La Meilleure chose du Club de Français (The best thing about French Club)


By Aria Wood
French Club (pictured above with her creation)

To celebrate the end of Term 1, the French Club decided to make Crepes. Loads of us had never made crepes before – and some of us didn’t even know crepes were French! Making crepes helped us learn about the French culture.

What I enjoyed most about it was eating the crepes. I think everyone enjoyed it. The recipe was really simple and easy, although the hardest part was flipping the crepes in the pan. But, with the help of Madame Drabble, I think we ended up with some pretty good crepes.

A message from French Club TIC Helen Drabble: The WGHS French Club meets every second Tuesday lunchtime with the aim of learning about French culture in a really fun and interactive way – with a little of the language thrown in! There are between 12 and 30 students who participate each meeting and we hold things like Kahoots and a Boules competition. Students of all year levels who are interested in France or the French language are welcome to join us in A34. Our first meeting in Term 2 will be Tuesday 11 May.















