all other work that schools and kura do. It is essential for evaluating how schools meet the needs of all ākonga.
The Ministry of Education want to hear what you think about the proposed rules and learn more about how they can support you to work with your school throughout their planning and reporting process.
They are running two online workshops for ākonga, parents, whānau and community on Wednesday 5 April.
The options are:
◼️ 3:30pm – 5pm
◼️ 7pm – 8:30pm
If you’d like to take part in an online workshop, you can email your preferred time slot for the online community workshops to: [email protected]
If you are unable to attend a workshop but still want to provide feedback on the draft regulations and support material, go to Ministry of Education 
The consultation will run from 13 March to 6 April. 