This iconic Mathematics competition organised by the University of Otago has been running for around 40 years. This competition, designed for Year 9, 10 and 11 students, is divided into two parts. The first part is online and a mixture of multiple-choice and short-answer questions emphasising problem-solving. This year, just over 5200 students from 146 schools attempted the first part of the competition.
Around 1200 students were invited to participate in the second part of the competition (approximately 400 students per year level).
Merit and Distinction awards are based on nationwide performance and can come from Part One or Part Two. 24 students from WGHS received Merit certificates (approximately the top 50% of students at each level) with a further three students receiving Certificates of Distinction (approximately the top 15% of students at each level).
Congratulations to Quinn Dong (Y10), Cindy Jiang (Y10) and Chloe Yang (Y10) who received Awards of Distinction.
Year 9 students – Merit Award
Inaaya Hussain
Arin Jeon
Amber Liu
Afia Naushad
Soo A Park
Kathy Shen
Vruti Soma
Rebecca Xie
Hazel Fox
Ekam Nijjar
Year 10 students – Merit Award
Ria Ahn
Grace Cameron
Shvein Hewage
Laana Jomet
Kristin Kim
Amy Ko
Claire Lin
Audrey Malloy
Alice Rapley Nakagawa
Millie Rotherham
Yuetong Sun
Elise Zhang
Cindy Tang
Year 10 – Distinction Award
Quinn Dong
Cindy Jiang
Chloe Yang
Year 11 – Merit Award
Christine Park