Lockdown Legends

Always inspiring, it’s been great to see what some of our students have been up to during Lockdown. Here’s the last batch of our awesome Lockdown Legends!

Georgie Shotter – Hauraki House Sports Prefect
“One of the active things I have been doing in lockdown is just making the most of the time I can for training. When the weather is nice I’ve been heading to the beach for a nice run or walk with my family, or jumping on our bike at home while watching my favourite tv shows to keep me occupied during some of my long sessions.
“It’s been a great time to focus on doing the basics and keepin my fitness up for a hockey camp coming up – if all goes to plan in these unpredictable times. It’s been a great way to click off from school work and enjoy my own schedule/routine.
“I have also been doing some online hockey coaching for kids ageing between 4-6. I take a Zoom session every Saturday morning and teach some fun hockey skills either in my garage or room, using shoes and water bottles as cones. It’s super cool to see the kids and their families picking up a hockey stick and having some fun even if it’s over a Zoom call.”
Millie Wilton – Wairau House Sports Prefect
“The most active thing I’ve been doing in lockdown is playing outside with a volleyball and doing passes with my family to keep our fitness up and to also have fun and gain some fresh air in between school breaks.”
Maureen Mitchley

Remember the amazing 1.6 m square blanket that Ms Mitchley started just before lockdown? Well she’s finished it – and it looks amazing. Trust us, it’s even bigger and better in real life!

The pattern comes from Deidre Uys her website is ‘Look at what I made’ and the project was Charlotte Cal 2021 – a crochet along over a period of 12 weeks.
